Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 425 Wan'er, I like you

"——That's enough! I don't want you, a half-hearted person, to hold you back in front of me! Weak people, don't act like a hero in front of me! Get out! Get out of here! Stay away from me!"

Yaowan's throat-raising voice broke the silence between the two.

Yao Wan could clearly feel that Xiao Yan's body was inevitably trembling. Of course he was not deaf. Devouring strange fire did not require isolation of the five senses. He could definitely feel pain, just as he could hear Same as Yao Wan said.

Yaowan's words indeed seemed a bit heartless.

Not only was he ruthless, he was also a bit mean, as if he was specifically trying to break Xiao Yan's defenses. The sharp awl and the sharp thorn would make blood dripping from the sting even if it was touched accidentally.

……it hurts.

Pain is natural. Death is never a beautiful thing, nor does it bring any good impression to people. What is left is only coldness and deathly silence. The same is true for the flames of ashes.

But even so, Xiao Yan still felt that even the inner burning caused by the Flame of Ashes was different from the burning of the Fallen Heart Flame, and the pain it caused was completely inferior to the deep stinging pain caused by Yao Wan. What he said.

How would an ordinary friend or partner react when they heard that the important person in their heart suddenly said such a thing? I'm afraid that under extreme shock, the deepest scar that cannot be healed will be engraved on the originally flawless feelings.

After all, no matter what happens in the world, the most painful thing is betrayal from the people around you. The closer you are, the more you trust each other, until you treat it all like garbage at the last moment and smash it to pieces. When it happens, it will be more thorough and the pain will be the most severe.

So Xiao Yan's first reaction when he heard Yao Wan's words was indeed a bit surprised and shocked.

After all, it must be quite difficult to say such words from her mouth.

Xiao Yan couldn't help but think, but he never hesitated or felt unbelievable.

Because without too much thinking, all the correct answers were already engraved in his heart.

Yaowan's words echoed in the small room, repeated in their ears, one side after another.

Yaowan was lying in Xiao Yan's arms, but when she saw that Xiao Yan's face never showed the shock and confusion she expected, and even the sadness and resentment after the reaction, her heart began to tremble and she began to feel uneasy.

Why? Why didn't he even say a word?

As if in response to her inner voice that would not be heard by anyone, Xiao Yan's voice finally broke the silence that made Yao Wan increasingly uneasy.


Because he needed to hold Yaowan in his arms, Xiao Yan never put his fingertips to his own lips, but this did not prevent him from shushing.

"Miss Wan, can't you just settle down sometimes?"

Xiao Yan couldn't help but ask, seemingly not affected by Yao Wan's self-defeating voice at all.

Because Xiao Yan had his eyes closed the whole time, he naturally couldn't see what Yao Wan's expression was at this moment - first stunned, then helpless, regretful, and self-defeating, having to support himself to continue walking.

"Ha-hahaha...what are you talking about?"

But soon, Yao Wan readjusted her state. She was very angry. She was really angry. Angry, Xiao Yan wanted to take away even her own pain without explanation. But in the first sentence, she cursed By that time, she already knew that she could not look back, and it was impossible for her to say soft words such as making amends or asking for forgiveness now.

It's better to let him give up and hate himself, even if he resents himself, it doesn't matter anyway.

Putting away the traces of regret, her voice had never been so bitter and mean: "I mean, you are a waste, garbage, a defective product that can't do anything without my help. Now, 豼Understand?"

"Hmm...then the encouragement and words that Miss Wan gave me before were all lies, right?"

Xiao Yan only hesitated for an extremely unusual moment, as if he really began to doubt the relationship they had spent together.

Yao Wan suddenly fell into a trance for a moment. Perhaps the backlash of the Flame of Ashes was too terrifying, making her weak and unable to help but fall into a brief hesitation. The past mornings and evenings also followed. flooded my mind.

Yao Wan's breath was stagnant, but after a very short pause, she no longer denied it: "Yes, yes! Don't you think I really think highly of you, a waste born from a lonely ethnic group? I was looking for You are just for fun. In order to satisfy my bored curiosity, your status in my heart has always been that of a clown, a monkey who likes to jump up and down - haha... Could you be so pitiful that you still don't feel comfortable with yourself even now? You know, do you have any illusions?”

Yaowan's words were indeed very harsh. This was already the most unbearable word she could think of to use on Xiao Yan.

So, get angry quickly, just like you are angry with him, get angry quickly, break your defenses, and then abandon yourself————

Underneath the harsh words, hidden deep is Yao Wan's hope and the slightest pain in her heart.

She knew very well - of course she knew very well what she was doing now - but it didn't matter, as long as Xiao Yan took the initiative to cut off everything with him, that was all - it would be better to cut everything off with one knife than what he would do next. What else is going to be taken away?

It's obvious that she is still dreaming about becoming friends even if they can't be partners.

But as soon as her mind became hot, everything was about to go down the drain.

The corners of Yaowan's mouth raised slightly, revealing a sarcastic smile, but the mean and sarcastic smile was not directed at Xiao Yan, but at herself.

So - so at least -

"Then why - Miss Wan's breathing is so unstable?"

After a moment of silence, Xiao Yan finally broke the silence.

Yao Wan subconsciously took a deep breath. Yes, that's it. Every breath she took was in Xiao Yan's ears. Her smiles, joy and anger were always like this.

She was startled, but couldn't help but panic.

"Breathe? What breathing? I just feel a little uncomfortable because of the backlash of the Ashes of Ashes Flame. Haha... Doesn't it feel uncomfortable to be hit by the backlash of Ashes of Ashes?"

She bared her teeth and claws, but she had to desperately try to make up for the thought that flashed through her head. At least it looked more believable and more hateful.

"Well, it's really uncomfortable."

Xiao Yan was silent, then nodded slightly, but answered the question incorrectly.

"I have been waiting for a long time, but I have never found an opportunity that I think is suitable. I have been protected by you all this time. Naturally, I hope that one day I can protect you. Now is a good time."

Yao Wan's breathing in her arms stagnated for a moment. While the choking feeling in her heart became stronger, she still refused to give up. She still held on to her throbbing throat and said in a cold voice: "Don't stay here." I’m so pretentious, I don’t need weak people to pity me——”

"Wan'er, I like you."


Dead silence, silence.

All preparations of Yaowan were shattered, and all that was left was the crackling sound of the flames burning and extinguishing quietly in their ears.

Yao Wan was stunned for a few seconds. She still couldn't believe that the relationship they had maintained by tacit agreement was completely turned into dust and shattered after Xiao Yan's light words.

"That's enough! Don't call me such disgusting words!"

Extremely shocked and stunned, Yao Wan came back to her senses and subconsciously wanted to deny it.

"But I still remember that when my father called Wan'er that, Wan'er was actually very happy, right? She looked flattered."

"Don't...don't be so self-indulgent here——"

"But, Wan'er, I like you."

Xiao Yan's voice was like an ice pick, carving his own mark deeply on a rugged iceberg.

"I want to help you, I want to accompany you. I say I like it because I'm afraid you will say I don't understand what love is."

“So I just settled for the next best thing.”

"I've had enough of calling you Miss Wan every day. What kind of person do you think you are in my heart? What position do you occupy? I don't want or want you to be the stranger I'm most familiar with. people."

"So, I like you."


This time it was Yaowan's turn to respond to Xiao Yan with silence, but it was not pure silence, but tears of overly mixed emotions gradually blurred his vision, filled his eyes with sourness, and then fell on his pretty face. silent.

"No, no...I...I just...I don't agree with-"

Now, it seems that it is no longer a matter of whether she accepts it or not, but even so, she still seems to want to resist stubbornly, just like a behavior she despised before - not crying without seeing the coffin.

"Wan'er, I like you."

Xiao Yan repeated what he said again, there was no falsehood at all, and she could no longer ignore or escape.

There was already a hint of crying in Yaowan's voice: "Just follow me - why? Why? Why?"

"I've obviously given you everything, what else do you want..."

Rough, warm fingertips touched her cheek, and then gently touched her lips.

Xiao Yan didn't say a word, but used a gentle manner to express everything that was on his mind.

When the warm fingertips swept her temples, touched her lips, and gently caressed her eyebrows.

Gradually, the black and red calamity flames were pulled away bit by bit, merged into Xiao Yan's Najie, and fell silent.

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