Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 436 Seeing Old Friends Again

When Xiao Yan saw the majestic and huge palace, Xiao Yan couldn't help but hold his breath.

When the majestic and majestic sword intent was far greater than the stormy sea of ​​wind and clouds, he couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

Is this the residence of the Lord of Heavenly Sword Palace? Even this momentum and sword intent can make people clearly feel that the Lord of this place is transcendent from all things.

Xiao Yan subconsciously stretched out his hand, wanting to feel the sword gang mixed in the strong wind. However, before he could raise his hand, Yaowan's long and delicate white jade fingers clasped his wrist, stopping him. action.

"Be careful...this sword is not comparable to Nalan's sword."

Regarding Xiao Yan's reckless behavior, Yao Wan couldn't help but glare at him, obviously a little angry, and lowered her voice at the same time.

Although her cultivation has been suppressed again and again in this damn ruin of oblivion, it does not affect her vision, which is far superior to that of ordinary Douzong, or even Douzong strong men. In her eyes, there is nothing in front of her. The sea of ​​clouds is more like a sea of ​​swords. The sword is mixed in the roaring wind and the turbulent sea of ​​clouds, and its power is no less powerful than Nalan Yanran's sword intention released with all his strength.

For the Lord of Heavenly Sword Palace, this is just the aftermath of the aura escaping.

And I don’t know why, the sword aura of this Heavenly Sword Palace Master always makes people feel inexplicably familiar, but Yao Wan doesn’t dare to be 100% sure, so he still needs a little confirmation.


Xiao Yan was startled, a hint of warmth emerged in his heart, and then he honestly put down his hand.

But before he could say anything, a capable voice echoed in the ears of Yao Wan and Xiao Yan: "Friends who have come from afar, it is really hard to come to Tianjian Palace. In this case, come and sit here for a while. sit down."

Lord Tianhuo was not surprised, and then turned his head and said: "Follow me."

"Old Yao, speaking of which, has the Palace Master always been so mysterious?"

Xiao Yan couldn't help but asked subconsciously.

"Mysterious? There is nothing mysterious about the Palace Master. Apart from anything else, almost everyone in Tianjian Palace has met the Palace Master. You just came to Tianjian Palace and you can't see him when you first arrived. It's just that you need to recover from your injuries. In addition, this paragraph The Lord of Time Palace also has other things to do.”

Lord Tianhuo explained.

"That's it..."

Xiao Yan nodded and watched the magnificent palace getting closer and closer to him.

Finally, when the crisp footsteps spread through the empty hall, both Yao Wan and Xiao Yan felt an unusual chill.

To be precise, it was not cold, but the sword intent piercing into the skin, causing the body to tremble subconsciously.

A thin and tall figure stood quietly at the end of the corridor, wearing light blue clothes with cloud patterns, which reminded Xiao Yan of the Yunlan Sect's disciple uniforms.

But the closer he walked, the more Xiao Yan felt that the person looked familiar. It wasn't until Xiao Yan and Yao Wan walked in that he couldn't help but open his eyes wide with surprise on his face.

"Destined people, we finally meet. Elder Tianhuo has been talking to me about your affairs for a long time. To be honest, I can't help but be a little curious. This is the third time that the legendary person who is destined to be robbed is now If it doesn’t appear again, I don’t know whether I should believe this prophecy or not.”

The Master of Tianjian Palace, who had his back to Xiao Yan, slowly turned around and looked at the three people walking towards him, with a kind smile on his handsome and handsome face.

However, the Lord of Tianjian Palace did not expect that Xiao Yan's first words when he saw him would make him confused.

"Master Yun Potian?!"

Xiao Yan exclaimed, immediately startling Yao Wan and Lord Tianhuo.

The two of them couldn't help but look at Xiao Yan, and they were even too stunned to know what to say.

Yao Wan was surprised that Xiao Yan even knew the Master of Tianjian Palace. In addition, wasn't Yun Potian the founder of Yunlan Sect? Why did he become the Master of the Heavenly Sword Palace in the Ruins of Oblivion again?

Lord Tianhuo was also surprised by this. How could Xiao Yan know the name of the palace master? But then I thought about it, oh, he seemed to be able to call me by his first name when they met like this before. It seemed like he had already been in contact with me, so it was not difficult to understand.

Although the clothes are different, with that appearance and temperament, especially the sword intent, Xiao Yan will definitely not admit that the young man in front of him is indeed the extremely special Dou Zun strongman who was famous throughout Zhongzhou during his lifetime.

Yun Potian couldn't help being slightly startled when he saw Xiao Yan's title, but he immediately reacted: "So, it makes me really believe that you are someone from outside the Ruins of Oblivion. I think you must have passed through some The legacy I left behind touches mine, right?”

Xiao Yan nodded and said generously: "To be honest, my fiancée is a disciple of the Yunlan Sect founded by my predecessor."


Yun Potian was startled when he heard the words, and couldn't help but glance at the medicinal herbs beside Xiao Yan. His first reaction was that this young man could lie without drafting any drafts. This girl didn't have any sword intention in her body. If this was his Descendants, it is impossible to believe anything Yun Potian says.

However, when Yun Potian turned his head to look at Xiao Yan again, with an expression that was completely devoid of any pretense, Yun Potian suddenly thought of a very strange possibility.

... Could it be that the fiancée Xiao Yan mentioned was not the girl next to him?

As soon as he thought about the possibility that this was undoubtedly the correct answer, Yun Potian suddenly fell into a deathly silence... After all, he was a destined person, so he was different?

Seeing Yun Potian's rapidly changing expression and eyes, Xiao Yan was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help but ask subconsciously: "That, Master Yun Potian?"

"Ahem... Well, you talk, I'm listening."

Yun Potian couldn't help but raise his hand to cover his mouth, and coughed twice to ease some of his embarrassment.

Seeing Xiao Yan's answer, Yao Wan didn't have any objections. Anyway, now that Nalan and Xiao Yan have achieved the right results, it is natural to give them a name. What can she object to? Do you have to pretend to be sweaty and furious?

Don't be silly, how could she have such an idea? She didn't even feel a little jealous or unhappy, and she was so calm that even she was a little surprised. Logically speaking, she should have some reaction, right?

But if there is no reaction, there is no reaction. It would be strange if she would have any reaction, right?

Yao Wan crossed her arms and looked calm.

Xiao Yan then briefly recounted the situation between him and Yao Wan to Yun Potian. Yun Potian nodded gently with mixed feelings, indicating that he had completely understood what was going on.

"So that's how it is. Then I understand. Your appearance in the Ruins of Oblivion can indeed be called a destiny."


Yao Wan couldn't help but shook her head. She never believed in destiny, especially after she messed up Xiao Yan's original life trajectory.

"But who can define what destiny is? Prophecy is a kind of destiny. Knowing that it is impossible to do it but still doing it is also a kind of destiny."

Yun Potian looked at Yao Wan and said, "Destiny is never a predetermined line, but the path we choose to take and every footprint we leave behind."

But Yao Wan obviously did not agree with Yun Potian's statement. She only believed that my destiny is determined by me, because this is how she has come all the way. What kind of shitty destiny and destiny are worthless to her.

Seeing that Yao Wan never listened to him, Yun Potian was not angry, but just sighed softly, with some hidden worries.

"Elder Tianhuo, please go down first. I have some things to discuss with the destined person."

Yun Potian looked at the Venerable Tianhuo. Obviously, after confirming the identities of Xiao Yan and Yao Wan, the next topic was no longer something that could be explained in a few words. Since they were the destined people, Yun Potian needed to confirm and explain many other things to them, not to mention the prophecy-related matters. Naturally, the fewer people know about these things, the better. It's not that Venerable Tianhuo is not trustworthy, but if knowing or not can't change the status quo, then there is no need to say it.

As for Yun Potian's arrangement, Venerable Tianhuo had no complaints. He just nodded and left the Heavenly Sword Hall first.

After the Skyfire Venerable left, Yun Potian led them to the inner hall. It was a huge and empty bedroom, but there were only a few simple cushions and a desk. It didn't look like the residence of the strongest human in the Ruins of Oblivion.

"Come, sit down."

Yun Potian sat down first, then looked at Xiao Yan and Yao Wan, and said, "I know you must have a lot of questions to ask. Tell me, what do you want to know?"

"Prophecy, Soul Devouring Clan, Ruins of Oblivion, why are you strong people who should have died long ago here? Let's talk about these first."

Yao Wan said first. Obviously, these questions were not the first time she had thought about them and felt confused. They had even accumulated in her heart for a long time.

"Well, they are all questions that get to the heart of the matter, which saves me some time."

Yun Potian said: "The prophecy is actually very simple. It is just a prophecy that has been passed down from a long, long time ago. It may not be just the 'third time'. Perhaps such rumors have already been generated during the 'second time' or the 'first time'."

"What does 'third time' mean? What are 'first time' and 'second time'?"

Yao Wan and Xiao Yan looked at each other, but it was obvious that they didn't know as much as Yun Potian. The words that were taken for granted in his mouth were confusing to Yao Wan and Xiao Yan.

"In simple terms, the Ruins of Oblivion is a vortex that will go down while rotating back and forth... This is the so-called reincarnation."

Yun Potian said without changing his gaze.

The Ruins of Oblivion, does the concept of reincarnation exist?

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