Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 437 An unknown premonition

"The essence of the Ruins of Oblivion is like a huge whirlpool, showing a process and nature from large to small, from top to bottom, and constantly spiraling." Yun Potian explained: "Continuous repetition is the tone of the Ruins of Oblivion." "It's just that this repetition process is very long, even Dou Zun strongmen can't cross it." "... So, what is the 'number' of the Ruins of Oblivion now?" Xiao Yan's ability to understand has always been good, and he immediately reacted to what Yun Potian was talking about. "…'The third time'."

Since he was going to explain everything he knew to Xiao Yan and Yao Wan, Yun Potian naturally couldn't beat around the bush and explained: "Before the 'third time', there were the 'second time' and the 'first time'. With each reincarnation and restart, the scale of the Ruins of Oblivion is gradually shrinking."

"Today's Ruins of Oblivion are completely inferior to the Douqi Continent in terms of scale, but at the 'second time' and the 'first time', the scale of the Ruins of Oblivion was comparable to, or even surpassed, the Douqi Continent. Correspondingly, the upper limit of energy contained is also more, higher, and stronger."

"When the Ruins of Oblivion restarts, those of us who meet the requirements and have long been forgotten will usher in a new life in the Ruins of Oblivion. As you can see, whether it is me, Elder Tianhuo, or other people you have met, they are all The Ruins of Oblivion were born in this way. However, the current Ruins of Oblivion can only accommodate the existence of the strongest Half Saints at most. If nothing unexpected happens, the ‘Second’ Ruins of Oblivion should be enough to allow the existence of many Dou Shengs, and the ‘First’ may even be a battlefield for Dou Di who only appeared in ancient myths. "

Yao Wan frowned slightly without leaving a trace: "In other words, the Ruins of Oblivion has become weaker and weaker with the reincarnation, right?"

"At least you don't have to worry about becoming a victim of Dou Sheng or Dou Di fighting each other."

Yun Potian thought that there was no harm in this. At least in this third Ruins of Oblivion, he could still be useful and not die in vain on the battlefield. Although Yun Potian was not afraid of death, he didn't want his rare second life to end so hastily and meaninglessly. He hated meaningless sacrifices.

"Will there be a fourth time after the third time?" Xiao Yan couldn't help asking. Yun Potian was stunned, but shook his head: "I don't know. After all, I probably won't live to see the fourth time. Maybe by then there won't even be a Dou Zun strongman. The huge Ruins of Oblivion will completely collapse into a tiny place that is only the size of a few countries at most, ushering in the end of this place." "Is this the end?" Yao Wan asked subconsciously, but Yun Potian also shook his head: "No, whether it is time itself or the covetous Devouring Spirit Clan, they will not let us be in peace and stability. End of the third Forgotten Ruins. "

"Speaking of which, what is the Soul Devouring Clan? Are they also born directly in the Forgotten Ruins?"

"Indeed, just like our human race, the Soul Devouring Clan also survives in the Forgotten Ruins, but their desire to devour remains unchanged. I don't know what the situation was like in the 'first' and 'second' times, but judging from our current situation, it won't be easy, and it may even be more severe."

Yun Potian said, and a rare chill appeared in his eyes.

Xiao Yan looked at Yun Potian, and his dark eyes were full of hostility towards the Soul Devouring Clan.

"What is the prophecy? How did it come down all the way?"

The problems of the Soul Devouring Clan, the Forgotten Ruins, and those who have resurrected from the dead have been temporarily answered, and naturally they have returned to the first question, the prophecy.

"I don't know. The prophecy has been circulating since I was born in the Ruins of Oblivion."

"'When outsiders come to the Ruins of Oblivion, the thousand-year cycle will come to an end.'... Such words may have been fabricated by the strong men of the same realm before me to leave people with hope. After all, before you, there have never been any outsiders, let alone the so-called destined people."

But when mentioning the prophecy, Yun Potian's face did not have any hopeful smile for Xiao Yan and Yao Wan. Instead, it seemed that he was looking at Xiao Yan and Yao Wan with a heavy look.

"It seems that Palace Master Yun does not trust the prophecy very much."

Yao Wan saw where Yun Potian's eyes were pointing and couldn't help saying.

"I don't believe in prophecies, but I believe in fate."

Yun Potian looked at Yao Wan's face with a burning gaze.

But Yao Wan did not agree with Yun Potian's view, "There is no such thing as fate in the world. I only believe that everything depends on human efforts."

Yun Potian knew that his view was different from Yao Wan's, so he shook his head and simply gave up the topic: "Let's not talk about the prophecy for now, but as an outsider of Douqi Continent, being able to practice is already the biggest advantage. All the cultivation resources of Tianjian Palace can be tilted to you. Although I don't believe in any prophecy after all, I believe in facts. Being able to defeat the Devouring Soul Demon General at Dou Zong level is not too bad anyway."

Although Yun Potian answered many of Yao Wan's questions, more questions followed, causing Yao Wan to slightly lock her beautiful willow-leaf eyebrows.

The more she communicated with Yun Potian, the more doubts in her heart might not be dissipated, but an inexplicable sense of foreboding gradually enveloped Yao Wan's heart.

Dou Zun probably doesn't have the ability to speak the law, or in other words, this ability is probably only possessed by the legendary Dou Emperor. It's just a pity that sometimes the tragedy that results is not the ability to speak the law at all. Follow, but simplicity is just a crow's mouth, nothing can take it away, it can only be entangled with karma.

Yaowan knew that her thoughts were a bit too pessimistic, but she couldn't say that it was 100% true. It was just...she had a very strong bad premonition.

It's like knowing something you shouldn't know.

The reduction in her cultivation level made her much weaker, and the resulting inability and unknown to control the overall situation made Yao Wan feel more irritated, and the irritability was just a disguise for uneasiness. Yao Wan could not admit her weakness, so she It's like a hermit crab losing its shell.

After all, she is now carrying more than just herself. At worst, she will die. The death of distraction is just a short nightmare for the main body, which will end soon.

Even an experience of death can improve her control over the Flame of Ashes, making this pure death more blooming and dazzling.

But this was what happened after that, and it would be too stupid to think about it with the benefit of hindsight, and she can't do it now.

Yao Wan couldn't help but turn her head to glance at Xiao Yan.

Unlike Yao Wan, although Xiao Yan was still full of confusion, she also had a spark of motivation to pursue the truth behind it. The look made her secretly anxious, but she couldn't say a word.

Xiao Yan was still secretly thinking about something in his heart, but suddenly he noticed Yao Wan's gaze, and he couldn't help but raise his head. The eyes reflected by those dark red eyes met those pair of pale golden autumn eyes. There was confusion and confusion in his eyes, but Yao Wan silently moved her gaze away, no longer looking at him.

Wan'er, what's going on?

There was a trace of confusion in Xiao Yan's heart, but since Yun Potian was still there at the moment, he couldn't ask directly, so he could only suppress this thought in his heart.

"Recently, a demon general died in the Swallowing Spirit Clan. Although there are more demon generals in the Swallowing Spirit Clan than our Dou Zun, they are not a big cabbage after all. They have to settle down for a few days. During this period, you can do whatever you want. You can practice peacefully in Tianjian Palace and improve your strength, but I can’t say how much time is left for you.”

The worry in Yun Potian's tone gradually dissipated. After all, he was not the kind of boring gourd who liked to keep everything in his heart. The troublesome things would be over as soon as he said them.

After all, he wanted to live a more free and easy life.

It's just a pity that conditions don't allow it.

"Well, thank you, Master Yunpotian, for clearing up the confusion."

Xiao Yan clasped his fists, but Yun Potian shook his head at Xiao Yan's title: "There is no Yunlan Sect here, so there is no sect master. Let's call them Palace Master together."

"Otherwise, nothing else. I'll settle down somewhere in Tianjian Mountain where I'm used to living. However, I'm afraid I won't have a good life in Ansheng for a few days, so make good use of this little peaceful time."

Yun Potian waved his hand. Now Xiao Yan and the others couldn't help him much. On the contrary, Yun Potian didn't know much about Xiao Yan and the others, but he knew a lot about the Spirit Devouring Clan.

If two demon generals are dispatched at once to act together, either the other party's brain is caught in the door and wants to deliver food to him, or they are deliberately planning a big job, then those two people can only be the vanguard.

It was only when Xiao Yan and Yao Wan killed one of them by accident that the other party's plan was interrupted and they had to retreat first. But since the forwards were all there, there would only be other big fish behind them. If they didn't show up this time, they would definitely not. Will be content for too long.

The Heavenly Sword Palace is the hub for protecting the human race, and it is also the front line against the Spirit-Devouring Clan. Peace and peace do not belong to the Heavenly Sword Palace.

Yun Potian looked at Xiao Yan and Yao Wan, and the young man and woman could not help but feel a hint of compassion.

When the sky falls, there must be someone tall to hold it up. Unfortunately, some people are born tall.

He is the unfortunate tall man, but he will obviously not be the last tall man.

As for the next tall one...come later or later.

Xiao Yan and Yao Wan finally left the Tianjian Palace. After much thought, they didn't know where to find a good place to stay elsewhere, so naturally they had no choice but to return to the Medicine Department first.

But Han Shanshan couldn't help being stunned when she saw them again, "Are you going to die again?"

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