"Are you going to die again?"

When he heard Han Shanshan's unexpected and original words, Xiao Yan almost stumbled.

"Master, you don't have to worry about us like this, right?"

Xiao Yan suddenly felt ashamed and didn't know what to say. How could anyone be so worried? Just hoping that something will happen to someone, right?

"Can't Hall Master hope for this good thing?"

Xiao Yan sighed and then said.

"What's good? You've just been away for a long time and you're back. I thought you didn't see the palace master."

Han Shanshan shrugged her shoulders and said, "Don't you think you really haven't seen the palace master?"

"We have seen it, and we also know what is going on with many questions. However, the palace owner does not have much accommodation for us, so he asked us to find a place to stay first."

Xiao Yan rubbed his eyebrows. After working for so long, his mind was still thinking about the answers that Yun Potian gave or did not give. Along the way, he also ushered in a glimmer of energy that he had just recovered. Exhausted sleepiness.

When he thought of this, Xiao Yan couldn't help but look at Yaowan beside him, but Yaowan seemed different from him. There was no sleepy haze in those beautiful pale golden autumn eyes.

But even so, Yaowan's clear brows still revealed a hint of unspeakable gloom, and her beautiful willow eyebrows seemed to be frowning slightly from beginning to end, as if she had something on her mind.

Xiao Yan was slightly startled, and even the trace of relief he felt after seeing Yun Potian was like a weak leaf in a violent storm, being sucked into it and drifting.

"Wan'er, Wan'er?"

Xiao Yan couldn't help but touch Yao Wan's hand lightly, and then looked into those golden eyes with questioning eyes.

"Ah? Well, what's wrong?"

Unexpectedly, it was not until this moment that Yao Wan came back to her senses. A trace of clarity finally returned to her beautiful golden eyes, and then she subconsciously said, but she met Xiao Yan's dark red eyes without any psychological preparation.

Yao Wan subconsciously moved her gaze away, and then coughed slightly to relieve her embarrassment.

"Didn't you agree to settle down at the Pharmacy Department? Wan'er forgot?"

Xiao Yan wondered, naturally he could see something strange about Yao Wan.

"I forgot, but I haven't forgotten... Anyway, I don't have any objections."

But even after Yao Wan reacted, the gloom on her pretty face did not completely dissipate, and it simply seemed that her attention was temporarily distracted.

Looking at Yaowan's brows and eyes filled with a hint of worry, Xiao Yan inevitably felt a trace of worry in his heart.

"Oh, do you still want to stay at the Yaosi?"

Han Shanshan understood what Xiao Yan and Yao Wan meant, nodded, and agreed without thinking. After all, she couldn't refuse. Anyway, the Yaosi had many yards, which was enough for the two of them to live in.

What's more, she still remembered that these two people seemed to be alchemists, which was just a coincidence. She still had a lot of elixirs to refine, so she gave them pillows when she slept. Anyone would be happy to do it.

"But since you live in the Medicine Department, if you are fine, you can help me refine some elixirs. Is there any problem?"

Han Shanshan didn't like the character of framing people. Now that she thought of it, she just brought it up. If Xiao Yan and Yao Wan were not happy, then forget it.

"No problem, Xiao Yan is suitable for this."

Before Xiao Yan could say anything, Yao Wan patted Xiao Yan's shoulder in front of Han Shanshan. Xiao Yan couldn't help but blinked. Didn't he say nothing?

"Don't you still want to prepare for the elixir meeting? I won't hurt you by refining more elixirs."

The look in Xiao Yan's eyes made Yao Wan explain a little more. She didn't want to explain more at first.

Tianjian Mountain, "night".

The only criterion that Yao Wan and Xiao Yan can use to judge whether the Ruins of Oblivion will usher in the dark night is the scale of the crowds in Tianjian Palace. If the crowds are boiling for two periods, there will be a period of time when the crowds will temporarily fall silent and the crowds will decrease. , Yao Wan and Xiao Yan regarded it as a sign that night was coming.

Since the last outbreak of the Ash-Destroying Flame, Yao Wan has had some psychological shadows even when she sleeps. Although the Ash-Destroying Flame did not kill her, being burned by the black flame is nothing special anyway. Something comfortable.

She can endure pain, but this does not mean that she likes pain. Even during these few days of rest, she is cautious and does not dare to make any mistakes. If she could, she would not even want to sleep. She would suddenly fall into a pit of fire while sleeping. It's really a painful memory.

But he couldn't do it without sleeping. Ever since his soul power was damaged, he would inevitably fall into a sleepy state, feeling drowsy all day long.

It was probably the distraction instinct trying to stop the damage to the already damaged body.

The essence of distraction is like a program that is completed by oneself according to the basic structure of the operation of heaven and earth. If one does not change it, it will naturally act according to the instinct of life, although it may not be in line with one's own wishes as the master.

Oh, what a hassle.

The physical discomfort and the unknown future made Yaowan's mood worse and worse. Only in the end, she shook her head vigorously to drive away all these messy thoughts.

Obviously it wouldn't have been like this before.

If you are really weak, you will suddenly have a lot more things to consider...

Yao Wan couldn't help but think that if she hadn't been sealed by this damn Ruin of Forgetfulness, wouldn't everything have developed as it did before her?

He could have smashed the two soul-devouring demon generals to pieces with one slap, and the Flame of Ash Destruction would not be able to break the balance with the Flame of Life, and the backlash would not happen, and Xiao Yan would not take advantage of it, and he would even He has enough energy to implement the plan he made at the beginning, which will rewrite Xiao Yan's cognition and put the relationship between the two back on the right track according to his own cognition.

Even directly attacking the Ruins of Oblivion on the other side and crushing all the Spirit-Devouring Tribes might not be impossible.

It's just a pity that there is no what if. Now that I am involved in the whirlpool, I am watching myself sink deeper and deeper. This is the real situation.

Yaowan sighed in her heart, then sat on the familiar bed, bent down to take off her cloud boots, revealing a pair of slender lotus feet tightly wrapped in crystal ice gauze that outlined a graceful arc, and sat on the bed.

She didn't feel sleepy for a while, and there was no movement at all in the quiet room and Xiao Yan's room next door, which actually gave Yao Wan a feeling similar to fear.

What's wrong? Could she still be afraid of the dark?

Yao Wan laughed at herself unconsciously, but even in the quiet surroundings, her heart gradually began to feel uneasy.

Naturally, yarrow is not afraid of the dark, but...

"Dong dong dong."

There was a clear knock on the door, and even the regularity of the knock made Yao Wan realize who it was.

The impetuous thoughts in my heart just now seemed to have finally been settled, and the originally turbulent mood suddenly calmed down.

Yao Wan couldn't help but raise her golden eyes, and there was a hint of joy in her beautiful eyes that looked through the autumn water. At least in this period of time, Yao Wan was so happy that Xiao Yan would knock on the door for the first time.

So she opened her lips slightly and said in an almost impatient tone: "What's wrong?"

"Well...nothing, I just wanted to see if Wan'er was asleep."

Xiao Yan outside the door spoke in a leisurely tone. After spending so much time together, how could someone with a face thicker than a city wall still be so coquettish?

"I didn't sleep, are you sure now?"

Yaowan's answer was very much like hers as always.


Just by listening to the voice, Yao Wan could imagine Xiao Yan nodding like a parrot, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth involuntarily. This smile was not even noticed by her.

"You don't practice?"

But one code after another, Yao Wan quickly realized how Xiao Yan could jump out at this time.

"Isn't this just a breakthrough? I just need to stabilize my cultivation in a short period of time."

Xiao Yan's fingertips couldn't help but lightly draw a circle with his index finger on the wooden door, circle and circle. He didn't mention the coming in to Yao Wan, and Yao Wan didn't take the initiative to speak, and the relationship between the two was maintained. Xiao Yan himself found this inexplicable tacit understanding quite interesting.

Although there was a door between them, they could not stop their thoughts from passing through the thin door and reaching each other.

Just like this, Xiao Yan felt particularly satisfied. He also believed that Yao Wan was not a person who didn't understand people's hearts. In other words, it didn't matter whether Yao Wan understood people's hearts or not, as long as he understood her.

"Wan'er, have a good sleep and get some rest early. If anything happens, just call me."

With that said, Xiao Yan was ready to go back to his room.

Yao Wan, who was huddled on the bed and still felt a little happy because Xiao Yan broke the disturbing silence, was no longer happy.

No, doesn't this guy just like to pester me on weekdays? No matter how hard you try, you can't drive her away. Why did you leave without saying a few words today? She hasn't had enough chat yet...

Perhaps due to such a moment of astonishment, Yao Wan actually opened her mouth by mistake.

"Wait...Xiao Yan."

Xiao Yan, who was standing in front of his room door and about to push the door open, suddenly stopped moving and his ears trembled slightly. He almost thought he was hallucinating something.

If he hadn't really heard it, he would have been daydreaming day and night.

Xiao Yan blinked and then returned to Yao Wan's door.

"What's wrong with Wan'er?...Is there anything else?"

"Don't you have anything else to do?"

Yaowan's question gradually made a question mark appear on Xiao Yan's forehead.

"Well...it's really gone. Does Wan'er have any other important matters to come to me for?"

"It's important...well, not really."

There was a trace of entanglement and hesitation in the pleasant female voice coming from the door.

"It's just that... you... why don't you stay and practice at my place for one night?"

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