Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 439 Xiao Yan: Is there such a good thing?

"It's just that... you... why don't you stay and practice at my place for one night?"

Yaowan hesitated for a while, and then finally squeezed out such a shameful speech from her mouth with great difficulty.

Xiao Yan: "?"

Now he really felt that there was something wrong with his ears.

No, no, this is not a problem with his ears. I'm afraid it's not going to cause problems with his whole body.


The only response to Xiao Yan was the deathly silence at this moment, and Xiao Yan took advantage of the door, where Yao Wan could not see anything, to twist his cheek hard.

Hiss - it hurts!

It was like cutting a chili pepper and applying it directly on your face without washing your hands. While the burning pain slowly spread on your face, Xiao Yan's heart was filled with ecstasy. It's great, it's not a dream!

Xiao Yan was afraid that he had accidentally heard something wrong. As soon as he entered the door and lay down, he should be buried in the Feng Shui treasure land behind the medicine department. Death was not particularly scary to Xiao Yan, but There is no need to die from this misunderstanding.

But now it is obvious that it is not Xiao Yan who misunderstood, but Yao Wan who did have this intention.

No... is there such a good thing?

Xiao Yan touched his chin, feeling that his cheeks were gradually warming up due to the self-mutilation just now, but he couldn't help but fell into deep thought for a moment, shamelessly being in the same room with Yao Wan. To be honest, he only did this occasionally. Think about it, if he was really asked to do such a dirty thing, he wouldn't be able to do it. As for the last outbreak of the Flame of Ashes, it was really imminent (physics). How could Xiao Yan care so much?

It's just an emergency. Although Yao Wan is the closest to him, even so, the defense between men and women is ridiculously heavy. Let alone other things, Xiao Yan has never seen Yao Wan's skirt shorter than her calf. , if you can see your ankles, it means Wan'er didn't wear enough clothes today.

It would be extremely difficult for Wan'er to be in the same room with a man.

Not to mention someone taking the initiative to speak, it's no wonder Xiao Yan was so surprised, as if he had encountered something incredible.

Oh no, this is not like it at all, it is.

"Why don't you speak..."

Xiao Yan's silence made Yao Wan a little anxious. She never heard Xiao Yan's footsteps leaving, so naturally he didn't leave. And since he didn't leave, what was the point of not talking? Yao Wan felt slightly annoyed.


Xiao Yan cleared his throat, but he didn't know what to say.

However, Xiao Yan's coercion at this moment made Yao Wan even more irritated. She couldn't help but break the tacit silence between the two, and then said angrily: "Can you give me the right words? Don't dawdle here!"

Yao Wan's words immediately made Xiao Yan excited.

"Okay! Okay! No problem!"

Xiao Yan's body straightened up, and he said that Xiao Yan would be willing to knock out his bones and suck out his marrow after he went in.

Not to mention how Wan'er would be willing to...

When he thought of this, the corners of Xiao Yan's mouth involuntarily raised slightly, then he suppressed his smile and quietly opened the door.

The door was unlocked, just closed. After all, it was useless to lock it.

In the room that gradually became familiar, a silver-haired beauty hugged her feet and knees and sat quietly on the bed. Her bright light golden eyes stared straight at Xiao Yan who pushed the door open.

The beauty sat on the bed, hugging herself with her knees in a ball very insecurely. Only her scattered silver hair was like a hazy silver gauze, covering her body, and the plain skirt that should have reached her ankles. Under the lotus feet, a pair of white and tender lotus feet were placed together very neatly. Under the lotus feet, which were covered by the thin snow-colored ice gauze, there were round and plump toes like cardamom. When she saw Xiao Yan curled up slightly at that moment, as if he wanted to reveal his master's thoughts that were difficult to reveal in one breath.

Xiao Yan silently and without trace moved his eyes away from Yao Wan, or to be precise, he forcibly moved his eyes away from those lotus feet.

It’s so exciting right now, who can withstand it——

Xiao Yan kept complaining in his heart, completely forgetting that just a few days ago, in the early morning, he took advantage of the momentum of his confession and even had the courage to play with it. Oh no, he massaged it. Now think about it, how dare he did it a few days ago? of.

Of course, if he had it to do over again, maybe he would know it again.

Oh, you don’t even need to do it over or anything.

"I am coming."

Xiao Yan closed the door gently, but his heart suddenly felt like he was at a loss.

Yao Wan looked at Xiao Yan and suddenly remembered that her current sitting posture seemed a bit inappropriate, so she couldn't help but change her posture and sit on the bed.

On the contrary, Xiao Yan secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. If Wan'er continued to have such a sense of no boundaries, then he didn't know how long he could withstand it.

In addition, of course Xiao Yan was also confused. After all, Yao Wan's words seemed a bit too shocking. Even after Xiao Yan entered the door, he felt that it was outrageous and evil.

"You will practice here with me tonight...I will lie down and you will sit down."

Yao Wan obviously didn't seem to want to explain, so she just kept talking to herself.

"... Of course, if you don't want to practice, that's fine. I'll give you the quilt and you can just sleep on the floor for the night."

Yao Wan's tone seemed hesitant, and she was not very confident. After all, she was not a person who liked being bossed around. For such an obviously unreasonable request, she would naturally feel a little embarrassed to say it. .

"Can't you sleep with Wan'er?"

As expected, the first thing Xiao Yan asked made Yao Wan's eyes turn white, but she had to face this problem because she was the one who chose to lead the wolf into the house, and she had no place to reason!

Yao Wan herself was so angry that she rolled her eyes, but she couldn't ignore Xiao Yan's question.


Yao Wan's tone was firm. Although she felt somewhat guilty, she still believed in this guy's character. As long as she gritted her teeth and refused to let go, it was impossible for Xiao Yan to really do anything to him.


Xiao Yan's tone was frustrated, but he also had some small calculations in his heart.

"If that's the case, then Wan'er will give in?"

Xiao Yan chuckled lightly, Yao Wan's expression froze at first, but she was already regretting it in her heart. She should have just said that she must stay at least ten feet away from her whether practicing or sleeping.

But there was no other way. If he said it, the water would be thrown out, and Yao Wan silently made a place for Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan smiled and sat on Yaowan's bed. This was the second time. The scent was as fragrant as ever, and the beauty's breathing was tense unconsciously.

Xiao Yan looked at Yaowan, the two of them were crowded on the small bed, but said: "It's okay, I'm practicing mine, and you're sleeping, I promise not to disturb you."

Yao Wan once again regretted that she was stupid enough to do something like luring a wolf into the house, but she didn't realize that the things she was taboo about, and even vaguely afraid of, were moving away from her.

But it's useless to say anything now. Fortunately, Yao Wan moved her eyes away from Xiao Yan, and couldn't help but murmur to herself in a voice that only she could hear, even if he didn't dare to really tell her How about it……

And when Xiao Yan sat on Yaowan's small bed, squeezed together with her, and sat down cross-legged, he quickly entered a state of cultivation, which also made Yaowan, who was originally worried about his rashness, gradually put down. Heart comes.

This doesn't seem to be a big deal...

Yao Wan was lying on the bed and couldn't help turning her body sideways. She was well-dressed anyway, so she wasn't afraid of being naked in front of Xiao Yan.

But before falling asleep, Yao Wan, who was not so sleepy at the moment, couldn't help but said: "By the way, what do you think about the things Yun Potian said today?"

Yao Wan's questioning completely interrupted Xiao Yan's cultivation progress. As soon as he finished speaking, Yao Wan felt that the faintly surging soul power in Xiao Yan's body gradually subsided and fell silent. This made Yao Wan suddenly regret it. If I knew she would not talk about it at this time.

While Xiao Yan stopped running the soul technique, he slowly opened his dark red eyes.

What do you think? How else to watch?

Xiao Yan couldn't help but cursed in his heart, and then slowly said: "There is no problem, I see."

"I know there's no problem. I... what I meant was actually... prophecy."

Xiao Yan's reaction made Yao Wan feel a little uncertain and uneasy. Naturally, there was nothing wrong with Yun Potian, but that prophecy still made Yao Wan feel that something was wrong.

"Prophecy? What happened to the prophecy?"

"To be honest, I don't believe in that prophecy. Destiny is too mysterious. I don't believe it."

There was a hint of seriousness in Yaowan's brows, not a joke at all.


Xiao Yan probably understood what Yao Wan meant, and couldn't help but nodded slightly and said, "If Wan'er doesn't believe it, then I don't believe it either."

When Yao Wan heard what Xiao Yan said, she couldn't help but feel dumbfounded. She couldn't help but said: "That's just my own feeling... You don't have to take it seriously. You have your own opinions anyway, but don't let me say whatever you want."

"No, I have always had my own opinions."

Xiao Yan shrugged his shoulders, looked at the herb lying in front of him, and explained: "It doesn't matter whether you believe in prophecies or not. I didn't choose to stay in Tianjian Mountain because of a light prophecy. It is said that the destined person will end everything. I am just unhappy with the Spirit-Devouring Tribe. Isn’t that an obligation that everyone should fulfill to protect their fellow tribesmen? What does it have to do with that prophecy?”

Yao Wan was slightly startled, and it seemed like that was true.

"Wan'er, why would you suddenly ask such a thing? Did you find something wrong?"

Xiao Yan felt that it was too tiring to sit and talk to Yao Wan like this, so he simply leaned up and lay down with Yao Wan.

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