Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 440: Tangled, Contradictory, Love and Hate

Seeing Xiao Yan lying down very smoothly, Yao Wan couldn't help but feel itchy with hatred.

Xiao Yan couldn't help but look at her with an innocent face. After all, lying down to rest when you are tired from practicing is not something particularly difficult to understand, right?

"The bed is not big, so don't squeeze me."

At the same time, Yao Wan also realized that it was impossible for her to kick Xiao Yan under the bed, so she simply gave up the struggle. At least Xiao Yan was still at peace now. He had already lied down, and he quickly If you can't drive it away, naturally you can only hold it in.

She couldn't help but warn.

Lying on the bed, with his head on the pillow, Yao Wan couldn't help but exhale a breath of turbid breath. The moist and hot breath with a hint of tiredness hit Xiao Yan's face, and Xiao Yan smelled a hint of grass and light orchid after the rain. The body fragrance blended together was like a feather, silently tugging at Xiao Yan's heartstrings.

Even though it was not the first time he climbed onto Yaowan's bed like this, Xiao Yan still felt his heart beating violently in his chest, and the faint fragrance of virginity coming from Yaowan made him feel uneasy. Added some fire.

Xiao Yan was silent, then he realized what he was doing, and took the initiative to distance himself from Yao Wan, leaned against the wall, and said, "Don't worry."

Yao Wan wanted to reply to him that it would be great if she could really trust you, but after thinking about it, she decided not to. The more you talk at this time, the easier it is to make mistakes. If you accidentally play with fire and set yourself on fire, it will be a disaster. Great fun.


But even if Yao Wan didn't say anything, Xiao Yan could not avoid the fact that Xiao Yan could look right through her eyes and clearly see what she was thinking at the moment.

He let out a breath of turbid breath, but didn't care. He just leaned on the pillow and looked straight at Yao Wan, who had never closed her eyes. He looked at her long snow-white hair falling in front of his eyes, and then he couldn't help but say.

"Speaking of which, why does Wan'er have so many opinions on what Palace Master Yun said?"

Xiao Yan's question made Yao Wan couldn't help but be startled. Then there was a faint light in her eyes as she leaned in front of her. She also knew that she couldn't hide it from Xiao Yan, so she explained: "I am very interested in Yun Potian." I don’t have any objections. I have guarded the Ruins of Oblivion for so many years, and this behavior alone is beyond reproach.”


Xiao Yan asked, but Yao Wan's beautiful golden eyes looked directly at him: "What's wrong? Do you doubt me?"

"What words."

Xiao Yan frowned slightly when he heard this. Yao Wan knew him too well, and his words made him a little angry, but what he was angry about was that Yao Wan would question his trust in her.

"I just don't believe in everyone, and I only believe in you."

Lying on the same pillow, Xiao Yan looked into Yao Wan's eyes and said seriously in the hazy light of the room.

Xiao Yan's serious attitude made Yao Wan regret saying such words.

"I know—just."


"I don't believe that prophecy."

Yaowan shook her head slightly and explained: "I don't believe a single word in that prophecy. I just don't believe it. You don't have to ask me why... Intuition is probably this kind of thing."

Xiao Yan was startled. He didn't expect that Yao Wan would actually say that. However, he didn't think that the prophecy had anything to do with it. It was just that what Wan'er said was what it said. If she didn't think it was credible, then she couldn't believe it. But even so, Xiao Yan still felt that something was wrong with Yao Wan's mental state.

"Perhaps Wan'er is too tired and really needs a good rest."

As Xiao Yan said this, he couldn't help but get up and grab a corner of the quilt that the two of them had kicked to the corner of the bed, and covered Yaowan's body again. Those beautiful eyes looked so beautiful in the hazy dream.

It was very rare that Yao Wan chose to take it easy at this time. She sighed quietly, as if talking to Xiao Yan, and seemed to be talking to herself: "Maybe I am really tired and a little too nervous. It’s tight.”

Seeing that Wan'er was soft after taking it for a long time, Xiao Yan couldn't help but reveal a gentle smile on his lips. Although Wan'er, who was as strong as iron and as fiery as fire, was as beautiful as ever, if possible, he also hoped that she could relax for a while. At least don't tighten yourself up like that, even if he looks at it, he feels too tired.

"...What's wrong? Do I look strange now?"

Yao Wan saw the pity in Xiao Yan's eyes. Ever since she broke the window paper a few days ago, she had to face Xiao Yan's passionate love affair head-on. But now she has gradually gotten used to it. From this point of view, habit is really a terrible thing. thing……

Yaowan couldn't help but murmur to herself, slowly getting used to it. At first, she resisted life and death, but now she has to get used to it. So, will the next step be...?

"Wan' doesn't look like she's just tired."

Xiao Yan looked at Yaowan, at her pretty face wrapped in soft silver threads, at her brows and eyes that were unconsciously filled with fatigue at this moment, and saw a trace of inexplicable meaning other than tiredness.

"What else can I do?"

Yaowan smiled unconsciously, what was there to say? Besides being tired and sleepy, what else could be wrong with her?

Xiao Yan looked at Yaowan, his dark red eyes staring directly at her, as if he was brewing and thinking about something.

"Wan'er, are you scared?"

Xiao Yan slowly spoke, but as soon as he finished speaking, Yao Wan was stunned.


Yao Wan couldn't help but repeat Xiao Yan's statement in her mind. Her first reaction was that Xiao Yan must not have woken up last night.

Oh, I almost forgot, unlike myself, this guy doesn't need to maintain a certain amount of sleep for a period of time to reduce the loss of soul power.

As for the earrings made of green ancient jade that day, they were obviously not something that could be worn while sleeping.

...In short, Yao Wan's first reaction to Xiao Yan's judgment was naturally that Xiao Yan must have misjudged it.

"Why should I be afraid? Were you burned by the Flame of Ashes two days ago?"

It was naturally impossible for Yao Wan to admit that she was actually afraid.

But Xiao Yan didn't feel that he had looked away.

However, Xiao Yan did have a basis. Looking at Yao Wan who was full of disbelief, he said quietly: "Then why did Wan'er suddenly ask me to spend the night with you? You were going to die the last time I rescued you in an emergency. To live."

Yao Wan opened her lips slightly, but couldn't help but said: "Isn't it okay to be alone?"

However, Xiao Yan shook his head, still not believing it. They knew each other too well, and they knew everything hidden in each other's smiles, including thoughts that even he himself was not aware of.

"Then I've been with Wan'er for so long, and Wan'er is lonely now?"

Xiao Yan couldn't help but shook his head, but he refused to believe anything he said. This answer was enough to stop Yao Wan's subconscious attempt to quibble.

Since he had this thought in his mind, he couldn't help but look at Yaowan's lips, which couldn't see much blood in the dim room at the moment. After listening to his answer, her lips opened and closed slightly. He clenched his teeth secretly.

Xiao Yan knew this expression very well and was very familiar with it.

She only shows this micro-expression when she is tough-talking and refuses to admit defeat, or when she is short of words but unwilling to be refuted.

Xiao Yan didn't know when he realized it. Anyway, when he realized it, he was already very close to her without even knowing it.

This is not determined by your identity.

Following his own words, Xiao Yan, who originally took the initiative to distance himself from Yao Wan and left a gap between the two of them on the small bed, took the initiative this time. He moved slightly towards In front of her, while Yao Wan was definitely thinking about how to give a quibbling answer, his slender arms wrapped around her slender waist, and the beauty with astonishment in her eyes, beating and confusion was embraced into her arms.


Yaoyuan said "Ah" very lightly, as if she never imagined that it would unfold like this.

But even after knowing Xiao Yan for so long, Yao Wan still didn't seem to realize how terrifying Xiao Yan's mobility was.

in all aspects.

She didn't feel like she was taken into Xiao Yan's arms, but more like she flew into Xiao Yan's arms.

The asparagus has settled in its habitat.

"What...are you doing?! You bastard, let me go!"

After Yao Wan reacted, she couldn't help but punch and kick Xiao Yan, but because she was already hugged by Xiao Yan, she couldn't exert her strength.

Xiao Yan endured the struggle of the beauty in his arms, but he just thought that he was dead. No matter how hard Yao Wan struggled, there was no reaction at all.

As for Yaowan's resistance, it's not resistance at all, it's called flirting.

But at the same time, Xiao Yan, who was not really dead, couldn't help but feel a ripple in his heart. He couldn't help complaining in his heart, is this not the first time this routine has happened?

However, Xiao Yan really didn't mean to be frivolous with Yao Wan. He was just overfulfilling Yao Wan's invitation which was too subtle.

Wan'er was indeed scared.

Xiao Yan could feel it, but he didn't know what Wan'er was afraid of. Was it the unknown after falling into the realm, his own safety, or the prophecy that she didn't like at all?

There is no way around it. Sensing Wan'er's emotions is already Xiao Yan's limit. He and Wan'er have a very good tacit understanding. They can't read minds. There can be tacit understanding, but no matter how close people are, they can't have any sense of privacy and distance. nothing.

Gradually, perhaps he realized that Xiao Yan really had no intention of doing anything to him, and really just wanted to hug him. Or perhaps he just realized that his struggle was useless, so he gradually gave up his struggle. .


Yao Wan, who gave up her struggle, began to endure silently, no, enjoy Xiao Yan's embrace.

I have to say that Xiao Yan's arms felt inexplicably comfortable and reassuring.

At the same time, there seemed to be a warm flame that dispelled the stickiness and coldness of the night for her.

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