Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 441 I really hate you

Xiao Yan was indeed right. In addition to fatigue, there was also a hint of fear in Yao Wan's eyes.

There was a hint of vague worry that even she herself was not aware of.

Otherwise, why would she choose to ask Xiao Yan to spend the night in her room so abnormally?

Holding the nephrite Wenxiang in his arms, Xiao Yan's eyes were filled with a hint of distress.

Although he was not sure, he could not even guess.

Maybe he was worried about his own affairs again.

When he thought of this, Xiao Yan couldn't help but sigh in his heart. This was not because he was being sentimental, but because similar things had happened again and again.

Xiao Yan naturally couldn't hide his distress.

Yao Wan remained silent in response to Xiao Yan's embrace and just clenched her teeth gently, but she could no longer tell whether she was enduring Xiao Yan's indecent treatment or silently enjoying Xiao Yan's embrace.

They know each other too well and even know each other's smell and taste equally well.

When Xiao Yan's extremely aggressive aura accompanied him into his arms and mixed with his own rapid and panicked breathing, most of Yaowan's resistance had unconsciously faded just by playing with it from the inside out. .

Symbolic resistance only shows that one is not easy to control.

But what was Xiao Yan thinking?

Aren't you being held in his arms like this and unable to move?

Of course, this is what Yao Wan guessed was what Xiao Yan was thinking. Xiao Yan had never thought about it this way from beginning to end.

He really just wanted to hug Wan'er and take away some of her coldness.

Of course, Yaowan could feel it, so she curled up obediently. She was mentally resisting Xiao Yan's embrace. Being held by a man who knew her very well and who understood her very well made her sleep peacefully. She still couldn't adapt, but somehow, her body could not help but curl up in his arms, and her whole body entered an extraordinarily relaxed state, as if a small animal would relax its vigilance in an absolutely safe environment. Same.

The difference between physiology and psychology makes Yao Wan conflicted and uncomfortable.

I have long been accustomed to my current body. To put it bluntly, I have never experienced such a thing before. I can naturally explain it. It is simply that I don’t feel any pain unless it hits me.

Yao Wan found that she was still a little afraid of pain.

But here lies the contradiction.

The struggle was useless, so she had no choice but to curse secretly and endure the unusual experience, but she actually didn't even know who she was cursing.

Xiao Yan? no.

Own? Neither.

Who else could be there besides them at this moment?

Yao Wan could not explain clearly for a long time, but at this moment in Xiao Yan's arms, the awkwardness in her heart was real, and the sense of peace of mind that allowed her to sleep peacefully was also real.

Yao Wan realized that maybe she was really scared.

As for what she is afraid of...

"...I have become so weak now, and I am at your mercy. Are you happy?"

Yao Wan's tone was faint, but it was no longer angry. He was incompetent and furious. What else could he do besides making his body angry? Naturally, it is better to do less of things that are meaningless.

"A little happy, but also a little unhappy."

Holding Yaoyuan in his arms, his hands were always placed firmly on Yaoyuan's slender waist and tall and slender back. He never made a small movement, and there was no lust in Xiao Yan's tone. More of it is a touch of Qingming.

"I'm happy that Wan'er is no longer so far away from me. At least it's not like it seems. The flower in the mirror is like the moon in the water."

Xiao Yan's voice echoed in Yao Wan's ears. Yao Wan was slightly startled, but she was not too surprised. Although Xiao Yan never mentioned it from the beginning to the end, it was just the performance and performance she got from other people. The reaction is enough to explain something.

This is how she behaves. You can see it but cannot touch it. Just like the bright moon in the sky, which shines its light, but no one can touch it or touch it. It seems to be close at hand, but it is far away. Xiao Yan is far away. The person closest to her is naturally the person who feels this feeling most profoundly and unforgettablely.

Yao Wan's cultivation level was sealed, her strength dropped, and she suddenly fell from the clouds. The bright and bright moon of the past turned into a wounded bird, which was held by Xiao Yan in the palm of his hand and panted gently, unable to fly away.

If it were an ordinary person, it would not be that difficult to kiss the beauty Fangze at this time.

But Xiao Yan didn't. Although Yao Wan was always angry with this bastard for not following the routine, and now he was getting more and more aggressive, Xiao Yan had indeed never taken the initiative to express any delusional thoughts... However, if it were anyone else, Yao Wan would naturally do the same. It was impossible for him to venture into an unknown secret realm and end up in this situation.

The other point is naturally not difficult to understand.

"...What I'm not happy about is that Wan'er is still the same as before, but her strength has weakened, but she insists on showing off."

Xiao Yan's words made Yao Wan feel a little lost in thought, but she rarely uttered a refutation, which was regarded as acquiescence.

"Is Wan'er afraid because she has become weak?"

Seeing that Yao Wan didn't answer, Xiao Yan couldn't help but take the initiative. His hot breath passed through the silver hair and gently hit her ears, causing Yao Wan's ears to have a slight tingle that was different from a simple increase in body temperature. Emerging flush.


To be honest, Yaowan actually hates when others pretend to understand her very well in front of her.

But that was Xiao Yan. His understanding of himself was never just pretending to know himself well.

This bastard really knows himself well.

Yao Wan wanted to tear off a piece of flesh from him before she would let it go.

It would always hurt to have a scar exposed, especially a wound that had just scabbed. The healing of flesh and blood would make people itch badly. Tearing it open would be useless. At most, it would make him experience the pain of a ruptured wound once more.

But the wound that Xiao Yan tore open was not a clean one, but an infected wound. If he did not clean it and let it scab, it would only end up with infection and worsening of the injury.

She realized it to some extent, but she refused to agree.

The root cause was naturally because -

"Wan'er, don't you like people to see you weak?"

Xiao Yan asked softly, with a calm tone of attachment and heartache that was not concealed.

If Xiao Yan did not dare to say even this after his confession was exposed, then Xiao Yan would chase after the person and just go to bed.

"I chose it myself."

Yao Wan raised her head slightly, and wanted to stare into Xiao Yan's eyes, those dark red, affectionate eyes. Yao Wan found that she had no resistance to his eyes.

Her stubbornness was exposed under his eyes, and it all turned into hard talk. A kind of aggrieved emotion grew wildly in her heart like weeds, as if everything she had turned into a waste.

But Yao Wan didn't like her weakness to be exposed after all, just like a hermit crab would not leave its safe shell.

"Yeah, I know."

Xiao Yan didn't say much nonsense to Yao Wan, because he knew she was hard talk without looking at Wan'er's eyes.

Wan'er has always been like this, stubborn, hard talk, but also relying on strength as a barrier to protect herself. Now that this barrier is gone, it will be like this.

So Xiao Yan gave his own answer and comfort: "Don't worry, I'm here."

"I'll protect you."

Xiao Yan's voice was very light, but Yao Wan could hear it clearly because of the distance.

Yao Wan paused slightly, she didn't believe it.

"You protect me, who will protect you?"

Yao Wan asked subconsciously, Yao Wan's words made Xiao Yan slightly startled, and his heart was even more complicated and distressed. Why is she still thinking about this kind of thing now?

Xiao Yan wanted to say that he was naive, but he couldn't say it anyway, so he could only remain silent.

"Can't Wan'er protect me?"

Xiao Yan asked subconsciously, in fact, this question didn't need to be asked at all, whether it was Yao Wan or Xiao Yan, they already knew the answer.

"No, I can't protect you."

Yao Wan's tone finally revealed a trace of frustration that was hard to hide, but it was faintly accompanied by a very faint cry.

This is the root of her fear.

Yao Wan found that she was not such a strong person, she became weaker and weaker.

She didn't have the heart of a strong person at all.

However, before she could continue to feel depressed, she felt Xiao Yan, who had not moved for a long time, hugged her body a little harder, as if he wanted to rub her into his chest and merge with him.

She was obviously being hugged tighter and tighter, but the peace of mind that she was not used to was growing wildly.

Yao Wan was unwilling, but she also had a thought of begging for mercy, but before she could speak, Xiao Yan said: "It's okay, I will protect myself and then protect you."

Yao Wan was silent, but it was hard to say that she believed it, so she just said: "It's hard for a clay Buddha to cross the river."

She knew that what she said was a bit disappointing, and even a bit of a cold water on Xiao Yan, which was a bit hurtful.

A dog bites Lu Dongbin, and doesn't know the good heart.

Yao Wan couldn't help laughing at herself in her heart.

Xiao Yan was silent, and seemed to be really depressed.

"Then I won't protect myself, I'll protect you."

Xiao Yan didn't think too much, the fragrance on Wan'er's body had become his inextinguishable fuel, giving him the power to burn fiercely.

It was just like a beast driven by a simple survival instinct.

Yao Wan couldn't feel what kind of mood she was in after hearing Xiao Yan's words, she just felt a flame burning in her chest, and the feeling was even stronger than the Ashes of Destruction.

She looked at Xiao Yan who was holding her in his arms. Because she was buried in his arms, Yao Wan saw his chest and the white neck that was exposed from the black tights.

"I... I really hate you."

The deep breath hit Xiao Yan's Adam's apple, making him a little itchy.

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