Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 442 The first move of the demon fetus

Xiao Yan felt an itching sensation on his neck, mixed with the breath of the beauty in his arms, which made an unknown fire burn brightly in Xiao Yan's heart.

The beauty in his arms had no power to resist, as if... no, he didn't need to think too much, he just needed to continue like this, and he could get it right in one step.

But Xiao Yan still didn't make any move. He always had to eat his food one bite at a time. It was not easy to completely open Wan'er's heart.

Besides, how could Xiao Yan have the intention to be frivolous when Wan'er was clearly worried...

Yaowan, on the other hand, was given a shot in the arm by Xiao Yan. His original depressed mood could no longer be sustained, and his rapid breathing gradually returned to calmness.

Xiao Yan felt that Yaowan's silver hair was mixed with his own black hair, and he felt indescribably relieved.

"Sleep peacefully, Wan'er."

Xiao Yan gently hugged Yaowan and couldn't help but slowly closed his eyes.


To the southwest of the Ruins of Oblivion, there is a world that has long been silent in the overwhelming demonic energy. It is dark and filthy, but filled with a strange light.

In the hall made of flesh and blood, the ominous evil energy surged and became thick like a tide.

In the empty blood-red hall, close to ten twisted demonic figures stood quietly around, and a turbulent demonic figure sat alone at the top, looking at the kneeling person below with cold eyes.

"I am responsible for the striker's defeat this time. For the death of Xijiao, Xixiao cannot escape the blame."

About half a month ago, they tried to open a hole near the Tianjian Palace that was large enough for the Swallowing Spirit Tribe to drive straight in. The soldiers were so fast that their actions did not even alert the strong human Dou Zun stationed nearby, which meant that their action was successful. half.

It's just a pity that Yao Tianhuo unexpectedly came out halfway. However, if there was only Yao Tianhuo, the best he could do was to ensure that he was safe and sound, but it could not stop them from advancing forward. Their forwards had withstood the greatest pressure, and they could fight on the front line between the two clans. A big gash was opened.

But he didn't expect that two small Dou Zong would become the biggest variable. Xijiao died, and Xixiao had no choice but to retreat.

It's a pity that this action affected the entire body. The Eclipse Owl was forced to retreat, and many of the demon generals of the Spirit-Devouring Tribe who had already gathered had to retreat as well.

The best opportunity to make a big move has been missed. If he breaks in recklessly, he will still attract the strongest human beings.

There is no point in fighting Douzun in an away game, not to mention it is easy to provoke Lai Yunpotian.

That guy couldn't attack easily, but once he did, the entire Demon General of the Devouring Spirit Clan wouldn't be enough to kill him alone.

Therefore, although the overall strength is much stronger than that of humans, the Swallowing Spirit Clan is also trying to avoid meaningless wars of attrition.

Eclipse Owl lowered his head, waiting for the Demon Shadow at the top to give his judgment.

"That guy Yao Tianhuo, because he has the Flame of Fallen Heart around him, ordinary demon generals can't easily take him. If you don't suffer his bad luck, it's not a shame."

The demonic shadow high up emitted a distorted demonic sound that was hard to adapt to, as dull as a drum.

The tone of the demon shadow makes people feel relieved and relieved. Just by saying this, it can be regarded as final.

"But it's so shameful that Xijiao would die in the hands of two Douzongs... Xixiao, do you know the origins of those two people?"

"No, I don't know. I just noticed that Yao Tianhuo was paying special attention to those two people. I observed with my mind that the two people were a man and a woman. The high-level Douzong was about six or seven stars, and the low one was no more than six or seven. One Star and Two Star, although their strength is low, they are very strange. They blended different fires into fighting skills. It was because of their carelessness that Erosion Pepper died under their hands."

"The Douzong with the strange fire...can't stay. Find an opportunity to separate the two and kill them."

The news of Xijiao's death made Moying slightly frown and feel quite unhappy. Although he wanted to kill the Douzong who crossed the border to kill the demon general, he was still annoyed with Xijiao's stupidity and fragility. As a demon general, he actually Will die in the hands of two Dou Zong, what on earth is this for?

"Erosion Pepper is dead, and the Demon General is less than thirty. That's all. This time, they are lucky."

The eclipse owl was startled for a moment, and couldn't help but look up at the demonic figure. He was in a daze for a moment, but he couldn't hide his guess. Even if he didn't take his own life, he, a loser, would still have to go to the altar of blood sacrifice to sacrifice the saint. king.

"Your Majesty——"

"There is no punishment today, but it is just an inconvenience to add some more losses to our clan."

The demonic shadow on the first seat twisted and swayed: "When the Holy King sees the light of day again, I will slowly get to know you."

The Demon Head's words fell, causing everyone in the Blood Hall to fall silent. Eclipse Owl opened his eyes wide, and before he knew it, cold sweat had soaked his whole body. He quickly lowered his head and said yes, not even daring to say a word of objection.

The demon leader ignored Xi Xiao, and Xi Xiao also understood that his matter was over, and immediately stood up and retreated to one side.

The demon leader had other things to do. Under the twisted demonic shadow, his indifferent eyes swept across the hall, and finally fell on the person with the weakest aura among them.

"Eclipse Yu."

The demon's voice was like muffled thunder, and his eyes were dim under the twisted demon shadow. When he heard the demon calling his name, the eclipse who looked a little strange slowly stepped forward.

"Your Majesty."

"Why do you look so bad? Aren't you asked to eat as much blood food as possible these days?"

The demon leader asked, but he couldn't help but make Xi Yu feel frightened.

As the strongest member of the Spirit-Devouring Clan, the Demon Leader's words are enough to make many demon generals surrender. The Spirit-Devouring Clan does not have as many rules as humans, but only one is an iron rule, and that is to obey the strong.

Eclipse hurriedly lowered his head, not daring to look at the demon head on top of the throne. He just said respectfully: "Some time ago, something unexpected happened. I met two human Dou Zong, one male and one female. Both have strange fire. In order to escape, I spent a lot of money, and I hope you will forgive me."

After hearing Eclipse Yu's explanation, the atmosphere around him suddenly dropped, and the demon generals around him were so shocked that they slowed down their breathing.

It was obvious that the demon leader was not satisfied with Eclipse Yu's words.

"...Dou Zong, Strange Fire, one male and one female?"

The devil's murmur was accompanied by the intermittent words that echoed in the hall, and everyone could feel the devil's anger.

The devil's memory is not that bad, and he never forgets what he heard, but it just made him angry. Obviously, the Douzong man and woman who were frustrated in his mouth were not the two people who destroyed their forward? ! When did human beings give birth to such two extraordinary strong men? ! Although his cultivation level is not that of Douzong, he can possess the ability to kill Douzong Demon General.

But fortunately, fortunately among the misfortunes, Xiu Yu is not as stupid as Xijiao. Although he is not at the peak level of Douzong, he is smarter than Xijiao at least, and at least he knows the principle of running away if he can't beat him.

"...That's all, as long as nothing happens."

The demon leader's tone slowly returned to a relatively calm state, and then said: "In that case, Eclipse Xiao, you can take Eclipse Yu to the Blood Sacrifice Altar and use some of the blood food you saved to replenish your energy and blood. "

Naturally, Eclipse Xiao did not dare to ask any questions, let alone any opinions. He just glanced at Eclipse Yu with a slightly surprised look, and a faint curiosity arose in his heart. This Eclipse Yu was really favored by his Majesty.

He didn't know where this eclipse came from, but judging from the fact that his cultivation at the peak of Douzong could reach the meeting where only Demon Generals were eligible to attend, it couldn't be any simpler. .

There was a cold light on Eyu's face, which made people look at it, but they couldn't help but feel cold all over.

"Time is running out, and the Holy King can't wait that long."

The demon couldn't help but look up at the top of the hall. Dirty red colors were mixed together and woven into a web, as if there were some living things, beating like hatched chicken eggs.


When Yao Wan and Xiao Yan opened their eyes again, the surroundings were as dim as ever.

This time they woke up with a tacit understanding, and opened their eyes silently. The first thing they saw was the other's eyes after the sleepiness gradually dissipated.

The first thing they saw after waking up was each other. Xiao Yan only felt that there was nothing else to ask for in this life, while Yao Wan could not help but give her a hug. Although she was already used to the feeling of being hugged by Xiao Yan, But she couldn't bear to be held in his arms and sleep all night again.

What was even more frightening was that this time she was neither angry nor impatient.

It was just because Xiao Yan had held him for too long and felt a little uncomfortable that he subconsciously struggled.


Yao Wan glanced at Xiao Yan silently, and Xiao Yan loosened his arms very wisely. The pretty silver-haired beauty in his arms then stood up and used his fighting spirit to sort out the pain he had been suppressed all night. A wrinkled plain skirt.

Xiao Yan was still lying on the large and soft pillow, looking at Yao Wan who was sitting by the bed and quietly taking care of his clothes. For some reason, he felt a trace of emotion as if he had had a spring dream without a trace. A common delusion.

However, Xiao Yan naturally did not dare to say this directly to Wan'er, as he would easily be regarded as a hooligan. Xiao Yan did not like to be regarded as a hooligan, but he was serious.

But this sense of déjà vu is indeed very strong. After finishing that thing, one person lies on the bed, and the other person gets out of bed to wash himself, then throws a wad of money, pats his butt and leaves.

But now, he was the one lying on the bed, and the one who was about to leave after washing up and patting his butt was Yao Wan.

It's over, I was prostituted by a bad woman for nothing, and it seems like she doesn't intend to pay her yet.

Xiao Yan cursed in his heart, and then raised the corners of his mouth slightly. Although Wan'er didn't say a word from beginning to end, he could tell that at least Wan'er's energy seemed to be much better.

Accompanied by the rustling sound of tassels colliding, Yao Wan lowered her head, put on the pair of azure earrings, and then inserted the hosta into the hair tied behind her head again.

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