Feeling Xiao Yan's gaze, a jingling sound of tassels colliding with each other came from her ears. Yao Wan couldn't help turning her head to look at Xiao Yan, but she also noticed that Xiao Yan was also looking at her.

"What's wrong?"

Yao Wan's tone was calm, as if nothing happened last night.

"Wan'er is so beautiful."

Maybe sleeping in each other's arms twice really made Xiao Yan a lot more courageous, he couldn't help but say.

"...Hmph, glib."

Yao Wan snorted disdainfully, but the corners of her mouth could not help but raise slightly.

Looking at the bright smile on the silver-haired beauty's face, Xiao Yan felt that his heart was about to melt.

"Still sleeping? Get up quickly. I don't want Han Shanshan to misunderstand me."

Yao Wan said casually, even though Yao Wan was reluctant to face it, I'm afraid Han Shanshan had already understood everything, otherwise why did she have such a tone last time? Even yesterday I was hinting at myself with my eyes.

"What's the misunderstanding?"

"It's not the last time...you bastard held me back and refused to let go."

Yaowan's tone secretly added a bit of embarrassment.


Xiao Yan smiled without saying a word or explaining. At this time, he just needed to keep smiling——

But just at this moment, a crisp knock on the door suddenly knocked on the silent door, and there was another pleasant sound of tassels clashing. Yao Wan turned her head and looked at the door, ignoring Xiao Yan, and said bluntly: "Han What does the hall master have to do with me?"

Naturally, there was Han Shanshan outside the door. Besides Han Shanshan, who would come to the Pharmacy Department to look for them at this time?

It's just that since the last time Han Shanshan suddenly appeared like a ghost, Yao Wan had an uncontrollable psychological shadow, and she was naturally frightened.

Since then, although Han Shanshan never knocked on Yaowan's door again, it did give her a memory.

Xiao Yan couldn't help but look outside the door curiously, but he heard Han Shanshan's voice faintly coming: "I'm not looking for you, Xiao Yan. Come to me after you get dressed. I have some pills here that I need your help to refine. "

Han Shanshan didn't say anything. As soon as she said these words, Yaowan's CPU almost burned out. No, what was she talking about?

"What...what Xiao Yan?"

Yao Wan's voice rose a little, full of panic.

It's just that Han Shanshan doesn't have the time or energy to play riddles with Yao Wan.

"There is no one in Xiao Yan's room next door. I can use my knees to figure out where Xiao Yan has been."

Han Shanshan mercilessly shattered Yaowan's pretense of stupidity, and then said in a tone of experienced people: "But you two are normal. Just be careful and moderate. It's not good to do too much... "

Yao Wan was silent, and then she looked angrily, saying that too much is not good! When did she do that with Xiao Yan!

Xiao Yan couldn't help but laugh when he heard what Han Shanshan said. He wanted to thank Han Shanshan in person for his assist. However, when Zai Wan's eyes fell on him, Xiao Yan was naturally sentenced to death.

After a while, Xiao Yan, who couldn't laugh, was kicked out of the room by Yao Wan. Before Han Shanshan could even see Yao Wan's expression, she could only see Xiao Yan standing in front of her with a sneer on his face.

An inexplicable smile appeared on Han Shanshan's face, and she took Xiao Yan to the alchemy.

"What are you doing to disturb you and your sweetheart from eating marrow and getting to know the taste?"

On the way, Han Shanshan joked that although she had never experienced that, she had never eaten pork before and had always seen pigs running away. Of course she had also heard that after young men and women had sex, they even woke up the next morning and had sex. Even if it’s not good, you have to eat the marrow to know the taste.

Xiao Yan shook his head: "That's not true. Wan'er and I are still innocent."

This can't help but make Han Shanshan a little surprised. If Yao Wan said this, Han Shanshan would naturally think that a girl is thin-skinned and would not believe it. But Xiao Yan said so, so they probably really didn't do it last night. what happened.

"No? Isn't it you who can't do it?"

Han Shanshan glanced at Xiao Yan suspiciously, and veins suddenly popped up on Xiao Yan's forehead. No matter how good-tempered others were, they couldn't stand it and said they were not good at this in front of a man.

"Oh, thinking about it, it doesn't seem to be that serious... Then you and Yao Wan slept all night and did nothing?"

"Wan'er seems to be worried, and I want to help her."

Xiao Yan explained in a calm tone.

"Yes, yes, I helped everyone get laid."

Han Shanshan spoke in a long tone, with a teasing look.

"On the other hand, Hall Master Han, why are you so concerned about the affairs between me and Wan'er?"

"Look after the younger generation, can't you?"

Han Shanshan asked back, without waiting for Xiao Yan's reaction, she said to herself: "For a girl with a personality like Yao Wan, sometimes you really can't be too gentleman. After confirming her feelings, you can be more proactive when asking questions. It's okay for a man to be shameless, otherwise her awkward temperament will hang on her for half her life. Why is it so when the years are wasted? "

Xiao Yan was startled, but couldn't help but laugh: "Hall Master Han still understands this?"

"I can't say that I understand it, I can only say that I know a little bit about it."

The two of them had arrived at the alchemy shop without saying a word, and the thick alchemy furnace and various elixirs had been prepared.

"You can use the medicinal materials here, but the refining efficiency must be above 50%. Is it possible?"

Han Shanshan couldn't help but ask, she was still a little worried about Xiao Yan's alchemy skills that she had never seen before. After all, fighting and refining are the same thing. An alchemist who can fight is not necessarily a good alchemist, and a good alchemist is not necessarily a good alchemist. He may not be able to fight... Oh, except for that guy.

"Well... I know a little bit about alchemy, so don't worry."

Xiao Yan picked up several medicinal materials with similar properties and threw them into the alchemy furnace. Han Shanshan couldn't help but curse in her heart. It was a ghost's knowledge that it could guarantee a 50% success rate for seventh-grade elixirs. One or two.

But just by looking at his subtle movements, it can be seen that Xiao Yan is by no means a novice.

When Han Shanshan saw that Xiao Yan was already planning to refine the medicine, she naturally did not intend to disturb him and silently stepped aside.

The five-color strange fire then began to refine elixirs. Although in Xiao Yan's memory, it seemed that he had not refined elixirs for a long time, it was okay, at least he was not too crafty.

Xiao Yan's face was illuminated by the changing light of five colors, and even Han Shanshan couldn't help but sigh with envy.

It’s really worth comparing people to others, and throwing away goods when comparing goods.

Even for a seventh-grade alchemist, getting one strange fire is already an incredible opportunity. As a result, Xiao Yan got five different types of fire as soon as he took action. It was like seeing a ghost.

But other than that, Han Shanshan couldn't talk about any jealousy.

When one's upper limit has been anchored from the beginning, those desires in people's hearts are like rivers that have lost their water source, and will only continue to dry up over a long period of time.

Therefore, at best, she was just envious of Xiao Yan's display of various strange fires.

In addition, his alchemy skills can't help but look familiar. Although alchemists can refine elixirs, being able to refine elixirs does not mean that every alchemist's refining techniques are the same. The sequential steps are All are subject to the alchemist’s own considerations and judgment.

It is precisely because of this that the art of alchemy is varied and different from each other, some are good and some are bad, some are good and some are bad.

Xiao Yan's alchemy skills couldn't help but feel familiar to her.

This was not the first time she had seen this kind of crude and delicate method of refining medicine.

Thinking of the conversation with Yao Wan some time ago, an inevitable suspicion suddenly emerged in Han Shanshan's heart.

The time to refine the seventh-grade elixir was not long, but it was not short either. As Xiao Yan finally used the power of his soul to fuse the hot medicinal properties, about ten elixirs were taken into shape in the elixir furnace. Xiao Yan couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. .

"Hallmaster Han, the elixir is ready."

"Ok, I know."

Han Shanshan responded, but her attention was not on those pills. Instead, she couldn't help but look at Xiao Yan, with a strong curiosity in her eyes.

"I'm curious, where did your alchemy skills come from? Who did you study under?"

Han Shanshan looked at Xiao Yan and couldn't help but ask.

Xiao Yan inevitably fell into a moment of hesitation.

"What's wrong? You can't tell?"

Han Shanshan saw Xiao Yan's hesitation and couldn't help but ask, but the doubt in her heart became stronger and she was getting closer to the correct answer.

"Well... when I was fighting with the teacher, I always had the habit of hiding my clumsiness, so the teacher--"

Xiao Yan struggled for a while, but thinking about it since he was in the Ruins of Oblivion, it shouldn't be a problem to tell his teacher's name. However, when he was about to speak, Han Shanshan frowned without any trace, as if she was laughed out of anger. .

“When did Yao Chen’s tricks become so numerous?”

Han Shanshan couldn't help but murmured in a low voice. Xiao Yan slowly opened his eyes. How did she know the teacher's name?

"What? How do I know your teacher's name?"

Xiao Yan's astonished expression was naturally what Han Shanshan had expected. She couldn't help but laugh. It was different from the previous teasing of Xiao Yan and Yao Wan. This time, she was filled with joy.

"I knew...hum, it's time for him to take on a disciple."

Han Shanshan smiled and murmured to herself, but Xiao Yan now fully realized that this girl Han Shanshan was probably old with the teacher.

Even...it's not just as simple as keeping old things.

Xiao Yan had an inexplicable premonition in his heart.

"What is the relationship between Hall Master Han... and the teacher?"

Seeing Xiao Yan's momentum suddenly weakened by half, Han Shanshan couldn't help but laugh. She didn't expect Xiao Yan's reaction.

"You brat, please call Master to come and listen?"

"Master...ah? What master???"

Xiao Yan opened his mouth slightly, but a very painful feeling surged in his heart. He couldn't have encountered such a bloody thing, right?

But no matter how much Xiao Yan resisted, he couldn't resist the fact that this was the case.

The corners of Han Shanshan's mouth rose: "Master is master. That kid Yao Chen has to call me master anyway. What's wrong with you calling me master?"

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