Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 444 Wan'er, don't do anything stupid

"Master... Grandmaster."

Xiao Yan didn't really have much resistance to this title, he was just a little speechless.

Who would have thought that this cheerful girl Han Shanshan was actually related to the teacher? She was young and beautiful, and she didn't seem to be from the same era as the teacher.

In the end, she was the teacher's master, so it was not a loss of face for me to call her Grandmaster, but it was still very unexpected.

"Yeah, you are too polite, hehe."

Han Shanshan smiled, and she was particularly happy that Xiao Yan was honest and admitted his defeat.

However, Xiao Yan quickly accepted this slightly absurd development, after all, he had experienced more outrageous things than this.

However, after the joke, Xiao Yan couldn't help but show a trace of curiosity on his face.

"How did Grandmaster and teacher... know each other?"

For some reason, maybe it was his intuition, or maybe it was just because he had experience, he looked at Han Shanshan's pretty face that had changed a little, and couldn't help asking.

"Ahem, ahem - let's just say, it's a long story."

Originally, he was a little proud that the legendary destined person was willing to call him his master, but after Xiao Yan asked this, his expression could not help but stiffen, which seemed a little unnatural.

"It's a long story?"

Xiao Yan tilted his head and gradually understood everything.

There was no need for Han Shanshan to explain anything more. As a person who had experienced it, Xiao Yan could naturally see at a glance that his master and teacher probably had some feelings that went beyond the normal master-disciple relationship.

As for evidence?

There is no evidence for feelings. There is no technology, it's all feelings. Xiao Yan saw it at a glance and there was nothing strange about it.

But before Han Shanshan could explain anything, clear footsteps came from far away, which made Han Shanshan stunned. Xiao Yan was not surprised at all. Who else could it be? Of course it was Wan'er.

Xiao Yan looked at the spiral staircase at the entrance of the alchemy room with a soft gaze, watching the beautiful woman in a plain Luo skirt appear in front of the two of them with light footsteps.

"It's quite lively."

Yao Wan couldn't help but tease, looking at Han Shanshan's embarrassed and helpless expression, Yao Wan's mouth corners slightly raised, and she felt a little proud.

She still remembered that Han Shanshan had been teasing her for a long time these days, and now the boomerang finally flew back.

Han Shanshan felt that her brows were so tight that she could squeeze a fly to death just by seeing Yao Wan's teasing expression.

There was no way, retribution was coming, and no one could stop it.

When she thought of this, Han Shanshan couldn't help but look at Xiao Yan, and she should let Yao Chen discipline this stinky boy again.

"I didn't expect that Hall Master Han actually had such a connection with Xiao Yan."

Yao Wan's mouth corners slightly raised, and she spoke so beautifully. It would be a miracle if Han Shanshan believed her words. This bad girl was just being mean because she said a few words a few days ago.

"Then... Master, can you tell me?"

Xiao Yan couldn't help but ask curiously. Unlike Yao Wan who deliberately disgusted Han Shanshan, Xiao Yan was really curious about the past of his teacher. In this mysterious Forgotten Ruins, it was the first time that Xiao Yan met someone who had a little connection with his teacher.

Han Shanshan couldn't help but slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air. It was not surprising at all, and it was also expected.

"Forget it... Since you want to know so much, I won't hide it from you."

Han Shanshan then told the story of everything between herself and Yao Lao, from their acquaintance, to their understanding, and then to the sudden end of saving him on the ice field.

Han Shanshan told all this very calmly, as if it was another person's story, and she was just the narrator.

After listening to Han Shanshan's self-narration, Yao Wan, who had expected it, and Xiao Yan, who had a complicated look, looked at each other involuntarily, and a sigh emerged in their hearts.

"So... there is such a story behind the teacher's Bone Spirit Cold Fire."

Xiao Yan looked at Han Shanshan with a complicated look, but he didn't expect that the relationship between the teacher and the master's grandfather was so unforgettable.

"The guy's story is actually more like a dream to me. Before I met you, it was still very vague, but I didn't expect that there would be a day when I would recall it unconsciously. The so-called fate is probably such a mysterious existence."

Han Shanshan breathed a sigh of relief. The secret that only she knew in her heart was no longer a secret, which made her relax a lot.

"So, why haven't I heard the teacher mention the master's grandfather?"

Xiao Yan's heart then emerged with a trace of doubt, because the master's grandfather died to save him and the blow to the teacher was too great?

But it doesn't seem to be that serious... The contradictory relationship between Han Shanshan and Yao Lao gave Xiao Yan a very strong illusion that the two of them were from two different worlds. From Yao Lao's perspective, it was as if Han Shanshan had never existed from the beginning.

"It's because of the final sacrifice... Is that right?" Yao Wan recalled the relevant details and said.

"Yes, as the price of saving Yao Chen, everything I have, whether it's life, fighting spirit, body, soul, or concepts, all the memories in Yao Chen's mind, have been erased."

Han Shanshan's tone was flat, which made Xiao Yan and Yao Wan's eyes more complicated.

"——Is it worth it? Even if the person you love is saved in the end, he will not remember you, and his existence will not leave any trace of yours."

Yao Wan's words attracted Han Shanshan's attention. She couldn't help but turn her head and look at the face of the beauty who would most likely become her disciple-in-law. Naturally, she also saw the complicated eyes in her pale golden eyebrows, which had experienced gray. After being burned by the Flame of Destruction, she understood something that she had never understood before.

Therefore, she naturally needs some advice from her predecessor, Han Shanshan.

Han Shanshan smiled.

"Of course it's worth it. People never judge success or failure based on results in this life. I saved Yaochen because I wanted to save him, not because of what would happen if I saved him. So, even if I have to pay such a price, I don't care. ”

"Besides, is there really no trace at all? Isn't the bone spirit cold fire on Yao Chen the trace I left behind?"

Her tone was full of joy and unrestrainedness. She looked at the slightly dazed Yaowan: "It's like - ah, let's forget it."

Han Shanshan suddenly recalled that Xiao Yan was still there at this moment, so it was naturally inconvenient to say anything more.

Yaowan couldn't tell what Han Shanshan was hinting at her, so she couldn't help but frown her beautiful embroidered eyebrows slightly.

Xiao Yan noticed the strange appearance of the medicine wand, but a trace of worry emerged in his heart unconsciously.

"You don't have to worry about me. It's better to say that I can live my life again. I already feel very contented and lucky. Although there is no drug dust here, there are still things that I need to do that are worthy of my sacrifice."

Xiao Yan and Yao Wan are naturally aware of what Han Shanshan is referring to, and this is even the purpose of Xiao Yan and the others now.

As she said that, Han Shanshan couldn't help but say: "In this life, people don't live just for one person or one thing. There are many, many important things, so sometimes, when making certain decisions, Qian Wan must think clearly that he can bear such a price and pay for his perhaps reckless impulse. "

Before Xiao Yan and Yao Wan could ask questions, Han Shanshan had already taken the initiative and said: "So I don't regret doing this. Yao Chen can see more scenery and people, which is enough to make me happy."

"Besides, being completely forgotten is not a bad thing. The Ruins of Oblivion is a place like this, specially designed to take in those lonely ghosts who have been completely forgotten. If not for this, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to have this miraculous thing." The second life... Put it this way, it’s a particularly fitting ending.”

Han Shanshan shrugged her shoulders, and she felt really relieved when she said it, which made her feel a lot more relaxed.

"Okay, I still have some elixirs that need to be refined, so I'll leave first. Don't disturb Xiao Yan's refining of elixirs, otherwise I will cause trouble for him when I get back."

Han Shanshan couldn't help but tease, and then left the alchemy room with a smile.

Yaowan heard the words and remained silent. She just raised her jade hand amidst the sound of Han Shanshan's leaving footsteps and grabbed it in the air. Several pills in the pill furnace flew out and fell into her palm.

"How do you feel after not refining medicine for a long time?"

Neither Yao Wan nor Xiao Yan had forgotten that Danhui was waiting for them.

"It's a bit unfamiliar, but I seem to have gained some different insights."

Xiao Yan said, just looking at the medicine, an inexplicable emotion gradually came to his heart.

"That, Wan'er."

"What's wrong?"

Yao Wan glanced at Xiao Yan subconsciously, but she had unknowingly gotten used to this affectionate name, and did not want to argue with him about it anymore. Xiao Yan would never change it even if he died.

"Don't do anything stupid."

Xiao Yan said something out of nowhere, which made Yao Wan laugh.

"Hmph, what are you thinking? Do you think I will treat you like Han Shanshan did to Yao Lao? Don't be stupid. For me, the best thing among misfortunes is that you don't do stupid things. Before you lecture me, you should at least first Mind your own business?"

Yao Wan chuckled lightly, looking at Xiao Yan who was full of worry in his eyes, but he just laughed it off. After all, it was not appropriate to refuse or agree at this time.

As for what she said, it is certainly true.

In the next few days, Xiao Yan has been refining medicine in the alchemy room, and has refined many elixirs. His understanding and attainment of medicine refining can be considered a further step.

It's just that these peaceful days really didn't last a few days, and a strong sense of uncertainty suddenly enveloped the two of them.

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