Yao Wan did not expect that the news between her and Xiao Yan would spread so quickly, and in a blink of an eye, she would become a thorn in the side of the Spirit Devouring Clan and a thorn in their flesh.

Xiao Yan is not surprised. He is regarded as a thorn in others' side and has been stabbed in the flesh countless times. Now it is not surprising that the Spirit Devouring Clan is targeting him.

The two stood together, but they had different thoughts in their hearts.

What Xiao Yan takes for granted, Yao Wan needs to make more turns.

However, even though the thoughts in their hearts are different, it does not prevent Yaowan and Xiao Yan from being connected.

"Tsk, why are there two demon generals?"

Yao Wan frowned slightly, feeling a little troubled.

"It doesn't matter, if one is killed, the other two are killed too."

Xiao Yan's answer made Yao Wan startled. She couldn't help turning her head and glanced at him. She even wondered if Xiao Yan had taken the wrong medicine. After all, in her memory, Xiao Yan seemed to rarely know how to do it. After saying such wild and arrogant words, he would prefer to seek truth from facts and never talk nonsense.

Because of this, Yao Wan couldn't help but said: "Look at your blowing, the cowhide is blown up to the sky."

Xiao Yan was not angry when he heard this, he just smiled gently and gently touched Yao Wan's soft fingertips. Probably only when they were fighting against the enemy together could he hold her hand openly like this.

When Yao Wan felt the force coming from Xiao Yan, she couldn't help but hummed, but she also held back her subconscious struggle and resistance.

Damn it, she found that she seemed to be getting more and more accustomed to the physical contact between Xiao Yan and herself.

From refusing to work together at the beginning, to turning a blind eye or closing an eye when the two were alone, and now holding her hand openly and openly, Yao Wan couldn't help but feel a little upset, forget it, this They are all needed to fight the enemy, there is no need to take them seriously.

"How can two demon generals win?"

Yao Wan couldn't help but ask, she had not lost her memory yet, nor had she forgotten what caused the black flames to burn her that night.

Killing one demon general is already a matter of life and death, now you want to kill two?

Yao Wan was a little hesitant to go all out and kill them all now. At the cost of burning and distracting him, he could certainly do it. He could even kill all the Spirit Devouring Tribes directly, but that might be a bit difficult. Maybe we can only kill a little more than half, after all, the time is too tight, it's not that we can't defeat them, we can't kill them all, we just don't have enough time.

However, just when thoughts like this kept surging in Yaowan's heart, Xiao Yan's grip on her hand became tighter. Xiao Yan looked at her with seriousness on his face.

Yao Wan didn't even know when this person discovered it.

Is it possible that when the different fire energies between them are fused, they still have the ability to communicate with each other?

Yao Wan swore naturally because she didn't know, not because she couldn't do it.

However, Xiao Yan quickly gave his answer.

"You promised me not to do anything stupid."

No, who promised you not to do stupid things!

Yao Wan wanted to answer Xiao Yan like this, because it would make her look more confident.

However, Yao Wan didn't say that in the end, she just gritted her teeth silently and gave up for the time being, the stupid thing of making everyone explode.

No, that's not a stupid thing at all, Xiao Yan just doesn't understand anything!

Yaowan was condemning this in her heart.

"give it to me."

Xiao Yan just whispered in Yao Wan's ear. She couldn't help but be slightly startled, and then subconsciously handed over her strange fire to him for use. Although she didn't know what this guy wanted to do, between the two of them, The trust between them was unconditional. Since Xiao Yan said this, Yao Wan suppressed the uneasiness in her heart without hesitation and merged her own power with Xiao Yan's power between the two of them.

This is probably the only thing that can be called a benefit after they experienced the fusion of different fires that night. With the different fires between each other as the foundation, the Burning Technique as the driving force, and the combined fighting spirit of the two as fuel, they can make the two Everyone burst out with a short-term surge of power that was like a secret spell.

Xiao Yan could even superimpose the Three Mysterious Transformations of Heavenly Fire on this basis, causing his strength to skyrocket again in a short period of time.

There are fatal shackles on fighting spirit and realm - the chasm between Douzong and Douzun also allows Yao Wan to share his own vision with Xiao Yan, so that he can also gain the true vision of a strong Douzun. .

Therefore, the energy in Xiao Yan's body is no longer a mere increase in quantity, but also a drastic change in quality. It can be said that Xiao Yan has almost become a powerful Dou Zun in a short period of time.

Realizing that Xiao Yan's aura suddenly changed from a weak Douzong to a qualitative one, the two demon generals in front of them immediately became serious.

Sure enough, this person whom the Lord named by name is not that easy to deal with. Using the Douzong realm to release the power of Douzun, such a person can do the same even in an environment where he cannot grow in the Ruins of Oblivion. It is a serious problem for the Spirit Devouring Tribe and must be killed quickly.

Then, the two demon generals looked at each other and understood what each other meant.

The fact that this man and woman can release the power of Douzong must be caused by the secret method. The man whose strength has climbed to the low-level Douzong must be difficult to deal with, and the woman whose strength is still stuck at the peak of Douzong is undoubtedly the weakness. Since in this way……!

One of the thick, fat demon generals rushed straight towards Xiao Yan, while the other demon general, who looked taller and thinner, silently approached the medicine man next to Xiao Yan.


The five-color strange fire collided with the overwhelming demonic energy. With the suppressive effect of this strange fire on the demonic energy held by the Spirit-Devouring Clan, the fat demon general in front of him was faintly suppressed by Xiao Yan, and the man could not help but open his eyes wide in shock. eyes.

He really saw a ghost. Who dares to believe that the real cultivation level of this young man who appears in front of him and challenges him is actually no more than a high-level Douzong? As a result, after using the secret method, he actually had the strength to fight head-on with the powerful Dou Zun, and even he, a veritable veteran Dou Zun, was suppressed at a disadvantage?

There is no concept of growth in the Ruins of Oblivion. Isn’t it scary enough for a Dou Zong who can turn into a Dou Zun in a short time?

With just one blow, the Fat Demon General put away all his contempt and tried his best to kill Xiao Yan.

With murderous intent surging in his heart, the Fat Demon General's offensive became more and more fierce. The vast demonic energy in his body roared like a torrential flood, and finally spurted out along with the crazy movement of the demonic core in his body. Wherever the demonic energy passed, the space collapsed. , the dark space cracks are overflowing, like a ferocious big mouth, and they are carrying countless disgusting demonic energy like tarsal maggots, attacking and killing.

The Fat Demon Lord's offensive that became fierce in the blink of an eye also caught Xiao Yan's attention, and a chilling smile appeared on his face.

The blending of different fires with Wan'er, the huge increase brought about by the Three Mysterious Transformations of Heavenly Fire, and the power of the different fires have made him not afraid of the so-called Demon General at all.

If he is afraid, let alone others, even he himself will not be able to tolerate it. This is the power of him and Wan'er!

"Boom——! Boom——! Boom——!"

In mid-air, two figures flickered like ghosts. Every time they came into contact, a loud noise would erupt. Violent energy storms continued to spread out, resounding like muffled thunder in the sky. This The intense battle scenes are so thrilling to watch.

On the other side, the fighting between Yao Wan and Slender Demon General was much quieter.

The demonic energy turned into a demonic soldier and collided with a golden stone mallet made of fragments, and emitted countless ominous streams of light that were either golden or dark purple. Among the countless broken streams of light, there were golden fighting spirit and dark purple. The demonic energy still showed no intention of letting go of each other, colliding with each other until they were annihilated.

The thin demon general was also a little frightened. He thought that after using this secret method to improve his cultivation, the woman would only be at the peak of Douzong. After all, there was a huge gap between them and them as Douzun demon generals, which was difficult to overcome, but they never Thinking that every hammer wielded by the woman contained a technique that only a strong Dou Zun could know, forcing him to temporarily avoid the edge.

What a hell!

It was precisely because they saw the obvious difference in strength between Xiao Yan and Yao Wan that the two demon generals, fat and thin, split into two groups and waited until the opponent's vital point, allowing the fat demon general with stronger defense and close combat to hold them back. Xiao Yan, who has faster attack power and speed, quickly dealt with this woman who didn't look that strong at first glance. At least one person died. The secret method was definitely self-defeating, and the crisis on the Fat Demon's side was naturally solved.

But he didn't expect that this woman could really compete with him head-on!

The Slender Demon General was shocked and angry, but at the same time he was inevitably secretly frightened. He couldn't help but guess that this woman was not a Dou Zong at all, but an undoubted Dou Zong strongman. Maybe it was because Douzong's strength will be revealed only due to reasons such as a decline in realm.

But the Thin Demon General thought about it carefully, no, this is not right. There will never be a state of regression in the Ruins of Oblivion. The living existence will only be the peak state of life. As long as one breath is left and given enough time, then it can He has returned to his peak strength, but what happened to this woman?

Is it possible? Is it possible——

Is it possible that this woman does not belong to the Ruins of Oblivion? !

When the Slender Demon General immediately reacted to this possibility, he even doubted whether there was something wrong with his mind to make such a whimsical guess.

However, the existence of Yaowan constantly challenged his cognition invisibly.

And if this is really a possibility——

Damn it! Damn it! Isn't that the person in the legend who responded to the prophecy?

Will the prophecy about humans, the Spirit Devouring Clan, and the Ruins of Oblivion really come true? !

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