Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 447 Black Sword Kills Demons

The speculation in the Slender Demon General's mind suddenly startled him.

After all, prophecy is really hard to predict.

It’s just that I would rather believe that it exists than that it doesn’t exist, especially regarding the victory or defeat of humans and their Spirit-Devouring Clan.

However, this is not a reason to be afraid. Instead, it only strengthens the idea that the Slender Demon will kill the two of them at this moment.

Since he is the destined person in the prophecy, he cannot stay!

"Soul-Eating Seal!"

The twisted demonic energy attracted countless twisted ghosts, wailing and wailing. The combination of resentment and demonic energy was even more terrifying, and finally turned into a huge handprint of a thousand feet, squeezing the surrounding space and bombarding the medicine. There, the space seemed to collapse and shatter, with the surrounding mountains collapsing and rivers drying up, all falling into the dark devil's cave.

Yao Wan's expression remained unchanged, she just raised the golden stone hammer in her hand high and then smashed it down with all her strength.

Suddenly, with the impact point of the golden stone hammer as the core, the entire space burst out with countless cracks and dazzling golden light, shaking the heaven and earth and shaking thousands of mountains.

And just when the soul-eating seal and the strong impact caused by the golden stone hammer collided, a violent roar spread.


However this is far from the end.

Under the demonic clouds that were randomly torn apart by the golden light and shrouded in the vast fighting spirit and demonic energy, two figures shrouded in blurred light sources collided fiercely. A terrifying and earth-shattering sound shot straight into the sky. The already overwhelmed demonic figure Yun was ravaged and torn apart, until nothing was left in the end. The battlefield that the two of them had forcibly opened up with their powerful fighting skills and strength was deserted. No one within a hundred miles dared to step in. It was so terrifying. Even an ordinary Dou Zun strongman may not be able to resist the impact of fighting spirit.

Damn it! What a hell!

Looking at Yaowan, who had been fighting with him for a long time without showing any signs of fatigue, the Slender Demon General could only describe his current fucked-up mood with the word "ghost".

He has never felt so troublesome when facing a real strong Dou Zong among humans. In the end, the opponent is just a Dou Zong who uses the power of secret methods to improve his cultivation. When he thinks of this, the Slender Demon General becomes more and more irritable. .


The full head-to-head confrontation with the Slender Demon General's magic seal shook the stone hammer, which caused a backlash of power and knocked the medicine back a little. However, there was a trace of bloodthirsty on the touching and beautiful face, as if it was like a blooming flower. The flower on the other side of the river is scarlet and enchanting, with its moving petals swaying slightly in the bloody wind.

Yao Wan had to admit that it was really interesting to fight with a free mind. There were no unnecessary emotions or skills. Everything was just to try every means to kill the other party.

Especially the last time she fought with that bitch from the Spirit Devouring Clan, because the gap was too big, she couldn't even fight her opponent properly. She just fought back like a poisonous snake's fangs before death. This frustrating style of fighting, She didn't like it at all.

Anyway, nothing will happen to Xiao Yan's side, so it will only happen to this side.

But compared with Yao Wan's relaxed and even crazy appearance, the skinny demon general's expression became more and more gloomy. Your Majesty has a destiny and must kill these two people. The fat man has already held the man back. , but now he can't even take down a woman, and his compatriots are still looking at him. If he can't even deal with a small peak Douzong, he can't afford to lose this person.

"Come on! Come on! Come on!"

Seeing that he couldn't take the medicine for a long time, the Slender Demon General finally snorted coldly and said "stop" three times, appearing to be extremely angry.

Yao Wan is not used to him, and she is not Xiao Yan. He is very angry, but he thinks she is a clay figurine.

"Hmph, it's just the power obtained from the secret method, but you don't think you can challenge me in front of me! Today, I will show you what a fighting master is and what a spirit-swallowing demon general is!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Yao Wan felt the crazy surge of demonic energy around him. Even the demonic clouds were completely gone, and only the enemy of the Spirit Devouring Clan was left in front of him.

The Slender Demon turned the anger on his face into a ferocious smile that was more dazzling and evil than the anger. The absorbed demonic energy was driven by the evil core, spurted out from his hands, and then turned into a strange viscous substance, which squirmed in a strange way. Amidst the disgusting sound of blood and flesh sticking together, a twisted, alien-shaped long knife fell into the hands of the thin demon general. This long knife was extremely strange. The blood had not dried up, and the internal organs, flesh, and bones were adhered to each other in a very strange way. At the same time, under the faint bone blade, the blade gently wiped the space, and cracks as thick as hair suddenly appeared quietly.

The thin demon general had a strange figure, holding the long knife tightly, looking at the swaying helix standing in front of him like leaves in the strong wind, and then, the cold and pale light of the knife flashed past.

"——Broken Soul!!!"

This space echoed with the scream of the Slender Demon General, and then the space was torn open. However, what was revealed from the cracks in the space was not the ordinary void, but a twisted and overturned demon sea!

In the demonic sea, countless wailings resounded, and the twisted souls of injustice, evil spirits, and blood filled the original pale sword light into a dazzling blood red, but it quickly lost its scarlet color, but that did not It's not that the pale color has been restored, but that this space has been stripped of the color it should have had.

"go to hell!"

The Thin Demon General smiled solemnly and slashed down with his sword. As the sword fell, the space in front of him was gradually being stripped of its color, as if everything had turned into a lifeless gray.

"...Death? You don't understand what real death is."

Seeing everything in front of her eyes turning gray bit by bit, Yao Wan sighed unconsciously.

"Want to escape? Huh, it's too late now!"

When Yao Wan said these words in a calm tone, Slender Demon General couldn't help but his heart was beating wildly, as if something very bad was about to happen, but his reason told him that it was just... After a few breaths, he could see the image of this pretentious woman completely destroyed. What did he have to worry about?


The corners of Yaowan's mouth raised slightly, revealing a quiet but extremely beautiful smile.

She won't run away.

He is the one who should escape.


With the beauty's palm suddenly exerting force, the stone mallet in her hand was once again crushed into pieces by the medicine wand. Then, black and red flames spurted out from the cracks in the stone mallet. Under this, everything in the world will lose its color, but there will only be that black-red flame that beats like a living thing.

The black is dazzling, the red is deep.

The flames climbed up to the crushed stone mallet in Yaowan's hand, and then continued to snake upwards. The stone mallet turned into the hilt of the sword, and the flames turned into the blade.

Huge, passionate, death, beating, all the words were gathered and condensed in Yaowan's slowly raised palm and the black-red sword that he was holding tightly, and turned into an ominous thing that made the Devouring Spirit Clan tremble.

This is called death.

"Let me show you what real 'death' is."

The beauty twisted her waist, so beautiful that others couldn't help but pay attention, but unfortunately, there were no other people around now, and what accompanied the twisting of her delicate body was the death that turned into a sword blade.

The black-red sword blade drew an extremely graceful arc in the sky, and slashed down a sword energy like a waning moon, piercing the sky.

The Slender Demon General slowly opened his eyes, and suddenly his eyes were about to burst. What kind of fighting skill was this? Why has he never seen it?

What frightened him even more was that if he couldn't catch the sword, he would die.

The Duanhun knife hit the day that looked so dark and scarlet amidst the gray and white without any fear. However, the knife seemed to hit a black hole, and suddenly disappeared without a trace, and the dazzling streak of The black and red sword energy, while streaking across the sky, reversed the gray and white color back to its original color.

The Thin Demon General was horrified. His sword was not as powerful as a human's heaven-level fighting skills, but it was at least as powerful as the peak of the earth-level. Why did it still have no effect at all?

The Thin Demon General did not dare to have any more questions. He just waved several swords in his hand and blasted at the sword energy, trying to intercept it.

However, all this was in vain, the sword energy still arrived as promised.

Without any resistance, or even a chance to ask for help from his companions, the Slender Demon General was split into two parts by the medicine wand.

The black flames acted as sword energy and neatly cut him in half. The vitality in his body was burned out by the flames of destruction in just an instant. There was no chance of recovery. Yaowan even deliberately kept his hand, deliberately not directly destroying his. He needs the evil core to study the demonic energy, and Xiao Yan needs to eliminate the huge energy accumulated by the evil core that eliminates the demonic energy and evil thoughts. Killing the demon general this time will not lead to nothing.

However, just when the Slender Demon General collapsed, Yao Wan saw the hateful eyes from the Slender Demon General.

Yao Wan didn't care who hated him, let alone the hatred from the Spirit Devouring Clan.

When the Slender Demon was about to collapse, Yao Wan stretched out her hand, trying to take the evil core into her bag, but she coughed a few times uncontrollably, feeling that everything inside was burning, and she felt extremely uncomfortable.

However, Yaowan still forcibly suppressed the backlash of the Flame of Ashes against her, turned her attention to the evil core, and stretched out her hand again.

However, this time, Xie Core seemed to have a mind of his own, ignoring Yao Wan's palm wind and flying towards the battlefield between Xiao Yan and the Fat Demon General.

Yao Wan opened her eyes slightly. Can a duck that reaches your mouth still make you fly away? !

She has always been the only one who robs others of their share. When has it ever been possible for something to escape from her own hands? Therefore, Yao Wan immediately chased after him without even thinking about it.

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