Yao Wan chased the evil core and broke into the battlefield between Xiao Yan and the Fat Demon General.

Xiao Yan and the Fat Demon General fought hard for a long time. The Fat Demon General's demonic aura was strong and his demonic body was extremely tough. Even in the face of strange fires, he was still able to resist. Even Xiao Yan's cultivation level could not be improved after the superposition of double secret techniques. Unable to catch up, the two of them went back and forth for hundreds of rounds, but neither could do anything to the other.

Xiao Yan, on the other hand, relied on the superposition of dual secret techniques and the power of strange fire, but he was not afraid of the demon general of the Spirit Devouring Clan.

And when the two sides were in a stalemate, the evil core and the green and beautiful figure broke into the battlefield where the two were stalemate.


Xiao Yan couldn't help being shocked when he saw Yao Wan. Did Wan'er solve it so quickly?

As a result, Yao Wan ignored him for a moment, her eyes filled with the evil core. When she noticed that the evil core was flying towards the Fat Demon General, infinite fear and an unknown premonition emerged in her heart.

We must not let that demon general get the evil core!

Yao Wan sped up, but the Fat Demon General refused to let her succeed. The thick body shook violently, and the entire space was followed by a violent shock wave like a huge rock falling on the surface of a lake. Yao Wan was already at the end of her crossbow. Wan subconsciously raised her hand to resist, but was swept away like fallen leaves in a violent storm.

Xiao Yan, who was following closely behind, was startled and quickly caught the flimsy figure that was blown away from behind. Yao Wan only felt a soft force behind her to resolve the strong impact.

But even so, the backlash caused by using the Flame of Ash Destruction again made it difficult for her to recover. Her throat felt sweet, and a trace of bright red blood slowly slipped from the corner of the beauty's mouth, adding a bit of fragile and fragile feeling to her.

"Don't be too impulsive...Wan'er?! Are you injured?!"

Xiao Yan didn't pay attention when he supported Yao Wan at first, but when he noticed something was wrong with the aura of the person in his arms, he just saw the blood on the corner of Yao Wan's mouth, and suddenly felt distressed.

"Is it that Demon General just now?!"

Seeing Yaowan injured, Xiao Yan only felt the pain was worse than his own injury.

"No...it's not him. He can't hurt me, but he used the Flame of Ash Destruction again...cough...it seems a bit too much."

Yao Wan silently opened her eyes. She didn't want Xiao Yan to see her, and she didn't want Xiao Yan to see her fragile and frail appearance.

"Stop talking about this now, heal your wounds, and leave the rest to me..."

Xiao Yan felt that his heart was bleeding when he saw Yao Wan's stubborn look that still refused to let go. He quickly took out a few pills and stuffed them into Yao Wan's mouth.


Yao Wan nodded slowly, her impetuous aura temporarily stabilized a little, but her pale golden eyes still looked at the entrenched storm of demonic energy unwillingly. It was really frustrating to miss a move and fall short of the success.

When Xiao Yan turned to look after Yao Wan, the fat demon looked at the dirty black prismatic crystal about the size of a duck egg with complicated eyes.

But he didn't say much, but grabbed the dirty black crystal and plunged it into his heart. The dirty black crystal suddenly merged with him, and the huge power made his eyes turn red. , let out an angry roar, and all the anger and unwillingness when the Slender Demon was killed poured into his mind and turned into his power.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

In the blink of an eye, the demonic energy and demonic clouds that had been completely burned by Xiao Yan's strange fire due to the battle with Xiao Yan suddenly gathered together and formed a fierce demonic energy storm.

In an instant, terrifying energy far exceeding the sum of the two fat and thin demon generals burst out. Xiao Yan couldn't help but look back, only to see the figure of the fat demon general directly breaking through ten feet, holding a bloody and twisted bone blade in his hand, as if he was coming. The terrifying evil god in the world.

"This is really a disaster..."

Yaowan weakly closed her eyes slightly. What she was most worried about had finally happened. Unfortunately, this classic transformation process probably had an invincible time, and she could not interrupt the spell casting.

"Xiao Yan, run quickly."

But it was obviously impossible to pretend that he didn't exist at this moment. Yao Wan reopened his pale golden eyes and said.


"You can't beat him—run."

Yao Wan only felt that what she was worried about was slowly becoming a reality: "I'm holding him back."

It was just a distraction anyway, and she was already mentally prepared to sacrifice this distraction for Xiao Yan.

"don't want."

Xiao Yan stubbornly shook his head, but gently pushed the medicine. The medicine was startled and suddenly became anxious: "What are you doing?!"

"What are you not doing?"

"I asked you what on earth are you doing?!"

Yao Wan's uneasiness became more intense.

"Kill all the people you want to kill. There's no reason to let go of the ones I want to kill, right?"

The corners of Xiao Yan's mouth raised, but deep down in his heart, he just felt that feelings were really wonderful, ten times and a hundred times better than pills and illusions that confuse the mind, so that at this moment, he was not afraid at all, and could even laugh.

He's really crazy.

"Idiot! Don't be a hero! You will die! You will really die!!!"

Yao Wan struggled to pounce on Xiao Yan, but found that there was a space barrier between herself and Xiao Yan, and it was still pushing her further and further away.

"At least you have some confidence in me? Does Wan'er have so little confidence in me?"

Xiao Yan couldn't help asking, but he was getting further and further away from Yaoyuan, leaving only a back that was getting smaller and smaller and blurry.

No longer caring about the medicine, Xiao Yan couldn't help but look up at the fat demon general who was as huge as a mountain in front of him.

"——Don't worry too much. After you die, she will come to accompany you."

The Fat Demon looked at Xiao Yan with cold eyes, and many emotions such as anger, unwillingness, and resentment were released from it, condensed into substance, and pierced Xiao Yan like a weapon.

"No, she will live well, and I will live well, and you will be the only one who dies."

Xiao Yan looked at the Fat Demon General and spoke word by word.

The fat demon general was too lazy to talk nonsense, and the bone blade in his hand was cold and gleaming.

Yao Wan has never hated her own powerlessness so much.

She had always only thought that her strength and cultivation were mostly used to protect herself and her clan from dying tragically in the changes brewing in the Soul Clan.

But Yao Wan did feel how disgusting the so-called fate was to trick people.

If he hadn't been cultivated by the Ruins of Forgotten Seal, Xiao Yan would definitely not be in danger. If it weren't for the Ash-Destroying Flame backlash, at least he could fight alongside him, and at least he could protect him.

But there is no if.

Yaowan's eyes were red, and there were ferocious streaks of blood in those beautiful pale golden eyes.

For the first time, an emotion similar to hatred appeared in her heart.



When the space torn by the bone blade passed by, Xiao Yan really felt the threat of death. Although it was not as pure as the death of the Flame of Ashes, death does not need to be so pure. Death is Death is enough.

Xiao Yan estimated in his mind that the original strength of this fat demon general was probably between a five-star and a six-star Dou Zun, which was not much different from the woman from the Spirit-Devouring Tribe. In fact, the woman from the Spirit-Devouring Tribe was actually a little stronger.

But after he took advantage of the evil core of the Slender Demon General, his strength soared to about eight-star Dou Zun in one breath, and he might even touch the threshold of nine-star Dou Zun.

This can't help but make Xiao Yan wonder if this fat and thin demon general has any relationship that is different from other spirit-devouring demon generals, or if it is the secret method of the spirit-devouring tribe, but after thinking about it, Xiao Yan probably doesn't think so. The outrageous secret method should be more related to the specialness between the two fat and thin demon generals.

But no matter what, the cultivation and strength of the fat demon general in front of him were clearly displayed in front of him.

Xiao Yan couldn't help but take a deep breath, and while trying to dodge every knife thrown by the Fat Demon General, he tried to fight back in the extremely short gap.

However, the Fat Demon General was originally an extremely physically powerful member of the Spirit-Devouring Clan, and could even resist the power of strange fire to a certain extent. After being supplemented by the evil core of the Thin Demon General, it became even more terrifying.

How to defeat this enemy? Xiao Yan was really surprised.

Most of the ordinary spirit-devouring clans are squishy with high attack and low defense similar to the thin demon generals. The reason why they appear to be difficult to deal with is because the demonic energy can have a huge advantage against the fighting spirit.

And this advantage disappears in the face of the violent energy of heaven and earth like Alien Fire. Therefore, Xiao Yan can overcome the huge realm gap and these spirit-devouring tribes. However, the Fat Demon General is not in the series and is used as armor by other spirit-devouring demon generals. To him, the demonic energy is just the least worth caring about, and that powerful and terrifying demonic body can even touch his face with the Flame Devouring Wave Ruler.

Even though this is the inevitable result of the huge difference in realm, it is a bit too outrageous.

However, Xiao Yan also knew that he actually had a way to defeat the Fat Demon General and even kill him with one blow.

The Fat Demon General did not mean any nonsense. The Thin Demon General was indeed dead. He died in the hands of Yaowan. There is no way to undo the death caused by the Flame of Ashes. Even if there is, it is not something that a mere Dou Zun can come into contact with. The presence.

The Thin Demon General is dead, but someone must complete and execute His Majesty's orders. But for the Fat Demon General, there is another reason to carry out the execution, and that is revenge.

To avenge the Thin Demon General, he wanted to use the Yao Wan and Xiao Yan's head to pay tribute to the Thin Demon General.

The urgency of Xiao Yan in front of him made the Fat Demon General feel a little irritated, but how long could he hold on?

Another ray of sword light fell, and together with several rays of sword light, Xiao Yan's movement and only space for movement were blocked.

Seeing that there was nowhere to hide, Xiao Yan simply stopped hiding and immediately activated the magic technique.

"——Glass made of gold!"

Following Xiao Yan's low shout and countless surges of fighting energy, a glazed image with a height of more than twenty feet and a light transparent luster blocked the sword light that eclipsed the world.

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