The glass virtual image blocked the sword light that divided the world, but inevitably there was a trace of ferocious cracks after the glass was broken.

Almost at the moment when the glazed virtual image blocked the sword light, Xiao Yan heard the sound of shattering on the verge of collapse.

No matter how powerful the Glazed Body Shaping Technique is, Xiao Yan has only just condensed the Glazed Virtual Image. It is naturally not easy to be able to break the Glazed Virtual Image and intercept the attack of the Eight-Star Dou Zun.

Xiao Yan's throat felt sweet, and a mouthful of hot blood spurted out of his mouth uncontrollably. The Liuli Body Shaping Technique did not have the risk of backlash caused by the shattered virtual image, but even the Liuli virtual image was completely unable to stop the terrifying sword light. After all, there is still a part of the power that Xiao Yan needs to resolve by himself.


Xiao Yan seemed to be choking on his own blood. He coughed twice, then turned his head and spat out a mouthful of blood foam, looking at the Fat Demon General with firm eyes.

The Fat Demon's eyes were cold, and a chilling aura came towards Xiao Yan like a mountain and sea. Xiao Yan no longer tried to confront him head-on, and turned around and walked away.

Just want to leave? Is it really possible to leave?

In front of the Fat Demon General, Xiao Yan had no room to escape.

But he does have the aura of counterattack brewing in his hands.

When Xiao Yan dodged, the Fat Demon would mercilessly draw a blade of light where Xiao Yan dodged.

However, what flew past the sword light was an extremely obscure black light, flying almost close to the sword light. The Fat Demon General frowned slightly and raised his hand indifferently, trying to swat it away like a mosquito. The palm struck and dispersed, but the black light did not dissipate at all like other strange fires.

Instead, he cut off the Fat Demon General's hand cleanly.

The strong demon body allowed Xiao Yan to use all his methods to cause no real effective damage. The strange fire could easily penetrate the demonic energy surrounding the fat demon general, but it could not shake the fat demon general's power. Indestructible body.

However, even so, the Flame of Ash Destruction could still cut off the limbs of the Fat Demon General regardless of the strength of his body.

Looking at the severed hand that flew out, the fat demon general couldn't help but be startled. He was obviously a little confused, or maybe the fusion with the thin demon general's evil core produced some side effects that might block the pain, so he didn't feel it for a while. After reacting, his hand was cut off easily.

The Fat Demon General had no choice but to use his soul to examine his severed hand, only to find that his severed hand lost all life the moment it was severed. In other words, this severed hand was naturally completely useless.

In this case, then growing another hand would be——

The Fat Demon General had this idea. However, his severed hand was scorched black and lifeless, as if he never had this hand from the beginning.

There was finally a ripple in the fat demon general's heart.

However, Xiao Yan has taken advantage of this opportunity to fuse his five kinds of strange fires together with the fire that belongs to Yaowan. Because the two of them have spiritual connections at the moment, they can temporarily borrow the flames of ash and annihilation, and once again merged into the terrifying ash and annihilation. Lotus.

It was just that the last time it took two people to unite their minds to succeed, the Ash-Destroying Lotus was now fused by Xiao Yan alone, but the price was naturally extremely terrifying and painful.

When he began to try to integrate the Flame of Ash Destruction into the five-color fire lotus, even Xiao Yan, who had just eaten a sword beam and was temporarily numb to pain, felt that every cell in his body was numb. Followed by pain, wailing, distortion, and no relief.

The black flames burned fiercely on his body, even more intensely than the fire lotus in his hand.

It hurts, it hurts, it hurts.

Xiao Yan was almost gritting his teeth as he thought silently, as if this could alleviate his pain a little.

Actually no.

You can't even hypnotize yourself.

The feeling of burning to the bone marrow and soul was even more painful and painful than when he was devouring the strange fire.

But Xiao Yan never had the thought of giving up. If asked why, Xiao Yan's answer was very simple.

In fact, Xiao Yan's ability to fuse the alien fire was much faster than the last time the two of them fused the Ash-Destroying Lotus.

A clear black lotus flowed from his palm, and then he threw it violently.

The Fat Demon General immediately noticed something was wrong with the black lotus, and without any hesitation, he fled further away. The Fat Demon General's perception of life threats was naturally particularly strong.

It's a pity that I can't run away.

Xiao Yan murmured in a voice that only he could hear, watching the black lotus thrown by him turn into a dark meteor, flying towards the escaping fat demon general at a faster speed.

First came the dim light, which became increasingly dimmer, then light, then sound.

----boom! ! !

The blooming light and flames were not as dazzling and dazzling as the fire lotus released by Xiao Yan himself before, but revealed an inexplicable darkness, as if everything had faded into nothingness before his eyes.

First came the fierce wind, then the abnormal dark light, and finally the black flame storm that was several thousand feet in size, which exploded in an instant. Looking from the bottom up, the storm seemed to connect the sky and the earth.

The lotus fire that had already killed one soul-devouring demon general was now tearing apart another soul-devouring demon general.

The fire storm is raging. If you look at the center of the Ash Fire Lotus explosion from a distance, the dark red waves of destruction spread rapidly like ripples at a speed visible to the naked eye. The wilderness in front of you begins to collapse. First, the fragile vegetation is as fast as being ignited by flames. Twisted and turned into ashes, and then countless demonic energies spontaneously ushered in a devastating annihilation phenomenon. Even the demons of the Spirit-Devouring Tribe who were hiding in the demonic clouds, waiting for opportunities but did not dare to approach rashly, even Without any reaction, the paper-like fragile body was transformed into a ball of pitch-black ashes under the hot wind at a speed visible to the naked eye in a flash of dark red fire.

It was the fat demon general who had fused the thin demon general's demon core, and his strength had soared to the level of the Eight-Star Dou Zun. When facing the fire lotus that was like a black hole blooming, his expression finally changed.

Even in the Ash-Destroying Fire Lotus used by Xiao Yan this time, due to the lack of the medicine to mediate it, the Ash-Destroying Flame directly overwhelmed the five kinds of strange fires belonging to Xiao Yan, just like those five kinds of strange fires. The fire turned into a mere fuse, existing only to detonate this extremely terrifying existence.

Xiao Yan, who was blown away by the shock wave, tried his best to block the impact, turned around and rushed towards the core of the explosion.

The increase brought to him by the double secret method was almost exhausted. Xiao Yan started to cough up blood while flying.

But he knew very well that the fat demon general might not die, and if he didn't die, he and Wan'er would die!

At the same time as his body collapsed, the blood dripping from Xiao Yan's forehead mixed into his eyes, making his eyes sour and everything he saw turned scarlet.

And the facts turned out to be exactly what Xiao Yan expected.

Even his own fire lotus didn't kill the fat demon general immediately, but even if he didn't die, it would be very miserable.

"Cough cough cough——"

The fat demon general coughed violently, spitting out mouthfuls of blood. The blood also contained some internal organ fragments. He lay quietly in the pool of blood, but waves of ominous black gas came out, and the light black The flames gradually extinguished the burning after leaving the body. However, even so, the fat demon almost burned away a large circle of his thick body with the ashes of flames, turning directly into a dirty black bloody man.

Obviously, whether it was internal or external injuries, the Fat Demon General was already extremely weak. If he were not careful, he would die without Xiao Yan's help.

But how can Xiao Yan feel relieved? A dying Eight-Star Dou Zun was enough to hold them on their backs before dying. Xiao Yan took out the Xuan Zhong Ruler, with black flames billowing on the Xuan Zhong Ruler, intending to kill them with one blow.

But the Fat Demon General still sensed Xiao Yan's murderous intent, and knocked away the Xuan Zhong Ruler in Xiao Yan's hand with one palm.

At the same time, the severed limb also circulated demonic energy, hitting Xiao Yan's heart.

Xiao Yan's eyes were about to burst with anger. He naturally knew that killing an Eight-Star Dou Zun-level demon general would be impossible without paying a price.


Xiao Yan's body once again burned with blazing black flames, but he used this to directly push the fat demon general who had lost a lot of weight to the ground. The fist burning with black flames mercilessly hit the fat demon general who had no human appearance. Ke Yan's face was smashed.

There was a dull sound caused by the violent collision of bones and muscles, as well as the sound of black flames burning the flesh of Xiao Yan and Fat Demon.

Xiao Yan gritted his teeth and concentrated on punching the Fat Demon General into a shapeless shape.

The Fat Demon General wanted to struggle at first, but found that he was unable to parry Xiao Yan's powerful, heavy punches with black flames after missing one hand.

Go to hell! Go to hell! Go to hell! Go to hell!

Xiao Yan had never wanted to kill someone so much.

Because if he doesn't die, he will die. If he doesn't die, Wan'er will die too, so he must die.

He didn't even know what was supporting his tattered body and was still smashing the demon into a pulp with his fists.

Until the devil completely stopped moving.


Xiao Yan panted heavily, but soon, he could no longer hear his breathing.

He fell into a piece of sticky, uncomfortable hot scorched earth, and his sleepiness became more and more intense.

Not long after, he felt something. No, according to his completely exhausted cultivation and soul power, he should not be able to feel anything now, but he just felt it.

Someone - no, it's her.

Her steps had never been so panicked, as if she was about to fall.


Dead silence, only dead silence in his ears. He couldn't hear any sound, but he should have been able to hear something. He just felt some salty water droplets on his cheeks dripping on the corners of his lips, soaking his chapped lips.

It's salty, but not fishy. It's not blood.

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