Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 451 Han Shanshan: The two disciples of a good mother-in-law

The Dou Zun strongman who was approaching could not help but be slightly startled. When he saw the bloody beauty in front of him hugging the unconscious destined person, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

As a Dou Zun, he was naturally aware of the movement caused by the explosion of the Ash-Destroying Lotus just now, and he also understood that the reason why the fat and thin demon generals who are extremely troublesome at the moment are so hated by these two people is probably the result of these two people. , is definitely worthy of the name of the destined person, but it’s a pity——

He didn't detect any life in the arms of the sluggish beauty, but he was afraid that the destined person had already——

Dou Zun, a strong man, sighed, then cupped his hands and said: "Young lady has fought hard until now. Let me take care of the situation here. The others will escort Yaowan back first."


Yao Wan's eyes were lowered, and the light golden eyes kept getting darker. It could be seen that Yao Wan was now at the end of his strength, and had even reached the point where the oil was exhausted. At this moment, he did not faint, but he was afraid that he would not be able to do anything. He just relied on his own willpower to hold on.

When the Douzongs next to the strong Dou Zun saw the appearance of Yao Wan, they couldn't help but feel a bit of respect in their hearts, and subconsciously wanted her to put Xiao Yan down, not to mention whether Xiao Yan could be saved or not. If Yao Wan is still clinging to Xiao Yan in such a physical state, he may not be able to make it back to Tianjian Mountain.

However, at this moment, Yao Wan, whose aura was a bit sluggish and was about to fall silent, suddenly glanced at everyone in front of him with an extremely vigilant gaze, and at the same time silently hugged Xiao Yan tightly in his arms. .

Yao Wan was now covered in dirty and bloody bodies. Coupled with her dangerous gaze that was even more terrifying than those of the Swallowing Spirit Clan, the Douzong who wanted to come forward to help were all rejected by her without exception. His eyes were frightening and he was not allowed to get close.

"...You...are not allowed to touch him."

At this moment, Yaowan looks like a female beast protecting its nest. Once anyone dares to approach rashly, Yaowan will definitely suffer a reaction-like counterattack from Yaowan.

But other than that, other people would naturally not have any objections to Yao Wan and Xiao Yan. They risked their lives to kill two soul-devouring demon generals who had the fusion of secret techniques to forcibly create the Eight-Star Dou Zun. Now they are obviously the answer after killing red eyes. No matter what angle they looked at, they naturally had no objections. At most, they could not help but feel a little pity for Xiao Yan who was dying in Yao Wan's arms.

"Okay, you go first, and I'll sort out the rest of the mess."

The Dou Zun who came to help left here first after saying that. Lord Tianhuo was okay, but the battle situation with Lord Yaogui was not optimistic.

Several Dou Zong nodded slightly, and then took the medicine leaves with Xiao Yan and left the devastated battlefield.

Xiao Yan in his arms never trembled from beginning to end. He usually hated this guy touching her, but at this time, when he didn't move, it made Yao Wan feel even more uneasy.

Even though Xiao Yan's vitality at this moment has been protected by himself with the flame of life and will not really dry up, it does not bring even the slightest peace of mind to Shi Wan.

On the way back to Tianjian Mountain without stopping, Yao Wan maintained a deathly silence from beginning to end, not speaking, and even her voice fell into deathly silence.

If those Dou Zong hadn't seen with their own eyes that Yao Wan's speed was not slow at all, and they didn't even see any signs of weakness or injury, and they all thought that this girl was probably going to die soon, then The life that is so thin to the extreme makes people feel a little scared when they see it.

But she still hugged Xiao Yan tightly and refused to let go for a moment.

Yao Wan carried Xiao Yan back to the medicine department, and returned to the stunned Han Shanshan.

Han Shanshan was shocked when she saw Yao Wan being injured like this but still bringing Xiao Yan back. In the end, she could only sigh helplessly. She was really not a family. She didn't enter the same family. She cared about the other person almost pathologically. is also like this.

Last time she said that Xiao Yan took Yao Wan too seriously, but now it seems that she said something incomprehensible without knowing it.

Seeing Yao Wan put Xiao Yan down, Han Shanshan temporarily took a pulse for Xiao Yan.

Just a moment later, the pretty embroidered eyebrows frowned unconsciously and never relaxed.

"He is injured... no, this is not called an injury at all. He is just hanging on to his life with only a trace of life left. This is no longer something that I and my elixir can save him..."

Han Shanshan lowered her bright eyes, finally sighed and said.

"...It doesn't matter, I'll save him."

Yaowan shook her head, and then tried her best to squeeze out a smile, but it just looked forced enough, and it made Han Shanshan feel very distressed.

"Don't talk about Xiao Yan for now. Look at yourself first. How can you be so good when your oil is exhausted?!"

"You are saving Xiao Yan now, how are you going to save Xiao Yan? With your life?"

Yao Wan was silent, but Han Shanshan soon saw the answer she least wanted to see from her pitiful face with slightly red and swollen eyes and gradually drying tears.

"Do you think Xiao Yan would like to hear such an answer?"

Han Shanshan couldn't help but feel a little annoyed when she saw Yao Wan's look in her eyes. How could the two of them still have the same stubborn temper? Xiao Yan did it, and so did Yao Chen! Is it possible that their surname is Yao and they are just a bunch of stubborn donkeys? !

"Whether he wants it or not is his business. I don't want him to die. I want him to live well. That's enough."

"Are you only thinking of ways to solve the problem that require someone to die?"

Han Shanshan glared at Yao Wan, but she was unwilling to agree with Yao Wan's statement, and then said: "I will heal you two, and so will you. Sit down and heal me!"

Yao Wan did not make any move, but when Han Shanshan was furious, she suddenly noticed a sudden surge of energy in Xiao Yan's body behind him, which began to flow from his heart to his limbs, activating Xiao Yan's meridians again. And bloodline, at least made his life, which was like a candle in the wind, much better.

Suddenly, both Han Shanshan and Yao Wan were stunned. Why was there such a power hidden in Xiao Yan's body?

Yao Wan was startled for a moment, then realized: "Is it the Yin Yang Black Dragon Pill?! That's great - it's finally put to use, right?"

"Yin Yang Xuan Long Dan? Why does the style of this name smell like medicine dust?"

"Because this is the elixir developed by Yao Lao. Xiao Yan took one a long time ago. The medicine's power will only be triggered when his life is hanging by a thread. After it is broken, it will stand up. Now, the time has come."

There was finally a hint of relief in Yaowan's tone, and then she took out three silver-gray crystals from the ring, one large and two small. The small one was only as long as a thumb, but the big one was as long as a goose egg, and revealed The extremely pure energy of heaven and earth made Han Shanshan's perception clear.

"Put these three crystals next to Xiao Yan, so everything should be fine."

Yao Wan's tone gradually returned to its usual calmness, but the turmoil and turmoil in her heart would not calm down so easily.

As Yao Wan's words fell, the vitality in Xiao Yan's body that was originally protected by the flame of life was once again like a bonfire under the medicinal power of Yin Yang Xuan Long Dan and the majestic crystallization of heaven and earth energy. After adding the best fuel , the fire that was about to go out suddenly burst into flames.

The energy of heaven and earth is transformed by the flame of life, and at the same time it is transformed into pure life energy, like a gentle stream, flowing through Xiao Yan's meridians that were completely abandoned under the burning of the Ash-Destroying Flame, making it glow with life again.

At the same time, the medicinal power of the Yin Yang Black Dragon Pill poured into the new meridians, and the residue in the meridians was completely washed away by the pure medicinal power, completely renewing it.

And this change is not even limited to Xiao Yan alone. Along with Han Shanshan's surprised whisper, a trace of energy belonging to the energy crystal flowed into Yaowan with the connection that has not completely disappeared between the two. All the meridians are dry.

Yao Wan was stunned for a moment, and then realized that it was the invisible connection between herself and Xiao Yan communicated by different fires. Because Xiao Yan was dying, how could she take the initiative to disconnect from Xiao Yan at this time?

However, the connection originally used to extradite the Flame of Life was now fed back by this life energy. Yaowan reacted and silently refined it with the Flame of Life, temporarily using it to fill the broken body.

With the passage of time, all the scars on Xiao Yan's body disappeared, leaving only the residue in the body and the turbid air transformed from the hidden injuries. It was extracted from Xiao Yan's pores, and the five-color strange fire burned blazingly, accelerating the movement of fighting energy in the meridians. , and constantly tempering his fighting spirit.

Han Shanshan looked at Xiao Yan's strange behavior and couldn't help but sigh: "After all, he is indeed a disciple of Yao Chen. This kind of thing really has his style... Yao Wan..."

Han Shanshan turned her head, only to see Yao Wan sitting down cross-legged without even realizing it, practicing her breath regulation.

"Ah, I'm really calming down now."

Han Shanshan couldn't help but let out a breath of turbidity, feeling relieved.

Time passed slowly, and seven days passed in the blink of an eye. The injuries in Xiao Yan's body had basically been completely healed, but he was still absorbing pure energy from energy crystals. Those two crystals belonged to the Dou Zong of the Spirit Devouring Clan. His evil core has long been absorbed, and the two demons have shrunk the fused crystal. The silver-gray energy in it is still condensing, helping him break through the shackles in one fell swoop.

Worried about causing trouble to Xiao Yan and Yao Wan, Han Shanshan silently left the room on the third day and sealed off the Yao Department for them.

Sensing the increasingly intense surge of energy, Yao Wan couldn't help but open her beautiful pale golden eyes, and saw Xiao Yan at the first glance, with a trace of trance flashing through her eyes.

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