Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 452 I’m back to sleep

After all, the yarrow did not absorb too much energy from Xiao Yan. After all, as long as the container is damaged, no matter how much water is put in the container, it will still leak out.

Therefore, Yao Wan only ensured that she would not collapse before she could confirm whether Xiao Yan was safe.

Therefore, after a few days of cultivation, Yao Wan did indeed calm down a lot. Thinking about it carefully, how could Xiao Yan die——


But even so, Yao Wan did not agree with this idea.

After all, people are made of flesh, and Yaowan cannot just sit idly by and ignore him. No matter what he says, this is the fact, and nothing will change.

Would she not save Xiao Yan just because she thought Xiao Yan would not die, because of the so-called necessity and destiny?

Even thinking about it, I knew it was impossible.

Looking at the figure with closed eyes and a calm face in front of her, Yao Wan already knew that Xiao Yan was in danger and even stood up from behind, better than before. The only question now was whether he could use the help of these two demons to fuse The evil core pushed his cultivation to the realm of Dou Zun in one fell swoop.

If it was possible, then Xiao Yan, who had once again superimposed the double secret method, would not be able to do anything to him even a nine-star level demon general.

With this in mind, Yao Wan noticed that the aura and majestic pure energy in front of her were shrinking, and finally condensed on the figure in front of her. The faintly terrifying aura also increased steadily. .

In the end, the aura was cleared, and a spatial ripple swept across it gently, leaving a spider web-like space crack, which quickly merged together at a speed visible to the naked eye. Finally, the aura that caused all the strange phenomena finally officially broke through. He broke away from the shackles of Douzong and officially entered the realm of Douzong.

Yao Wan was not surprised by Xiao Yan's promotion to Dou Zun. After all, Xiao Yan had already used her secret method to temporarily experience what Dou Zun felt like when facing the enemy.

With Xiao Yan's talent and knowing what Dou Zun feels like, it is not difficult to break through Dou Zun.

Yao Wan couldn't help but take a deep breath, tried to calm down her mood, and tried her best to look calmer - not to mention anything else, just because Xiao Yan saw her crying for him. It was too embarrassing.

When his breath gradually stabilized, Xiao Yan slowly opened his eyes, with a hint of mist appearing in his eyes. After a while, he gradually returned to normal clarity.


Xiao Yan blinked and murmured subconsciously.

Then he saw such a strange expression that he had never seen since he met Yao Wan.

Yao Wan looked at him straightly, as if she was shocked but also expected. Her pale golden eyes were full of coldness and indifference, but also tinged with worry. Her pale lips were slightly twitching. He sipped it, but hid it well, as if nothing had happened.

"woke up?"

"'s over?"

Various fragmented memories flashed in Xiao Yan's mind. He glanced around subconsciously, but noticed that this was Wanjian Mountain's Medicine Office, the room where they had stayed. How did he come back? What happened in the middle?

Xiao Yan knew nothing about this, so he couldn't help but blinked his dark red eyes and looked at the yarrow curiously. The meaning of it naturally did not need to be explained.

"...After you killed the demon general, someone came to replace you and me, so I took you back."

"You are not injured clearly, but it happened to trigger the effect of the Yin Yang Black Dragon Pill you took earlier, so you took this opportunity to break away from behind."

Yao Wan's eyes were dark, but he never showed any overly intense emotions from beginning to end, as if he was just explaining some trivial matter that had nothing to do with him.

"Really...that's it?"

"That's it. It seems that there is really no root cause of the disease after so much nonsense. Please stabilize your cultivation. The evil core energy of this demon general is too huge. It is already the limit to help you break through Dou Zun. If you continue to be dissatisfied, Absorbing breakthroughs only makes the foundation unstable.”

"The energy escaping from your body is enough for you to naturally rise to the level of two-star Dou Zun. Compress all this energy to the one-star Dou Zun realm and do not let it leak out."

"Huh? Isn't that uncomfortable?"

"It will be even worse for the body if it leaks out. Hold it in and don't let it leak out. Use the remaining energy to practice the Glazed Body Sculpting Technique."

Yao Wan seemed to have noticed the hidden meaning in Xiao Yan's words. Her brows with a hint of coldness wrinkled slightly and she said.

Xiao Yan chuckled, subconsciously making a joke to cheer him up, but he accidentally ended up like this. He couldn't help but cough lightly, and his dark red eyes silently avoided the Yaodian, which seemed to be looking at some large non-recyclable garbage. Eyes.

However, I have to say that the eyes full of contempt and disdain that Wan'er occasionally shows are even more unstoppable.

Xiao Yan couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Sure enough, men probably like darkness.

"...If you have such thoughts of talking nonsense, you might as well practice cultivation quickly."

After a moment of pause, Yao Wan still seemed unable to swallow the breath, and couldn't help but break the tacit silence between the two.

"Then Wan'er will also accept..."

Before Xiao Yan finished speaking, he saw the beauty in front of him suddenly stood up from the futon. A trace of anger inevitably appeared on the pretty face that was originally just indifferent and distant.

Xiao Yan had never seen Yao Wan with such an expression before, and he was immediately frightened and stopped talking.

"——Go out and practice on your own."

Yao Wan said coldly, Xiao Yan rarely saw her like this, which shows that Wan'er also rarely got angry.

"But this is my room..."

"Get out! Get out! Go!!!"

Although Xiao Yan didn't know why Wan'er's temper suddenly worsened after he woke up, he knew that Wan'er must be in an extremely bad mood at this moment even if he didn't have the eyesight to see, and he didn't want to be angry with her anymore.

"Okay, okay, Wan'er, don't be angry. It doesn't matter if you beat me to death. It won't be good if Wan'er is angry. I'll leave first."

Xiao Yan did not forget to give a warning before leaving, but he did not expect that his behavior would add fuel to the fire.

After Xiao Yan left, Yao Wan, who looked gloomy, subconsciously raised his hand to smash something to vent his emotions. However, the moment he raised his hand, he silently retracted his hand.

The things here don't belong to Xiao Yan. If they are smashed, they will be compensated to Han Shanshan. It's not like Xiao Yan is bleeding. How can she have anything belonging to Xiao Yan on hand?

Yao Wan suddenly thought of the azure earrings that Xiao Yan gave to her, which were still jingling on her earlobes, and the silver hosta tied behind her head.

……never mind.

When Yao Wan was sulking alone in the room, Xiao Yan went out. His soul perception, which immediately increased as he broke through Douzun, suddenly became stronger. At the same time, he also noticed Han Shanshan's traces.

Han Shanshan was undoubtedly a little confused when she saw Xiao Yan.

"Xiao Yan? You...have you really broken through Douzun?"

Xiao Yan nodded silently, and Han Shanshan felt a burst of crazy ecstasy. It took a while before she recovered.

"Okay, okay, go find someone else and have fun later."

Xiao Yan looked at Han Shanshan, but his eyes were inevitably a little complicated. To be honest, it was difficult for him to truly regard the outgoing and enthusiastic young woman in front of him as his master.

Xiao Yan was a little embarrassed when he thought of the teacher calling Han Shanshan master.

But now it’s time to get down to business, Xiao Yan said: “Let’s get down to business, how long has it been since the last attack from the Spirit Swallowing Clan? What happened? Wan’er... how did she bring me back?”

Xiao Yan naturally had some doubts in his heart, and at the same time he knew very well that there might be something hidden behind this, but Wan'er's expression naturally showed that she was unwilling to say anything, so even if he asked, it would be in vain, so there was no need. Asking for trouble.

It's just that he is inevitably curious, and more naturally worried - he is very clear about Wan'er's temperament. No matter how difficult it is, he is used to keeping it in his heart and not talking about it, which makes people secretly annoyed but helpless.

Han Shanshan looked at Xiao Yan, was silent for a moment, and then sighed softly.

"You really want to know?"

"Nonsense, I don't want to know so I won't ask."

"Tsk, I'm so impatient."

Han Shanshan clicked her tongue, but she didn't hide it from him.

"Then let me tell you... the matter has been resolved. Thanks to you and Yao Wan once again using the secret method to kill the fat and thin demon generals, the pressure on the eastern battlefield was greatly reduced. With the help of the third lord, Tianhuo Lord The leader killed a demon general, and the Demon Lord seriously injured a demon general. The other two battlefields were both victorious and unsuccessful, but the Swallowing Spirit Tribe did not invade. "

"As for the medicinal herbs..."

Han Shanshan felt the blazing gaze from Xiao Yan, and she didn't give in. "When I saw your good Wan'er, she was covered in blood, as if she had experienced some very bloody battle. She held you, and you just She has one breath left. She is better than you, but not much better. She held you back with just one breath. "

"...I also heard that when others came to pick you up, she refused to let others touch you, and seemed to cry or something, but I don't believe that a hard-hearted person like her would cry... But I didn't watch this It’s up to you whether you believe it or not.”

Han Shanshan's words caused Xiao Yan to fall into silence.


Xiao Yan was fine now. When all the movement outside the house fell silent, Yao Wan couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, but her body was trembling a little.

I was practicing a few days ago, busy repairing my distracted body, but now my soul power can no longer support myself to maintain a state of high concentration for a long time. I am afraid that tonight I will not be able to withstand the backlash of the flames of ash destruction. What happened...

Her body curled up slightly, and the burning feeling of the Ash-Destroying Flame was really uncomfortable. Maybe she should call Xiao Yan at this time...

But she hesitated for a moment, but still gave up the plan.

That's all, it's her fault.

Yao Wan comforted herself like this, but she heard a knock on her door. Before she could say anything, Xiao Yan walked in on his own initiative.

"I'm back to sleep."

Xiao Yan looked at Yao Wan who was obviously stunned and said word by word.

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