Yaowan felt like she was about to cry, but this time it wasn't out of concern, but out of pure anger.

But when she felt that Xiao Yan had indeed honestly moved her butt back, the terrifying touch that almost made her hair stand on end left her, and Yao Wan breathed a sigh of relief.

There was no way, this feeling couldn't be described in words at all. Yao Wan even felt an unspeakable sense of suffocation oppressing herself from beginning to end. Until this moment, her violent heartbeat could not calm down. Yao Wan fell silent. I don't even know what to say.

When Xiao Yan encountered herself in this way, Yao Wan realized that she had completely lost her ability and was scared to death. It was even more serious than when he had just taken a bite from him. At least one bite from him was just one bite. After all, Xiao Yan's appearance is also androgynous, his skin is good, and he is so familiar, so he feels more like being nibbled on because he is not used to it and doesn't like that feeling.

But this feeling is really completely different - Yao Wan has been living as a woman for more than 20 years now, and she thinks that she is used to the lifestyle of a woman. After all, she has lived in Dou Qi Continent for a long time. It's longer than there.

But getting used to life as a woman doesn't mean she needs to get used to this kind of thing!

Even now, Yao Wan inevitably has some lingering fears. If she hadn't had any problems getting along with others from beginning to end, she would have almost suspected that she had some hidden androphobia.

However, Yao Wan thought about it again, and it seemed that it was not that outrageous. It was more of a psychological reaction caused by many aspects.

"Ahem, it's just a physiological reaction."

Seeing Yao Wan's exaggerated performance, like a frightened little animal that was scared to death after seeing a predator, Xiao Yan was naturally less likely to have any evil intentions. Looking at Yao Wan's frightened face He couldn't help but explain.

"If you don't speak, no one will think you are mute!"

Yao Wan was trembling all over, not knowing whether it was because of anger or fear. Xiao Yan had no choice but to lie beside Yao Wan obediently to prevent her from having any stress reaction again.

To be honest, I have known Wan'er for ten years, and she still seems to be scared like this. Even when she faced the spirit-devouring demon general with him, she showed no fear at all. Xiao Yan couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable about her. The reaction was a bit strange.

But to be honest, Xiao Yan still felt that it was normal for him to react.

Lying on the pillow with Yao Wan, Xiao Yan felt that the faint virgin fragrance of Yao Wan lingered on the tip of his nose almost all the time, teasing his nerves. In addition, every time he hugged Wan'er's bumpy breasts tightly, With such a delicate body, Xiao Yan felt that it was impossible for him not to react, but the first two times he was either really in a hurry or he did a good job of pressing the gun.

Unlike this time, it was okay to hug each other. As a result, the two of them started kissing as soon as they got angry while talking. Gan Chai Liehuo was really not just talk. Xiao Yan didn't react until now. To be precise, he didn't react. Hiding is already quite patient.

Especially just now...

Xiao Yan couldn't help but take a few deep breaths, trying to calm himself down a little. He was really intoxicated after the kiss just now, and he even had the urge to untie the beauty's skirt. Fortunately, he calmed down in time. After coming down, Wan'er obviously had no idea in this regard, so she asked him to control his hand.

Impulsiveness is trivial, but if trust is broken, it will be difficult to get back together.

The two stared at each other, but finally sighed, and then slowly closed their eyes.

Yao Wan had hesitated to sleep separately from Xiao Yan. After all, what Xiao Yan did just now left a huge psychological shadow on her. But after all, it was Xiao Yan. If Xiao Yan couldn't be trusted, Then there are no trustworthy people in this world.

Therefore, under the urging of sleepiness and trust in Xiao Yan, Yao Wan quickly fell asleep.

She originally thought that she would be forced to wake up due to the backlash of the Flame of Ash Destruction not long after she fell asleep, but such a thing did not happen.

On the contrary, she did see the Flame of Ashes in the form of a dream, just like when she first came into contact with the Flames of Ashes. At that time, she was particularly flustered because she did not understand the nature of the Flames of Ashes. But now Although he understands the Flame of Ashes well enough, he still cannot avoid the pain and burning pain in his skin and flesh.

The moon and stars in front of us are sparse, but they are different from the extremely bright "night sky" in the Ruins of Oblivion. Instead, they are a dark night sky in the true sense. This makes me have never been exposed to the scenery in front of me for a while. Startled slightly.

The water below is as clear as a mirror, with shallow ripples blown by the breeze. Only when the medicine mandarin walks past, all the ripples blown by the breeze in front of him are covered by more intense ripples.

Everything in front of her was as usual for the time being, but the fierce fire burning on the horizon couldn't help but attract her eyes and attention.

There was nothing to think about, so Yao Wan walked towards the dark red horizon without thinking.

Yaowan had probably realized that this was his own dream, but he didn't want to break it in a hurry. For people with increasingly powerful souls, the role of dreams has become smaller and smaller. For Yaowan, even if she is distracted, she rarely dreams.

But for those powerful people who rarely dream, dreams have become a means of suggestion, often foretelling what will happen.

She did not pay attention to this kind of thing, but continued to walk towards the dark red horizon. What she finally saw was the scene where the twisted branches of the branches absorbed all the flames of ash destruction in front of her eyes.

Yaowan didn't understand what this meant, so he just watched the branches absorb the flames of destruction in front of him, until the dark red sea of ​​fire above the water in front of him disappeared.

When Yaowan slowly opened her eyes, it seemed that "one night" had passed, but this time she did not feel the strong burning pain remaining in her body, and the Ash-Destroying Flame still stayed peacefully in her body. There was no backlash, and Yao Wan couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

No, according to her expectations, this time it should have caused the backlash of the Flame of Ash Destruction. Why is it that now there is no reaction at all?

This is not because she has any sadism, she just understands that if something like this goes wrong, there may be more serious problems later.

But at the same time, Yao Wan also unconsciously thought of her dream. Was the Flame of Ash Destruction absorbed by that branch?

She raised her head with some worry, but saw Xiao Yan opening his dark red eyes.

She was slightly startled, and a suspicion suddenly emerged in her heart.

"Xiao Yan."

Yao Wan sat up from the bed. When Xiao Yan opened his eyes, he saw her serious expression and couldn't help but blink.

"What's wrong?"

"Let me take a look at the severed branch you showed me earlier, hurry up!"

Yao Wan said urgently, making Xiao Yan stunned for a moment.

However, Yao Wan's urgency also quickly dispelled the confusion that Xiao Yan had just woken up from. He nodded. Speaking of it, he almost forgot about that thing. When Yao Wan said this, he subconsciously used the power of his soul to check it. He explored his Najie, and when the power of his soul came into contact with the broken branch that was forgotten in the deepest part of the Najia, he couldn't help but froze.

"What's wrong?"

Yao Wan looked at Xiao Yan's slightly changed eyes and expression and couldn't help but ask.

"...I'd better take it out and show it to you."

Xiao Yan had a strange expression, and then got out of bed before taking out a small tree that was already full of leaves from the ring.

Yaowan raised her embroidered eyebrows and said, "I remember that this thing of yours was not a broken branch as long as a finger? How come it has grown so big?"

"I do not know?"

Xiao Yan shook his head. Yao Wan was surprised. He was not much better. He knew that the broken branch was alive and was still growing. The last time he saw it, it was almost as long as an arm. , but I didn’t expect that this thing would grow so big without knowing it.

Yao Wan remained silent, just following what he was thinking, a wisp of dark red flames of ash destruction ignited on his fingertips, and swayed in front of a small tree.

Looking at Yaowan's actions, Xiao Yan couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. Although this unknown broken branch could even withstand the burning of the strange fire, the destructive power of the Ash-Destroying Flame was something that Xiao Yan had never seen in his life. If this broken branch Being burned to ashes under the black flames didn't seem to be a particularly unexpected thing.

However, he did not stop Yaowan's inexplicable attempt. Instead, he saw the black flames swaying gently as he approached the lush branches, and gradually extinguished, turning into an invisible air that swayed gently in front of his eyes. Disappeared among the branches and leaves.

"It really is……"

Yao Wan murmured subconsciously, staring at the little tree in front of him with nothing special about it. In his dream, he absorbed the backlash of the flames of ash destruction, and it turned out to be such an ugly thing.

"Where on earth did you get something so outrageous?"

Yao Wan couldn't help but look at Xiao Yan.

"I don't know. I just wanted to make medicine for Medusa, but I found the wrong medicine. It looked so similar to Medusa that it ended up in my hands."

Xiao Yan also felt that it was very outrageous. He didn't even know about this strange thing on his body.

"...Forget it, just in case..."

Yaowan shook his head, thinking that he had to find a way to figure out what this thing was, so he picked off a leaf and put it into his Najie. He didn't know, but among the Yao Clan, whether it was the clan leader or The ancestors might know it, so let’s show it to them later.

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