Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 456 Preparation for War

But right now everything is just a sideshow.

After confirming the abnormality of the broken branch on Xiao Yan's body, Yao Wan just silently remembered this matter, but there were other things that needed to be resolved at the moment.

"You have been promoted to Dou Zun. How do you feel about your strength?"

Yao Wan couldn't help but turn her head and look at Xiao Yan, already acquiescing that everything that happened last night did not exist.

"It shouldn't be a problem for me to face the Demon General on my own now. With Wan'er's increase in power, it will be enough for me to defeat the Demon General after the fusion of the evil core without resorting to the power of the Flame of Ash Destruction this time."

"Yeah, that's fine."

Yao Wan nodded, and then went out with Xiao Yan to find Han Shanshan.

But before the two of them found Han Shanshan, Tianjian Mountain looked a little strange at this moment.

The white sea of ​​clouds above the head had an ominous darkness, and both Xiao Yan and Yao Wan noticed something unusual.

Before the two of them could make the next move, they heard Yun Potian's cold voice spread throughout Tianjian Mountain, causing the sea of ​​clouds covering the top of Tianjian Mountain to tremble a bit.

"All Dou Zun and Douzong members within the scope of Tianjian Mountain come to Tianjian Palace to discuss important matters."

As soon as the words fell, the oppressive feeling like a sharp sword hanging above his head dissipated.

Xiao Yan couldn't help but let out a breath of turbidity, and a flash of shock flashed in his eyes. The sword intent he felt when he went to Tianjian Palace last time was already extremely terrifying. He thought that with him breaking through Douzun, he would become the same as many powerful people. When he was in the same realm of the Venerable, he might be able to be more calm, but he never thought that the pressure from the endless sword power would not decrease but increase, which is really amazing.

Yao Wan glanced at Xiao Yan, but he was not as surprised as him, and then explained: "Dou Zun has a stronger sense than Dou Zong. When you were in Dou Zong, you sensed Yun Potian's sword intention, which was a glimpse of the leopard." , It’s just looking at flowers in the mirror, it can’t be taken seriously.”

"Then his strength...?"

"Anyway, he is worthy of his status as the strongest person in the Ruins of Forgotten Three Eyes."

Yao Wan's expression remained unchanged, naturally she already knew Yun Potian's strength.

"Let's go to the bottom of the ninth rank. I don't know if I have reached the semi-saint level, but I probably haven't."

"Nine turns..."

Xiao Yan murmured subconsciously, but he was not discouraged. He had looked up to Dou Huang and Dou Zong in the same way at the beginning. In time, he would stand at that height.

However, it was obviously not a convenient time to chat. After chatting, Xiao Yan and Yao Wan rushed up into the sky along with the strong men who followed the palace master's call and flew to the Tianjian Palace.

At the same time, Xiao Yan's fire-attribute aura, which belonged to Dou Zun and was particularly powerful, also attracted the attention of many strong men while flying in the air.

"Which venerable is this? He has a tyrannical fire attribute aura."

Some people couldn't help but sigh: "Except for Venerable Skyfire, only the four Venerables who guard the two realms in Tianjian Palace have such a violent fire-attribute aura. Could it be that he is another strong man with strange fire?"

Xiao Yan's speed suddenly increased and he broke through the clouds. However, while breaking through the clouds, his and Yao Wan's faces were clearly visible to many powerful men from the Heavenly Sword Palace.

"It turned out to be the man of destiny! The man of destiny who carries many kinds of strange fires, he actually succeeded in breaking through the realm of Dou Zun!"

"It is truly a miracle that has not been seen in the Ruins of Forgotten for thousands of years!"

"Great, with the help of the destined people this time, our human race will definitely be able to defeat the Soul-Devouring Evil Clan!"

Just the powerful fighting spirit that Xiao Yan subconsciously released at this moment, which belongs to the powerful Dou Zun, was enough to make the atmosphere at this moment extremely exciting and even boiling.

Xiao Yan naturally did not pay attention to this. After a moment, he took the medicine wand with him and walked through the clouds, tearing apart a series of tiny spaces and arriving at the magnificent Tianjian Palace.

Outside the Tianjian Palace, Xiao Yan saw hundreds of strong men with Dou Zong cultivation gathered here, including ten people with Dou Zong cultivation.

Xiao Yan and the others were the ones who came relatively late, and most of them had already arrived. Because of this, the movement caused by Xiao Yan just now was naturally seen clearly, and it naturally included the three people who were related to Xiao Yan. Some powerful Dou Zun people came into contact with.

Seeing Xiao Yan and Yao Wan approaching, they couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Although it has long been confirmed through the mouth of Lord Tianhuo that Xiao Yan is indeed the destined person mentioned in the prophecy, the difference between practicing skills and improving cultivation is not huge.

Therefore, when Xiao Yan officially ascended to the realm of Dou Zun, even they were inevitably shocked and surprised. They were shocked that the prophecy was true, and they were surprised that the shackles that they had been unable to break through for thousands of years were easily broken by him.

"Speaking of which, maybe this fate can really be broken from them."

Venerable Demon Ghost said, causing the other Venerables to nod secretly, undoubtedly agreeing with his judgment.

"Speaking of which, it's really thanks to Sky Fire that we were able to discover them."

"Gold always shines everywhere. They originally had plans to come to Tianjian Palace. It's just a matter of speed. No matter where they are, they will naturally show their unique value and characteristics."

Lord Tianhuo shook his head. In his opinion, he really couldn't say that he had any merit. He was just fighting for the human race, and he couldn't say that he had any merit.

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Yan brought Yao Wan to the ten sages headed by Lord Tianhuo.

"To stand up after being broken, to be able to enter the Dou Zun, Xiao Yan is really good at it."

Lord Tianhuo smiled.

Xiao Yan handed over his hand and said, "It all depends on chance. Fortunately, I did not disgrace my destiny."

Xiao Yan couldn't help but look at the performance of the Dou Zun in front of him and nodded secretly. After so many years, this seems to be the first so-called descendant.

Yao Wan did not intend to disturb them, but turned her head and looked at the closed door of Tianjian Hall, waiting for the rightful master to appear.

Xiao Yan and the other venerables were not just talking about each other, they naturally also talked about some important matters, such as the fight outside Tianjian Mountain eight days ago, which might have attracted new spirit-devouring demon generals. Come on, in addition, although the defense lines in the other two directions have been defended, the demonic energy has also invaded there. If the strange fire is not used to disperse it in time, it will turn into demonic soil soon. This is a very serious invasion of demonic energy. The entire Nearly half of the normal territory of the Ruins of Oblivion disappeared like this.

Because of this, two Dou Zun strong men who also possess strange fires have immediately gone to purify. Although there are already ten Dou Zun strong men gathered in Tianjian Mountain at this moment, half of them are still guarding. On the territory that divides the north and south in the Ruins of Oblivion.

Then, with an extremely dull roar, the heavy door of Tianjian Hall slowly opened.

Everyone's eyes couldn't help but look at the young man who slowly walked out of the door, but the sword intent that unconsciously stirred up the sea of ​​clouds made it impossible to ignore him no matter what.

"Meet the Palace Master!"

Hundreds of strong men who had just started in the Douzong realm saluted Yun Potian. This was not a courtesy, but a due respect and heartfelt recognition for the strongest man in the Ruins of Forgetfulness.

"You don't have to be polite, let's get down to business."

Yun Potian didn't feel the slightest bit happy because of the crowd above the sea of ​​clouds at this moment. He just frowned slightly and raised his hand to press it, and everyone in front of him fell silent.

"When the demon fetus is about to move, I'm afraid something big will happen to the Spirit Devouring Clan. Dou Zun within the Tianjian Mountain area needs to be on guard at all times."

"Besides, I'm afraid the demon leader won't be able to sit still."

Yun Potian's voice was mixed in the howling wind, leaving only silence.

"I will deal with the demon head by myself! In addition, I will leave the rest to you. I hope our race will continue and our bloodline will last forever!"

Yun Potian thrust his sword into the ground of the hall in front of him, cutting iron like clay.

"I hope our race will continue forever and our bloodline will last forever!"

After this mobilization was over, the strong men in the Douzong realm returned to their posts one after another to face the upcoming disaster mentioned by the palace master. Only Xiao Yan and many people headed by Lord Tianhuo were left behind. Dou Zun is a strong man.

"Is the Demon Head really going to take action?"

Lord Tianhuo looked at Yun Potian and couldn't help but said seriously.

In fact, there are no secrets in Tianjian Palace, and even the demon fetus that Yun Potian has been waiting for is no secret. Anyone who has lived on Tianjian Mountain for a long enough time will know that there is such a thing, and it will naturally correspond to it. , regarding the Spirit Devouring Clan and the demon leader, they all understood what this meant.

"I'm not sure, but it's true that the magic fetus is moving. It's probably because it can't wait to be reunited."

Yun Potian said in a cold tone, frowning slightly.

All the fighting masters were silent. Although they had never understood much about how terrifying this devil fetus was, they knew Yun Potian's strength. Yun Potian guarded him tightly and regarded something as a formidable enemy. How could it be possible? Something simple.

"If nothing unexpected happens, within two days at most, the Spirit Devouring Clan will definitely take action. By then, the Demon Head will most likely appear with the other half of the Demon Fetus."

Yun Potian expressed his judgment on what was going to happen next, and then said: "The other demon generals still need you to bear more responsibility."

"When the time comes, there will probably be at least fifteen demon generals descending here, and Xiao Yan may need help."

Yun Potian looked at Xiao Yan, and Xiao Yan nodded slightly: "I will live up to my destiny."

"...Let's not talk about it for the moment. At least, with the Heavenly Sword Formation here, it is not a big problem to hold others back. The biggest problem is actually you, the palace master. You need to seal the demon fetus and deal with the demon head at the same time. Why not hurry up and get the four Lord Yan will send a warning to Wanjian Mountain as soon as possible, so that I can share your pressure."

As soon as Lord Yao Gui finished speaking, everyone responded, but Yun Potian interrupted.

"It doesn't matter, they still need to guard everywhere and don't take it lightly. Besides, you don't know how powerful the devil is. He is not something you can deal with."

"Then what are the chances of the palace master winning against the devil?"

"——Ten percent."

"I have a 100% chance of winning!"

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