Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 457 The Possibility of Leaving

After that, Xiao Yan and the others actually didn't have much extra time to rest. Everyone began to prepare to face the demon leader who might come to Tianjian Mountain soon.

After all, that is the existence that opposes Yun Potian among the Spirit-Devouring Clan, and cannot be underestimated in any case. Just like many Spirit-Devouring Demon Generals are always surrounding Tianjian Mountain, but they are not really directed at Tianjian Mountain. Just like before, the spirit-devouring demon generals subconsciously avoided Yun Potian's existence, just as human races rarely took the initiative to step into that sea of ​​demons.

Although Xiao Yan did not hold any position, he could still be regarded as half a pharmacist. Therefore, when leaving Tianjian Palace, he and Yao Wan approached Han Shanshan.

It's just that as the head of the Medicine Hall, Han Shanshan is very busy now.

"Ah - it's you. Unfortunately, my elixir schedule can hardly keep up. If you can, you can come together and help me."

Yao Wan and Xiao Yan did not refuse.

"The war is about to begin, why are you still here with me?"

Han Shanshan said casually, while Yao Wan also said in a calm tone: "Why don't you do anything? I'm just here to accompany the lonely old man."

"Hmph, I'm not like you young people. I haven't experienced so many things and I'm still so impulsive."

The corners of Han Shanshan's mouth raised slightly, but she was not angry at all.

Seeing Han Shanshan lowering her head to sort out the documents, Yao Wan's heart was filled with ripples unconsciously. Driven by this inexplicable emotion, Yao Wan couldn't help but said: "By the way, you haven't thought about it... no. What to do if you are alone?"

"You're not alone...what do you want to do?"

Han Shanshan was slightly startled when she heard this and asked subconsciously.

Xiao Yan couldn't help but slowly opened his eyes. He understood what Yaoyuan meant.

"What Wan'er means is, Master, do you want to go out? Go see the teacher?"

Xiao Yan suddenly came to his senses and couldn't help but say, his brows flashing with some emotion.

"Oh - you are talking about this."

Han Shanshan was stunned, but she shook her head: "Although I have always been annoyed by you two, I really want to thank you for this issue."


"But thank you, thank you. I appreciate your kindness, but I think I probably won't be able to leave with you. The people in the Ruins of Oblivion are, in the final analysis, just forgotten undead. No matter how strong or weak they are, they can't leave with you." Having my own second life in the Ruins of Oblivion is already a very lucky thing for me. If there is anything else, I actually don’t have extravagant hopes. After all, I, a being who is destined to be forgotten by everyone, can live again. , which is already very fortunate.”

Han Shanshan gently shook her head and said, just as she spoke, her eyes kept drifting further and further away, as if she suddenly thought of something in the midst of her words.

"As for Yaochen...he has come all the way anyway, and he must have gotten used to living without me, so I'd better not disturb him."

Han Shanshan's answer made Xiao Yan and Yao Wan stunned and surprised, but it seemed to be inexplicably crisp and clear that was unique to her.

"Are you worried that you won't be able to get out or simply don't want to see Yao Lao?"

"...Why are you asking me this?"

"If you're worried about the former, then maybe I can do something about it."

Yao Wan said that although her soul power was far from reaching its peak, her research and attainments on souls already boasted that they were no less than any veteran powerhouse.

"Then let's wait until it's time for you to leave."

Han Shanshan coughed lightly and simply put this slightly difficult question behind her.

Seeing that Han Shanshan didn't answer, Yao Wan didn't push her, and it wasn't destined to be a life-or-death separation, there was no need to make it so sad. Others could forget about it. Yao Lao was her elder after all, so Yao Wan still had to do this favor. of.

Soon, the day passed in a busy manner, and the entire Tianjian Mountain began to set up corresponding protective measures. The most eye-catching one was the formation of giant swords that were pierced throughout Tianjian Mountain. Even if the Cang Yun Final Star Formation that is activated by the eyes has not been activated, the giant sword that is higher than a hundred feet is enough to attract attention.

And while everything was still busy, the vast sea of ​​clouds above Tianjian Mountain was now dyed with a trace of ominous color.

The sky suddenly darkened. Yao Wan and Xiao Yan even thought that the sun had set and it was getting dark. This instinct that they were still not used to in the Ruins of Oblivion made them unconsciously interpret everything they saw. Blame it on the weather.

However, they soon realized that this was not a simple change in the celestial phenomena. It would be better to say that there were no normal celestial changes in the Ruins of Oblivion. Most of the extremely large-scale celestial changes were often caused by those powerful people.

It's just that the movement of the Swallowing Spirit Clan is often bigger, because when they appear between the normal world and the earth, they will inevitably start to convert fighting energy into demonic energy, polluting the entire world. This instinctive reaction has already The hostile relationship between the Swallowing Spirit Clan and everything in the Dou Qi Continent was destined.

It's just that the sea of ​​clouds in front of me gradually turned into demonic clouds in just a moment's breath, and it had already covered the entire Tianjian Mountain. Such power must be unique even among the entire Spirit Devouring Clan.


However, just as this demonic energy was spreading along the magic cloud to the entire Tianjian Mountain, everyone heard someone snort at the top of the cloud. Then, the sharp and terrifying sword intent was fully unfolded, killing everyone in an instant. In response to the countless demonic energy that spread, countless demonic clouds also returned to the sea of ​​clouds of the past, and the boundless demonic energy was suddenly compressed to the original point.

Seeing that all his demonic energy was wiped out by the sword, the man couldn't help but snorted coldly.

"Yun Po Tian."

The dull demonic sound swept away the sea of ​​clouds, allowing everyone on Tianjian Mountain to see the numerous demonic shadows opposing Yun Potian above the sea of ​​clouds. They were superimposed together, as if they were shadows intertwined by countless darkness, but they were You can vaguely see the outline of a human figure, and just one look at it will make you tremble all over. After this, if you practice, you will easily go crazy because of catching a glimpse of this demonic figure that shouldn't exist.

"I haven't seen you for a thousand years, but you're not dead yet."

The demon leader sneered and looked at his old friend in front of him, nonchalantly expressing his extremely strong malice and murderous intent.

If you were to say who the human being you hate the most in the world is undoubtedly Yun Potian, the lunatic who forcibly entered the Demon Heart Palace, cut himself to paralysis with a sword, cultivated for thousands of years, and divided the demon fetus into two pieces with a single sword. Second, hinder the Swallowing Spirit Clan’s plan,

Thousands of years of old and new grudges have passed, and this grudge remains unforgettable.

"Good people don't live long, but evil stays for thousands of years."

Yun Potian couldn't help but shook his head: "I am not a good person, but you are a complete scourge. If I let you spirit-devouring tribe go unchecked, I will die a few years later."

"It doesn't matter. Today is your day of death. You have to protect the human race for thousands of years. I think you are tired, so I will relieve you of this heavy burden!"

The demon leader sneered, causing Yun Potian to shake his head: "It doesn't matter, you come today and it will save me more travel. After my death, there will naturally be a successor among the human race."


When the demon leader heard this, he suddenly became a little silent. The search of his spiritual thoughts that spread to the entire Tianjian Mountain almost instantly captured the most special existence among them.

A Dou Zun looks like he has just made a breakthrough not long ago.

When the demon leader noticed something quite bizarre, he almost thought that he was seeing something wrong, but he never thought that he would actually see someone break through the shackles of the ruins of oblivion.

"Oh I got it."

The demon leader's attention suddenly focused on Xiao Yan. Xiao Yan suddenly felt a terrifying sense of oppression locking onto him. The biting cold air came from all directions. Although there was nothing in front of him, Xiao Yan felt as if he had fallen into an abyss. Generally, he was forced to subconsciously summon his own strange fire to resist a wave of pure malice.

He couldn't help but look up at the terrifying demonic figure at the top of the cloud. Even though he had broken through to the realm of Dou Zun, Xiao Yan still felt like an ant when facing the pressure of the demonic leader.

The devil's head couldn't help but murmur to himself as he suddenly realized.

"It turns out that you are the human being they mentioned as being the destined person in the legend. No wonder you have some skills that can make many demon generals suffer hatred at your hands."

"I have to say that you do have some talents. If you look at the outside world, you are probably a unique genius. It's a pity that since you have come to the Ruins of Oblivion, you will be buried in the Holy King together with the human race here. Reborn under the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood!"

The demon leader was about to kill Xiao Yan with a single thought, but Yun Potian's sword was faster than his declaration and action.

Just when the demon leader was about to crush an insect to death, a bolt of sword energy that was almost solidified came out, forcing the demon leader to point the spearhead at Yun Potian again, and the demon energy and sword energy collided together. , stirring up sword energy and tearing apart the sea of ​​clouds.

The devil snorted coldly and couldn't help but look down at his hand. A shallow sword mark gradually disappeared in the twisted flesh.

Most of the pressure on Xiao Yan suddenly disappeared. He couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, but he couldn't help being shocked. The demon leader wanted to attack him but he couldn't even resist.

"You attack others in front of me. I see that you have been recovering from injuries for a thousand years, and your brain is not much better."

Yun Potian's eyes were cold, he looked at the demon head in front of him, slowly drew his sword, and his momentum suddenly changed.

"We're all going to die, so why bother deciding who comes first and who comes last? That's all, since you want to die, I will help you!"

After saying that, countless twisted demonic shadows suddenly appeared from behind the demon head, covering the sky. Almost the entire sky was filled with terrifying demons.

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