Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 459 The End of Cause and Effect

When the demonic energy in front of him surged in like a tide, Xiao Yan was not afraid. He just lit up a raging fire on the dark outfit, and silently burned the demonic energy in front of him completely. net.

Xiu Yu, who had felt the power of Xiao Yan's strange fire to some extent, couldn't help but look solemn. Xiao Yan's strange fire was completely different from the strange fire he showed when he was fighting against the sect.

If Xiao Yan's strange fire in the Douzong realm was at best annoying and troublesome to many demon generals, now it has become a real hot potato that they dare not touch casually no matter what.

The essence of strange fire has never changed, and its real terrifying power comes from its violent and destructive nature.

But now, the gap between Xiao Yan and them has been leveled. The strange fire, which was already very troublesome for the Spirit-Devouring Clan, has naturally become more and more powerful as its master improves, such as the Lord Skyfire and the Guardian who hold the Fallen Heart Flame. The Four Flame Venerables around the Ruins of Oblivion all have their own strange fires. However, without exception, they are all outside the top ten on the strange fire list. But even so, what Dou Zun holds The strange fire is already a very terrifying threat to the Spirit-Devouring Clan.

For example, Lord Tianhuo, with his five rounds of Lihuo Technique and Fallen Heart Flame, even the spirit-devouring demon generals who are stronger than him have to shake their heads when they see him. The alien fire's restraint on the spirit-devouring clan is so great that it only needs to be placed on it. Within the same realm, there is a huge advantage. If the enemy is strong and we are weak, it can be a draw. But if we encounter someone weaker than him in terms of physical strength, we can't even think about running away.

As for Xiao Yan, a genius who can fuse five different fires, unless his Majesty takes action, no one will have the guts to say that he can win with certainty.

The Swallowing Spirit Clan side threw a rat weapon and regarded it as a formidable enemy, while the human race group headed by Lord Tianhuo cheered for joy.

Just standing there can drive away all the demons. How can people not be shocked by such courage?

Faced with the declaration of the Spirit-Swallowing Clan, Xiao Yan didn't care at all. He just held the Xuanzhong Ruler tightly in his hand and stood in front of the formation, with the five-color strange fire burning on his body and the glazed virtual image behind him with angry eyes. It can be said that one man is in charge. No one can open it.

Xiao Yan slowly exhaled a breath and said, "Who among you comes first?"

"Bold, even a low-level race dares to be arrogant!"

Xiao Yan's extremely calm and thin tone seemed to trigger some kind of bottoming out, causing a demonic figure to suddenly fly out from the group of demons who had just been silent. Without any nonsense, it was a killing move, and it was directed at him like this. Xiao Yan came to his heart. He subconsciously used the Xuanzhong Ruler in his hand as a shield. While blocking the blow, he also noticed that as the demonic shadow flashed past, several demonic figures shot at the same time. Obviously, there was no trace of them. Give yourself a chance to breathe, just to make yourself hateful on the spot.

Xiao Yan sneered. The abacus was struck so loudly that the beads fell off his face.

As those demonic shadows approached, Xiao Yan's figure flickered. The demon generals took action together, but they only captured a shadow that quickly disappeared in the air, as if Xiao Yan had made a ball of foam directly on the spot. , just disappeared.

Several demon generals suddenly opened their eyes wide, as if they had seen a ghost and were in disbelief - even Dou Zun's spatial movement could not achieve this level!

Xiao Yan's figure flashed through the folded space, and then appeared silently above the heads of the demons. The surging fighting spirit ignited the strange fire, and the five-color fire flow roared like a roaring fire dragon. Roaring, then they gathered together and condensed into a fire lotus.

A five-color fire lotus flowed out, and the speed of fusion was far beyond everyone's imagination. It was almost just a breath of time. When the fire lotus in Xiao Yan's hand slowly flowed, it inevitably widened at the same time. His eyes were filled with fear of the strange fire.

Xiao Yan directly threw the small fire lotus in his hand. Although it was a fire lotus that he simply fused in order to pursue faster fusion speed, its actual power was far more terrifying than the fire lotus from the Douzong period.

In an instant, the sky changed color, the demonic clouds boiled, and countless demonic energies twisted and evaporated under the heat of the strange fire, as if they were extremely unwilling but helpless.

The few demonic figures closest to Xiao Yan rushed out without hesitation, fearing that if they were accidentally exposed to even a trace of burning strange fire, it would bring great pain to the Spirit-Devouring Clan.

As Xiao Yan threw the fire lotus, several fighting masters joined the battlefield one after another, and the sky was filled with fighting and chaos.

And with the leadership of Xiao Yan and the assistance of Cangyun Final Star Formation, in a short period of time, they actually suppressed the group of demons in front of them.

At the same time, five thousand miles away, the outcome was still unclear.

The sword edge swept across, the demonic energy was extinguished, and the aftermath alone leveled a series of surrounding mountains, rivers and other landforms to the ground.

The demon leader is undoubtedly more powerful than Yun Potian in terms of cultivation. The growth of the Spirit Swallowing Clan is far from a problem that needs to be worried. If it were not for the shackles of the Ruins of Oblivion, his upper limit would have been locked.

I am afraid that he has already broken through the shackles of Dou Zun and relied on the countless creatures in the Ruins of Oblivion to become the next Soul-devouring Demon Saint.

The two of them were facing each other, sword intent and demonic energy colliding with each other, as if they would explode at any moment. Suddenly, Yun Potian took action quickly, and thousands of sword energies were like a rainbow, heading straight for the demon head, and they had been entangled here for thousands of years. In front of his old rival, he naturally could not be willing to show weakness. With a wave of his robe sleeves, a door to hell seemed to open in the void in front of him, releasing countless evil ghosts and resentful spirits. The demonic energy surged in like a dark ocean, swallowing Heaven bites the earth.

The sword energy Changhong hit the countless evil ghosts and resentful spirits, and the torrent washed them away.

The demon leader took advantage of the opportunity to bully him and came straight to Yun Potian's face. Yun Potian showed no fear and slashed with his sword, causing waves of violence.

The moves of the two became more and more ferocious, and the confrontation became more and more thrilling. Yun Potian danced with the three-foot green blade in his hand, and every blow was like a strong wind and rain, unstoppable; and the devil showed no weakness, every time he made a move Demonic energy and unsettling screams of terror erupted together, making the surrounding air become as gloomy as water.

The two intertwined, and the breathing became more and more urgent.

"Hahahaha! I wonder what you can do, but it's just tricks from thousands of years ago! It's just a ninth-level Dou Zun, but it's just a bigger ant!"

After thousands of confrontations in the blink of an eye, the demon leader who had figured out Yun Potian's true identity couldn't help laughing loudly, looking particularly arrogant and proud.

"Hey, you are probably the first half-saint to be killed by me, the ninth-turn Dou Zun, to the point where he can't find the north, right?"

Yun Potian was not as calm as he was at the beginning, his eyes staring at the demon head made him particularly irritable.

"Hmph - let's see how long you can keep your words!"

The irritated demon leader shouted angrily, and the demonic energy gathered in his hands, obviously he didn't intend to hold back.

Yun Potian's expression was solemn. He knew that he could only compete with the demon head who was a semi-saint in terms of pure destructive power and lethality. He obviously couldn't compete with the demon head, whether it was a demon fetus or a demon head. The demons besieging Tianjian Mountain at this moment did not allow him to waste too much time, so it was inevitable to force him to decide the winner in a short time.

For example, the needle point against the wheat awn at the moment was the opponent's biggest flaw. The three-foot green blade in Yun Potian's hand buzzed, but the surging sword intent gradually returned to calm.

Silent and formless, only the demonic energy in front of him became more and more turbulent. He seemed to have turned into a lonely boat in the storm on the sea in the blink of an eye, and seemed to be swallowed up at any time.

After a short period of energy gathering, everything collapsed in the demonic tide, like a mountain and sea.

"Demonize the world!"

At this moment, Yun Potian, who had condensed all his sword intent and fighting spirit, took a deep breath, and suddenly gathered all his strength. After that silent calm, he slashed out with a sword, and the sky and the earth turned pale with a silver line. There was a slight flicker between heaven and earth for a moment, and the demonic tide that swallowed up heaven and earth was actually split into two.

"——Qingfeng kills evil spirits with one sword."

Yun Potian's voice sounded faintly, more like the wind, floating directly into the world in front of him.

At this moment, the sword edge tore through the demon tide, and the tide was split into two by Yun Potian's sword. The extremely threatening light suddenly pointed at the demon head, and the bright light illuminated the entire world. There is no reason, and I don’t know where it comes from. It just shines so brightly that people can’t open their eyes, as if everything is the end.

After the demon tide, the demon leader opened his eyes in disbelief, but was shocked to realize that he was only half of his body left.

Yun Potian's face was as pale as paper, and the demonic flames on his body were constantly extinguishing, but he still seized the opportunity at this moment and killed the demon first.

However, the demon leader showed no fear when he saw Yun Potian's appearance.

"Demon head, suffer death."

"It's a little early to say that you will die, Yun Potian."

The devil sneered and then said.

Yun Potian suddenly understood something: "So, you have another secret hand in the Spirit-Devouring Clan... The other half of the demon fetus must no longer be in the Demon Heart Palace. For thousands of years, you have been dedicated to regaining my side. If you work hard as a half-devil fetus, it is impossible for you to keep the things in the Demon Heart Palace, but they are not on your body. Otherwise, I am afraid that I will have to exchange them with you. "

"Unfortunately, even if you react, it will be in vain."

The demon leader realized that his evil core had long been shattered by Yun Potian's sword. It was impossible to hold Yun Potian back. At most, he could say a few more words to hold him back for a while.

Anyway, they should meet again soon.

"The human race is extremely weak. Now that only you are left with a disability, it is destined to be impossible to restore this situation. You have already lost - I will wait for you in hell."

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