However, even with Xiao Yan here, it is difficult for two fists to defeat four hands. The number of demon generals has an absolute advantage. Naturally, Xiao Yan alone cannot save this situation.

Along with a deafening roar, there was an inevitable cracking sound in the formation. In the end, a big hole inevitably opened in the Cang Yun Final Star formation.

The venerables were not too panicked. After all, they expected that the Cangyun Final Star Formation was not a foolproof strategy. Now that the palace master has been dragged down by the demon leader, everything naturally depends on them.

Therefore, all difficulties at the moment need to be overcome by themselves.

There is no need for anyone to give orders. Douzong, who has already practiced countless times in countless years after joining Tianjian Palace, has imprinted all these developments in his mind, swarmed forward, and used his strongest killing move to deal with it. Targeting the gap in Cangyun's final star formation, as long as someone dares to step forward, they will naturally receive their good reception.

"Hmph, you are stubbornly resisting!"

Seeing that even if Cangyun Zhongxing's formation was broken, those fighting sects were still fighting to the death, a demon general took action brazenly, preparing to kill them all directly.

But since there was a demon general taking action, there was naturally a venerable person who wanted to protect him. A golden light struck, forcefully forcing the demon general to block his own energy storage, and he was so shocked that his eyes were about to burst.

"you wanna die!"

Outside Tianjian Mountain, there was a bloody storm.

But Yao Wan went to Tianjian Palace alone. She still had something to confirm about the demon fetus that they rarely mentioned.

But when she entered the Heavenly Sword Palace, she felt a different aura from when she first entered the Heavenly Sword Palace.

That is……

Yao Wan did not doubt that he was there and continued walking towards the depths of Tianjian Palace. When he crossed the hall and came to Yun Potian's extremely simple bedroom, Yao Wan didn't even subconsciously use the power of his soul to search. I saw a crystal with the function of taking pictures that was randomly placed on the desk by the original owner.

There is no doubt that that is what Yun Potian left behind, and it is obviously not an unintentional thing, but a deliberate existence.

Yao Wan silently picked it up and injected her own fighting spirit into it. Yun Potian's figure sitting on the futon was then projected by the crystal.

"If this image crystal is used, it probably means that it has really developed to this point."

Yao Wan looked at the phantom sitting on the futon and frowned slightly. It was obvious that Yun Potian might have anticipated everything that would happen now, and even left a corresponding answer for this. ,?

A trace of doubt arose in Yaowan's heart, but she also knew that a dead object like a shadow crystal would probably not be able to answer questions and answers from a living person like her.

So she waited quietly for Yun Potian's answer.

"When you activate this thing, I will be able to come back, but I am afraid that the oil will be exhausted. Therefore, when it comes to the magic fetus, I may still need to ask you to wipe my ass, Yaowan."

The slender jade fingers holding the image crystal suddenly tightened a little. How could he know it was him? How could Yun Potian be so sure that he would come here? And not someone else?

Following Yao Wan's momentary confusion, Yun Potian explained.

"Actually, this is not that difficult to guess. The venerables and Xiao Yan need to deal with a group of demons, and Xiao Yan will probably not allow you to take risks. It is inevitable that you will come to Tianjian Palace. I will consider it It’s my fate for you, but I don’t think you will recognize my statement.”

Yao Wan couldn't argue with this point. She and Yun Potian couldn't talk. This was the consensus they reached after their first conversation.

"That's all, don't talk about this anymore, come with me."

Yun Potian's figure on the futon swayed for a moment, then stood up from the futon and led Yaoyuan towards a place deeper than this simple residence.

Yao Wan took the photo crystal and followed him.

"I can't help you in the battle with the Demon Head. The most I can do is prevent him from coming back alive and make things worse for you. In addition, the purpose of the Spirit-Devouring Clan's invasion of Tianjian Mountain is to destroy the Demon Fetus. Become whole again.”

"The Demon Fetus is an existence that is older than the third Ruins of Oblivion. It may have existed during the first and second times."

"Essentially, it is probably a resurrection method left behind by a very important key figure in the Spirit-Devouring Clan."

Yun Potian's shadow led Yao Wan into a deep tunnel, going downwards in a spiral shape, until a huge hole appeared. With the hole as the center, a silver-gray sword formation released a huge amount of energy. The Cangyun Final Star Formation in the outside world is even more powerful with sword intent, suppressing the evil beings sealed here all the time.

Yao Wan couldn't help but turned her head and looked at the center of the formation. Under her sight, which was distorted by the sword energy and became unreal, there was a dark purple light moving in it. In other words, this was The fetal movement of the demon fetus.

The two of them approached the sword formation, and finally approached the core of the seal. A twisted piece of flesh about the size of a football was squirming all the time, but its original activity was cut away time and time again because of the existence of the sword formation. , but it squirms and grows tirelessly. One side is killing, the other is multiplying, maintaining such a strange balance.

She could even imagine that in the past thousand years, since Yun Potian split the demon fetus into two parts in the Demon Heart Palace, and since he sealed the half of the demon fetus with countless sword intentions, the disappearance between the two This situation has lasted for more than a thousand years.

"Although I sealed the demon fetus to ensure that the devil could not continue to use this part of the demon fetus to do bad things, I also ensured that the demon fetus would no longer be complete and would not be born again after a long time. The first is the powerful Swallowing Spirit Clan.”

Yun Potian crossed his arms and frowned slightly as he looked at the sword formation seal and the demon fetus in it that had been repeated for thousands of years without changing.

"But if I am gone, the sword formation here may not be able to last for long."


"So you're counting on me?"

Yao Wan knew that Yun Potian would not give any response because of her rushing to answer, but she still couldn't help but murmured.

"I have heard from Hall Master Han and Elder Tianhuo that you possess a special kind of fire that is close to death in nature, which may prevent future troubles forever."

"My sword intention can seal and suppress it, but it is difficult to kill it. Thousands of years of waxing and waning have not wiped out the vitality of the demon fetus. And if I die, this sword formation will only last a hundred years at most. But if Tianjian Palace is destroyed, there will be no point in continuing to seal this demon fetus."

"So, I hope you'll give it a try."

Yun Potian let out a long breath and said: "I know this is not easy for today's cultivation level, but it is also a helpless move. It has nothing to do with the righteousness or not, and it is only a matter of your thoughts."

"Hmph, that's nice to say."

Yao Wan shook her head, but even though she was unhappy, she didn't come up with any big truths to oppress others.

As for not helping, Yaowan herself knew that it was impossible. If nothing else, Xiao Yan was still fighting bloody battles outside, how could she leave him alone? Yaowan didn't care about other things, but how could he not care about Xiao Yan.

"I can't hear your answer, I just hope you agree. If you agree, if you throw your strange fire from the southeast, the sword formation will also protect you."

When Yao Wan heard this, she silently sacrificed the Ash-Destroying Flame in her body.

Yun Potian slowly exhaled a breath and said: "Besides, it's hard to say whether there will be any back-up plan left by the demon leader on the side of the Swallowing Spirit Clan."

A black lotus blossomed quietly at Yaoyuan's fingertips. As she released the flames of ash destruction, she could clearly feel a particularly fearful feeling coming from the demon fetus sealed by the sword array.

It is no surprise that the demon fetus, which even Yun Potian cannot do anything about, is still afraid of the end of everything in the world.

"After going round and round, have you finally reached this point...?"

Yaowan sighed quietly, but did not slow down her movements.

She had a hunch that the demon fetus in front of her was definitely not a good thing, and only after it was solved, everything would come to an end. But it was really hard to say what the Ruins of Oblivion would look like by then.

Black flames poured into the interior of the sword formation from the southeast of the sealed sword formation, facing the weird and terrifying demon fetus. However, just when Yao Wan was about to take action, she actually felt a trace of thought coming from the demon fetus.

That is not a wavelength that humans can understand, but it can probably be understood as a meaning similar to surrender and begging for mercy. Not only that, the devil fetus is even willing to be marked with a soul mark and surrender to her.

It's a pity that Yao Wan feels that she doesn't need to rely on the power of the Swallowing Spirit Clan, a terrifying existence that the Nine-Rank Douzun cannot suppress. Even though Yao Wan is not clear-headed, she knows that she will definitely not be able to suppress this thing.

"The reward is generous. It's a pity that I don't care about it. It's better for a scourge like you to die honestly."

Yao Wan did not hesitate. She controlled the black flames with her spiritual thoughts and completely submerged her into the black flames.

Although she doesn't care about too many things or people, she still has a normal sense of right and wrong. She can't do anything like letting this kind of disaster spread everywhere without anyone to control it.

However, at this moment, Yao Wan felt an extremely terrifying aura suddenly locking on her outside the Tianjian Palace.

The sticky invisible pressure almost froze her in place, and she could only feel the vibration from under her feet quickly spreading to the top of her head, and then something suddenly collapsed.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

A violent roar exploded above Yao Wan's head, and an extremely unusual demonic shadow actually tore the entire Tianjian Palace apart, penetrated the Tianjian Palace, and attacked Yao Wan's vitals.

But someone is faster.

Xiao Yan followed closely, and then kicked the demonic figure against the wall, smashing it into pieces.

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