"Get out of here!"

Xiao Yan stepped on Eclipse Yu's face and smashed it firmly against the spiraling steps and wall beside him. The terrifying force that instantly burst out acted on Eclipse Yu's body. When Eclipse Yu's body hit the wall, he was suddenly stunned. Deep cracks like spider webs burst out and spread around.

Yao Wan's heart skipped a beat, and when she looked at Xiao Yan, she unconsciously felt a sense of relief. However, a hint of surprise flashed through her pretty brows, and she said, "Why are you here?"

"He sneaked into the cracks of the formation. Even we ignored him and came directly here. Any fool knows that he must be looking for something very important."

Xiao Yan protected the medicine wand behind him and said with a serious face.

As soon as Xiao Yan said this, Yao Wan could guess what the eclipse was for without thinking too much. She couldn't help but subconsciously glanced at the eclipse that had been swallowed up by the black flames. It kept burning and erupted. The black energy dissipated before his eyes.

Even though it was burned by the flames of ash destruction, the vitality of this demon fetus is really ridiculously tenacious. Ordinary creatures would be burned away by the flames of ash destruction without even a chance to struggle. In the end, even a little No residue will be left behind.

However, the demon fetus itself has been burning half a stick of incense, but there is no obvious decrease in vitality, it has only shrunk a little.

Not only that, the piercing wavelength that makes people feel particularly noisy has not stopped since Yao Wan started working on it. It is probably something similar to asking for help...

When Yao Wan realized this, she couldn't help but frown slightly. So, was Bao Xiu attracted by this half of the demon fetus?

"Be careful."

Yao Wan looked at Xiao Yan's back and couldn't help but feel a little worried in her heart, and then whispered in his ear, full of seriousness.

"Ok, I know."

"I'm not kidding you. If I guess correctly, the other half of the devil fetus is most likely in his body."

Yao Wan's tone was a little tight, and her eyes couldn't help but become tense when she looked at Xiao Yan. The last time Xiao Yan was injured like that, how could she forget so quickly.

"...I never thought that the one who would stop me in the end would be you two, not Yun Potian."

Eclipse Yu withdrew his body from the deep crack in the wall, and his strange long arms cut through the smoke, completely revealing his current demonic body in front of Xiao Yan and Yao Wan.

The body that originally looked no different from a normal human being was now strangely elongated and looked extremely twisted, and there were some dissected internal organs beating in the chest, which made both of them tremble slightly. Frowning, his scalp was inevitably numb.

And the weird dark purple flesh and blood is abnormal just by looking at it, and it is more suitable for the color displayed by the demon fetus.

"—Did you fuse another part of the magic fetus?"

Yao Wan frowned slightly. Although he was not nauseous enough to want to vomit, looking at this thing for a long time would inevitably spoil his appetite.

"Fusion? No!"

But Eyu shook his head, his eyes that gradually became cloudy showed a light of madness and fanaticism, and he slowly raised his hands and said: "I was chosen! I am the chosen one!"

"I was chosen by the Holy King! You are the destined people of mankind, and I am the destined person chosen by the Holy King——"

"Why was you chosen? It was completely parasitized by the demon fetus - no wonder the demon leader chose you to be the second in command while leaving other demon generals alone."

Xiao Yan frowned, but silently used strange fire to isolate the demonic energy that slowly surrounded him like water.

"Haha - how can short-sighted people like you understand how sacred it is to our race to be chosen by the Holy King?!"

Eclipse Yu dismissed Xiao Yan's statement and turned his attention to Yaowan.

"Take away your annoying black flames and release the other half of the Holy King's devil fetus. I can give you a happy time."

"I think you started talking in your sleep before you woke up. Xiao Yan, give him two slaps to see if he still loses his temper."

Yao Wan is now getting more and more comfortable in calling Xiao Yan to take action.

Naturally, Xiao Yan did not refuse. The five-color strange fire entangled in the palm of his hand and turned into a terrifying energy. However, Xiu Yu was not afraid at all and sneered, and then he ran into the surging strange fire energy head-on. .

However, no one got any advantage from this collision. Xiao Yan's eyes were full of solemnity, and Eclipse Yu's eyes were also full of surprise, and the contempt gradually disappeared.

"Xiao Yan - you really deserve to die."

Eclipse murmured to himself.

The five-color strange fire in Xiao Yan's hand twined and burned. After Xiuyu got the demon fetus in front of him, apart from other things, he was no longer the cultivation and combat power of the peak Douzong he met, even compared to the fat and thin demons. The general will be even stronger.

Without any unnecessary nonsense, Xiao Yan's strange fire hit the eclipse in front of him without reservation. Naturally, eclipse did not show any weakness. The demonic energy collided with the strange fire, but this time the strange fire was not as hot as before. The powerful advantage that cuts through butter has become a stalemate with the demonic energy.

Xiao Yan frowned slightly. This was the first time he had encountered such a situation when dealing with the Spirit-Devouring Tribe in so long.

Eclipse Yu was not surprised, but said in a vicious voice: "What a surprise? Your strange fire is just a little proud in front of our clan with its violent and destructive ability. You human race have strange fire, how can we, the Devouring Spirit Clan, Don’t you have this ability?”

After saying this, Xiu Yu took a step further. The surging demonic energy was dyed with an unusual dark purple color, forcing Xiao Yan to turn sideways to avoid the two demonic auras that struck as if they pierced the space.

"Today I will let you see how powerful the real Spirit Devouring Clan is!"

Seeing Xiao Yan dodge, Xiu Yu took advantage of the victory and pursued the attack. Demonic energy surged in his hand, and in a blink of an eye, a huge dark purple hand appeared and struck directly towards where Xiao Yan and Yao Wan were.

Xiao Yan subconsciously wanted to dodge, but suddenly noticed that Wan'er was still behind him. Although the space opened from the Tianjian Mountain under the Tianjian Palace was not small, it was used as a space for the two powerful Dou Zun warriors. The battlefield was obviously a bit cramped, not to mention that Xiao Yan had to take care of the medicine, which was inevitable at this moment.

But he was not helpless. When he realized that he could not avoid it, Xiao Yan immediately mobilized his fighting spirit, and a golden light and shadow enveloped his figure, and immediately spread out with him as the center.

"Glass made of gold!"

As Xiao Yan chanted the spell, a virtual image that was about to condense into reality emerged, and he intercepted the strange purple giant hand. However, with the movement of the virtual image, both Xiao Yan and the virtual image itself were forced to endure extreme pain. The pressure is so great that the feet sink deeply.

Xiao Yan clenched his teeth silently, and the bones all over his body made an unusual sound, which seemed so disturbing.

When Xi Yu saw this, he couldn't help but laugh: "In the final analysis, what if you become a Dou Zun? What's the difference between a mere one-star Dou Zun and a Dou Zong? With the help of the power that has been improved in a short period of time, you can support it. How long? Besides, you still need to take care of the oil bottle behind you?"

"Shut up--!"

Xiao Yan's brows were furrowed, and there was an unusual ferocious light in his dark red eyes. If E Yu had said something else aimed at him, Xiao Yan would have dismissed him as a fart, but Only these words about her made him particularly angry.

As soon as he finished speaking, Eyu's color changed slightly, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, but he saw that his giant dark purple hand was actually resisted by Xiao Yan.


Eclipse couldn't help curling his lips. Because of this, he felt that the existence of human beings was extremely troublesome. They were obviously just some weak and imbecile races that always burst out with strange powers for inexplicable reasons. It was obviously meaningless. Obviously all you need to do is accept your so-called destiny.

But before he could take the next step, Xi Yu saw that under the virtual image of the glazed golden body, a black flame wrapped around Xiao Yan's body like a deadly poisonous snake and rushed towards him.

Xiao Yan naturally knew that if he only used his ordinary methods, it would be difficult to obtain any benefits from Eclipse Yu. The energy contained in the demon fetus was extremely strange. Not only was it not afraid of strange fire, it was even fighting with him. It continues to grow, and has even faintly touched the threshold of Nine Star Dou Zun.

Therefore, Xiao Yan didn't even think about it, his body's instinct had already thought ahead and made the most correct action.

Although Xiao Yan's talent in martial arts is not as exaggerated as that of Yao Wan, who can be analyzed at a glance, draw inferences from one instance, and make use of it, his talent in Yihuo is indeed extraordinary. Even Yao Wan cannot compete with him. In comparison, after using the Flame of Ashes for a short period of time several times, Xiao Yan is now very proficient in controlling the Fire of Death through his connection with the medicine. The black-red flame in his hand is in his hands. Under the interference of the soul power, it condensed into a shape resembling a Xuan Zhong ruler.

Eclipse Yu waved his hand, and several surging demonic energy condensed into dense bone claws and tore apart the space. Xiao Yan's feet twisted slightly, with his body flashing slightly in front of his eyes. The terrifying bone claws that tore apart the space actually passed through it like this. Xiao Yan's illusory figure appeared.

"Taixu Ancient Dragon!"

Eclipse Yu couldn't help being shocked and angry, this Xiao Yan was actually a hidden Taixu ancient dragon? !

——No, no, this Xiao Yan is undoubtedly a human with pure blood. This cannot be deceived. But how did he completely avoid his own attack as if he were superimposed in the void and space?

Could it be that - could it be that he was able to copy the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan's terrifying ability to control space and its application method with just his fighting skills? !

However, Xiao Yan, who flashed in front of Xiyu like an ancient dragon, did not give him time to think again.

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