Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 462 The so-called natural


With an extremely dull sound, Eclipse Yu was knocked away again by Xiao Yan's blow, and this time, there was a ferocious wound on Eclipse Yu's body. On top of the ferocious wound that could be seen deep into the bone, The terrifying flames of ashes continued to burn.

A mouthful of black blood came out of Eyu's mouth, mixed with some demonic energy and internal organs fragments, and he was so angry that his eyes were about to burst.

Obviously, although the increase brought by the demon fetus to the eclipse is extremely huge, and it has even reached the point where it can resist the strange fire head-on, it obviously does not include the black flame that symbolizes pure death.

Seeing Eyu flying backwards like a kite with its string cut off, Yao Wan subconsciously looked at Xiao Yan. The two of them, who were in the same mind, naturally knew how to take advantage of your illness to kill you.

At the same time, Yao Wan also knew that he could not delay it any longer. When Xiao Yan immediately stepped forward to touch up the sword, Yao Wan also immediately intensified the black inflammation on his fingertips, trying to seal the other half of the demon fetus in the sword array. Complete annihilation.

But she didn't know that there was a hint of ominous premonition in Yao Wan's heart. She shook her head gently, suppressed the uneasiness in her heart again, and concentrated on using the flames of ash destruction to destroy the demon fetus in front of her. Complete annihilation.

"court death!"

The cloudy eyes reflected the figure of Xiao Yan tearing through the space and rushing towards him. Then he quickly adjusted his posture and punched out with both fists, forcing Xiao Yan to dodge narrowly, and then the giant black ruler in his hand. He smashed it towards Egyu, but was stopped by his twisted and alien-shaped hand. Xiao Yan frowned and gritted his teeth, but was slapped away by the painful Egyu.

Xiao Yan quickly adjusted his posture in the air, but then punched him firmly. If he hadn't reacted at the last moment and quickly summoned the golden body to protect him, he would have been punched through the chest.

But even with a golden body to protect him, Xiao Yan still inevitably felt a sweet taste in his throat. A blood arrow spurted out of his mouth uncontrollably, and he was almost punched out of the Tianjian Palace by Xi Yu.

"I'll take my time with you later!"

Xiu Yu's eyes were red, but he no longer cared about silencing Xiao Yan first. Instead, he immediately turned his head and rushed towards the Yaowan located outside the seal of the sword formation.

it hurts! it hurts! it hurts!

Through the fact that the other half of the demon fetus is too close to the half of the demon fetus in his body at this moment, the connection that was gradually disconnected has been established again, because the demon fetus is originally one body, and it is impossible to differentiate into two completely different ones. Individuals, as the invisible connection between the two became connected as one again, Eclipse Yu felt more and more how much pain the demon fetus was suffering now.

When life force is used as fuel and turns into the flames of death, this feeling is something no one wants to try.

Therefore, even if he knew that it was very dangerous to move the target before the man was completely harmless on the battlefield, he had no choice but to do so.

"Come and die quickly!"

Eclipse Yu grabbed Yao Wan with his palm, but Yao Wan dodged it with Xiao Yan's strange movement similar to Taixu Ancient Dragon just now. Just dodging blindly was not a good idea. Eclipse Yu's blow did not mean that It's meaningless when it fails.

He laughed ferociously, and Yao Wan suddenly realized what he wanted to do.

The palms that were reaching for Yao Wan suddenly turned into claws. Since Yao Wan could not be killed with one blow, then at least the seal of the sword formation that was in the way must be destroyed!

With this thought in mind, Eclipse opened his red eyes, and exaggerated veins popped up on his face and forehead. The destructive power of the demonic energy and pure power left a hideous and dazzling mark on the ground under his feet. The devastation, and even the silver-gray sword formation seal were inevitably torn open with a crack.

After all, the seal was specially used by Yun Potian to seal the inside, so as long as he was around, the Demon Fetus, no matter how strong it was, would not be able to overturn the sky, nor would it be able to have even the slightest influence on Tianjian Mountain.

It's just that the exaggerated sealing ability inside the seal is naturally not without its shortcomings.

For example, if an attack is launched from the outside, the seal will be difficult to recover and unbearable.

What's more, the current Xiyu still almost reached the power of Jiuxing Douzun. With one blow, cracks appeared in the seal, but the strength of the seal once again exceeded their expectations.

It's just a seal. As long as there is a crack, no matter how insignificant the crack is, it will explode under the ultra-high pressure environment inside.

Yao Wan subconsciously looked at the sword formation seal. From the deep crack, an extremely unusual deep purple light slowly began to appear. Under the strange deep purple light, a silver-gray crack appeared. It began to spread little by little, and the speed became faster and faster. Then, deep purple light began to be released from those cracks.

The smile on Eyu's face became more and more arrogant, while Yaowan couldn't help but sigh quietly, it was really a wrong step, a wrong step.

Xiao Yan didn't even have time to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth before he rushed back to the Tianjian Palace. What he saw was that the sword formation seal exploded in a weird and flashy purple light, and then an extremely evil and ominous aura escaped. Scattered out and filled the deepest part of the entire Tianjian Palace.

Eclipse opened his arms to welcome the power that he had been waiting for a long time, and laughed loudly.

"Finally! I have finally waited for this moment! My clan's long-cherished wish and ambition for thousands of years have finally converged on me!"

The purple light in the dirty black storm looked particularly strange and ominous. One of the shriveled limbs quickly connected with the twisted demonic body of the eclipse. In a numbing fusion of flesh and blood, the body that had been destroyed by ashes was The other half of the demon fetus, which was burnt black by the flames, couldn't wait to fly down to his chest, completing the fusion.

Not only is it fused with Eclipse's body, but more importantly, it is fused with the other half of the body that has been separated for thousands of years. The terrifying aura it releases also shows that the power he possesses at this moment is undergoing a qualitative change.

In the blink of an eye, the cultivation level that had just touched the Nine Star Dou Zun now had the ability to break through the shackles of the saint.

However, no matter how terrifying and powerful the Demon Fetus is, it is still unable to break the shackles imposed by the Ruins of Oblivion.

As the terrifying evil wind swept past, Xiao Yan protected Yao Wan without even thinking, blocking her from the force that was like a sea tide and was already difficult to resist with human power.

Yao Wan looked at Xiao Yan's back, slightly stunned, but couldn't help but said: "Okay, you have done enough, Xiao Yan... leave the rest to me."


"No need to rush, the two of you will become a pair of desperate mandarin ducks together in no time!"

Eclipse Yu couldn't help but said wildly as he felt the terrifying energy surging crazily in his body.

"Wan'er... don't... don't! You promised me - you promised me!"

Xiao Yan immediately realized what Yao Wan wanted to do, and immediately opened his eyes wide, trying to stop her at any cost, and at the same time said: "I can still protect you——"

"Then you protected me, who will protect you?"

Yao Wan couldn't help but glance at Xiao Yan, and Xiao Yan's eyes that suddenly became a little flustered couldn't help but glazed over for a moment.

"You can't die, you have to keep going, Xiao Yan."

Yao Wan said seriously, and as her words fell, the black flames that had dispersed in the air suddenly gathered together at a speed visible to the naked eye, and a dark, scorching sun rose behind her.

Everything around him darkened. The dark sun, like a total solar eclipse, was as dark as ink, but its blood-red edge released a radiant cold light, taking away the only warmth at the moment.

The corners of Yaowan's mouth gradually rose, forming a gentle and even sentimental arc.

Although things always develop in directions beyond her expectations and go crazy all the way, there seems to be no regrets.

But precisely because of this——

The black flames wrapped around the body of the herb, the green flames turned into branches, and were woven into a flawless laurel crown on her head and snow-colored silver hair, while the black and red flames of ash destroyed the plain color of her body. The skirt was dyed pure black, only decorated with some red patterns.

Both Xiao Yan and Xi Yu, who was standing opposite, heard some unusual cracking sounds in a daze.

It was the sound of the shackles and pressure exerted on her by the Ruins of Oblivion being shattered.

And as the seal imposed on her by the Ruins of Oblivion was broken through with reckless abandon, the aura on Yaowan's body also began to soar again, and she quickly rose from the low-level Douzong to the peak Douzong, and then there was no trace of it. He broke through the obstacles and reached Dou Zun in one fell swoop.

No, this is not a breakthrough at all, it is just getting back the power that originally belonged to you.

In the end, the aura gradually calmed down, and there was inevitably a trace of inevitable solemnity in Xiu Yu's eyes. Every time he dealt with these two people, there were really twists and turns.

Even after merging the magic fetus, they can create such tricks for themselves.

And unlike Xiao Yan, the one-star Dou Zun who relied on dual secret methods to be qualified to stand in front of him, the Yao Wan in front of him has become a veritable powerhouse of the same level as him.

Yaowan's body was surging with Ash-Destroying Flames, burning her body endlessly. She felt a long-lost powerful force surging in her body, even dissipating the burning pain caused by the Ash-Destroyed Flames to a certain extent.

"Sure enough, I still can't stand being so weak that I can't do anything."

Yao Wan exhaled slightly, then couldn't help but look at Xiao Yan and said.

"Just wait and I'll come as soon as I go."


He felt that the surging black flames suddenly dissipated the cold demonic energy, but there was no burning pain that would have occurred when he controlled it before. Xiao Yan only felt a trace of unspeakable warmth burning in a way that he could not accept. .

"You protect me and I protect you. This is only natural, right?"

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