It's just that Xiao Yan didn't have time to deal with these things for a while. The loss of Yaoyuan almost made him feel like the sky was falling. Everything was dim. But now is obviously not the time to lose his mind and he needs to continue to be busy. If you go on, you need to complete those unfinished things. These problems are like knobs that tighten Xiao Yan's clockwork again, forcing him to take action again.

After wiping out the remnants of the Spirit-Devouring Clan and cleaning up the mess, Xiao Yan worked tirelessly and everything finally came to an end.

As the demon fetus and the medicine wand disappeared together, Xiao Yan could also feel that the Ruins of Forgotten's vague restraint on him no longer existed.

It's almost time to go.

Xiao Yan, who realized this, left this unforgettable world amidst the cheers of the survivors of Tianjian Mountain.

Just when leaving the Ruins of Oblivion, Xiao Yan also used the secret method left by Yao Wan, and finally obtained her consent to collect this part of Han Shanshan's soul that could only be reappeared in the Ruins of Oblivion. and took away.

A soul bead the size of a pearl was taken into the ring by Xiao Yan. Those dark red eyes felt that the world was much darker, but he still followed his memory and once again opened the door to the outside world from the Ruins of Oblivion. .

The real door has actually been sealed by the Dou Emperors for a long time and can no longer be opened by normal means. The current door was also forcibly opened by Yao Wan regardless of the inherent laws of heaven and earth within the Ruins of Forgetfulness.

Until he broke through the thick, dark void, and when the bright sunlight shone on his face again, Xiao Yan couldn't help but raise his hand to cover his eyes.

I am used to the bright night sky with void as the background color in the Ruins of Oblivion. Now, standing under this bright sunshine, I naturally feel a little dazzling.

Xiao Yan felt that he was really sick, probably incurable.

I knew very clearly in my heart that I shouldn't be like this, but I couldn't restrain my emotional impulse at all.

Xiao Yan took a deep breath and planned to return to Xingyun Pavilion first. He would consider everything in the long run. He still had many important things to do.

Dan Pagoda, Dan Hui, and Three Thousand Yan Yanhuo.

That was where the next strange fire he knew was located. No matter what it was for, he had to get a new strange fire and continue to become stronger.

Only when he was about to leave here, Xiao Yan couldn't help but look back with nostalgia at the void that was as bright as a sea of ​​stars.

Wan'er...are you looking at me?


Although Yao Wan still searched tirelessly in the void for nearly a month, it was a pity that they could not find any traces of the demon fetus in the end. In desperation, she had no choice but to give up.

There is no need for Yao Wanhuo to remind him alone. Yao Wan, who has already realized this, will naturally not get entangled anymore.

"Elder Wanhuo, let's go."

There was a hint of depression and annoyance in Yao Wan's tone, while Yao Wanhuo not only shook his head, there was nothing that could be done about it. They spent too much precious time just getting here from the Shennong Mountains, which was understandable. .

"I will inform the clan elders, especially the clan leader, about the matter of the Swallowing Spirit Clan, and then I will inform the other eight clans on this matter in the name of the entire Yao Clan."

Yao Wanhuo could also see how much Yao Wan cared about this matter, and he also understood the seriousness of this matter, so naturally he could not treat it as a child's play.

"Besides, Wan'er should save more energy for the upcoming coming-of-age ceremony."

Yao Wanhuo couldn't help but remind Yao Wan in the end.

"A coming-of-age ceremony?"

The knot on Yaowan's face dissipated, and there was a bit of surprise. It was an adult ceremony - she had almost forgotten about it.

After all, compared to the affairs of the Spirit-Devouring Clan and the Soul Clan, this kind of thing seems to have no special use at all. It is nothing more than printing a clan crest on one's forehead to prove how valuable one is.

There will be no particularly significant improvement in strength, nor will there be anything similar to the innate abilities or original magical powers that a monster with a powerful bloodline will have after awakening. It is just marked with a bloodline level to match the talent. No. Just thinking about it, Yaowan feels that this method is really unique to the eight ancient tribes.

In the long years of development, because there was no new generation with talents comparable to the ancestors, the blood concentration was subconsciously used as the benchmark for testing talents, which can be said to be putting the cart before the horse.

I don’t think the original Dou Emperor warriors had any help from the Dou Emperor bloodline when they broke through the shackles. It's just a compromise on talent to a certain extent, and the result of settling for the second best. Because it is acquiesced that my family can no longer give birth to a genius like the ancestors, so it is simply and crudely based on blood. This is not the more lacking. What, the more you have to prove something?

It is because the eight tribes today have nothing worthy of praise at all that they take the last remaining legacy as a treasure.

Yao Wan silently shook his head. It was too pitiful to say so.

It's a pity that she can't say this in public. Yao Wan doesn't take this matter seriously, but there is no need to create more trouble for herself.

This is probably the untouchable slide among the eight tribes.

"For the coming-of-age ceremony, you can just attend it as usual. It's not necessary... Anyway, I will do what I should do. You and the clan leader can rest assured."

Yaowan exhaled a breath of turbid air, which temporarily dissipated her slightly depressed mood.

"Of course, the clan leader, I and many elders naturally believe in you, Wan'er."

Yao Wanhuo's disdain for the coming-of-age ceremony, and even contempt for it, Yao Wanhuo naturally noticed. If it were an ordinary member of the clan, once such news fell into the ears of Yao Wangui, he would be deprived of the coming-of-age ceremony. Qualifications can be regarded as the lightest punishment. At the worst, it would be to abandon one's cultivation and become a member of the ordinary tribe, or even worse, to be expelled from the Medicine Clan and become a sinner from then on. It is not unheard of.

It’s just that the yarrow is different.

This is why Yao Wangui, no matter how unhappy he is, has to accept it.

The talent that Yaowan has shown now has already surpassed the shackles of blood. To put it bluntly, even if Yaowan only awakened a first-grade bloodline during the coming-of-age ceremony, he would still be praised by the Yao clan. This is the so-called flexibility. Criteria and bottom line.

However, in his twenties, he has a living creature's flame that ranks fifth on the list of strange fires, and the power of the soul that is only one step away from the perfection of the heavenly realm. These two alone have already laid the foundation for Yaowan's destiny. The fact that he will become the leader of the Medicine Clan.

If anyone can stand out in an environment where the eight tribes have long been bound to death by blood, it is Yaowan.


After running around for a long time, Xiao Yan finally returned to Xingyun Pavilion.

When Xiao Yan, who was already a Dou Zun but had a gray face, returned to Xingyun Pavilion, it was inevitable that the people who had been waiting for his return would feel a little uneasy.

After all, no one has ever seen an expression like Xiao Yan's. Even Yao Lao, who had witnessed Xiao Yan's fall into the clouds in his early years, was secretly surprised as to what had happened.

So much so that Zi Yan, who was elated to see Xiao Yan again, couldn't help but be stunned.

"Xiao——Yan? What's wrong with you? Why does your face look so strange...?"

The tall and graceful beauty couldn't help but show a trace of doubt.

Yao Lao, on the other hand, vaguely realized something and frowned slightly. There was only one thing he could think of that could make Xiao Yan so disillusioned.

Something happened to the girl.

"...Xian'er and Nalan haven't come out of seclusion yet?"

Xiao Yan did not speak in a hurry, but turned to look at Zi Yan. Zi Yan shook her head: "You are still practicing. I'm afraid they will be shocked if they see you promoted to Dou Zun."

"Xiao Yan, if you have anything to do, please tell me first."

Yao Lao already had a rough idea in his mind, but decided to listen to what Xiao Yan saw and heard before making an evaluation.

"...Wan'er, she's gone."

Xiao Yan's words made both Yao Lao and Zi Yan stunned.

"——Who's gone?"

Even Zi Yan was a little dumbfounded. She even wondered if there was something wrong with her ears, but she was more shocked and shocked than just sentimental... Will that woman die too?

"It's my responsibility...I didn't protect her well——"

Xiao Yan's tone was strangely calm. This was not true calm, but a deathly silence after all the waves.

Zi Yan inevitably fell into silence. She had never seen Xiao Yan like this before. To be honest, it really scared her. She didn't know what to say.

"Xiao Yan, speak slowly one sentence at a time, don't be too anxious."

Yao Lao sighed, and then said solemnly.

Xiao Yan then told the two people in front of him everything that happened in the Ruins of Oblivion. Not to mention anything else, just looking at Xiao Yan's dim eyes was enough to make people worried.

After learning the cause and effect, Yao Lao and Zi Yan couldn't help but look at each other.

If faced with such a dilemma, there is naturally no other way to solve it. Zi Yan sighed, folded her hands on her chest, and knitted her eyebrows. She subconsciously wanted to comfort Xiao Yan, but she couldn't help but recall the previous interactions with Xiao Yan. He always spoke in a gentle tone.

When Yao Lao felt Zi Yan's gaze, it was naturally impossible for him to remain silent.

Just to think that Yao Wan really died like this would be to look down on the Yao Clan's only genius who could reach the ultimate level after thousands of years of accumulation of luck.

"Xiao Yan."

Yao Lao's words broke the silence, and then he said solemnly: "I can't tell whether the girl is really gone, but before you think so, you might want to go to the Yao Clan and take a look."


Xiao Yan, who was silent, was suddenly startled, and then raised his head suddenly, as if he had secretly found an unusual glimmer of hope in the darkness.

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