Xiao Yan was stunned for a moment, and then a glimmer of light suddenly flashed in his dull eyes.

Xiao Yan naturally realized what Yao Lao meant and immediately stepped forward as if he had glimpsed a glimmer of light in the darkness again, suppressing the glimmer of rekindled hope.

"Teacher - what do you mean, teacher?"

"I can't guarantee that it's 100% accurate, but no matter what you say, you have to go to the Medicine Clan yourself... This kind of thing is not something I can explain to you clearly. Naturally, you need to confirm it with your own eyes."

Yao Lao still doesn't know what Xiao Yan is thinking now? He just sighed quietly and then said.

When Xiao Yan saw this, he was slightly stunned. After a moment of silence, he completely understood Yao Lao's intention, and then nodded heavily.

"I understand, teacher."

Xiao Yan swept away all those frustrations and losses, and his hope rekindled his inner fire, which gave him far more powerful motivation than before.


Looking at Xiao Yan who finally cheered up, Yao Lao breathed a sigh of relief. Yatou was not dead. Yao Lao could confirm this no matter what, but why didn't Yatou mention this to Xiao Yan when he was distracted? This thing naturally seems a bit intriguing.

Could it be that he wanted to keep a distance from Xiao Yan and maintain the illusion that he was dead in Xiao Yan's eyes?

If this is the case, it would be too cruel to Xiao Yan. It would be too cruel for a person to spend his whole life bearing the death of the person he loves.

Even if she died in Xiao Yan's arms, Xiao Yan would recall her death uncontrollably from then on.

No matter how much the girl resisted Xiao Yan, she could not cut off the connection between the two in such a cruel way.

On the contrary, if she is really not going to die soon, she will change Xiao Yan's cognition at all costs, either erasing the memory of her in his memory, or modifying his cognition... On this issue, the living people are more likely to The dead one suffers even more.

Maybe there's something wrong with the girl.

Yao Lao couldn't help but think about it, vaguely guessing at the most likely answer.

It’s just that I have to say that I have to see it with my own eyes.

"Teacher...where is the Yao Clan?"

Xiao Yan was silent for a moment, and then asked a little inappropriately, which caused the Yao Lao to be a little surprised. Then he shook his head and said: "In the extreme south of Zhongzhou, there is a Shennong Mountain Range. The entrance to the Yao World of the Yao Clan is at Shennong. In the mountains... don't tell me that you want to find someone now."

"With your current strength, do you think you can talk to the girl when facing those powerful people in the Yao Clan who are at least the Fighting Saint level? Will they let you in? Will they let you come back alive? ?”

"I know."

Xiao Yan did not deny it. It was not that he had not come into contact with the strong men of the ancient clan. For example, when he first met the strong Dou Sheng who took the medicine back, Xiao Yan would probably never forget it in his life. He only felt that he It was a shock and powerlessness that was like fighting against the whole world.

"I know, I just want to know where my future goal is."

Xiao Yan clenched his fists: "If Dou Zun can't see her, then go to Dou Sheng! If Dou Sheng can't see her, then become Dou Emperor! I don't want her to leave me again -"

"Well, I believe you. In this case, there are still almost three months until the elixir meeting starts. You have made great progress in cultivation now. Refining the elixir is more effective for you. It is a good practice and you can get it again this time. The Three Thousand Flames of Fire will definitely be a great help to you."

Yao Lao nodded. He had never had any doubts about Xiao Yan's determination. Not to mention his disciple's other characteristics, he could do what he said.

After appeasing Xiao Yan, Yao Lao planned to go to refine the elixir with Xiao Yan. The elixir meeting was different from the small fights in the Jiama Empire. Except for the old monsters among the big clans, It is truly the provincial capital where the top alchemists in the continent gather, so it must be taken seriously.

But before Yao Lao took action, Xiao Yan remembered something, took out a soul bead as big as a fingernail from his Na Ring, and handed it to Yao Lao.

Yao Lao was a little surprised. He went to the ruins. Did he bring back some souvenirs?

"What is this?"

"I met an old friend of the teacher in the ruins, an old friend that the teacher no longer remembers. She asked me to pass it on to the teacher."

"Old friend?"

After Yao Lao couldn't help hearing the words, he was slightly stunned, but still shook his head. If it was like meeting him like this, but he couldn't remember the old friend, for Yao Lao, there were not even a thousand, but eight hundred. .

After all, most alchemists are social butterflies who are popular wherever they go. The title of Yao Lao, the number one alchemist in the mainland, is not just blown by a few familiar friends. Naturally, it cannot be separated from Yao Lao. The result of making friends everywhere.

Although he had many friends, Yao Lao couldn't think of much at once because he had too many friends, so he couldn't help but shake his head slightly.

However, he still took the soul bead in Xiao Yan's hand. He was slightly startled when a particularly gentle soul power that he had never touched before was released from it. It was obvious that the soul in the soul bead was still there.

What Yao Lao can be sure of is that he does seem to know the soul in this soul bead. The connection between the souls...invisibly gives Yao Lao an indescribable sense of familiarity.

But he really couldn't remember who it was. He originally wanted to put the matter of the soul beads aside for now, but Xiao Yan took the initiative and said, "I'm going to refine the medicine first. The teacher can come and watch later." "

Yao Lao was startled, Xiao Yan had already said this, and he found it hard to refuse, so he just nodded silently.

"Then I will accompany Xiao Yan?"

Zi Yan blinked her bright purple eyes and looked curiously at the way Yao Lao and Xiao Yan clearly seemed to be hiding something. She always felt that Xiao Yan was deliberately not getting along with Yao Lao. In this case , it seems a little inappropriate to stay next to Yao Lao.

Xiao Yan did not deny it, he just stood up silently and turned around to leave. Zi Yan couldn't help pouting: "Xiao Yan - wait for me -"

After saying that, he chased out with brisk steps. Looking at the backs of Xiao Yan and Zi Yan, Yao Lao couldn't help but sigh, feeling that this was not a good thing.

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt an unusual fluctuation in the soul bead.

"Why don't you come out and meet this old friend of mine?"

Yao Lao couldn't help but ask, causing someone in the soul orb to be slightly stunned, and he didn't know what to say for a moment.

"You haven't even met me anyway. If I reveal my true identity, wouldn't that just cause embarrassment to both parties?"

But the person in the soul bead sighed quietly and couldn't help but say that the power of the soul that was like an instinctive breath also allowed her to sense Yao Lao's current state.


How did he get so old?

She was a little dumbfounded, and it took her a while to slowly react. It seemed like... Xiao Yan was already Yao Chen's apprentice, so how could Yao Chen still be so young?

It seemed that it had been a long, long time since they conquered the Bone Spirit Lenghuo.

"...It seems to be true."

Yao Lao pondered for a moment, and then nodded. To be honest, after learning that painful lesson, Yao Lao actually doesn't trust so-called acquaintances that much. It's just because he trusts Xiao Yan and also trusts Xiao Yan's vision. Nothing could go wrong.

"After all these years, I haven't seen you despise the years. How come you have become such an old person?"

She was teasing in the soul bead, but more of it was helplessness and sighing. The high-spirited young man in the past had become an old man. The so-called times have changed and the world has changed. No matter how many descriptions she had, it was difficult to describe her mood at the moment.

"After so many years, things have changed and people have changed. There are so many things that will be changed."

Yao Lao paused slightly, and then said: "It seems that you are an old friend who I met when I was young?"


She curled up in the soul bead and nodded slightly.

"Then will it make you feel more comfortable if I look like I did when I was young?"

Yao Lao said something, and even his deep voice became young again and full of the vitality of a young man. The white hair on the temples gradually turned from exhausted paleness to pure silvery white, and the steady figure became more upright and proud in the blink of an eye.

Yao Lao didn't know what happened to him today. It was obvious that he just met an old friend with whom he had some fate, but he had already mentioned this before he knew it.

Is it because we are too lonely and bored nowadays?

Yao Lao shook his head. If nothing else, at least Feng Xianzao wouldn't be like this. Maybe it was just that he missed the past years more than he thought.

She was slightly stunned. The high-spirited young man in her memory seemed to be back in a trance.

"Medicine dust..."

She sighed softly, and then Yao Lao... no, it should be called Yao Chen's hand at this moment, the dark soul bead flew up with a spiritual light, and then landed in front of Yao Chen. Yao Chen had guessed it to some extent. She probably had a close relationship with her former self, but she still couldn't hide her shock and amazement.

It wasn't because of the beauty that appeared in front of him that he was amazed, but because of the unconcealable throbbing in his heart.

It is not something that can be fabricated by disguising or covering up, but the traces left by some unforgettable existence in the past.

It's just that he can't remember it anymore, there is no relevant memory, and there are no traces left. In this matter, no miracle will happen again.

After all, the reunion of the two now is already a miracle that should have been impossible.

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