After Xiao Yan left, Zi Yan followed briskly.

"Huh... your expression just now really scared me to death."

When Zi Yan followed Xiao Yan, she couldn't help but pat her plump chest. There was inevitably a bit of helplessness and worry in her tone, and she let out a long sigh before saying.

Xiao Yan couldn't help but slow down a little: "Did it scare you?"

"The main reason is that this is the first time I've seen you look like death. When I was fighting life and death in the northwest continent, I never saw you look like this."

Zi Yan looked at Xiao Yan's side face and couldn't help but say.

"Do you really... care about that yarrow?"

Together with Xiao Yan, she walked into the alchemy room deep in the Xingyun Pavilion that was supposed to belong to Yao Lao alone. It was huge, empty, and bright. Zi Yan sat down on the stone table in front of Xiao Yan where various medicinal materials were placed. He said with a trace of curiosity in his heart.

Xiao Yan has long been accustomed to Zi Yan's noisiness and curiosity, but when she asked her directly, his attention was still uncontrollably focused on Zi Yan's dark red eyes. The dim light made Zi Yan shiver, and she subconsciously felt that something was wrong.

"It's not that I care, but that I like her and am willing to do what she wants to do for her."

But Xiao Yan's eyes quickly returned to normal, and then he couldn't help but explain: "Forget it... I won't understand it if I tell Zi Yan anyway."

"Hey, don't you just use words that you don't understand to deal with me every time I ask you a rare question? You can use some other words to deal with it, right? Why don't you tell me, I How can you possibly understand?"

Xiao Yan's way of talking to himself naturally aroused Zi Yan's dissatisfaction. Compared with simple rejection, what is more annoying is undoubtedly the perfunctory response. It is a response that is too lazy to refuse, but it is inexplicable and difficult to use. If you understand, you can excuse yourself. She is not familiar with the world, but that doesn't mean she is stupid.

Xiao Yan was obviously choked by Zi Yan's rhetorical question. He looked at Zi Yan and met those magnificent purple eyes with a hint of irritation, and the gloom in his eyebrows also dissipated a bit.

"Okay, if I have to explain-"

Xiao Yan took a deep breath, and then said seriously: "She is important, very important, very important, not because of her identity and strength, but just because she is who she is. This is not a matter of caring. This is called liking, and liking is okay. Let people do things for others that may not be easy to accept and face. "

"When she is around you, you will feel very happy. When she is not around, you will inevitably be a little worried. As long as you think of her, you will inevitably feel happy and fulfilled - this is like, this is called liking. ”

Xiao Yan looked at Zi Yan and said, the last trace of gloom in his eyebrows disappeared as the rain passed and the sky cleared, revealing a faint smile.

Zi Yan looked at Xiao Yan and couldn't help but blink her eyes. To be honest, although Xiao Yan did explain it now, what's the difference between explaining it and not explaining it? She only felt that Xiao Yan's soul was taken away by the woman he talked about. It was really scary. Sister Xian'er and Sister Nalan obviously had a better relationship with him, but they still couldn't. Avoid this happening.

If that woman hadn't been a big help when she broke through the Dou Huang, she would have had a few words.

"Okay, okay, I almost understand."

Zi Yan's tone didn't sound like she understood at all, but more like she was simply impatient after being told that Xiao Yan had made a mistake.

Xiao Yan explained this kind of thing to her, but Zi Yan still didn't quite understand it. Seeing Xiao Yan's eyelids twitching slightly, she didn't bother to argue with her anymore.

After all, if we look at it from another perspective, we expect Zi Yan to understand what love between men and women is. From this perspective, Xiao Yan, who originally thought that Zi Yan couldn't even understand such a simple thing, slowly relaxed his frown. , it seems that everything is taken for granted.

"If you still can't understand it, you can consider preparing for a fateful encounter. Then everything will fall into place."

"If I meet you, I won't risk my life for others like you."

Zi Yan suddenly shook her head like a rattle, how could it be possible for her to do such a thing? She just found it incredible.

However, the conversation with Zi Yan did make Xiao Yan feel more relaxed. Xiao Yan, who came back to his senses, said sincerely: "Thank you, Zi Yan."

"Ah? Thank me for what? What have I done?"

Zi Yan's face was confused and full of questions. She didn't know how to respond to Xiao Yan's inexplicable thanks.

"If you don't speak, I'm afraid I will be depressed for two more days because of Wan'er's matter."

Xiao Yan smiled slightly, but this smile was still a bit too forced in Zi Yan's opinion. She frowned slightly. This was obviously because Xiao Yan didn't want them to worry too much about him. Zi Yan couldn't help but feel worried secretly. She didn't I like the expression Xiao Yan forced himself to make.

"Didn't you say that Yao Wan's matter will be clear when we get to the Yao Clan? There's no need to worry so much. That woman is so powerful. Since Yao Lao has said that we'll talk about it after we go to the Yao Clan, let's just pretend that she's fine?"

Zi Yan is not a person who is very good at comforting people. On the contrary, what she is better at is actually being sarcastic. It is naturally rare to be able to say such things.

It's just that Xiao Yan's expression was bitter, and he obviously couldn't accept it. The unforgettable memories made his expression look very painful. Do you want him to treat the last thing in the Ruins of Oblivion as if nothing happened? How could he possibly do this?

He shook his head silently, unable to accept this kind of thing anyway.

But now is naturally not the time to think about this, and the current time does not allow him to continue to think wildly. There are more important things that need to be done by himself.

He set up the fire and ignited the strange fire. The five-color strange fire flowed out from his palm, covering the various medicinal materials that were originally kept in the alchemy room, and then refined them.

Although during the days of fighting life and death in the Ruins of Oblivion, Xiao Yan basically did not refine any elixirs. He only helped Han Shanshan occasionally refine some simple healing elixirs that could be used by Douzong and Douzun. .

But even so, Xiao Yan has made great progress in controlling the strange fire. The benefits brought by the fusion of the strange fire with the medicine are far more powerful than taking any heavenly materials and earthly treasures. Even his own soul power He also unknowingly broke through to the spiritual realm in one fell swoop.

The powerful soul power and instinctive control of strange fires have undoubtedly allowed Xiao Yan to make great progress in the art of alchemy.

Alchemy requires more than just the accumulation of experience, the upper limit of the soul, the exquisiteness of fire control, and the help of strange fires. The combination of various factors has created the general concept of alchemy.

Zi Yan twitched the tip of her nose and smelled a faint scent of hot medicinal herbs. In the oncoming heat wave, she felt that the faint, yet shapeless medicinal scent was changing towards a more mature scent of red pepper, which made her index finger move.

She looked longingly at the alchemy furnace in front of Xiao Yan, which was simply built with different fires. Unknowingly, Xiao Yan no longer needed the alchemy furnace to assist him in refining medicine. At the current level, the medicine cauldron brought The increase in success rate is already quite limited. Unless there are some very extreme circumstances, Xiao Yan feels that he does not need the medicinal cauldron.


In the eastern region of Zhongzhou, Fenglei Pavilion.

Since that incident, Fenglei Pavilion has spent nearly half a year in peace.

For most of the disciples of Fenglei Pavilion, the death of the original pavilion master and the change of Fenglei Pavilion's gates actually have little impact. The exercises are still the same, and the cultivation is naturally the same. On the contrary, the inventory of Fenglei Pavilion is It is said that there are many good-quality elixirs, and they are even rationed to everyone. Although no one has ever talked about the origin of these elixirs, it is not difficult to guess where these elixirs came from. A mysterious new pavilion master.

I'm afraid that this new pavilion master is at least a seventh-grade, or even an eighth-grade alchemist. For her, the elixir that may not be of use is just a place where it can be consumed, but it is enough to be regarded by them. Make delicacies.

As long as the other three Fenglei Pavilion masters are honest and obedient, keep their tail between their legs and don't cause trouble, there will naturally be no problems.

After all, the North Pavilion Pavilion Master was beaten to death by the moody new Pavilion Master, and others would not turn around and forget about it.

Therefore, in the eyes of outsiders, since the master of Fenglei Pavilion became the mysterious new master, Fenglei Pavilion, which used to be domineering and even a little unreasonable towards the outside world, has become much more honest, and together with its subordinates The area under its jurisdiction has become a lot more prosperous.

If there was only one person whose life had undergone earth-shaking changes, it would be the proud daughter of Fenglei Pavilion.

After the incident in Fenglei Pavilion, the woman has not appeared for more than four months, and there has been no news at all. Perhaps she has lost her interest in everything in Fenglei Pavilion, so she patted her butt and went back to work. Your own eldest lady?

Suffering a lot, but suppressing indescribable expectations. After all, this woman is too arrogant and does not even bother to leave any mark of slavery on her body. If so, she is afraid that she will have to be her for the rest of her life. It is the most humble mount, and this humiliation will naturally bring shame to one's own ethnic group with noble blood.

But now I don’t know why, when I think of that woman really leaving like this and disappearing without a trace again, it’s as if she had never heard of her in the first place... Feng Qing’er couldn’t help but feel unreasonable. Become afraid.

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