In the three months, Xiao Yan never stopped refining the medicine, and most of it slipped through his fingers like tightly held quicksand.

The Alchemy Meeting was approaching, and Xiao Yan finally took Yaolao and Zi Yan to the Alchemy Region where the center of Zhongzhou was located.


When Xiao Yan saw Yao Lao again, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

The old man who was as tall and tall as a pine in the mountains disappeared, and what appeared in front of him was a handsome young man with silver hair. Only the simple linen clothes were still familiar.

Xiao Yan almost thought that he had recognized the wrong person, when he saw the corner of Yao Chen's mouth twitching, revealing a helpless smile.

"What's wrong? We haven't seen you for a few days and you don't recognize the teacher anymore?"

Yao Chen coughed all over and showed a hint of embarrassment. In fact, he had also considered whether to show his youthful appearance in front of his apprentice.

As a living person, if you want to maintain the appearance of your youth, you often have to spend a lot of effort. However, the soul body has no worries in this regard. It is just a thought of what state it wants to be. Just in between.

The reason why Yao Chen kept appearing in such an old state before was naturally more due to his own mentality.

After all, they are all young people, why bother pretending to be young in front of the apprentice, but this time... it is more or less a special situation.

"Teacher, what is this...?"

Xiao Yan blinked his eyes. His soul power, which had now unknowingly ascended to the spiritual realm, felt the unusual soul fluctuations in Yao Chen's body, and he could guess that his beautiful master was probably also in his teacher's body.

It is not difficult for Xiao Yan to guess that this is probably related to his master. Having said that, the relationship between the master and the teacher is really unusual... Xiao Yan himself naturally doesn't think much about the emotional dispute between Yao Lao and Han Shanshan. Interested in judging.

After all, he is not that old-fashioned, and it is not his turn as a disciple to comment on the relationship between the teacher and the master. In addition, it would be too strange for the disciple to oppose the relationship between the teacher and the master.

As for the general relationship between masters and disciples - what does that have to do with him? Xiao Yan doesn't care about this. As long as the people around him can live happily, let others talk about the rest.

Xiao Yan couldn't help but complain in his heart. All in all, regarding the relationship between Yao Chen and Han Shanshan, what Xiao Yan wanted in his heart was to support silently and never add to the chaos. If possible, he would provide a solution to the deadlock between the two. It's not impossible to do it.

"It's... a long story."

Yao Chen couldn't help but not know what to say. To be honest, he was actually quite worried that Xiao Yan would get to the bottom of it.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Yan nodded without hesitation, seemingly showing an incomparable understanding of Yao Chen's performance at this moment.

"I understand, teacher."

The corner of Xiao Yan's mouth revealed a trace of understanding as he said, which made Yao Chen feel a little strange in his heart. Although it would be great for Xiao Yan to be able to understand the difficulty he was having now that he couldn't explain, his expression was that of someone who had experienced it. What about the expression that sees everything?

Yao Chen really didn't expect that one day he would be so embarrassed in front of Xiao Yan.

However, this topic almost turned around when Xiao Yan took the initiative to discuss it. He was not bold enough to tease the teacher about his emotional history: "By the way, teacher, how should we participate in this alchemy meeting?"

"Don't worry about this. As one of the Sifang Pavilions in Zhongzhou, Xingyun Pavilion would have received invitations from the Danhui. It's just that I haven't been here these years, so Feng Xian just brought some talented juniors to have a little fun. , although no good results can be achieved, it is still a very valuable practice opportunity. "

Yaochen stood with his hands behind his hands, with an independent cloud head. Even Xiao Yan was half a step behind him. As the strong wind roared across the space, the waist-length silver hair flew with the wind, flying wantonly. In a trance, Xiao Yan seemed to It was to see the high-spirited Medicine Venerable hundreds of years ago.

Yao Chen changed his style and said: "However, the standards of ordinary disciples do not apply to you. Are you mentally prepared for this elixir meeting?"

"Get ready."

Xiao Yan nodded slightly, he was bound to win the three thousand flames.

The news about Wan'er, the last hope, and...the revenge against the Spirit Devouring Clan, and the entanglement with the Soul Palace, all of which still need to be settled by oneself.

Especially the Spirit Devouring Clan.

He cannot escape, nor can he let go of these scourges that will harm everyone as long as they live. Whether it is from a personal perspective or in the name of others, Xiao Yan has only one attitude towards the Spirit Devouring Clan. .

Kill them all.

His shoulders trembled slightly, and the resentment in his heart burned like a flame in his chest.

Zi Yan was vaguely aware of the violence coming from Xiao Yan, and couldn't help shrinking her neck, hesitated, and then subconsciously said: "Xiao Yan...?"

Zi Yan's voice brought Xiao Yan back to his senses. He couldn't help turning his head to look at Zi Yan, but suddenly realized what happened: "'s nothing."

She really wants to answer whether your current appearance seems to be nothing, or it is a bit scary.

However, she still controlled her mouth, thinking that some things were better said in private.

The movements of the three of them were not slow at all. After running all the way, the Dan Realm in the center of Zhongzhou was already in front of them.

After entering the Dan Realm, Xiao Yan and the others immediately felt the difference between the thousands of miles of territory radiating from the Dan Pagoda as the center compared to the outside world, and the terrifying attraction brought by the Dan Club.

Any city is bustling with activity and prosperity. On the streets, the figures of alchemists of various colors almost dazzled his eyes. This was the first time he had seen such a large number of alchemists in these years. , the alchemist conference held by the Gama Empire back then, both in quantity and quality, was far from being comparable to the alchemists in this Dan Realm. Here, the fifth and sixth grade alchemists were as numerous as those across the river. Crucian carp, countless.

Moreover, this is just a city in the Dan Realm. I really don’t know how shocking the flow of people would be if all the alchemists gathered in the Holy Dan City.

If it were in the past, Xiao Yan would probably be very shocked when he thought of the grand scene of thousands of fires rising, thousands of cauldrons falling to the ground, and thousands of elixirs being born. After all, humans are social animals, and it is understandable that they like to join in the fun.

It's just that Xiao Yan can't stop for these things now. He just hopes to be able to deal with the Danhui as soon as possible, and he also wants to get the Three Thousand Yanyan Fire faster.

Seeing Xiao Yan burying his head in a hurry, Yao Lao and Zi Yan couldn't help but feel a little worried. The two couldn't help but look at each other, and they could see the worry and worry in each other's eyes.

After traveling non-stop, Xiao Yan and the others finally arrived at the center of the Dan Domain, the Holy Dan City under the Dan Pagoda.

Not long after entering the city, Yao Chen took Xiao Yan and Zi Yan to the headquarters of the Alchemist Guild under the Alchemy Tower to submit Xiao Yan's quota for participating in the Alchemy Conference.

As a well-known force in Zhongzhou, Xingyun Pavilion can naturally enjoy a certain degree of convenience in the Dan Pagoda, but this convenience is actually very limited. In the final analysis, it just saves Xiao Yan some troublesome steps. That's all, but there won't be any favoritism in the final results above Danhui.

This is also a matter of course.

But when Yao Chen signed up for Xiao Yan, he couldn't help but hesitate.

After struggling for a long time, Yao Chen sighed and took the initiative to add his own name.

And this action caused the soul pearl's faint light to flow around his body, which seemed to recall many memories that had been buried for countless years. In the past, they were mixed together and came to his mind.

"What are you hesitating about?"

After a while, Han Shanshan's questioning voice came from the soul bead.

"...Xuan Yi."

There was a rare hesitation in Yao Chen's tone.

"What's wrong with Xuan Yi?"

Han Shanshan felt a little puzzled. In her old memories, which she didn't have many memories of now, Xuan Yi didn't seem to have any special relationship with Yao Chen?

"...She once confessed to me, but because at that time I only wanted to teach my first disciple well, so I rejected her."

There was a hint of sentimentality in Yao Chen's tone, but he didn't know who the sentimentality came from. Was it the Xuan Yi that he had missed? Or did he miss Han Feng, who has already been eliminated by him? He couldn't think clearly anymore.

"...That's it."

Han Shanshan was silent for a moment. In fact, she was not surprised at all. It was as if she accidentally learned that Xiao Yan and Yao Wan did not join the team as a pair in the end, but were confused with several other girls. Likewise, things like feelings are hard to explain. She won't blame Yao Chen, let alone her old friends. After all, she has already passed the stage of being jealous, and she doesn't care about it. Now It is already a great happiness to be able to accompany Yao Chen and watch his descendants slowly come together.

"Then... you have written this and you are not going to see her again?"

"What do you see? Do you look like a human or a ghost now?"

Yao Chen couldn't help but shook his head.

"Then why did you write it down?"

"With Xiao Yan here, if Xuan Yi is intentional, even if I don't write, she will immediately guess that it's me who is coming. She will hide and act coyly, which makes her look guilty."

Yao Lao was silent for a moment, and then said: "Perhaps she has hidden herself in the Little Dan Pagoda and is not concerned with worldly affairs, or perhaps she has wandered around the Dou Qi Continent? It has been too long, and it would be better not to meet her."

But Han Shanshan shook her head. She still knew a little about her old friend. She... was probably still there.

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