Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 475 Do you think you can compare with Xiao Yan?

The alchemy meeting was about to begin, and Xiao Yan also began to adjust his condition to the optimal state. The power of the soul that had been promoted to the spiritual realm made Xiao Yan's operation speed in all aspects much faster.

At the same time, the range of his unconscious perception also expanded a lot. As Xiao Yan practiced, the power of his soul that opened subconsciously was like a radar, sweeping everything in front of him.

But suddenly, a familiar breath suddenly broke into Xiao Yan's field of vision. Xiao Yan, who was still adjusting his breath steadily, immediately opened his eyes and rushed out of the door involuntarily. He felt something - extremely It was thin, but it was enough to make his whole body tremble, as if he had been struck by lightning.

Then when he reacted, Xiao Yan would naturally subconsciously pursue this extraordinarily thin aura at all costs, as if he could completely eliminate the invisible aura in just the next breath.

Passing through the bustling crowd, Xiao Yan quickly walked through, passing in front of countless alchemists, and almost without stopping, he approached the place he sensed, but right there. It took Xiao Yan almost a stick of incense to arrive at the nearby location.

However, this place is not a post house or an inn. It is even empty. Only the flow of people slowly moving towards the Dan Pagoda blocked Xiao Yan's way.

Everything in front of him immediately made Xiao Yan's heart sink, but he still refused to give up and wanted to find her no matter what.

He passed through the crowd and unleashed his soul power again, but this attracted the slightly hostile looks of many people. However, Xiao Yan still ignored it, but no matter how hard he tried, if he missed it, he would still miss it. .

The two beautiful figures looked at Xiao Yan who was like an ant on a hot pot, but they did not cause the slightest reaction or abnormality from beginning to end.

Rather, what happened just now is called an accident. Even Yao Wan did not expect that Xiao Yan could still feel her presence even though he had subconsciously restrained his aura. It was really a headache. .

Could it be that I accidentally asked him to pickle it for me in the Ruins of Oblivion? Isn't it possible that he has been given a radar to detect himself?

Looking at Xiao Yan, Yao Wan was not happy at all. Instead, she frowned slightly. She didn't have the leisure time to entertain others... Oh, maybe she did, but she definitely didn't like Xiao Yan. Therefore, after seeing After Xiao Yan walked around there for a long time, he couldn't help but feel a little irritated. How could this guy's perseverance be used in such a place?

He couldn't find himself even if he looked for it, so why waste energy and mind for no reason.

Yaowan shook her head and sighed faintly. If she hadn't been too clear about Xiao Yan's temperament, she would have asked Little Phoenix to come forward to resolve this dispute for her.

It was only because she knew him too well that Yao Wan understood that in Xiao Yan's mind, Little Phoenix's coming forward was equivalent to his own coming forward. At the same time, it must also mean that he realized that he was not dead, and was even by his side. Isn't inflammation just like getting chicken blood? You have to dig three feet into the ground to find yourself.

At that point, what kind of alchemy meeting would he attend?

Yao Wan shook her head. While she was secretly annoyed, she couldn't help but feel a different sense of fulfillment, which made her feel particularly at ease. However, her subjective judgment made her feel a little uneasy. , two extremely contradictory thoughts collided with each other in her heart, causing her to hold her forehead.

"Master, would you like to find a place to rest first?"

The proud daughter of the Phoenix has now completely become Yao Wan's most loyal mount. Looking at Yao Wan, who rarely shows a trace of discomfort in her brows, she can't help but express concern.

"No, it's just a little troublesome."

The wrinkles between Yaowan's eyebrows remained unchanged, and she just shook her head gently.

"Then do you want me to drive Xiao Yan away?"

Feng Qing'er expressed what she was thinking. For some reason, her disgust for Xiao Yan did not weaken because of her surrender to Yao Wan, but instead became stronger unknowingly.

She doesn't like her master to take the initiative to approach others, and she doesn't like others to approach her master, especially Xiao Yan. When she thinks that this man has received the most help, favor, and even unspeakable emotions from her master, Feng Qing'er can't help it. Avoid creating twisted jealousy and hostility in your heart.

As long as you prostrate yourself at the master's feet and admire his majesty and stay by his master's side, everything will be fine.

But even so, Feng Qing'er still held on to the unobtainable delusions and distortions from beginning to end, but she didn't realize at all that she and Yao Wan had already gone through life and death together, protecting each other with their lives, and relying on each other for life and death. Xiao Yan, the arrogant and pretentious little Phoenix, was the later intruder.

"——Forget it, if you go, it will only make things more troublesome."

Yaowan gently shook her head. At this time, even she had no choice but to do nothing.

Feng Qing'er couldn't help but look at Yao Wan, and then lowered her head slightly. However, no matter how much she desired in her heart, it was naturally far less than Xiao Yan's position in Yao Wan's heart.

"Then Master...we..."

Feng Qing'er reminded Yaowan in a low voice. Naturally, they were not just here to join in the fun this time. Naturally, they were not suitable to just watch Xiao Yan scurrying around like a headless fly. How could they have this time? .

"It's okay, just wait."

Yao Wan's words made Feng Qing'er stunned. She watched Xiao Yan's every move change from urgency to disappointment, and finally had to leave.

He knew that even if it was the real Yao Wan, Wan'er would definitely not choose to show up when the fleeting light and shadow disappeared in front of him.

Xiao Yan's face became increasingly disappointed, but he finally showed a firm look. It doesn't matter. If he can't find him now, he can look for him slowly. One day he will be able to find her again.

Finally, under Yao Wan's gaze, Xiao Yan left here, which made her feel relieved. If he still stayed here regardless, she would be almost unable to bear it.

The Dan meeting is coming soon, where is there so much time for him to fool around?

However, Yao Wan trusted Xiao Yan after all, and knew that he was definitely not such a cowardly person who liked to escape from reality. That's why she said she wanted to come and see him no matter what.

And Xiao Yan did not disappoint her. Looking at Xiao Yan's back as he left not long after, Yao Wan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Since the master doesn't want to see Xiao Yan, why bother to see him again?" Feng Qing'er couldn't help but ask subconsciously. "It's not that I don't want to see him... It's just that it's not the right time. Because of everything that happened with him not long ago, I can't meet him temporarily..." Yao Wan explained, but when her beautiful light golden eyes turned slightly, she noticed that Feng Qing'er's eyes seemed a little wrong when she looked at her. A little nervous, but inexplicably urgent. "What's wrong? Little Phoenix?" Yao Wan saw that Feng Qing'er's reaction was really a little wrong, and couldn't help but ask, but before Feng Qing'er answered, she subconsciously thought of Xiao Yan. Although this possibility seemed a little incredible to her, but... Little Phoenix, could it be that she was jealous of Xiao Yan? "...What's wrong? Feeling a little... angry? Or not used to it?" Yao Wan looked at her, and there was a trace of seriousness, or scrutiny, in her light golden eyes. Feng Qing'er lowered her proud head and whispered, "I dare not - I just simply think that Xiao Yan..."

"What's wrong with him?" Yao Wan asked.

"Is he worthy of..."

Before Feng Qing'er finished speaking, Yao Wan's fingertips suddenly exerted a little force and pinched her cheek, using the simplest and most powerful action to stop Feng Qing'er from saying anything else. She already knew what she meant.

And since she already knew what she wanted to say, there was no need to say it again.


Yao Wan's action of forcibly stopping Feng Qing'er from speaking finally turned into a gentle hiss.

"You have been doing very well recently, little phoenix."

"But you can't challenge my bottom line with this kind of performance. I don't need others to point fingers at my actions." Yao Wan's tone was gentle, but it made Feng Qing'er tremble slightly.

She suddenly realized that she was so bold that she could not control herself and said such stupid things.

"I... I know I was wrong... Master..." Feng Qing'er said in panic, fearing that she would anger Yao Wan. Suddenly, the fear ran through her body like an electric current, making her tremble all over. She desperately wanted to apologize, repent, and was willing to appease Yao Wan's dissatisfaction in any way. However, Yao Wan was not angry, and the expected slaps or even more severe punishments did not fall on her. "You know you were wrong? Okay, then don't do it again next time." Yao Wan nodded her head, really not caring about Feng Qing'er's slip of the tongue, and her reaction was much milder than when she had been gossiping in Fenglei Pavilion before. But she was not angry, but it was enough to make people feel afraid. "You must learn to recognize yourself - Little Phoenix, this problem is still deeply rooted in you, recognize your position." Yao Wan squatted down slightly, looked at the limp Feng Qing'er, and said: "Or do you think that in my mind, your weight can be compared with Xiao Yan?" Feng Qing'er remained silent, only her phoenix eyes were filled with tears. "So don't have any extra thoughts and thoughts that you shouldn't have. Only in this way can you live more easily, understand? Little Phoenix?" Yao Wan wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and said. "I... I understand... Master..."

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