After the interlude, Yao Wan brought Feng Qing'er to the Dan Pagoda.

The power of the soul, which was only one step away from the perfection of the heavenly realm, dispersed the other alchemists invisibly. When they walked into the crowd, the other alchemists were imperceptibly moving away like a school of sardines. He kept his distance from them but was unaware of it.

Looking at the back of the plain skirt in front of her, Feng Qing'er's eyes were slightly lowered, not daring to look directly at Yaowan.

During this period of time, she temporarily refined the blood power belonging to the Heavenly Demon Phoenix clan in the blood elixir, further improving the power of her blood. However, the improvement that comes with the growth of this blood is indeed like a medicine. As mentioned, it is not something you can absorb at once.

After further improving her bloodline, Feng Qing'er's cultivation had only reached the high-level Douzong level, and the energy in her body was also suppressed again and again. Only when it could no longer be suppressed did it naturally break through. , but even so, the blood elixir condensed from the essence of these Heavenly Demon Phoenix Fighters is not so easy to digest.

That blood pill was not completely dissolved in Feng Qing'er's blood and meridians, but was still stagnant in the body like the magic core of a monster, circulating slightly.

Even though her strength soared, Feng Qing'er felt that the blood elixir in her body had not been consumed much.

Probably this blood pill was enough for her to reach the realm of Dou Zun, but even so, the medicine in front of her did not bring her even the slightest sense of distance, and it was not difficult for Feng Qing'er to guess. , even if he has grown to the peak of Dou Zong, facing Yao Wan, he is probably as small and fragile as when he was Dou Zong.

This feeling of being as ethereal and high as moonlight fascinated her.

After passing through the crowd and stepping into the huge black tower that towered into the clouds, two beautiful figures came to the Dan Pagoda. The prepared Dan Pagoda bowed slightly, and without saying anything, he led the medicine wand to the top of the Dan Pagoda. Go up, even Feng Qing'er couldn't help but look at it a few more times.

After all, this is the Alchemy Pagoda, which can be said to be the most powerful force on the bright side of Zhongzhou. It is her sect. There are several old monsters hidden in the Dan Pagoda that even the clan leader is unwilling to mention.

It's just that now it's obvious that the Demon Phoenix Clan has nothing to do with her.

In the Dan Pagoda, an old man in white who had already known that someone would come was waiting quietly.

Yao Wan's eyes did not change, and the old man with an erratic temperament in front of him also had some clarity in his heart. The ninth-level Dou Zun was at the peak, the eighth-level alchemist, and even the level of the ninth-level Dou Zun had been loosened. He must be there soon. It won't be a problem to be promoted to Semi-Saint in the future.

But what made Yao Wan even more curious was whether the other party was actually the Danta giant that she had guessed.

"But Miss Yaowan?"

"Exactly, senior?"

"But I can't bear the title of senior of Miss Yaowan, I am Xuan Kongzi."

The old man in white smiled and shook his head. The strong ones in Dou Qi Continent are respected and the masters are teachers. However, his half-life achievements were obviously not enough for Yao Wan.

Cultivation aside, the power of the light soul is far superior to his own. He has also long heard of the glorious record of a rich and inexperienced daughter of the Medicine Clan who ran away from home for several years, and her talent is even more It was terrifying, and it really lived up to its reputation when I saw it today.

But when she heard Xuan Kongzi's self-introduction, the corners of Yaowan's mouth twitched uncontrollably. It seemed that her guess was indeed correct.

Fortunately Xian'er didn't come... Oh, no, it has nothing to do with Xian'er now. After all, Xian'er has already eaten meat...

But even so, when Yao Wan looked at Xuan Kongzi, there was still a trace of uneasiness that she didn't know how to complain about.

To be honest, as a member of the Xiaoxian Party in the past, Yao Wan naturally hated Xuan Kongzi. She was a war criminal with a certain Yihuo with a purple name in the Dan Pagoda, but when she saw him , but she suddenly felt like she couldn't laugh or cry.

Should I say it’s time and destiny...?

Yao Wan couldn't help but complain in her heart. In this inexplicable aspect, she was not so repelled by this mysterious relationship.

But in the end, it was all bullshit. She shook her head gently to drive away these distracting thoughts.

"Senior Xuan Kongzi, you're welcome."

Yao Wan smiled slightly. She would not say what Xuan Kongzi was thinking, but since Xuan Kongzi had fulfilled his etiquette, she naturally needed to return the favor. After being polite, she said: "There is nothing special about me coming to Danta." It’s an important matter, and I’m disturbing the Alchemy Pagoda at this time, just because a friend is attending the Alchemy Conference.”


Xuan Kongzi couldn't help but raise his white eyebrows, and couldn't help but feel a little surprised, not only because Yao Wan's attitude was obviously different from that of ordinary ancient people, who had eyes higher than the top and liked to use their nostrils to see people, but also because Yao Wan's words were enough in the first place. Intriguing.


The friend of the eldest lady of the Medicine Clan...

According to Xuan Kongzi's knowledge, the person who could become friends with the eldest lady of the Yao Clan, not to mention the favored son of heaven who is also one of the eight ancient tribes, is at least a newcomer with powerful hidden strength.

When did Zhongzhou have such a medicine refining wizard who was qualified enough to participate in the Alchemy Conference?

Xuan Kongzi couldn't help but think about the hidden families he knew well, but he couldn't think of anything that particularly met the requirements.

Could it be a friend that the Yao Clan lady met outside?

Xuan Kongzi's eyes could not help but reveal a trace of strangeness. If that were the case, he would have to wonder what Yao Wan wanted to do by visiting at this moment.

It must be said that although the relationship between Danta and the eight clans was neither good nor bad, they always had to give some courtesy and face. After all, they were all at the top of Zhongzhou. If they really broke up, it would not be good for anyone. This is why Danta did not refute the request of the Yao Clan elder at the beginning.

But if the other party wanted to directly decide the candidate through them, then Xuan Kongzi would not agree to it no matter what, not to mention others.

This is simply a slap in the face to all the alchemists in the world. If the competition held by the largest alchemist group on the Douqi Continent is to break the rules of fairness and justice because of this, then all the alchemists in the world will become a joke. Fortunately, the Yao Clan is still the ancient race that is best at refining medicine. How could they make such a stupid move?

"If Miss Yao Wan is seeking good results in the Alchemy Conference for your friend, then there is no need to say more. Please go ahead. I won't see you off." Xuan Kongzi said in a very serious tone. This was something that he and Danta would never tolerate. Even if it might cause him to be at odds with the Yao Clan, he would not hesitate. However, after hearing Xuan Kongzi's sudden serious expression, Yao Wan couldn't help but tilt her head. Did this old man think of something inexplicable? "... I haven't said anything yet. Senior Xuan Kongzi, don't be so nervous, right? Besides, Yao Wan has never said that she would directly strive for the results of the Alchemy Conference for my friend, right? He is a man of ambition, and I can't do such a thing to humiliate him secretly." Xuan Kongzi was stunned. She didn't come to secretly seek results for her friend? Then what was she doing in Danta now? Could it be that she just came to take a look? No, Xuan Kongzi always felt that something was not right, and then he couldn't help but say: "Wait, I wonder what the name of the young lady's friend is...?"

"Xingyun Pavilion, Xiao Yan."

Yao Wan's words immediately made Xuan Kongzi subconsciously stunned, Xingyun Pavilion? Xiao Yan?

In recent years, among the disciples of Xingyun Pavilion who participated in the Alchemy Conference, there is no one named Xiao Yan?

Feeling something was not right, Xuan Kongzi immediately said: "Wait a minute."

Then he turned around to check the quotas for the Alchemy Conference that had been sorted out so far, and a big force like Xingyun Pavilion even had separate divisions and quotas in the Alchemy Conference, so it was not difficult to search for them.

As a result, Xuan Kongzi didn't know until he checked it, and he suddenly opened his eyes wide. Not only did he confirm Xiao Yan's identity, but he also saw a very familiar, somewhat dazzling name.

This time, the people invited by Xingyun Pavilion to the Alchemy Conference were not only Xiao Yan who participated in the Alchemy Conference, but also Yao Chen!

Yao Chen? He's back? !

Xuan Kongzi was surprised and delighted, and then immediately turned to look at Yao Wan, and his slightly wary expression disappeared.

"If you don't believe me, you can go find Xiao Yan and Yao Lao to confirm it later, but I hope you and others can keep it a secret for me."

"Keep it a secret? What do you mean, Miss?"

"If possible, I don't want Xiao Yan to know that I'm here - my friend is determined to get the Three Thousand Flames of Flame hidden in the Dan Tower. I know his ability and I'm not worried that he will lose. Just treat it as a witness."

Yao Wan didn't hide it. Everyone is smart and they must understand what she is.

"I see, that's good."

Xuan Kongzi nodded slightly. It was impossible for him to say that he was not excited at this moment.

In the past, the people in Danta had some friendship with Yao Chen. He was a free and easy person. It was really hard not to like him with such a person around. Now he has been missing for so long, and now there is finally news. He even brought his disciples and even his apprentices to participate in the Dan Conference. How could he not be happy?

When he subconsciously passed this good news to another Danta giant who was also concerned about this matter, after a silence, both of them felt a particularly strong breath swooping down from the Danta. It can be said that they have never been so fast in their lives.

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