Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 477 Yao Lao’s love debt

Xiao Yan probably didn't expect that they would be approached immediately after they settled in Shengdan City. However, the person who came was not the beautiful figure that he had longed for, but another beautiful woman that Xiao Yan did not know.

The beautiful woman who looked particularly mature couldn't help but be stunned for a moment when she saw Xiao Yan. If Xiao Yan didn't look anything like Yao Chen when he was young, she would have thought he was Yao Chen's son. .

"I wonder who senior is looking for?"

"I'm looking for Yaochen! Are you Xiao Yan? Who are you Yaochen?"

The beautiful woman didn't show off, so she asked directly.

As for this beautiful woman who wanted to see the teacher when she opened her mouth, based on his accumulated experience, Xiao Yan could guess without guessing that it was just a love debt left by the teacher.

Since it was a love debt, there was nothing he could do.

Xiao Yan took a deep breath, then bowed and clasped his fists, and said with great solemnity: "Old Yao disciple, Xiao Yan, have you met your senior, but don't you know his name?"

After confirming Xiao Yan's identity, the beautiful woman couldn't help but laugh, coughed slightly, and said: "My name is Xuan Yi. Since I am a disciple of Yao Chen, there is no need to give me any big gifts. My Aunt Xuan will be fine.”

"Uh... Xuan... Aunt Xuan."

Xuan Yi's enthusiastic tone immediately made Xiao Yan blush. Hey, he really guessed it right. Looking at the reaction of this senior Xuan Yi, it was probably inevitable that there was some kind of conflicting and confusing relationship with the teacher back then, right?

Xiao Yan subconsciously guessed. As for what his guess was... wasn't it because he had experienced this kind of thing more than once?

Naturally, the parties involved who have experienced this kind of thing have the best say.

Hearing Xiao Yan's name, Xuan Yi was also stunned. Immediately, a touch of rosy appeared on his wrinkle-free cheeks. His eyes looking at Xiao Yan became softer and softer. He looked like he was looking at his own descendants. The so-called The Aiwujiwu is probably nothing more than this.

Seeing this, Xiao Yan secretly thought he was lucky. Although he didn't know whether the teacher really had a relationship with her, it was obvious that the other party really had some feelings for Yao Lao. It seemed that the teacher had retained a lot of love back then.

If it were Xiao Yan who had not been to the Ruins of Oblivion, he might still be a little happy. After all, it would be nice to have someone who can accompany him like this beside the teacher, but after experiencing the Ruins of Oblivion, he also encountered his own... As a master who had a life-or-death relationship with his teacher, Xiao Yan immediately felt that this matter might be a big deal.

The teacher was caught between his master and Aunt Xuan, and he knew exactly what trouble would happen in the end.

Alas, teacher, I can help you with other things, but this love debt is really not something that I, the apprentice, can solve.

Xiao Yan couldn't help but knock on his forehead, feeling quite a headache. Just kidding, he didn't even clear up his love debt, and even helped the teacher deal with his love debt. He wouldn't choose this way of death even if he didn't want to live. .

But before Xiao Yan could get out of the way, Yao Chen's voice came from behind him.

"Okay Xiao Yan, let me handle the matter here myself."

Yao Chen, who was dressed in linen clothes and had a slightly ethereal figure, patted Xiao Yan's shoulder and said.

"Yes, I understand, teacher."

Now Xiao Yan seemed to be asking for Yao Chen's words. Instead, he stepped back half a step to get out of the way for his teacher, and at the same time looked at his teacher with a self-seeking look.

How could Yao Chen not understand what Xiao Yan meant? But there was a bit of impatience in his eyebrows, and a helpless smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Brat, when will it be your turn to teach me? I am a Buddha crossing the river myself, and I can't save myself. Why are you still trying to help me? He's busy.

However, in front of the two people who reunited after a long separation, Yao Chen's face did not show much joy of reuniting old friends, but more of reminiscence and a hint of sadness.

"Long time no see, Xuan Yi."

Yao Chen stared at the genius in front of him who was prouder than in his memory. He had obviously reached the peak of his life. He looked particularly mature and showed no sign of decline.

But when she really saw Yao Chen, Xuan Yi couldn't help being stunned. She opened her eyes slightly, as if she couldn't believe that Yao Chen would become like this.

"Yao Chen? Yao Chen?! You-how did you become like this?"

Xuan Yi subconsciously stretched out his hand, wanting to touch the medicine dust, but was afraid that what he touched would have turned into nothingness.

It was obvious that she had deliberately restrained her soul power, but what she had been waiting for was the ending she had now, which was a bit inexplicably sad.

As for the state of Yaochen in front of her, even if she didn't use her soul power to investigate, she was completely aware that Yaochen was just a soul body now. Although his soul body seemed to be quite stable and his life was not in danger, But it is far inferior to his original state where he had already touched a higher realm on the soul level.

Xuan Yi's whole body was trembling slightly. It was the anger and sadness that suddenly surged into his heart.

What exactly did Yao Chen go through to become what he is now? Who is it again? Who made him look like this?

As a Dan Pagoda giant, he has long been accustomed to the daily life in the Dan Pagoda, but Xuan Yi now bursts out with murderous intent that he has not seen in a long time.

But Yao Chen shook his head and said: "It's okay, it's all over... The chief culprit has been killed, it's all over, it's okay."

He couldn't help but comfort his old friend in front of him, but he was thinking uncontrollably in his heart. If he hadn't chosen to reject Xuan Yi because of Han Feng... wouldn't everything be different?

However, this idea did not last long in his mind before Yao Chen denied it himself.

He would still choose that way after all, and there would be no such thing in the world.

Under Yao Chen's comforting voice, Xuan Yi's anger and sadness finally turned into a very light sigh.

"It doesn't doesn't matter, as long as you come back, don't worry, I will go and collect all the materials needed to rebuild the body for you, plus a few alchemists I know who hold strange fires, please invite them It’s a matter of course to take action.”

Xuan Yi is indeed particularly interested in Yao Chen. Whether it is Yao Chen himself, Xiao Yan, Zi Yan who are just watching, and Han Shanshan who is silently hiding in the soul bead on Yao Chen, they all have something to say. witness.

Naturally, it's hard to have any objections to her.

"No need, Xiao Yan has basically collected all the materials needed to restore my body for me."

However, Yao Chen still rejected Xuan Yi's kindness and explained.

This can't help but make Xuan Yi's evaluation of Xiao Yan a bit higher again. He has already broken through to the Supreme Dou Zun at a young age. With this kind of cultivation, even in Zhongzhou, he is a prodigy who cannot be ignored.

"You have gained a good apprentice..."

Xuan Yi pondered for a moment and said, "But Xiao Yan has collected most of the materials you need, but the strange fire..."

"Strange fire?"

When Yao Chen heard Xuan Yi mention it, he half-smiled, and then subconsciously looked at Xiao Yan: "Xiao Yan."

After getting permission and confirmation from Yao Chen, a five-color strange fire ignited in Xiao Yan's fingertips. Then the five-color strange fire divided again, split into five, and turned into five different colors in front of Xuan Yi. Fire, Xuan Yi had seen a lot of weird things as a Danta giant over the years, but at this moment, he couldn't help but his pupils shrank sharply.

Even in the Dan Pagoda, I have never heard of anyone being able to hold another kind of strange fire, let alone five kinds of strange fire——

After being extremely shocked, Xuan Yi couldn't help but look at Yao Chen, as if asking where he found such a talented person.

But Yaochen remained silent, naturally accustomed to all this.

After Xiao Yan silently put away his strange fire, Xiao Yan saw the teacher and Xuan Yi talking again.

But it wasn't as urgent as before. Old friends who had reunited after a long separation also started chatting with each other, unknowingly bringing up many things from the past.

And Xiao Yan could see it to some extent. Although Xuan Yi's feelings for the teacher were written on his face, the teacher still remained calm and got along with her normally. Although there was indeed no problem with this, the teacher had no problem with this teacher. Senior Xuan Yi did not have the feelings he had imagined at first, but more like Xuan Yi's unrequited love for him.

Or maybe it's just that the teacher has experienced the huge blow of Han Feng's betrayal and experienced so many years of silence, and he still hasn't recovered yet.

Xiao Yan was thinking in his heart when he felt Zi Yan's elbow gently poke him. Xiao Yan couldn't help but look at the tall beauty beside him.

"What's wrong?"

"Is that your teacher's friend?"


Xiao Yan drawled a long voice and said hesitantly, after all, he was not familiar with it.

Zi Yan was a little curious and eager to try.

"I think your teacher's friend seems to like your teacher?"


Xiao Yan couldn't help but sigh, and then said: "I have seen it a long time ago——"


Zi Yan's reaction made Xiao Yan sigh. With Zi Yan's IQ, it was impossible to call her stupid, but her emotional intelligence was too disastrous, and she felt almost out of touch with normal people.

"This kind of thing doesn't need to be so troublesome at all. You only need to take a look and you will understand——"

Xiao Yan said angrily, and then looked at Zi Yan beside him, and Zi Yan happened to meet Xiao Yan's eyes at this moment. Her purple eyes were as touching as clear amethyst.

"...Why are you looking at me like that?"

Xiao Yan couldn't help but said.

"Didn't you say you could understand it just by looking at it?"

"Go, go, little brat."

Xiao Yan quickly pushed Zi Yan away.

"Who are you calling a brat? I have grown up a long time ago. If you say I am young, Sister Xian'er and Sister Nalan are not even older than me!"

Zi Yan had no resistance to Xiao Yan's verbal attack, and her hair exploded in an instant.

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