Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 479 Leaving Seclusion

Yaowan looked at Xuan Kongzi, whose expression was somewhat complicated, with a slight smile, and then said.

"Since Xiao Yan is a disciple of Yao Chen, it is not too surprising to be able to win the title of Dan Pagoda. However, I am being presumptuous. Please forgive me, Miss."

Xuan Kongzi shook his head, but since he said the wrong thing, he naturally had to apologize.

After all, it would undoubtedly be a great insult for an ordinary alchemist to make such a guess. If he did not do it right, he would become enemies, so naturally it would be better for everyone to talk about it as soon as possible.

"It doesn't matter, it's senior Xuan Kongzi who cares about the Dan Pagoda. Such an iron rule naturally requires extraordinary means to guard it. Xuan Kongzi doesn't have to worry about it. After all, it was my inappropriate words that caused the misunderstanding."

Yao Wan smiled slightly, showing no trace of the arrogance of a daughter of a wealthy family. For her, it was never difficult to keep her head down and be good. She never felt that this would damage her self-esteem. The thinking she had cultivated in her previous life was With this advantage, some of the things that were agreed upon in Dou Qi Continent were of no use to her, and she was able to abandon the pride of those wealthy families that had no so-called meaning in the first place.

Then, before Xuan Kongzi could reply, Yao Wan crossed her arms, looked at the Holy Dan City, and explained: "I will come with Xiao Yan just to be a witness to this friend. There is no need to worry that I will ask you to engage in malpractice for personal gain.”


Xuan Kongzi was embarrassed and couldn't help but nodded.

However, before retreating for the time being, Yao Wan still tried to mention the matter about the Swallowing Spirit Clan to Xuan Kongzi after thinking for a moment.

As the Danta giant and the agent of this powerful force in Zhongzhou, Xuan Kongzi is naturally well-informed. Although there are not many rumors about the Swallowing Spirit Clan, the time when the Danta was established can be said to be the oldest existence among the existing Zhongzhou forces. , for the elusive evil clan, there is indeed more information about the Spirit Devouring Clan than other forces.

Not even talking about the past, just a few years ago, when the Northwest Continent suffered a disaster from the Spirit-Devouring Clan, the alchemist guilds in various places obtained a large amount of valuable first-hand information in a short period of time, and succeeded through the special secret method of the Danta. It was transmitted to the library of Dan Pagoda and collected and summarized. Even Yao Wan did not expect this.

Therefore, when Yao Wan mentioned the Spirit-Devouring Clan, Xuan Kongzi did not show any surprise. Instead, he said that they were already aware of the existence of the Spirit-Devouring Clan and had begun preparations to deal with the Spirit-Devouring Evil Clan in the future. .

Yaowan's face also showed a hint of emotion involuntarily.

If she wanted to say why, she naturally had not forgotten one of the methods she had prepared to eradicate the Spirit-Devouring Clan.

Research on the ominous energy used by the Swallowing Spirit Tribe - Demonic Qi - which is different from Douqi, and attempts to reverse the way the Demonic Qi operates.

Just because there are so many aspects that need to be considered in this research, even if it is a medicinal plant, it is difficult to complete this research that may really come in handy in a short period of time when all kinds of information are scarce. A series of things happened, and Yao Wan had no choice but to put them on hold for the time being.

But now I heard that there is actually relevant information in the Danta. No matter what is recorded in it, it has undoubtedly given Yao Wan an unusual and huge improvement in her understanding of the Spirit Swallowing Clan——

Of course, this is a very ideal state, but even so, getting even one unusual new record among those vast records is unusual for Yaowan.

"Then I wonder if Senior Xuan Kongzi would allow me to temporarily borrow these records of observing the Spirit-Devouring Clan?"

Yao Wan's face was full of seriousness. On this issue, she would not lie. Of course, there was no need to lie.

When seeing Yaowan, his interest seemed to be suddenly aroused. Xuan Kongzi was naturally a little bit unexpected. After all, who would have thought that Yaowan would be so clear about the information and records of the Devouring Spirit Clan.

"These records are not that important. They are simply the last records left by the local Alchemist Guild. However, I still want to take the liberty of saying something for now - what do you think, Miss?"

Xuan Kongzi couldn't help but ask. Originally, this kind of thing was not something he needed to consider, but as the saying goes, there must be a monster when something goes wrong. On such issues, no one can say for sure.

"Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in every battle. I told Senior Xuan Kongzi that more importantly, I hope that powerful forces like Danta can make more preparations to deal with the invading enemies when the Spirit Devouring Clan attacks in the future. "

Yao Wan said in a nonchalant manner, this reason is very useful.

"Then speaking of that, could it be that the eldest lady has already come into contact with the Spirit-Devouring Clan?"

"Well, that's true."

Yao Wan nodded, but she didn't want to tell anything about the Ruins of Oblivion, so she kept silent. It would be better for Xiao Yan to know about his embarrassment——

Naturally, Xuan Kongzi quickly gave his answer: "The Danta is very grateful that the eldest lady can take the initiative to mention the matter about the Spirit-Devouring Evil Clan. In this case, the eldest lady would like to borrow some information about the Spirit-Devouring Clan. With the information, Danta will naturally open the door to convenience.”

Yao Wan bowed slightly: "Thank you very much, Senior Xuan Kongzi."

"It doesn't matter. I have to thank you for the Yaochen matter."

Xuan Kongzi waved his hand and said.

After talking with Xuan Kongzi, Yao Wan took Feng Qing'er to the library of the Dan Pagoda. Since it was the library in the Dan Pagoda, in addition to ordinary sects, the martial arts and fighting skills were also kept and collected. Except for a small part, most of them are the various elixir prescriptions collected by Danta, various records from other Alchemist Guild branches, and the records about the Spirit Swallowing Clan that Yaowan wants to find. Also recorded in it.

The elixir recipes in these elixir towers are undoubtedly more valuable to the alchemists. For this reason, the records of various guilds needed for the exercises, fighting skills, elixir recipes, and medicinal herbs are in the library. It was divided into three parts to prevent anyone from stealing the prescriptions under false pretenses.

Yaowan is not interested in the elixir prescriptions of the Danta. The only thing she is interested in is the information about the Spirit Devouring Clan.

"Master, what are you...?"

But naturally Feng Qing'er still couldn't understand what Yao Wan did.

"It doesn't matter, it will be solved soon anyway."

Yao Wan said in a neutral tone.

After getting Xuan Kongzi's permission, Yao Wan and Feng Qing'er walked into the branch information in the library. In the endless forest-like library, before Feng Qing'er could speak, Yao Wan raised her head. Hand, the soul power immediately condensed into a ring and quickly spread in the library.

After the power of the soul touched the edge of the library, it immediately shrank again, and at the same time rolled up the scrolls made of countless jade slips placed on the bookshelf.

Those scrolls trembled slightly, and countless golden words flew out from them, turning into a stream of golden light, surrounding Yaowan. Feng Qing'er couldn't help but narrow her eyes slightly. She originally thought that the master would have to spend a lot of money. She spent a lot of time looking for the information she wanted, but she never thought that what the master showed far exceeded her imagination and guessing.

Yao Wan's gaze remained unchanged. This kind of thing was naturally easy for her in her current soul state.

Then, she subconsciously searched for keywords such as the Spirit-Devouring Clan and the Evil Clan in her mind.

The golden text in front of him began to be sorted automatically, turning into records one by one. Yao Wan's eyes swept across them, but even the records left in the guild were not all unknown information.

However, Yaowan was not discouraged and continued searching.


Starfall Pavilion.

In a secret room where no one can disturb, the deep purple poisonous fire appeared an unusual green color due to the refinement of the powerful physique. As the beautiful figure inside slowly opened her gray-purple eyes, the deep purple transparent A terrifying green flame appeared and boiled violently.

The beauty sitting in it frowned slightly. Even though it had been half a year since she got this strange fire seed, as Sister Wan said, the compatibility between the Netherworld Poison Fire and the Disaster Poison Fire was very good, and it even happened twice in her body very quickly. The evolution of Poison Fire and the Poison Body complement each other and bring about not only the evolution of Poison Fire, but also the improvement of cultivation.

The little medical fairy slowly raised her fingertips, and the discolored poisonous fire curled up docilely in her palm, and then penetrated into her body.

Afterwards, the little medical fairy slowly stood up, feeling the surging fighting spirit in her body. According to her estimation, she was only one step away from Dou Zun. If Poison Fire could officially usher in its evolution, the relationship between Poison Body and Poison Body would be great. The contact was enough for her to break through the shackles of Douzong.

Counting the time, it seems that I have missed Xiao Yan and the others...

Even though they were in seclusion, the little medical fairy could still feel the poisonous fire on Xiao Yan's body being strong and weak, but it seemed that they had already set off for the Dan Meeting.

Do you want to go and take a look——

The little medical fairy was thinking, but she noticed that outside the secret room, a sharp sword intent penetrated the secret room that should have isolated most of the fighting spirit and perception. The little medical fairy could guess who it was without even thinking.

The little medical fairy then pushed open the heavy stone door, but happened to hear the heavy door of the secret room not far away being opened at the same time.

A capable beauty dressed in white slowly walked out of the stone door of the secret room. She happened to see the silver-haired beauty in a lavender dress, and a faint smile could not help but appear on her face.

"Xian'er is also out of seclusion?"

"Well, Nine-Star Douzong... is still a little short of Douzun."

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