Naturally, the little medical fairy's statement was rather reserved.

However, the two girls knew each other well and there was no need to be polite. After listening to what the little medical fairy said, Nalan Yanran couldn't help but look at her curiously, and she already had a guess in her heart.

"Speaking of it this way, could it be that it belonged to Xiao Yan before...?"

Nalan Yanran subconsciously said that although Nalan Yanran had a good relationship with the Little Medical Fairy, she still had some small thoughts of comparison in her heart.

Among the confidante who is entangled with Xiao Yan, Nalan Yanran is probably the one who has the strongest desire to become stronger.

There is no deep reason or reason, she just simply wants to become stronger. Of course, if possible, Nalan Yanran naturally hopes that she can defeat Xiao Yan and Yao Wan.

The little medical fairy's thoughts about Nalan Yanran can be felt to some extent, but for Nalan's slightly stubborn thoughts, the gentle little medical fairy naturally has no intention of attacking her.

Just a few wisps of deep purple poisonous fire with a quiet green brilliance ignited on the onion fingers as white as jade, and then explained: "The fit between the poisonous fire and the poisonous body is far beyond my imagination, and it is also Thanks to the power of poisonous fire, my cultivation has soared so fast."

"That's it..."

Nalan Yanran sighed, it was not jealous, and she immediately rekindled her fighting spirit. If it didn't work, she went back to Wujian Mountain. The monstrous sword power of Wujian Mountain and the demon head left behind after his death. The pure energy is enough for her to reach the peak of Dou Zun in the shortest time, without even leaving any side effects. The only drawback may be that her sword power must be better than that of Yun Potian, the ancestor of their Yunlan Sect. Reached a higher realm.

It's just that this kind of problem is still too far away for Nalan Yanran, who is no longer a high-level Douzong.

"Okay, don't be too discouraged. I know you are high-spirited, but there is no need to get into trouble by yourself."

The little medical fairy was really worried, so she couldn't help but comfort her.

Nalan Yanran shook her head: "Okay - I'm not that fragile yet. If I were to be that fragile, I would have stabbed myself to death with a sword when I lost to Xiao Yan."

"Let's not talk about this - oh, by the way, speaking of which, Xiao Yan and the others have already gone to attend the elixir meeting?"

"That's right..."

The little medical fairy hesitated for a moment, then nodded gently.

"Tsk - don't wait for us, really... is Xian'er going to find him?"

Nalan Yanran could tell what the little medical fairy was thinking with just one glance, and then directly told the little medical fairy's true thoughts, causing the silver-haired beauty in front of her to be slightly startled.

"...Nalan will you come with me?"

"Forget it, I don't know anything about refining medicine, why should I go to see him? The Dan Conference tests the medicine refining master, not a fight to the death. I... I'd better go back to Wujian Mountain and continue to practice in seclusion. Don't worry, if If anything happens to you in the future, I will come to help you.”

Nalan Yanran waved her hand. The little medical fairy could sense Xiao Yan's presence through the poisonous fire, but Nalan Yanran couldn't do this. She could only guess that Xiao Yan must have come back, but considering that this guy has medicine With Wan accompanying me, nothing big will happen.

And according to her guess, Xiao Yan might have already broken through Dou Zun. The way to cultivate Yaoyuan is often simple and powerful, and it's not like she hasn't experienced it before.

Besides, this woman, Yaowan, is the best at cooking small things. Even if she thinks about it on her own knees, she knows that as long as Xiao Yan uses something related to Yaowan, which one is not the best to use?


Seeing Nalan Yanran slightly dissatisfied, frowning slightly and hugging her chest, squeezing the plump pigeon under her smart sword shirt, the little medical fairy couldn't help but reveal an embarrassed yet polite smile.

"In that case, Nalan is leaving soon?"

The little medical fairy couldn't help but ask.

"Leaving? Probably...Xian'er must be leaving soon?"

"That's natural. Danhui is coming soon. I'll have to take a look anyway."

The little medical fairy subconsciously tucked a strand of silver hair from her temples behind her ears and pondered.

"Well, then I guess I won't stay too long."

Nalan Yanran nodded slightly. In this case, there was not much time, so she had to prepare some surprises for Xiao Yan.

"That little girl Zi Yan is probably still with Xiao Yan. I wonder how they get along now?"

"It's hard to say, maybe that bastard used the elixir to trick Zi Yan into going to bed?"

Nalan Yanran's words made the little medical fairy couldn't help but laugh: " shouldn't be possible, right?"

"What if we add yarrow?"


The little medical fairy was silent.

Apart from anything else, Xiao Yan probably wouldn't have the courage to seduce other girls if he had the guts again, but if he added the yarrow... it's really hard to say. After all, the urinary properties of the yarrow are not clear to the two of them. ? At this point, they still have to "thank you" Yaowan.

"Sister Wan shouldn't be... right?"

The little medical fairy subconsciously said, but Nalan Yanran still said: "Xian'er should go and have a look quickly. I don't object to Zi Yan and Xiao Yan, but I can't stop Yao Wan from doing evil again."

If Yao Wan hears Nalan Yanran's evaluation of her in this way, she will cry out to the world, forget about other girls. When has she ever done such a thing to Zi Yan?

But I'm afraid that even Yao Wan's defense in front of Nalan Yanran is not enough to restore the bad impression of her as a cheerful person in Nalan Yanran's heart. There is no way, although the first impression is so important, the first impression is shattered. The broken impression that followed was undoubtedly more deeply rooted in people’s hearts.

Seeing the way the little medical fairy tried to defend Yao Wan made Nalan Yanran's teeth itch, and finally she revealed her truest thoughts.

"——Hmph, one day, I will definitely press her on Xiao Yan's bed!!!"


"Ah sneeze——"

While checking the information about the Swallowing Spirit Clan, Yao Wan sneezed for no reason.

"Master? What's wrong with you?"

Yaowan's sudden sneeze frightened Feng Qing'er, and she couldn't help but ask subconsciously.

"Nothing - maybe someone is thinking of me?"

Yao Wan didn't take it seriously, but she was a little surprised that she could sneeze now that she was only one step away from the semi-holy city. As soon as she finished speaking, before she could continue to say anything, she sneezed again uncontrollably. A sneeze.

"***, who is scolding me?"

Yao Wan couldn't help but cursed subconsciously, and Feng Qing'er was so shocked that she didn't dare to raise her head again.

However, Yao Wan also immediately realized that something was not quite right, and then coughed to relieve her embarrassment. It was strange. Since arriving in Dou Qi Continent, thanks to everyone's good reputation, she It is true that such swear words are rarely used, and today's situation is somewhat rare.

In addition, this time in the library, she also gained a lot. Some things that she had ignored were rediscovered and unearthed.

Combined with her previous discoveries, Yao Wan felt that she might be able to go a step further to some extent.

Yaowan's pale golden eyes shone with a faint light, and then she raised her hand and waved, and the golden words scattered in the sky scattered with the wind.

"Okay, let's go, little Phoenix."

Yaoyuan clapped her hands, as if dusting off her hands after cleaning. Now that she had what she wanted, she naturally needed to experiment.

"Where are we going, Master?"

Feng Qing'er said subconsciously.

"Find a refining pharmacy. I need to summarize and classify some things now."

Yao Wan's eyes were a little more eager to try.


And just when Xiao Yan was about to participate in the Dan Meeting, Yao Wan restarted the experiment of the Swallowing Spirit Clan, and when the little medical fairy was rushing to the Dan Realm, some people who had been dormant for a long time were naturally not idle.

In a dark corner outside the Dan Realm, the evil energy and the dark death energy are intertwined, turning it into a complete hell on earth.

Among them, a dark and skinny ghost figure and a twisted and chaotic demon figure stood at both ends of this hell on earth.

"Why do you, the Soul Palace, look down on people so much? Why did you send a five-star Dou Zun here?"

The chaotic demon looked at the dark and skinny ghost, couldn't help but sneered and said.

If there are people here, they will definitely exclaim that the dark and skinny ghost is none other than the old ghost who has achieved great fame in Zhongzhou.

"Hmph, how can you kill a chicken with a bull's-eye knife?"

Faced with the provocation of the Spirit-Devouring Clan, the old ghost Zhaixing was not afraid at all. He just sneered sinisterly, and then said: "Let's not talk about the daughter of the rich clan for the time being. She lost the entire border of the continent from the hands of a junior. Now, why do you have the dignity to show off in front of my Soul Palace?"

"Hmph, how can a frog at the bottom of a well know our clan's plan?"

Moying sneered, and then said: "This time, your Soul Palace is also unable to directly locate the star field. Instead, you are the one who makes the decision. Do you really think that my clan is your thugs?"

"Don't say it so nicely, as if you don't get a penny from it."

The old ghost Zhaixing snorted coldly. Even the people in the Soul Palace didn't have a good impression of these evil aliens. But since it was the order and request that the Palace Master was concerned about, he naturally wouldn't have any complaints. .

"We want three thousand flames of fire and the souls of those alchemists, and their flesh and blood will belong to you——"

"Wait a minute, we don't want the pickled thing of the alien fire and let it go for now, but isn't the most precious thing for you human alchemists the soul? You also want the soul, and you also want the alien fire. It's not appropriate, right?"

"Then do you want me to give you half of the Three Thousand Yan Yanhuo?"

The star-catching old ghost sneered and said.

The demonic figure suddenly showed a hint of murderous intent, but it quickly controlled itself.

"In addition to the flesh and blood of the alchemist, I also want half of the soul!"

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