Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 481 Bullying the weak and fearing the strong

The demon's non-negotiable tone was so strong that the old ghost's face suddenly darkened.

But it was obvious that the devil did not allow himself to bargain any more.

"Then you'd better move more quickly."

The star-catching old ghost snorted coldly and then said.

"This is what I should leave to you to say, but don't let the time come when you fail to succeed and fail more than you should."

The evil demon sneered, and then waved his robe sleeves that were so twisted that they could not be seen directly, and turned into a ball of demonic energy, tearing the void, and then disappeared directly here.

And after the evil spirit left, the old ghost's expression suddenly darkened.

What a spirit-swallowing tribe, that’s disgusting.

The old ghost of Star Reaching couldn't help but lower his head and spat. It can be seen that even a ruthless character with such a famous reputation can't help but feel his scalp numb when he stares at that group of demonic figures, and the feeling of disgust in his heart is even stronger. To the point where nothing can be done.

Even though they were as evil as the Soul Palace, they never expected that there would be someone more disgusting than them.

But even so, cooperation with the Spirit-Devouring Clan is the standard and requirement set by the Palace Master, and his subordinates must obey it. Therefore, working with these disgusting bugs, they can only hold their noses and tolerate it.

But no matter what, with the help of the Devouring Spirit Clan, the difficulty of locating the star field and marching straight into it has indeed become much easier.

As long as the star field is located, the flesh and soul of the leaders in the next Dan meeting, as well as the three thousand flames sealed by the three giants of the Dan Pagoda, will be in their pockets. .

When he thought of this, the old star-catching ghost raised his hand, and several black figures came out from behind, lowering his head and saying: "Respect the old man."

"Go and inform Mu Gu, be prepared and make sure nothing goes wrong. If something goes wrong, he won't be able to bear it."

The star-catching old ghost waved his hand and motioned for them to go ahead.

Several black shadows bowed slightly, and then quickly disappeared into the darkness in front of them.

"Hmph, the Spirit Devouring Clan - you better be of some use."

The old man reaching for the stars snorted coldly and murmured to himself.


After several days of the most stable selection in the alchemy world, the alchemy meeting was quickly held in a warm atmosphere, and Xiao Yan was naturally among them. But just when he was about to start refining the medicine, he I also felt a cold gaze locking on me from a certain corner, giving the impression that it was a poisonous snake poised in a blind corner, ready to bite you at any time.

Xiao Yan frowned slightly, but he couldn't remember when he had offended someone at the Dan Club? It can't be that when he first came to look for Wan'er, he accidentally pushed someone and was resented, right?

While murmuring subconsciously in his heart, Xiao Yan felt this unusual cold gaze locked on him again, which made him somewhat disgusted.

Sure enough, it was just for me.

Xiao Yan's eyes were cold, and then he followed the line of sight and saw a man who was particularly conspicuous among the many alchemists, with a face as pale as a corpse.

The Spirit Devouring Clan?

There was a hint of terrifying murderous intent in Xiao Yan's eyes, but he soon realized that it didn't seem to be the Spirit Devouring Clan. Although the aura was dark and strange, at least it was still a reaction of fighting spirit, rather than a demon that attracted the repulsion of the world. Angry, I think that no matter how courageous the Swallowing Spirit Clan is, they still dare not appear directly at the Dan meeting, otherwise even if they don’t talk about others, even the three spoilers of the Dan Pagoda will not be able to eat it. Walk around.

If he wasn't from the Spirit Devouring Clan, could he possibly be from the Soul Palace?

Xiao Yan frowned slightly, but didn't think too much.

He just subconsciously felt that something was not right with him. After the battle at the Ruins of Oblivion, he always felt that everyone looked like the Spirit Devouring Clan, and since they were the Spirit Devouring Clan, they naturally had to be killed.

He wasn't sure if this was psychological trauma in some sense, but it probably was.

But even the people from the Soul Palace didn't care.

Murderous aura surged in Xiao Yan's eyes, so much so that the people in the Soul Palace couldn't help but froze for a moment as he was looking at him with a dangerous and cold look just now. They were obviously frightened by Xiao Yan's dangerous look, which looked a little strange no matter how he looked at it.

——No, why is this Xiao family boy so murderous?

Even the old man Mu Gu couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. What on earth did this kid experience after leaving the Northwest Continent?

As an old man who has been dealing with death and killing all year round, he could naturally see at a glance that Xiao Yan was unusual at this moment. Even he couldn't help but subconsciously feel like he wanted to avoid his sharp edge, but he was soon overcome by him. Denied.

How could he be afraid of a junior?

With this idea in mind, Old Man Mu Gu sneered at Xiao Yan. He was very interested in Xiao Yan - after all, this was Yao Chen's new disciple. Yan is Yaochen's disciple, so Old Man Mugu is determined not to let him have an easy time.

What's more, the Burning Technique and Strange Fire are both on his body. Now his body is probably full of treasures. Is there any reason to let it go?

Yaochen, that old and immortal person, has to fight with himself in everything, so why not the Strange Fire and Burning Technique? If he hadn't failed several times in the past, this Burning Technique should have been his!

But what he thought and what Xiao Yan would do were completely different things.

Xiao Yan's eyes were cold. Since he was from the Soul Palace, he was the teacher's enemy. The enemy of the teacher's death in the past, Han Feng, the traitor, had been killed, but the Soul Palace was far from paying the corresponding price.

In Xiao Yan's heart, this old man Mu Gu was completely sentenced to death.

On the side of the stands, Yao Chen subconsciously looked to the other side in response to Xiao Yan's slight abnormality and almost immediately noticed something was wrong.

That pale man in black robe, if he wasn't Mu Gu, who was he?

"Is it Mu Gu?"

Yao Chen frowned slightly, and there was a hint of wariness in his brows, and even Han Shanshan had a trace of soul fluctuation.

"Mu Gu...? Is it really him?"

There was a hint of solemnity in Han Shanshan's tone. Although most of her memories were incomplete, only those things that left a particularly deep impression on her would be deeply engraved in her mind and become indelible. I still remember it very clearly until now.

As for Mu Gu, her former disciple, Han Shanshan was naturally deeply impressed.

Mu Gu once joined Han Shanshan's sect together with Yao Chen, but they had evil intentions and used living people to refine medicine. After being discovered, she was naturally expelled from the sect by her, who could not tolerate disdain in her eyes. However, she did not expect that he would become a disciple of Han Shanshan from then on. Joined the Soul Palace.

"This person has evil intentions. He probably came here this time because of Three Thousand Yan Yanhuo. Xiao Yan is afraid that he will be in trouble."

Han Shanshan said.

However, Yao Chen shook his head. Now that his soul power has been restored to some extent, he can basically detect the current cultivation level and realm of the old man Mu Gu.

"The peak of the three-star Dou Zun...the soul in the spiritual realm..."

If such difficulties could stop Xiao Yan, Xiao Yan would not be able to reach this point.

"It doesn't matter, Xiao Yan has a way to solve it, don't worry about him."

Yao Chen's words to comfort Han Shanshan were heard by Xuan Yi who was standing aside. Xuan Yi couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. He was quite surprised. It was not for other reasons. Although Xiao Yan was extremely talented, so was the old man Mu Gu after all. For veteran alchemists of the same era, if their evil intentions are a matter of character, it is not a factor that affects their personal abilities.

Mu Gu's evil intentions do not affect the fact that he is a veritable eighth-grade alchemist. Even in the Soul Palace, with his alchemy skills, he is quite valued by the mysterious palace master.

Does Yao Chen actually think Xiao Yan can defeat Mu Gu?

A trace of confusion emerged in Xuan Yi's heart involuntarily.

But all this will soon be answered.

Following the referee's order, countless medicine cauldrons fell to the ground, and the dull bell announced the start of the elixir meeting.

Xiao Yan and Old Man Mu Gu also had to devote their attention to the desk in front of them.

In the blink of an eye, strange flames of various colors burst into flames.

It's just that when they reach their level, pure fighting spirit flames seem a bit unsatisfactory, so alchemists often look for various strange flames, especially strange fires, to increase their limits. After all, those who are qualified to stand here, and Which one is not the best among men?

As the advantages brought by talent are gradually leveled out during the long period of practice, no matter what kind of alchemist he is, he will want to pursue a more powerful flame, thereby seeking a breakthrough in alchemy.

Among them, special artificial flames and powerful beast fires are also among them. For example, what Old Man Mugu uses is a strange beast fire owned by a powerful monster called Ming Chi Jiao. It is called Ming Chi Yan. The Qi attributes are quite consistent with him.

But only one of them caused fluctuations that were different.

It was like a gust of wind whistling by, causing the surrounding flames of various colors to sway fiercely like candles in the dark night, as fragile as if they would be extinguished at any time.

When those alchemists realized that their flames were extremely weak, they suddenly reacted and looked at Xiao Yan, who was entangled in the strange flames that intertwined and changed with five colors.

"It's strange fire!"

Xiao Yan deliberately controlled his strange fire not to be too public, but even if Xiao Yan had deliberately controlled it, many of the flames around him were faintly agitated, but they had to curl up in fear.

The five-color strange fire in Xiao Yan's palm was flowing quietly like a lotus, silently enjoying the surrender of the surrounding fire, but Xiao Yan was speechless.

Why didn't I see you so arrogant when you faced the Flame of Ashes?

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