Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 486 Killing the Three Demons

Looking at Xiao Yan who lit up the dim void in front of him like the sun, Old Man Mu Gu snorted coldly, but he did not expect that such a thing would happen.

Those sinister eyes stared at Xiao Yan, but there was a trace of greed in his brows, even if Xiao Yan relied on that weird body-refining technique to survive the seven-color pill thunder. I saw it with my own eyes, but I didn't expect that this glazed body could actually withstand the terrifying high temperature from the three thousand flames.

If you let yourself get this body-training technique...

The greed in Old Man Mu Gu's heart became more and more intense, and he changed his mind. Whether it was the Burning Technique or the Strange Fire, he also wanted to get this body-refining technique!

"Jiejie, but it's too early for you to say this!"

Old Man Mu Gu laughed loudly, and then said: "Since you are not dead, then it is just right -! Friends of the Swallowing Spirit Clan, if you don't take action now, when will you wait?!"

Old Man Mugu's voice quickly caused ripples in the starry field in front of him like pebbles breaking the surface of the water.

When they heard the word "Spirit Swallowing Clan" from the old man Mu Gu, the eyes of the others showed a hint of confusion. Only Xiao Yan's dark red eyes almost suddenly burst out with extreme terror. The overwhelming murderous intention.

Sure enough, the merger between the Soul Palace and the Spirit-Swallowing Clan is not a coincidence, but a deep cooperation from top to bottom!

As soon as Old Man Mu Gu finished speaking, a deep crack was suddenly torn open in the space that was originally like a tide, and several demonic figures flew out from it, but there were also figures from the Soul Palace.

As soon as those demonic figures appeared, they faced Xiao Yan and the great elder of Danta. However, the influence of the Three Thousand Yan Yanhuo in the star field was too great, and just when these powerful men from the Spirit Devouring Clan were about to take action At that time, their existence had already caused Sanqian Yanyanhuo, who was a spiritual creature of heaven and earth, to be extremely disgusted, and even subconsciously wanted to devour all these damn pests without leaving a trace.

Naturally, the people from the Soul Palace couldn't just sit back and watch this happen. Before Old Man Mu Gu could remind him, the few people from the Soul Palace who followed the strong men from the Spirit-Devouring Clan to break through the space immediately took action. The three of them became A word "pin" surrounds the huge three thousand flames, forming a large formation.

"Jie Ten Thousand Souls Devouring Spirit Formation!"

Cold shouts burst out from the four people's mouths, and immediately a strange, overwhelming black mist surged out from the bodies of the four people, and then quickly spread. The black mist was filled with an unusual coldness, faintly , and there were piercing, high-pitched screams, constantly coming from the black mist.

The formation was completed in a blink of an eye, and as the strange black mist spread, the power of the stars that had been continuously absorbed by the three thousand flames in the star field was directly isolated.

"Damn humans!"

Upon noticing this change, Sanqianyan Yanhuo also roared angrily. It had just broken through the seal, and naturally it did not want to return to that kind of dark sleep again.

The huge mouth opened wide, and purple-black flames, like pillars of fire, spurted out from its mouth. Wherever the flames passed, traces of distortion appeared in the space, causing the black mist to distort and disappear.

Facing the crazy counterattack of Three Thousand Flames, the faces of Mu Gu and the four others also darkened, their handprints changed like lightning, and in the cold black mist, bursts of iron chains rattled suddenly.

The black mist fluctuated, and immediately hundreds of black chains as thick as thighs shot out from the black mist, directly piercing the jet of fire pillars, and then swept out overwhelmingly like giant pythons. Finally, it turned into a giant net, covering three thousand flames.

"You evil beast, you don't want to take the easy road, but you want to find your own death. I will help you today!"

Seeing that the people in the Soul Palace controlled the Three Thousand Yan Yanhuo almost in the blink of an eye, Xiao Yan was not in a hurry. Anyway, he didn't pack the strange fire away, so he wouldn't worry too much.

Looking at the twisted demonic figures who clearly had no intention of letting go of them, Xiao Yan exhaled a breath of turbid air. As he exhaled his fighting spirit, the dharma body shone brightly, causing the four demonic figures to become a little wary.

Xiao Yan, a human being that the Soul Palace is particularly interested in, is the initiator of cutting off their tentacles from the border continent. Many of them are quite disdainful of Xiao Yan's existence, meaning that they are just a pawn pretending to be the daughter of a wealthy family. That's all, but I never thought that this little chess piece would actually become the climate.

"Great Elder, just hold one person down, and I will figure out a solution for the rest. Zi Yan, hide."

Protected by his body, Xiao Yan looked at the four demonic figures in front of him, and the five-color fire lotus bloomed faintly in his hand.

Before they could reply, the space in front of the demonic figure was slightly distorted, and Xiao Yan had already come to kill him. The five-color strange fire in his hand turned into a fire ruler and suddenly fell down, forcing the demons to subconsciously resist. Fire is the biggest nemesis of the Spirit Devouring Clan. The violent and blazing energy suddenly penetrated the demonic energy, leaving a hideous scar on the demons.

How is this a one-star Dou Zun!

Just this first blow forced the demons to put away all the contempt in their hearts.

Needless to say, two demonic shadows flashed past, one on the left and one on the right coming at the same time.


Xiao Yan raised his hand, and the five-color strange fire burned blazingly on his arm that was glowing with golden light. The disgusting and disgusting demonic energy of the opponent was dissolved in just the moment of taking action. Xiao Yan clenched the five fingers of his hands into claws and clasped tightly. The second demon's head was crushed, and the terrifying power that erupted instantly made the second demon's eyes bulge, and his head was about to explode.

However, Xiao Yan dealt with the enemies on both sides at the same time. The door in the middle was wide open. The remaining demon immediately seized this opportunity and hit Xiao Yan's chest with an extremely vicious demon seal.

"Heart-Breaking Seal!"

The violent roar suddenly exploded like thunder, and a strong shock wave erupted. With a sneer of pride but still hidden fear on the face of the demon in front of him, he had already guessed that Xiao Yan's chest was printed by his palm. A miserable scene of a bloody hole.

It's just that the door of his heart has not been completely penetrated by himself, and his heart is broken. Let's see how long he can stay up!

But when he felt pain in his arm that was almost breaking, the demon raised his head and suddenly opened his eyes wide, as if he never expected such a result.

Not to mention breaking through the door of Xiao Yanxin's mask, the brilliance of the Dharma Body was still the same, and it did not suffer even the slightest substantial damage from the demon's full blow.

Only the faint halo dimmed slightly, but with Xiao Yan's breathing, even the invisible Qi Gang returned to its original state.

What kind of monster is this? !

The demon suddenly opened his eyes wide, unwilling to accept what he saw and heard at this moment no matter what, so that as a spirit-devouring tribe, he unexpectedly let out such a surprised exclamation.

Only the demonic energy has always corroded the fighting spirit. However, when facing Xiao Yan, the infection of the demonic energy was burned away by the power of the alien fire, and the collision between the remaining pure energy could not harm Xiao Yan at all. , simply unbelievable and unheard of.

Xiao Yan looked at the astonishment of the demon in front of him, and then he descended straight down and grabbed the head of the two demons with both hands and smashed it down in front of him like a weapon. With the sudden collapse of the space, what followed was It was a piercing scream.

"It's so noisy."

Xiao Yan frowned slightly, and then two terrifying five-color fire suddenly erupted from his palm, burning the two demons he was holding tightly into two burning people.

Even so, no matter how the two demons struggled and resisted desperately, they were like two little chickens in Xiao Yan's hands, with no resistance. Then, when he swung them as weapons with all his strength, they suddenly broke apart. , as if it could not be sustained as a whole, it suddenly collapsed.

The demon in front of him also had no resistance. His limbs were smashed by the two demons alive, and he could not escape the strange fire. He fled and rolled all over the ground in the void, but the powerful Dou Zun was helpless in front of Xiao Yan. The resistance is so strong that one can't help but wonder who is making the dumplings.

As soon as Xiao Yan stretched out his hand, the two evil cores that wanted to escape were immediately pulled by the terrifying suction force that erupted in Xiao Yan's palm, and finally fell into his palm. The exploding alien fire completely washed away the evil consciousness on the evil cores, but It turned into two pure energy cores and no longer reacted at all.

"...Now I understand."

Xiao Yan exhaled softly and did not pay attention to the particularly shocking looks from the others behind him. Five-color strange fires ignited on his fingertips, and then he said slowly: "It turns out that you, the Devouring Spirit Clan, are not going to become Dou Zun. It can be called a 'devil general', which makes me a little disappointed."

"What? How do you know that our demon general - ah -!"

Before the demon could finish speaking, he was slapped to death by Xiao Yan.

The demon who was standing in a stalemate with the Danta Elder saw Xiao Yan killing three of their compatriots in the same realm in the blink of an eye. He could hardly believe that there was something wrong with his eyes. Even if this kid who was only a one-star Dou Zun Even with the addition of strange fire, it is impossible for him to be the opponent of three strong men from the Spirit Devouring Tribe who are at least three-star Dou Zun.

No, there is definitely something wrong with this kid!

Zi Yan looked at Xiao Yan, who was covered in glazed brilliance and looked down at him like a god of war. She couldn't help but reveal a smile, but she couldn't help being slightly startled. No, when did Xiao Yan become so powerful?

Could it be that it was really because I went out with Yao Wan before?

Zi Yan couldn't guess that, after all, she actually had very little contact with Yaowan. The only contact she had memory of was when she tried to break through the Dou Huang under the Tianfen Qi Refining Tower, and she was just a pusher for the time being.

After Xiao Yan eliminated the three demons, he turned his attention to the people in the Soul Palace who were almost unable to control the three thousand flames.

At the same time, a dragon-like flame flew out of the giant dragon's body and escaped the old man's hand.

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