Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 487 It’s up, it’s seconds, what is there to say?

That is the origin fire of Three Thousand Flames.

Xiao Yan's eyes narrowed, and he saw the original fire flying towards behind him, attracting many people to scramble for it, but the purple-black dragon-shaped strange fire escaped everyone.

He originally subconsciously wanted to get the three thousand flames first and then slowly deal with the people in the Soul Palace, but he did not expect that the old man Mu Gu who missed the opportunity gave up suppressing the three thousand flames and then Kill towards him.

He didn't even know what to say about this old man.

I'm afraid there's something missing in my brain.

Forget it, Three Thousand Yan Yanhuo is so powerful that no one can hold it for a while, so let’s deal with these scumbags who colluded with the Swallowing Spirit Clan first!

"Xiao Yan, come and lead me to death!"

"Leading to death? As a living being on the Dou Qi Continent, but colluding with the spirit-devouring evil clan, who deserves to die?!"

Facing the cold old man Mu Gu, Xiao Yan attacked him impartially. His glazed body shone so brightly that even the terrifying cold aura around him shrank away from him.

Accompanied by a loud roar that was enough to shake the entire star field, the two faced each other with their palms facing each other. The light of Xiao Yan's Dharma Body did not diminish at all. On the contrary, the old man Mu Gu, who had a higher level of cultivation, retreated more than a thousand feet in a row before he could barely control it. His body flew backwards, and his cold, snake-like eyes were filled with astonishment.

What happened to Xiao Yan? No matter how genius you are, you can't surpass yourself and challenge yourself at the peak of the three-star Dou Zun?

And as if he saw the hesitation and confusion of the old man Mu Gu, Xiao Yan sneered: "If you are a strong man at the peak of the Nine-Rank Douzun, I am naturally no match. For example, the giant of the Dan Pagoda, and my teacher--"

"However, it is more than enough to deal with someone like you, who is of the same generation as my teacher, but is still only a three-star Dou Zun."

"——Shu Zi, you are seeking death!!!"

Xiao Yan's words were like a heavy hammer, completely shattering the twisted and sensitive self-esteem of the old man Mu Gu. Yao Chen was a lifelong psychological shadow and a nightmare that he could not overcome in his life. Compared with him, it was The most powerful denial of his life.

Naturally, it became the most taboo that should not be mentioned in front of him, the elder of the Soul Palace.

"The natal soul lock appears!"

Just as the screams fell, an unusually loud sound of steel friction sounded in the void, and a rapidly spreading black mist suddenly erupted from the old man Mu Gu's Tianling Cap. The black mist squirmed, and then a bucket of water A pitch-black chain with no apparent length appeared in this void space like a ferocious ancient python.

The pitch-black chain looked extremely spectacular. The surface of the chain was covered with strange dark purple runes. Faintly, there were countless faces full of sad colors frozen on the chain. As soon as the chain came out, that The terrifying shrill screams kept coming out, making Xiao Yan frown slightly.

Xiao Yan was not afraid at all. Instead, he showed a sneer and imitated Yao Wan's tone: "Are you in a hurry?"

Old Man Mugu stopped answering. He just wanted to use the most powerful action to prove how stupid Xiao Yan was for daring to use Yaochen to belittle him.

But Xiao Yan refused to give in. He only knew that everyone who had hurt his teacher should pay the price.

"You think I'm deliberately belittling you?"

Xiao Yan didn't even use the strange fire this time. He just turned slightly to avoid the sharp cone with barbs at the front of the soul lock, and then grabbed it with the palm covered by the law body. The so-called phase comes from the heart, to the sun. The holy glazed dharma body tightly squeezed the soul lock of the old man Mu Gu, making a sizzling sound like a hot iron being pressed against his flesh. Countless wronged souls escaped from the control of the soul lock in twisted wails.

"No, only a self-centered person like you would think that I am deliberately belittling you. I am just elaborating on the most insignificant of the teacher's many achievements. You are destined to be a loser in front of my teacher. Loser, you can’t even compare to me now, let alone this old man?”

Xiao Yan watched the old man Mu Gu's expression gradually collapse into an inhuman state, and then the dharma body grabbed the soul lock, and with a fierce force, he directly pulled the old man Mu Gu over. Under the dharma body, that The soul lock has actually begun to be overwhelmed, with dazzling dark purple cracks appearing.

Although the natal soul lock is very powerful, because it is strongly bound to the people in the soul palace, the backlash after being damaged is also very serious.

Old Man Mugu spurted out a mouthful of blood, but he was still dragged over by Xiao Yan uncontrollably.

"Okay, this is the end of all the evil you have done in this life!"

Xiao Yan said coldly, and then waved out a palm. Under the Liuli Dharma Body, almost every move he made turned into an extraordinary and powerful earth-level fighting skill. There was no need for any extra fighting skills to support his fighting.

However, at this moment, a skinny hand met Xiao Yan's palm and blocked Xiao Yan's killing move.

There was another muffled sound, but this time the opponent had the power to withstand Xiao Yan's palm. Then the soul lock dissipated, and Old Man Mugu quickly retreated to a safer place.

"Humph, I should have guessed that things are not that simple, but I never thought that you guys can't handle such a small thing."

Different from the deep voice of Old Man Mu Gu, the skinny old man snorted coldly and said in front of Old Man Mu Gu and the other three strong men of the Soul Palace.

The old man Mu Gu didn't even wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth. He immediately raised his hands towards the skinny old man in front of him and said, "I've seen him before, Lord Reaching for Stars."

"Okay - if I hadn't arrived in time, I'm afraid you would have died even for saying this!"

Xiao Yan looked at the skinny old man in front of him. He had no impression of this person, but he heard the Danta elder behind him exclaim: "Old star-catching ghost, how could it be you?!"


Hearing the startled voice of the great elder of the Dan Pagoda, the old ghost of Star Reaching smiled: "The people of the Swallowing Spirit Clan are unreliable, and the people under their command are useless. Don't you need me to make a trip myself?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the Star-Zhaing Old Ghost's eyes followed the pressure of the Five-Star Dou Zun and crushed him towards Xiao Yan.

"Xiao Yan, be careful, this old ghost is as strong as a five-star Dou Zun, don't underestimate him!"

The great elder of Danta said urgently.

"——Oh, Five Star Dou Zun."

Xiao Yan was not affected by the pressure of the old ghost. Instead, he gently squeezed his fist and made a crisp clicking sound.

How many Five-Star Dou Zun died under the joint efforts of him and Wan'er?

I don’t know, I can’t remember them right now, but there are a few of them anyway.

Seeing that his cultivation level was so oppressive that he really couldn't suppress a one-star Dou Zun, the old ghost of Star Reaching subconsciously felt that something was not right.

"Star-catching old ghost? I have never heard of this name, but since you are from the Soul Palace, don't leave when you are here!"

Xiao Yan's figure disappeared instantly.

The Star Reaching Old Ghost's pupils suddenly shrank, his hair stood on end, and a sense of danger suddenly erupted that frightened his soul. He slightly turned around and narrowly dodged Xiao Yan's punch.

Where is the speed of One Star Douzun?

"Taixu Ancient Dragon?!"

The star-catching old ghost was surprised and said that except for Taixu Ancient Dragon, he really couldn't think of anyone who could possess the ability to step into the void without leaving a trace and reach the pinnacle.

But isn’t Xiao Yan a member of the Xiao family? How could he be a monster?

Realizing that Xiao Yan was not easy to deal with, the old ghost Zhaixing shouted: "I'm here to hold him back, hurry up and recover the three thousand flames!"

However, as soon as he finished speaking, the old ghost Zhaixing realized that the four old men of Mu Gu alone could no longer hold the three thousand flames, especially since the old man's soul lock was damaged. At this time, he dared to touch the three thousand flames. Fire must be burned to ashes.

Therefore, realizing that even if he held Xiao Yan back, the Soul Palace would not be able to gain anything, the old ghost of Star Reaching decisively chose to give up, and then said: "Withdraw!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Old Man Mugu quickly took out a silver jade slip from the ring and crushed it into pieces without hesitation. The majestic power of space surged out, and a dark space crack appeared.

The remaining three soul hall sages didn't need to be reminded at all, the silver jade simply appeared, and with a pinch, several space cracks quickly appeared.

After the old star-catching ghost finally exchanged a palm with Xiao Yan, he turned around, broke through the void, and forcibly left the star field without looking back.

Because Xiao Yan has always been thinking about Three Thousand Yan Yanhuo, it is naturally difficult to pursue him, but it makes him feel a little funny.

"Hmph - being a talkative makes you run faster."

Xiao Yan snorted, but immediately focused his attention on the Spirit-Devouring Clan Dou Zun who was fighting with the Danta Grand Elder.

Seeing that the person from the Soul Palace actually turned around and ran away, the demon was shocked and angry, but it was obvious that he couldn't say anything more at the moment, so he immediately opened a space crack at the risk of being injured by the Danta Elder. , and dived into the twisted void.

Seeing that the crisis was over, the Great Elder of Danta also breathed a sigh of relief, and then quickly raised his head to look for the three thousand flames, only to see Xiao Yan pinch the tiny dragon-shaped strange fire in the palm of his hand with just one move. .

The fire in the starry sky, which others still need to deal with carefully, cannot harm Xiao Yan at all now, and even the terrifying alien fire cannot harm Xiao Yan's dharma body.

The Great Elder of Danta breathed a sigh of relief, and now the dust has settled.

"Thank you, Great Elder, for your help. Xiao Yan thanks you here."

Xiao Yan's sincere thanks made the Great Elder of Dan Pagoda a little dumbfounded. Naturally, it depends on who said it. It's not like he didn't see it just now. He killed three demons and forced the five venerables of the Soul Palace to retreat. One of them even... The notorious old star-catching ghost, faced with such achievements, he only managed to hold off one of them, and in the end allowed the other party to escape. The gap between the two was too big.

"I need to refine three thousand flames here, Great Elder..."

"Well, I understand that. In that case, let's go back first—"

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