Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 499 Ten Branches of Divine Tree, Divine Bloodline

Feng Qing'er looked at the maid beside Qing Lin who could not hide her excited expression. She did not expect that her master's maid would be so enthusiastic about her master.

Qing Lin noticed Feng Qing'er's gaze, but he didn't care. Instead, he said, "If you want to stay with Miss, you have to know a lot, huh."

It's just that now Feng Qing'er has no time to pay attention to Qinglin's words. Her phoenix eyes can't help but look at the medicine wand, watching her slender white fingertips gently caressing the jade needle, and then looking towards it without hesitation. He pricked the pad of his index finger.

There is no need for any hesitation, and she has never cared about the earth-shaking changes that this coming-of-age ceremony can really bring to herself. Unlike Yao Xingji's nervousness, Yao Ling's joy, Yao Tian's hesitation, Yao Wan's response to this The idea of ​​an adult ceremony has not changed from the beginning to the end - I have other things to be busy with, and it is more appropriate to leave this kind of stage show to others.

Instead of the expected stinging pain, a drop of particularly pure golden liquid dripped from her fingertips into the water bowl in front of her.

Everyone couldn't help but hold their breath subconsciously. What kind of bloodline would this absolute protagonist in the celebration of life a few years ago awaken? This is not only something that people from the Yao Clan are curious about and look forward to, but naturally also includes many talented people from the other eight ancient tribes in front of them.

The light broke through the water bowl, and then the branches belonging to the sacred tree virtual image of Yaowan were pulled out. In the blink of an eye, the power released and the sacred tree virtual image exceeded those of Yaoxing Ji and Yaoling's sacred tree virtual image. The growth rate completely exceeded everyone's expectations.

The first branch, the second branch, the third branch, the fourth branch——

The fifth branch, the sixth branch, the seventh branch, the eighth branch——

Almost in the blink of an eye, the almost golden sacred tree sprouted out branches that looked slender and tender at first like blooming flowers, and then immediately grew rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Looking at the color alone, you can feel that the virtual image of the pale golden sacred tree is completely different. It pulls out branches one after another and grows rapidly. In front of the family monument, the breathing of many people in the square becomes heavier because of this. The same is true for the geniuses from the eight tribes.

Lei Xiao stared blankly at the virtual image of the golden sacred tree that was growing with every breath, while Gu Qingyang could not help but subconsciously look at the vast sky of the medicine world. The space in this sky was full of subtle fluctuations. Get up, there are faint and powerful auras covering the entire sky, making the entire world of medicine become slightly dim. Obviously, these are the elders of the medicine clan who have never shown up, but at this moment they Obviously he couldn't sit still anymore.

But all this will not have the slightest impact on Yaowan's bloodline awakening.

Under the gaze of countless eyes, after the virtual image of the golden sacred tree pulled out the branches on the eighth trunk, the ninth branch rushed up to the golden crown after just a few breaths of brewing. The entire virtual golden sacred tree The shadow shines brightly.

"Nine branches of the sacred tree, ninth grade bloodline?!"

Even the two elders who presided over the coming-of-age ceremony couldn't help but feel doubly surprised. They stared straight at the tree that had never stopped growing up until this moment and turned into a real tree in the blink of an eye. A virtual image of a towering golden sacred tree, with excitement and excitement dancing in its eyes.

Ninth-grade bloodline, really ninth-grade bloodline? !

The ancestors are really loyal to our Medicine Clan. The two elders couldn't help but glance at each other. Naturally, they saw the excitement and vague trembling in each other's eyes. Are they too excited? Maybe, after all, a member of the ninth-grade bloodline has not appeared in their Medicine Clan for a long time. Facing a newly born member of the ninth-grade bloodline, it is impossible to be too excited.

"It's really the ninth grade."

Huo Xuan concentrated slightly and said.

"A clan member of the ninth-grade bloodline was actually born... Counting the Yaotian who is at the peak of the eighth-grade bloodline, this Yao clan is really lucky."

Lei Xiao couldn't help but sigh, and his interest in the medicinal herbs became more and more intense.

"Ninth grade?"

Hearing Lei Xiao's sigh, Gu Qingyang couldn't help but let out a sigh. Although he didn't have any basis for this, he always felt that things were not that simple.

The ancient demon on the side saw Gu Qingyang's reaction and frowned slightly. If it wasn't the ninth grade bloodline, what else could it be?

It's impossible for this medicine clan to really give birth to a clansman with divine bloodline, right?

The ancient demon shook his head. Naturally, he did not believe that such an outrageous thing would happen in front of his eyes. Divine bloodline is so rare. Even their ancient clan has not had such a divine bloodline for thousands of years. Almost everything about this divine bloodline has been solved. It became a mere legend.

It's just that everyone's anxiety, expectations, and waiting have nothing to do with the protagonist in front of this clan monument.

Even after the golden sacred tree stretched out its ninth branch, it continued to grow unstoppably. The shadow of the sacred tree quickly exceeded everyone's imagination. The huge shadow wrapped the yarrow in it, and the slender The trunk and branches became thicker and thicker, like a giant pillar in the true sense of the word.

The nine branches of the sacred tree quickly grew to its limit. The hearts of the three elders were beating so strongly that the virtual image of the sacred tree seemed to have reached the peak level of the ninth grade.

Is it possible that the legendary divine bloodline has not appeared for thousands of years?

Under the focus of countless gazes, the top of the main trunk of the sacred tree, which had gradually calmed down, was almost at the same level as the clan monument. Everyone heard the sound of twisting branches coming from there, which had grown to The extreme nine branches are giving way to something.

At the same time, an extremely strong and terrifying sense of oppression came from the virtual image of the sacred tree, and everyone's hearts seemed to be tightened at this moment.

The top of the main trunk of the sacred tree, the last branch, grew out, and then immediately grew stronger. The virtual image of the golden sacred tree in front of me was no longer comparable to other people's virtual images of the sacred tree. It seemed that the golden sacred tree held up the entire sky. At this moment, the virtual image was condensed into reality, and the light was so bright that the light golden light fell on the shoulders of everyone in the square.

The sense of terror and oppression just now returned to calm and peace as the last branches of the sacred tree grew. The urgency in everyone's hearts disappeared at this moment. Only the people of the Medicine Clan uncontrollably bowed to the prosperous golden sacred tree. The worshipers even included Yaoxingji and Yaoling who had just accepted the ceremony, but even Yaotian and the more powerful elders did not dare to look directly at the dazzling brilliance of the golden sacred tree.

The young talents from the eight tribes could not help but turn their heads and glance at the large group of people from the Medicine Clan, but their hearts were still filled with shock that could not be calmed down.

"It's really a divine product... This generation of the Medicine Clan is really lucky."

The ancient demon also gradually put away the slightest contempt for Yaowan. The holder of the divine bloodline itself is a kind of existence that is disconnected from other people.

"Divine product..."

Lei Xiao's fingertips trembled slightly, and he couldn't tell whether he was shocked or excited at this moment.

Yao Tianze stared blankly at the sacred tree branches that were all golden and no longer had any other variegated colors. This bloodline was far beyond what he could compare with. It was no wonder why she had never looked at it directly from beginning to end. At a glance, as a holder of a divine bloodline, he does have such qualifications.

For some reason, after witnessing Yaowan's divine bloodline, it made him feel much better.

The virtual image of Shenmu lasted for a long time, and Yao Wan did not show any different expression from beginning to end. In fact, she did not know that she was of divine bloodline, and she was not even aware of this aspect. She originally thought that she was also It's just a sixth or seventh grade, a seventh or eighth grade, or at most a ninth grade. If this is the case, you can make yourself a little more low-key. This is good, because you can't be low-key anymore.

Bathed in the radiance of the virtual image of the golden sacred tree, many tribesmen faintly felt that the power of their bloodline had been faintly improved, as if they were derived from the blessings bestowed by the divine bloodline.

And this feeling, even the three elders can clearly feel its miraculousness, and there is even more ecstasy in their eyes.

It was not until the end that Yao Wangui came to his senses: "Ten branches of the sacred tree, bestowed with seven-colored golden clan patterns!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the shadow of the sacred tree, which was huge enough to compete with the family monument, turned into a golden light and fell in the middle of Yaowan's smooth eyebrows. A brilliant and extremely colorful color slowly flowed in the dazzling golden light. In the end, he returned to peace.

Yao Wan subconsciously raised her hand to touch her eyebrows, but there was no special feeling.

In this way, it can be said to have come to an end, right?

Yao Wan turned around. Since the adult ceremony was over, there was nothing left to stay here.

She took a breath and wanted to leave immediately, but she heard a familiar voice coming quietly.

"Wan'er, don't leave in a hurry. How about waiting for now?"

Yao Wan was slightly startled, that was the voice of the clan leader.

If it were other elders, Yaowan really didn't want to pay attention to it, but since it was the old man's request, there was nothing he could do.

However, there wasn't necessarily any place where he could sit down and wait for the coming-of-age ceremony to end. Yaowan's pale golden eyes glanced slightly, and then he simply walked slowly towards the seats where the guests from the eight ancient tribes were sitting.


Huo Xuan couldn't help but sigh, Gu Qingyang's expression did not change, and Lei Xiao could not calm down.

"Miss Huo Zhi, can you let me squeeze you for a while?"

Huo Zhi was slightly startled. She really didn't expect Yao Wan to come to the seat where the eight ancient clans were sitting to squeeze for a seat.

But she also understood why Yao Wan didn't look for anyone but herself. After sighing helplessly, Huo Zhi slightly moved his butt towards Huo Xuan.

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