Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 500 Business Comes to Your Door

"God-grade bloodline, Miss Yao Wan has a promising future, congratulations." Huo Zhi slightly moved his buttocks to make room for Yao Wan, with a hint of envy in his tone. After all, this is a god-grade bloodline, a powerful bloodline that can reach the top of the Douqi Continent as long as it is practiced normally. Even for the existence of the Eight Ancient Clans, the birth of a god-grade bloodline basically only happens once every few thousand years, like their Yan Clan and Lei Clan. As for their Yao Clan, it is estimated that they have not seen the birth of a god-grade bloodline for at least five thousand years. A bloodline that is destined to allow oneself to reach the top of the world and the top of the family, if someone does not envy, then it is self-deception. "What are you congratulating? After all, it's just the legacy left by the ancestor. If you squander it recklessly, it will eventually run out." Yao Wan said indifferently without changing her gaze, which made the eight clans' geniuses in front of her a little surprised. Yao Wan's words naturally sounded a bit easy to say, but the fact is indeed so. It's better to say why the people of the eight clans are so obsessed with becoming Dou Di. One of the motivations is that blood is not eternal. With the inheritance and reproduction of each generation, although the speed is not fast, there will occasionally be extremely rare atavism blood phenomena like Yao Wan, but in general, blood is also losing power little by little. Why the Xiao clan was destroyed in the past has a lot to do with the exhaustion of the Xiao clan's blood. It's just that the speed of the Xiao clan's blood exhaustion is faster than that of the other eight clans, and they can at least maintain it for a few more generations. "Alas, Miss Yao Wan's charm remains unchanged, and even more so than during the celebration of the living beings. Now that she has a divine bloodline, she will have a bright future." Huo Xuan, who was beside Huo Zhi, could not help but sigh and said. "Same here." Yao Wan shook her head. She didn't expect that she could chat with any of the ancient clan members. There was probably no one who could understand her. Since that was the case, there was no need to talk nonsense. Anyway, it was all just a matter of time. There was nothing to say. Just when she turned her head and looked at the opposite table, Gu Qingyang couldn't help but look at Yao Wan. He didn't flatter her, but just nodded slightly. Yao Wan didn't respond to him, but even so, she couldn't help feeling a little strange. In her few memories, Gu Qingyang was an official in the ancient clan, at least much better than Lingquan, but was he so idle? He was there for both of the big moves of the Yao clan. As if by some strange coincidence, Yao Wan couldn't help but ask, "Friends of the Gu Clan, I wonder how your eldest daughter is doing these days?"

Gu Yao frowned slightly. Why did Yao Wan seem to be very familiar with Xun'er? Regardless of his suspicion, Gu Qingyang said, "Thanks to Miss Yao Wan's concern, Xun'er is doing well these days, but she has been busy practicing in seclusion, and we rarely see her. If Miss Yao Wan wants us to bring a message for Xun'er, it would be better for Miss Yao Wan to visit us in person. Our Gu Clan will certainly welcome you warmly."

Gu Qingyang's words were naturally very sincere. Putting aside other things for the time being, it would not be excessive to reconsider the relationship with the Yao Clan for Yao Wan's sake. The so-called divine bloodline has such power.

"No, no, no, I just asked because I thought of it by chance. I won't bother my friends from the Ancient Clan. As for visiting the Ancient Clan, I think there will be a chance." Yao Wan shook her head gently. She herself would not say anything, but Gu Xun'er was afraid that she would not be so willing to reminisce with her. Oh, if she successfully defeated the other girls, as the winner, she might be willing to meet with me to appreciate the revengeful happiness brought to her by her "loser"? After all, when she suddenly realized that she did not have any romantic feelings for Xiao Yan after returning to the Northwest Continent together last time, it was hard to say whether she had opened the champagne. Alas, the little girl's boring desire to win. Yao Wan's slender fingertips gently stroked the smooth tabletop, waiting for this adult ceremony to end. After all, it was the old man's request, so she would at least complete the process. Although the coming-of-age ceremony has not yet been completely concluded, everyone understands that no matter what potential the young talents of the Yao Clan have, the absolute protagonist of this coming-of-age ceremony is Yao Wan. The difference between the divine bloodline and the ninth-grade bloodline is even a word, but it is a world of difference.

And Yao Wan's name will once again spread throughout the eight clans this time.

"——Miss Yao Wan."

Suddenly, just as Yao Wan was waiting for the last three people to complete the coming-of-age ceremony, a slightly serious voice came from behind Yao Wan.

Yao Wan subconsciously turned her head and saw that the person who spoke was the leader of the Yan Clan, Elder Huo Yao.

Yao Wan had some impression of this Elder Huo Yao, or more precisely, some impression of the Fire Cloud Water Flame he possessed. After all, there are only 23 kinds of strange fires on the strange fire list, and a little counting will make it clear.

"Does Elder Huo Yao want to talk to me about something?"

Yao Wan couldn't help asking. She really couldn't think of what the Yan Clan wanted to talk to her about for a while.

Although she did a lot of things, except for the Soul Clan, logically speaking, she didn't provoke other ancient races, right?

If she had to talk about the Ancient Clan, wasn't that a personal grudge between her and Gu Xun'er?

Yao Wan was unconsciously complaining in her heart, but she heard Elder Huo Yao say: "In fact, since the last Living Celebration, my Yan Clan has always wanted to have a good chat with Miss Yao Wan about the strange fire on Miss Yao Wan." Yao Wan was slightly startled, but she immediately understood what Elder Huo Yao meant. Thinking carefully, the attraction of the strange fire to the Yan Clan is no less than Xiao Yan, so she understood what Elder Huo Yao wanted to do now. "Oh, so Elder Huo Yao is talking about the flame of living beings." However, even though she understood it, it was impossible for Yao Wan to take the initiative to expose it. She subconsciously spread out her palm, and the bright green flame quietly bloomed from her palm like a plant, growing wantonly. "No, no, no, Miss Yao Wan's Flame of Life was even cultivated by herself, and now she has accepted the blood mark of the Yao Clan. She can no longer be used by our Yan Clan. It is not the original intention of our clan to rob others' things." Yao Wan smiled and continued, "Then what does Elder Huo Yao want from me?" "It's not a big deal. I just heard that Miss Yao Wan's Flame of Life was originally just a wisp of fire that the Yao Clan spent a lot of money to exchange from Elder Shennong, and then it gradually grew up under Miss Yao Wan's careful cultivation. Is this true?" "That's right." Yao Wan's exact answer made Huo Yao's face show a trace of visible joy. If that's the case-"Then I wonder if Miss Yao Wan is confident that she can reproduce the origin of the differentiated fire again, and cultivate the separated fire into a new fire?" Elder Huo Yao asked, and the tone of his evaluation inevitably had a bit more expectation and uneasiness. Yao Wan then revealed an expression of sudden enlightenment: "Oh, I understand. So, what does Elder Huoyao mean?"

"I think Miss Yao Wan also understands what the strange fire means to our Yan Clan."

Before Yao Wan finished speaking, Elder Huoyao interrupted her, then lowered his voice and said seriously: "This is what I mean, but it is also what our clan means. If Miss Yao Wan is really sure to reproduce the miracle of cultivating another strange fire again, and pass this miracle on to our Yan Clan, our clan will definitely reward you handsomely."

Yao Wan was not in a hurry to agree, everything was within her expectations, and then she smiled and said: "But if this is the case, why doesn't the Yan Clan communicate directly through the clan leaders of the two clans, but has to come directly to me? This will undoubtedly be more important, right?"

And Yao Wan's question was naturally within Elder Huoyao's expectations. After thinking for a while, Elder Huoyao said seriously.

"Negotiations between the two tribes are always troublesome and cumbersome. This is not what our tribe expects to see, and I think it is not what Miss Yao Wan is willing to wait for. Moreover, it is still unknown whether the Yao tribe's top leaders are willing to give up such a miracle. It is better to go directly to Miss Yao Wan herself, so that whether she accepts this deal or refuses it, it will be much clearer. I think Miss Yao Wan is not a person who likes red tape, right?"

"Well-come to think of it."

Yao Wan looked at Elder Huo Yao, but he also knew that if it was really that simple, wasn't it a great opportunity when the Yao tribe held a celebration of living beings last time? Why did he choose to jump out and talk about this matter now?

Since he wanted to cooperate only with himself, no matter what the reason was, the result was that he wanted to avoid the Yao tribe. Why did he choose to act decisively now, but chose to stand aside before?

Is it because of his divine bloodline?

Yao Wan blinked her pale golden eyes. She naturally couldn't see the colorful golden family pattern on her forehead. It seemed that she had to look in the mirror to see if this thing looked good. If it looked good, she would keep it. If it didn't look good, she would hide it.

Her divine bloodline meant that no one in the Yao Clan could resist her in any way, either in substance or in name. Did she want to find a reliable backup plan for her behavior? That was a pretty decisive decision. She had just awakened her bloodline, and she had decided to cooperate with her so quickly.

However, Yao Wan didn't hate making equal transactions with others. It was just a matter of paying money and delivering goods. As long as she could afford the corresponding price, it would not be a problem for her to spend a few nights writing a book of exercises to differentiate the source of the strange fire and cultivate the fire seeds of the strange fire.

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