Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 501 I wonder if the eldest lady of the Medicine Clan is married?

Looking at Yao Wan's beautiful golden eyes, feeling the hidden sharpness of this person from the Yao Clan who inherited the divine bloodline, even though Huo Yao was not from the Yao Clan, he could not help but feel a particularly obvious sense of threat in his bloodline.

Elder Huo Yao also understood that it was impossible to get Yao Wan to give her all her knowledge by just talking. Yao Wan had no relationship with the Yan Clan, and it was not a charity.

Therefore, before Yao Wan could even mention it, Elder Huo Yao took the initiative to say: "Miss Yao Wan, don't worry about wasting your efforts. Our Yan Clan has never been stingy and stingy, and we are willing to be generous to our friends. If Miss Yao Wan is willing to give her all her knowledge, even if it is just to help, our clan is willing to give Miss Yao Wan a heavenly fighting skill and three materials for refining ninth-grade elixirs!"

Elder Huo Yao's voice was not loud, but it caused Yao Wan to raise her eyebrows involuntarily.

After all, it is worthy of being one of the eight ancient clans. It is really rich and powerful. Yao Wan was a little surprised when he opened his mouth.

One heaven-level fighting skill and three materials needed to refine the ninth-grade elixir are indeed quite generous rewards. In front of this reward, I am afraid that few people in the world will say that this reward is not attractive.

Let’s not talk about the heaven-level fighting skills for now. Even among the eight ancient clans, the heaven-level fighting skills are not cabbages on the street. Each clan naturally regards them as treasures and takes good care of them. The three medicinal materials needed to refine the ninth-grade elixir are no less than the heaven-level fighting skills. As long as it is a ninth-grade elixir, even the lowest-level ninth-grade treasure elixir, it is definitely not comparable to the eighth-grade elixir. A ninth-grade elixir is reborn and it is not uncommon to say that it changes one’s fate against the will of heaven.

Yao Wan couldn’t help but sigh in her heart that the attraction of this strange fire to the Yan clan is really extraordinary. It can make the Yan clan spend such a price, which makes her a little flattered.

"The Yan Clan is indeed rich and powerful, but I don't need the Heaven-level fighting skills. I am also different from ordinary clan members. I don't like to refine medicine. The materials of the ninth-grade elixir in my hands are just for the sake of being put on the shelf. Instead, it is a disgrace to their reputation as natural treasures." Yao Wan's words made Elder Huo Yao's heart sink. However, Yao Wan really thought so. Heaven-level fighting skills are nothing great. With her research on various martial arts and fighting skills, as long as she breaks through the Dou Sheng, she can really mass-produce Heaven-level fighting skills without duplication after spending more time. As for the medicinal materials for the ninth-grade elixir, it is true that she doesn't like to refine medicine. In addition, there are two reasons. First, no force can compare with the Yao Clan in terms of the various resources needed for refining medicine. If you have to say, perhaps only the Soul Clan can compare with them. The medicinal material reserves of the Ancient Clan are somewhat dwarfed. Secondly, the so-called elixir, what is needed is never the grade, but the degree of fit with the user. No matter how good the elixir is, if it is eaten by the wrong person, it is also poison. Medicine is three-point poison. This is the first lesson for the people of the medicine clan before learning to refine medicine.

But Yao Wan's plain refusal made Elder Huo Yao quite distressed. All the medicinal materials needed for the heavenly fighting skills and three portions of the ninth-grade elixir, let alone all of this, it would be enough to set off a bloody storm and countless fights if it was split up and thrown into Zhongzhou, but Yao Wan really didn't want it at all. This is obviously not a casual show, but a real unwillingness, or need.

Elder Huo Yao saw through this, but it was precisely because he saw through it that he became more distressed and puzzled.

Ordinary people's refusal is just to raise the value and raise the price, but Yao Wan's refusal really didn't want it.

Greed can at least be satisfied even if it is only for a moment, but what if there is nothing to desire?

No, Yao Wan naturally couldn't have nothing to desire, Elder Huoyao recognized this point. In this case, he had to let the seller make an offer first. This was because the seller's offer would always lead to the loss of the transaction opportunity inadvertently, but now, he had to bite the bullet and try.

"So, what does Miss Yao Wan want our clan to do for Miss Yao Wan?"

When she heard Elder Huoyao's persistent questioning, Yao Wan was completely sure of how much influence her splitting the different fires and raising the method of splitting fires had on the Yan Clan.

And if there was anything in the Yan Clan that could interest her, there was only one thing.

"I've heard that the Yan Clan collects all the fires in the world, including different fires. Am I right, Elder Huoyao?"

Yao Wan smiled and asked.

But after hearing Yao Wan say this, Elder Huo Yao immediately reacted to what was going on. A serious look appeared on his face, and then he said in a deep voice: "Miss Yao Wan, even if you want to get the strange fire of our clan, it will be useless. All the strange fires of our clan have been marked with the blood mark of our clan, which has lasted for thousands of years. Even if our clan really ceded the strange fire to Miss Yao Wan, no one in the Yao clan can refine it or use it." Elder Huo Yao's words can be regarded as advice or warning. The strange fire is the foundation of the Yan clan. Even if the Yan clan would rather give up a heavenly-level fighting skill and the medicinal materials needed for the ninth-grade elixir, it is impossible to cede the strange fire casually. However, Yao Wan's smile became even more intense, and he said: "It doesn't matter. I won't compete with you for your Yan clan's own strange fire, but the new strange fire re-born by the strange fire is not your Yan clan's strange fire." Elder Huo Yao was slightly stunned. Could it be that Yao Wan meant that -

"Everyone is smart, so I won't hide it--"

The prelude is almost over, Yao Wan said straight to the point: "To be honest, I need at least three strange fires. This is the condition for me to give you the method of fire transformation-in addition, I heard that there is a secret realm called Burning Flame in the Yan clan, which is most suitable for fire attribute cultivation. I wonder how many years it will take to open it? Can you get a quota for me?"

Elder Huo Yao was completely speechless for a while.

He thought Yao Wan was really crazy.

Three strange fires? The entire Yan clan only has five strange fires! Why doesn't she go and grab it? !

And the Burning Flame Secret Realm, the Burning Flame Secret Realm of the Yan clan is a heritage secret realm of the same level as the ancient clan's Tianmu and the Yao clan's inheritance land. Unlike the special Tianmu, it is forced to open to the eight clans at the same time. The Yan clan's own management and control of the Burning Flame Secret Realm has reached the extreme. It has only been hundreds of years to get three quotas, and she actually wants to take one of the quotas? !

Before Elder Huoyao could say anything, Yaowan could sense that his eyes were a little strange.

But before Elder Huoyao could refute, Yaowan could not help but sigh.

"Elder Huoyao, have you forgotten why you came to ask me for this method of transforming fire?"

Elder Huoyao was slightly stunned, and then he immediately reacted. Right, wasn't he thinking about letting the Yan clan have more strange fire and become stronger, so he came to ask Yaowan for advice?

"With my fire transformation method, every fire of the Yan Clan can be divided into two in the future, or even three if there is enough energy. On this basis, I asked the Yan Clan for three fires. Is that too much?" Yao Wan shrugged and said, "Whether you give me the differentiated fire or the fire you found, it depends on you. I am willing to help you with the first differentiation of the fire." "As for the quota for the Burning Flame Secret Realm... I admit that I do have a selfish motive. But time is running out. I need to be prepared for anything more perfect than this. "

"Whether you accept it or not, it's up to you Yan Clan. I don't like bargaining. This is the lowest bottom line I can accept. Otherwise, let's not talk about it."

"Having said this, I know that this is obviously not something that Elder Huoyao can decide. After the coming-of-age ceremony, Elder Huoyao can go back and discuss with the head of the Yan Clan. I'm just waiting for a reply whether it succeeds or not."

Yao Wan smiled slightly and then said.

Elder Huoyao paused, as if he had been in a trance for a long time. He only sighed at the end and said, "Okay, I will try my best to convey Miss Yao Wan's request."

To be honest, Elder Huoyao has regretted it a little. He thought that the biggest obstacle to their cooperation would be that the Yao Clan couldn't bear to see the Yan Clan continue to grow, but he never thought that the one with the darkest heart was this girl who looked like a fallen fairy.

He suddenly remembered the saying for no reason.

The most poisonous thing is the heart of a woman.

Even if you cooperate with Yao Wan, you will be plundered. If you go against her... I'm afraid the end will be terrible.

But now that things have come to this, there is nothing you can do. Even if you turn around and look for the Yao Clan now, you will still be stuck with Yao Wan herself. Elder Huo Yao was entangled in his heart for a long time, and finally chose to discuss this matter with the clan leader after returning.

The conversation between Yao Wan and Elder Huo Yao came to an end, and the Yao Clan's coming-of-age ceremony was almost over. Yao Wan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. It was finally over, but good fortune and misfortune are intertwined, and misfortune and good fortune are intertwined. If the old man hadn't asked her to sit for a while, she might not have waited for this good business to come.

Oh, it's time to call it a day.

According to Yao Wan's guess, the Yan Clan would most likely agree to her request, so that she would have fewer headaches in the future.

Yao Wan was about to pat her butt and leave, and the people of the Yao Clan in the square at this moment couldn't help but sigh that they had actually witnessed a member of the clan with divine bloodline stand out. As they talked and chatted, the three elders also announced: "This coming-of-age ceremony is over!" Suddenly, a clear and distinct voice suddenly sounded. "Wait a minute, Lei Xiao of the Thunder Clan has something to ask the elders of the Yao Clan." "Since you are the noble son of the Thunder Clan, what do you have to say?" "I wonder if Miss Yao Wan... is married?"

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