"Miss, just leave like that - is there any problem?"

As he followed Yao Wan out of the clan monument square, Qing Lin looked at Yao Wan and couldn't help but ask softly.

"Hmm? What's the problem?"

Yao Wan asked with a sigh.

"Although we know that Miss is definitely too lazy to care about Lei Xiao, others don't know... If Lei Xiao talks nonsense everywhere, or really proposes marriage to the Yao Clan in the name of the Lei Clan..."

Qing Lin's tone was inevitably full of worry. After all, in her mind, the only one who is worthy of Miss is Master Xiao Yan. As for the other eight clans' geniuses, they should stay wherever they are cool -

"It doesn't matter. The final veto power is still in my hands. As long as I don't want it, it's useless for Lei Xiao to awaken his divine bloodline."

Yao Wan's tone was as calm as water. For her, all this was naturally within her control. As for Lei Xiao, who would care about him? She was very busy, and there was no need to waste time on such a lustful person.


Yao Wan stopped on her own initiative, and Qing Lin and Feng Qing'er also stopped involuntarily.

Qing Lin couldn't help but turn her head to look, but saw that someone who was no longer a stranger to her had followed.

She couldn't help but frown slightly, feeling distressed. Has this guy never learned any lessons?

"Why did you run out instead of completing the final ceremony of adulthood? This is not like your style as the leader of the Yao Clan."

Even Yao Wan couldn't help but frown slightly, and her beautiful light golden eyes couldn't help but reflect the blue starry sky of the Yao world at this moment, and couldn't help but say.

"Why did you stop me just now?"

Yao Tian couldn't help but ask, which was completely different from Yao Wan's previous avoidance of him, refusing to accept his kindness, and refusing to accept his getting along with him. Therefore, he still couldn't understand it, completely couldn't understand it, so he couldn't bear it and wanted to ask her on his own initiative.

"Why should I stop you?"

Yao Wan repeated subconsciously, and then couldn't help sighing, as if she was helpless about Yao Tian's slowness and persistence.

"It's just a meaningless dispute of will. You are indeed stronger than Lei Xiao, but what about Lei Xiao? Stronger challengers will follow one after another. Aren't you tired?"

"Of course it's troublesome, but if it's for--"

Yao Wan frowned slightly, obviously feeling a little annoyed by what Yao Tian said. Even she herself couldn't stand it. Even if she just watched this stupid behavior, she felt that her anger was almost uncontrollable for a while.

"No, don't say anything like it's for me."

Yao Wan suppressed a hint of anger in her tone, and then said: "'As long as it's for me, it doesn't matter what happens?'... Alas, no one told you that if this kind of thing is not recognized by the person who gives, isn't it just completely self-touching?"

"You are touching yourself, and you think you must be great for dedicating yourself to unrequited love, right? You are so self-indulgent. You and Lei Xiao are just birds of a feather. Are you paying and taking on anything for me? No, you are just using this lame way to please yourself."

"You have never asked for my opinion, and you have never considered my thoughts and feelings. How can you have the nerve to mention the word "like" in front of me?"

"Oh, you must let me see it, and be "touched" by your extremely stupid behavior to cry and throw yourself into your arms, right? Don't you think this is a kind of emotional kidnapping? ? Because you are so good to me, I should treat you like this as a matter of course - but I have never asked you to treat me like this from the beginning to the end, right? "

Without giving Yao Tian any chance to defend himself, Yao Wan continued: "What you want to show is that you like me, in the end, you just like the self in your own perspective, so you should go back and chew it slowly with the mirror."

"The reason why I ignored Lei Xiao is because that guy not only makes me too lazy to do it, but I don't even have the qualifications to talk to him. As for you, you can only let me talk and scold you, and I don't even have the qualifications to deal with you two."

After saying that, Yao Wan, who felt that most of the resentment in her heart had been vented, also said: "Qinglin, Little Phoenix, we are leaving."

When leaving, Yao Wan left a last sentence: "I have an old saying for you, licking dogs has no house."

Yao Tian was left looking at Yao Wan's figure, speechless for a moment.

At the same time, Yao Ling followed slowly. Although she knew from the beginning that her brother would not be able to be with Yao Wan, and she did persuade him earnestly, she still could not prevent him from going his own way. However, this time Yao Wan had taken drastic measures, and Yao Ling had noticed it early on, but she had not taken the initiative to stop him.

If her brother could wake up this time, it would be great. It is never too late to mend the fold after the sheep have been lost.

However, unlike what Yao Ling had guessed, Yao Wan said so much this time simply because she was annoyed by Yao Tian and Lei Xiao. Although insects were not a threat, the annoying insect chirping still made people feel a little upset.

Yao Wan really didn't want to bother with such people, but sometimes, it was natural that she couldn't control herself when her temper got out.

It was too difficult to expect herself to face everything calmly and deal with it calmly.

After the cave, Yao Wan did not practice, but subconsciously picked up a bronze mirror and looked at the Yao Clan pattern with colorful golden light flowing between her eyebrows. Then she couldn't help but raise her hand to touch the clan pattern between her eyebrows. The smooth and soft touch did not change or feel blocked at all.

From Yao Wan's own aesthetic point of view, this clan pattern did not look that ugly. At the very least, it was just that she was not used to it.

Therefore, when Yao Wan's fingertips gently brushed across her brows, the originally colorful golden clan pattern also reappeared, revealing a smooth and healthy complexion.

"Master, are you not used to the existence of such things?"

Feng Qing'er couldn't help asking. Although the Tian Yao Huang Clan was a powerful race that was equal to the eight ancient clans, Feng Qing'er's status and rank when she was in the Tian Yao Huang Clan were not high, so she was able to learn a little about the eight ancient clans. It was rare to hear a name, not to mention the secrets related to the eight clans.

"A big tree attracts the wind. It's enough to use this kind of thing when it's needed."

Yao Wan said in a neutral tone, and then looked in the mirror. The traces of the colorful golden clan pattern on her brows in the mirror could no longer be seen.

However, even if she awakened her divine bloodline, her clan emblem was the highest-level seven-color golden clan emblem, but she still needed to be nurtured for a period of time before she could use it normally to increase her strength. So far, she might just use it to deal with her family members to play with bloodline suppression or something.

When everything was settled, Yao Wan couldn't help but sigh.

That's why she didn't like this kind of occasion, because she had guessed that something would definitely go wrong - and her guess turned out to be true.

"Miss seems very depressed... Is it because of Lei Xiao's matter?"

Qing Lin couldn't help asking. If that was the case, she would have to solve the problem for Miss and Master Xiao Yan first before she could say anything.

"No, they don't have the qualifications to make me feel bad."

Yao Wan's tone was cold, but mixed with inexplicable entanglement and distress.

"What about Miss...?"

"... I miss Xiao Yan."

Yao Wan was silent for a moment, and then Qing Lin was stunned by what she said.


Qinglin didn't know what to say for a moment. Should he say he was happy or ecstatic? But the news came too suddenly, so Qinglin was not mentally prepared to accept it. He just subconsciously let out a light "huh".

Did the lady suddenly come to his senses?

Qinglin stared at Yao Wan, but was speechless for a moment.

Yao Wan was too lazy to explain, but just propped up her chin silently and was stunned for a while.

He didn't need to practice for a while. If the transaction with the Yan Clan went smoothly, there would be a reply soon. Even if he didn't mention the Yan Clan's affairs, he would be criticized by the elders after the coming-of-age ceremony.

However, Yao Wan didn't care. He had been a tough guy since his last life. He was afraid that the Soul Clan would not be afraid of the Yao Clan's little trouble.

I just don't know what Xiao Yan is doing now...?

Calculating the time and events, he would probably stay with Zi Yan, right?

Yao Wan couldn't help but raise the corner of her mouth slightly. Zi Yan was still very charming when she grew up. It wouldn't hurt to have more cheerful girls in the backyard.

Just when Yao Wan was imagining the wonderful daily life of Xiao Yan's backyard like a stage, Feng Qing'er's face did change slightly, and then she slowly approached Yao Wan and said in a low voice: "Master, the elders summoned you to the clan hall to discuss important matters."

"Although I have long guessed that there will be trouble after this coming-of-age ceremony, it's too soon, isn't it?"

The good mood that Yao Wan had just felt in her heart also quickly disappeared, leaving only a slightly frown on her pretty face, and she couldn't help but say.

"Then master...are we...still going?"

Feng Qing'er said cautiously. She was not particularly good at observing people's expressions, but Yao Wan's expression at the moment was so bad that she wanted to kill people. How could she dare to offend her?

"Go, go, go! If anyone dares to mention my marriage in front of me, I will kill him!!!"

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