Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 504 Damn, it exploded

When Yao Wan appeared in the clan hall, the atmosphere in the entire hall could not help but sink.

Everyone, not only the younger generation who have never reached the Dou Sheng realm, but also the elders of the Yao clan who have been immersed in the Dou Sheng realm for a long time, feel as if their hearts are covered with a thick layer of dust.

Yao Wan slowly walked into the clan hall of the Yao clan with a cold face, but also noticed that there were more people in the clan hall than ever before.

Not only the elders, but also the younger generation of the Yao Clan, especially the young talents who have just experienced the coming of age ceremony of the Yao Clan.

But whether it is an elder at the fighting saint level or a high-spirited young talent, when they see the medicine, the unspeakable sense of depression and oppression in their hearts rushes into their hearts. This is the powerful suppression derived from the blood. Even elders at the fighting saint level cannot avoid this suppression from blood.

Everyone raised their eyebrows involuntarily, and then looked at the beautiful figure standing in front of the clan leader, vaguely guessing the source of her bad mood at the moment.

"Do the patriarch and elders have anything to do with me?"

Yaowan said, but this time she couldn't laugh.

"Okay, Wan'er, let's accept this bloodline and suppress it for now. We old bones can't withstand the intimidation and suppression of your divine bloodline."

How could Yao Dan not know what Yao Wan was thinking and why he was so irritable? He sighed quietly, even as a Seven-Star Fighting Saint, he could not completely avoid the terrifying suppressive power of the divine bloodline, so naturally he had to let Wan'er withdraw her magical powers and talk properly first.

Fortunately, even if other people's words in front of Yaowan are no different than farting, Yaowan's words still carry weight.

Yaowan's golden eyes were cold, but she silently put away the terrifying suppressive power of her divine bloodline.

As the terrifying suppressive force originating from Yaowan dissipated like the wind, and the pressure that weighed on everyone like a huge boulder disappeared, everyone in the clan hall could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"So, the elders called me here, what's the matter?"

Yao Wan could not help but fiddle with her fingertips, and then her beautiful pale golden eyes swept over the elders in front of her with piercing indifference. But in the final analysis, she was just asking questions knowingly. Is she still aware of these old immortals? What do you mean by calling her here?

"That - Wan'er -"

Yao Wanhuo couldn't help coughing slightly, but hesitated to speak. Yao Wangui couldn't help but want to take a step back when he saw this. He didn't want to get into trouble with this little aunt, but he was stopped by the serious and cold old woman beside him. .

"The elders were just talking about Wan'er's marriage."

The old woman's words made all the elders feel a headache, but the reaction of these old guys made Yao Wan couldn't help but sneer. She could talk vigorously when she didn't come, but when she came on the stage as the real leader, they were all mute?

Yao Wan took a deep breath, and then said with a smile: "Then I don't know whose genius the elders are attracted to? Can you tell me and listen to it?"

Say it and listen?

The elders couldn't help but look at each other, obviously they were the elders, and Yao Wan was just a junior no matter how respected his status was. At this moment, the clan hall had become Yao Wan's hall of speech.

If they reported their names, this wouldn't be a matchmaker's book. It would be a life and death book.

"Okay - let's not mention Wan'er's marriage for now. Besides, Wan'er hasn't yet fought for the Saint, so it's too early."

Yao Wanhuo saw that the atmosphere was really wrong and quickly stepped forward to smooth things over.

"——No, it's late. I think it's better to talk about this matter clearly now."

It's just that Yaowan obviously doesn't appreciate it.

Everyone couldn't help but feel a chill in their hearts.

"Aren't you particularly worried about my marriage? Okay."

Yao Wan said coldly: "Then I will give you one year. After one year, I will hold a martial arts competition to recruit brides. Anyone under the Dou Sheng realm can participate. You can fight to the death as you like. The winner will follow me. If you win, I will marry you. If you can’t win, just shut up! Don’t mention this matter again in your life!”

“Elders and compatriots—do you have any opinions?”

Yao Wan glanced at everyone present again, but everyone knew very clearly that Yao Wan was not soliciting their opinions at this moment, but simply informing them.

She has never cared about other people's opinions, so naturally it doesn't matter.


The elders couldn't help but look at each other. Although they had also discussed what kind of strength and ability Yao Wan, the other half of the tribe who inherited the divine bloodline, needed at least, they couldn't help but feel a little a little a little bit agitated by Yao Wan's overly simple and crude handling method. Ashamed.

It's just that they can't really agree with such behavior, but it has nothing to do with them.

"If you don't have any objections, then I'll leave first - the clan leader doesn't have any objections, right?"

Yaowan asked with a smile.

Yao Dan couldn't help but shook his head, with a helpless smile on his old face: "Since Wan'er has made up her mind, I won't do anything to stop her. Everything will go according to Wan'er's wishes."

Yao Wan suddenly smiled as brightly as a flower and said, "Wan'er thanked the clan leader here."

After saying that, she left the clan hall. As for the other people, Yao Wan's relationship with them might be quite harmonious in private, or at least not so stiff, but once it was brought to such a formal and serious occasion, she would also There is nothing to say to them.

Yao Dan chuckled and waved his hand.

When Yao Wan left the clan hall, the atmosphere in the clan hall became a little strange. The elders looked at each other, and many young talents couldn't help but fell silent.

"Don't you have anything to say?"

Yao Dan said: "If there is no objection, Wan'er's method is a relatively safe method."

"Clan leader... Although Yao Wan is of divine blood, he has an arrogant personality. Where does he see the laws and regulations of the Yao clan in his eyes? He still needs to be strictly controlled."

Yao Wangui said abruptly, but Yao Wanhuo and Yao Wanchun glanced at him, as if they were looking at a fool.

Yaodan waved his hand, obviously not wanting to mention this topic more. When the hope that had actually appeared in front of them conflicted with the laws and regulations of the clan, it was really difficult to make a choice. At this moment, everyone knew that Yaodan He will definitely become the pinnacle existence of Dou Qi Continent, one of the strongest. No matter who Yao Wan chooses in the end, Yao Wan will definitely become the well-deserved leader of the next generation of the Yao Clan in the end, and lead the Yao Clan to reach the top of the world again.

In comparison, Yaowan's lack of respect for his elders is really nothing.

After all, for their ancient race, bloodline is everything. Bloodline gives them everything they have now, and natural bloodline represents all the achievements of the ancient race.

The medicine that inherits the divine bloodline is naturally the rationale for everything.

When Yaowan returned to her cave and closed her eyes to adjust her breathing, she heard the clear tinkling sound of the sweet little bell. She slowly opened her pale golden eyes. At the same time, she heard the familiar sound of the bell. sound.

"Wan'er is practicing?"

Yaowan curled her lips, and then exhaled a breath of thick air. He really likes to worry about this old man...

The restrictions in the cave disappeared, and the old figure outside the door slowly walked into the all-too-familiar cave.

"What does the patriarch want from me?"

"Wan'er has really grown up now."

Yao Dan looked at Yao Wan and couldn't help but sigh. In a daze, everything seemed to have passed just like yesterday. The big girl in front of him was still immature, but she was still learning medicine, exercises, and cultivation by his side.

"Clan leader?"

A trace of confusion appeared on Yao Wan's face, but before she could speak, Yao Dan took the initiative and said, "It's nothing, I just recalled some things that happened in the past."

Yao Dan looked at Yao Wan with a hint of kindness in his eyes and said, "As people get older, they always tend to be sentimental. Don't be offended by Wan'er."

"No, no, how could I blame the patriarch?"

Yao Wan waved his hand, but his eyes looking at Yao Dan never moved away from his body.

"Wan'er has grown up. I didn't even realize it. Wan'er has become a big girl."

Yaodan said from the bottom of his heart that these old people who have lived for more than a thousand years are like this. Because they have lived longer and longer, their concept of time has become weaker and weaker, so he sighed like this.

"However, it seems like this is probably because I put too little energy into Wan'er."

"No... I know that the patriarch is the head of the clan, and I also know what kind of mission the patriarch carries. For the sake of the entire Medicine Clan, the patriarch has an unshirkable responsibility. This is not the patriarch's fault. The patriarch is just doing what he must do."

Yaowan shook her head gently. She understood this truth from the beginning, so she never made any willful requests. The only time she made a willful request was when she was fifteen years old——

"Speaking of which, Wan'er has changed a lot since she went out to play for five years."

"Has it changed a lot?"

"Yes, it has really changed a lot. The little girl who was quiet and didn't like to talk has become cheerful and has her own thoughts... No, it was us who suppressed your nature from the beginning. , your departure is the most obvious manifestation of your character."

Yaodan said: "When you truly answered me that you were very happy after you came back, I already understood."

"The environment of the Medicine Clan is not suitable for you - is that why you made this move?"

"But if the scope of marriage recruitment is limited to Dou Saints, there are also Half Saints... Does it really not matter?"

Sensing the clan leader's worry, Yao Wan shook her head: "It doesn't matter, just because it's me, so it doesn't matter. No one can be my opponent in the Battle of Saints."

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