Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 512 Now that we are here

Yao Wan naturally chose to agree happily.

Seeing Yao Wan agree so readily, the Fire Spirit Fairy and the Fire Yao Elder could not help but look at each other, and they both saw a hint of joy in each other's eyes.

After all, Yao Wan's promise was enough for them to be comparable to the promise and support of the entire Yao Clan in a sense.

Not to mention which young talent will eventually win the beauty, but the Yao Clan knows without thinking that they will definitely not let her go. Yao Wan will eventually become the helmsman of the entire Yao Clan, and will also inevitably become a powerful ninth-grade alchemist. Her favor can be regarded as one of the most valuable promises in the entire Douqi Continent.

The Yan Clan can also take this opportunity to get closer to the Yao Clan. After all, although they have many strange fires, there are very few real high-level alchemists. Being able to get closer to the Yao Clan will also be beneficial to the growth of the Yan Clan.

"Then let's go without further delay, Miss Wan'er?"

The Fire Spirit Fairy was in a good mood and said, and Elder Huoyao also stood up.

Yao Wan nodded slightly and said, "Okay."


In the Ancient Dragon Island, on the towering Ancient Dragon Altar, the atmosphere was somewhat serious.

In the past few days since arriving at the Ancient Dragon Island, the two have almost figured out the current situation of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan, and also understood what kind of responsibilities and missions Zi Yan was carrying.

Xiao Yan looked at Zi Yan's eyebrows and frowned, and couldn't help but feel a little worried. In his impression, Zi Yan had never been like this.

"If you can't accept it...If it really doesn't work, leave the Ancient Dragon Island. You grew up outside, and you don't owe them anything."

But when Xiao Yan said this, Zi Yan frowned even deeper, obviously very unhappy with Xiao Yan's irresponsible words: "What are you talking about?"

"Isn't it because you look unhappy?"

Xiao Yan looked at Zi Yan and said.

"I've told you humans don't understand. The blood of the Warcraft clan is not such a simple thing. Since I have inherited this royal blood, this is what I should do. It seems to be fate among you humans, right?"

Zi Yan didn't bother with Xiao Yan, and took out the dragon and phoenix origin fruit that she had temporarily sealed in her blood.

In the fruit where the golden and purple colors kept intersecting and separating, the ancient dragon and the sky phoenix flowed in succession, and the lavender ripples in the air were like ripples on the water, emitting extraordinary energy.


"The elders said that I still need to take this dragon and phoenix origin fruit, and transform into a dragon and phoenix, leading the current East Dragon Island to recover the divided Taixu ancient dragon clan."

Zi Yan's purple eyes reflected a faint golden glow, and she also felt the gazes of many elders under the altar, and then slowly said.

Seeing Zi Yan so determined, Xiao Yan exhaled a breath of turbid air, but sat cross-legged in front of Zi Yan in the surprised eyes of the elders and Zi Yan.

Hei Qing under the altar was slightly startled, and then he couldn't help but want to step forward and pull Xiao Yan down. Although the two of them had a good relationship, it couldn't affect Zi Yan's taking the Dragon Phoenix Origin Fruit and transforming her bloodline.

But before Hei Qing stepped forward, an old man with a gray beard and white hair raised his hand to stop Hei Qing, with a bit of surprise in his eyebrows, and shook his head gently.

Hei Qing was a little stunned. What did Elder Zhu Li mean?

"Xiao Yan has a high-level strange fire, his soul power is not weak, and he is an eighth-grade alchemist. With him, it will be beneficial to Zi Yan. It's better to believe in Zi Yan's own vision."

Zhu Li said with a hint of hope and hesitation in his tone.

Xiao Yan's reaction also made Zi Yan slightly stunned, and she couldn't help but ask: "What are you going to do?"

"To protect you."

Xiao Yan looked at Zi Yan with a burning gaze, and suddenly smiled.

"I can't understand your determination to do this, but I think the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan should mean the same to you as the Xiao Family does to me, right? Now that you're here, I can't just leave you alone, right?"


Zi Yan couldn't help but be absent-minded. After a while, she couldn't help but laugh and scold: "What do you mean by already here?"

"I really admire you..."

"But it's also thanks to you being by my side."

Zi Yan said, and then slowly raised her white wrist. In the translucent fruit of the golden and purple colors, the shadow of the dragon and phoenix flickered slightly. She took a deep breath. As a Taixu Ancient Dragon who had tasted many spiritual medicines in the world and accepted all natural treasures, she couldn't help but hesitate when facing this most important and precious holy fruit for their clan. The terrifying energy released by this dragon and phoenix origin fruit alone was enough to surpass countless spiritual medicines.

However, this hesitation did not last too long. While she was hesitating, Zi Yan's eyes became more and more determined, and she finally overcame her hesitation and put the fist-sized translucent fruit in front of her red lips.

Xiao Yan looked at Zi Yan's silent movements and slowly opened his red lips. His smooth and neat teeth only exerted a little force and bit through the thin layer of fruit skin. The tiny ancient dragon and sky phoenix in the dragon and phoenix origin fruit turned into two completely different liquids, one gold and one purple, and naturally flowed into the mouth of the beauty in front of him.

Although it is a fruit, the properties it actually exhibits are closer to liquid. This magical touch made Zi Yan raise her beautiful eyebrows.

"Is it delicious?"

As if to relieve Zi Yan's nervousness and helplessness at the moment, Xiao Yan suddenly asked. If it weren't for the energy transformed by the Dragon Phoenix Origin Fruit flowing into her body almost in an instant, she would have sprayed it directly on Xiao Yan's face.

"It doesn't taste much..."

As a result, Zi Yan really pursed her red lips, with a bit of inexplicable in her eyebrows, and then said.

But before Xiao Yan could continue to say anything, Zi Yan couldn't help but frowned slightly and said: "The transformation has begun--"

Naturally, Xiao Yan also vaguely sensed something through the connection of the Dragon Seal, and then nodded slightly, and then the Dharma body appeared.

Zi Yan lowered her fingertips slightly, and clearly saw that a trace of golden and purple energy was floating out of her fingertips in a gaseous state. However, compared with the purple energy belonging to the Phoenix, the golden energy belonging to the ancient dragon was much weaker. It was not because the power of the ancient dragon blood in the Dragon Phoenix Origin Fruit was weaker than that of the Phoenix blood, but after Zi Yan took the Dragon Phoenix Origin Fruit, this blood power that originally belonged to the ancient dragon had already begun to actively combine with her own purest royal blood.

Even so, what Zi Yan absorbed was mostly the blood power of the ancient dragon, and the huge power that belonged to the Dragon Phoenix Origin Fruit was not actively absorbed by Zi Yan along with the blood power of the Phoenix.

Compared with the ancient dragon blood that Zi Yan had never rejected, it was much more difficult to absorb the Phoenix blood.

Zi Yan frowned slightly, realizing that the power of the dragon and phoenix was not so easy to obtain, but she silently gritted her teeth and began to try to absorb the huge energy and the blood of the Phoenix in the Dragon and Phoenix Origin Fruit. Only by combining the blood of the ancient dragon and the Phoenix, and then absorbing the huge energy in it, can the blood be transformed into a real dragon and phoenix.

However, compared with the speed at which she subconsciously began to actively try to absorb the blood of the Phoenix, she was unable to handle the energy for a while and it was also dissipating uncontrollably, but it did not just disappear in the atmosphere, but slowly condensed on Zi Yan's body into purple crystals like ice crystals, gradually covering every part of her body.

Xiao Yan felt something was wrong, so he subconsciously checked Zi Yan's body, but found that the energy in her body was becoming increasingly stagnant. The energy that turned into crystals in front of him was not simply a dissipation phenomenon, but just like water overflowing a bucket, it would spill out. At this moment, the majestic energy filled Zi Yan's entire body in an instant. The crystals in front of him were actually the crystals that appeared when Zi Yan's body could no longer carry more unrefined energy.

Xiao Yan watched the dark purple crystals slowly climb up Zi Yan's fair neck. Zi Yan, who closed her eyes tightly, couldn't help but frown slightly. She had already realized that something was wrong, but now it was too late to regret it.

Just as Zi Yan's consciousness, along with her body and meridians, turned into dark purple crystals, she felt a faint warm current coming from her heart, as if it melted the ice that had not melted for tens of millions of years, maintaining the activity and most basic operation of the heart veins.

While Zi Yan's heart was hesitant for a moment, she immediately realized who was helping her.

The burning feeling was so familiar. Mixed with the unique aura of the Three Thousand Flames, the six-colored fire was not violent in Xiao Yan's palm, but rather seemed particularly docile. It was only centered on Zi Yan's heart meridian, constantly melting and tempering the unusual crystal with the terrifying high temperature of the fire. The fine meridians that were completely blocked by the dragon and phoenix energy were opened up little by little in the blink of an eye, and the purple-gold droplets that had been tempered flowed into the heart meridian and completely merged with Zi Yan.

But this was not an easy thing for Xiao Yan. Even though he had already mastered the fire, he could not avoid the inevitable huge consumption of accurately controlling the dragon and phoenix energy in the meridians without hurting Zi Yan's meridians.

Just when Xiao Yan had to choose to rest for a while, he felt someone grabbing Xiao Yan's wrist that was pressing on his chest, and pouring his own energy into Xiao Yan's body, which was now protected by the Dharma body.

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