Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 513: Differentiation of Fire Source

Xiao Yan, who had a Dharma body protecting him, could naturally withstand this dragon-phoenix energy. While receiving the energy from Zi Yan, he also slightly intensified his own strange fire again, melting all the crystals inside and outside her body, but this was an extremely long process.

However, as time went by, the golden light of Xiao Yan's Dharma body also dimmed, and turned into a deep purple-gold color.

It will take more time.

Xiao Yan was still controlling the six-color strange fire to melt the dragon-phoenix energy and condense into crystals, and he guessed in his heart that this was destined to be a big project.


In the space tunnel opened by a late-stage seven-star Dou Sheng that directly connected the Yao Clan and the Yan Clan, Yao Wan followed the two Yan Clan Dou Shengs through countless silver scenes, and finally the Fire Spirit Fairy who was walking in the front opened the space door, and Yao Wan and Elder Huo Yao followed.

When her eyes had long been accustomed to the dull silver light in the space tunnel, everything in front of her also came into her eyes. Mountains, grass, earth, sky, everything was no different from the outside world. The only difference was that as soon as Yao Wan entered here, she felt that this place was different from other places. Not only was there a huge and rich energy of heaven and earth, but there was also an energy of fire attribute that could not be ignored floating in the heaven and earth.

Yao Wan couldn't help but narrow her eyes slightly and said, "Is this the Yan Realm?"

"Welcome to the Yan Realm, Miss Wan'er."

The Fire Spirit Fairy said with a smile, "Please come this way."

As she said that, the Fire Spirit Fairy took Yao Wan to the south of the Yan Realm. At the southernmost end of the Yan Realm, there was a series of huge volcanoes. The magnificent palace of red gold happened to be built on these volcanoes that have been erupting until now, with magnificent momentum.

"Is this the Qianli Yanshan of the Yan Clan in the rumor?"

Yao Wan sighed subconsciously and couldn't help but say.

"That's right."

The Fire Spirit Fairy smiled slightly, and the smile she showed was naturally her pride in the Yan Clan.

"Let's keep going. The Fire Dividing Method is a big deal, and the Clan Leader also wants to see you."

The Fire Spirit Fairy's words made Yao Wan stunned: "Even the Clan Leader of the Yan Clan wants to see me?"

This really surprised Yao Wan. Although her Fire Dividing Method is indeed useful, she didn't expect that even the Clan Leader of the Yan Clan would care about it and even show up. What's more, the Clan Leader is not just the title of the Clan Leader. Even if he is the Clan Leader of the Yao Clan, Yao Wan may not be able to see him for a while.

This made her feel a little flattered.

Yao Wan's reaction was obviously within the expectations of the Fire Spirit Fairy. She smiled slightly, and without saying anything more, she took Yao Wan down the clouds and came to one of the gorgeous palaces decorated in red and gold.

Compared to the elegant architectural style of the Yao Clan, the architectural style of the Yan Clan is undoubtedly much more flamboyant, just like most of the Yan Clan people that Yao Wan has come into contact with, flamboyant and passionate.

The Yan Clan guards on both sides saw the figures of the two elders, and then bowed slightly and said: "Meet Elder Huo Ling and Elder Huo Yao, the clan leader is already waiting for the distinguished guests."

When she heard the name that her family members could never get used to and accept, even in front of Yao Wan, the Fire Spirit Fairy couldn't help but raise her beautiful eyebrows, as if suppressing a trace of anger that was difficult to hide in her heart.

"I've said it many times, don't call me Elder Huo Ling..."

"Yes, Elder Huo Ling."

The answer of the Yan Clan guards completely shattered the anger in the heart of the Fire Spirit Fairy. As the second in command of the Yan Clan, she naturally knew that the Yan Clan guards were just doing their job impartially, and of course there was no need for her to torment them.

Sighing helplessly, the Fire Fairy led the two into the spacious hall. At the end of the hall, a middle-aged man in a red robe was sitting on a high seat. The man looked only about 40 years old, with a rough appearance. His eyebrows were red, looking like two flames burning. What surprised people was that his eyes were also completely red, looking like two flame gems inlaid. When he glanced at them, he even felt that the air was warming up.

Yao Wan couldn't help but take a curious look at the strongest man of the Yan clan. Yao Wan had heard more or less about the rumors about him.

The leader of the Yan clan, the eight-star Dou Sheng, Yan Jin.

However, Yan Jin was not the only one here. There were many Yan clan elders waiting quietly, and two of them were familiar to Yao Wan, waiting for the arrival of her distinguished guest.

The young man and woman turned their heads to look at Yao Wan, but did not speak directly, but signaled with their eyes.

"Clan leader, I have brought the person here."

The Fire Fairy finally stood in front of Yan Jin and said.

Everyone's eyes fell on the beautiful woman, causing some surprise and discussion among the crowd. Only Yan Jin and Huo Zhi and Huo Xuan in the audience were used to it.

Yan Jin nodded, "Thank you for running all the way."

As he said that, Yan Jin's eyes turned to Yao Wan. Facing the gaze of this eight-star Dou Sheng, Yao Wan's eyes were as calm as before, without any tremor.

Yan Jin's eyes inevitably revealed a hint of surprise. The soul realm is only a hair's breadth away from the great perfection of the heavenly realm... It seems that the earliest rumors about this girl are also true.

A prodigy born in the heavenly realm, a clan with a divine bloodline. Such a genius could develop a method of dividing fire that the Yan clan wanted to do but couldn't. Now that I think about it, it is not that surprising.

Yan Jin nodded slightly, and basically had the most basic understanding and recognition of Yao Wan.

The method of dividing fire seems to be true.

"The reason for inviting Miss Wan'er here this time is naturally not for anything else, but just for Miss Wan'er's way of dividing the fire."

"Easy to say."

Yaowan nodded slightly, then took out a silver-gray scroll from the Najie, handed it to the Fire Spirit Fairy beside him, and said: "This method of dividing fire can only be used by those whose soul realm has reached the heavenly realm. Of course, the higher the soul level, the higher the success rate of the method of dividing fire."

After saying that, Yan Jin looked at Fairy Fire Spirit and said: "Among our Yan Clan, if there is anyone who has the deepest knowledge of the soul realm, it is naturally Fire Spirit... I will leave this method of dividing fire to you. Let’s practice first.”

The Fire Spirit Fairy nodded slightly, and then accepted the special secret method that the Yan Clan had spent a lot of money to finally obtain. After this, she may need to spend a long time studying the secret method.

"And as a reward for Miss Wan'er..."

Yao Wan smiled and waved her hand, and said: "It's okay, just because I know that you will definitely not be able to get the new strange fire at the first time, I came to collect part of the deposit in advance."


Yaowan's statement caused several important figures from the Yan clan to be slightly stunned.

As he said this, Yao Wan couldn't help but turn his eyes to the beauty in red clothes who was sitting aside without saying a word, and said with a smile: "I remember that Miss Huo Zhi inherited one of the inherited fires of the Yan Clan, Red Lotus. Karmic fire, right?”

I thought that this transaction was a happy one for both host and guest, but I never thought that Yao Wan's words would not only shock Huo Zhi himself, but also others.

Elder Huoyao was the first to react, with a face full of surprise. Is this the first time Yaowan plans to take action in person?

Huo Zhi nodded slightly. She had some understanding of this Yao Clan's well-deserved proud daughter of heaven, and she was tentatively aware of her personality.

"Then I will first use Miss Huo Zhi's red lotus karma fire as an example."

"Girl Huo Zhi, let go of the restrictions and let me touch your strange fire."

Yao Wan said, and Huo Zhi also chose to follow the instructions from the eyes of the clan leader and elders in front of him.

Huo Zhi gently pressed his hands on his chest, and then slowly pulled out an eye-catching red lotus. It was a deep red, rather coquettish flame, and when the flames jumped up, they would form a series of red lotuses. The red lotuses were rapidly disappearing, and new red lotuses were continuously generated.

This is the Red Lotus Karmic Fire that ranks eighth on the Strange Fire List.

Even when Yao Wan saw it, she couldn't help but sigh that the Yan Clan has a profound foundation. In addition to the top five strange fires that can be encountered but cannot be sought, the Yan Clan owns three of the top ten strange fires. They are the Yao Clan. The obtained strange fires There are only two of them, and their quality is not as good as the Fire of the Flame Clan.

But it doesn't matter now. Yaowan began to concentrate his energy, turned into fingertips, and probed into the origin of the strange fire, just like picking lotus seeds from the lotus pod.

Seeing Yao Wan's bold move, the leader of the Yan tribe and the Fire Spirit Fairy couldn't help but sweat. Although rationally they did believe that Yao Wan had the ability to do it, they were also worried about the fire emotionally. Will there be any shortcomings from this?

Because the Yan Clan has reached a very thorough level of research on the strange fire, it is natural that it is very clear that the strange fire cannot be acted upon rashly. Otherwise, even the Yan Clan cannot bear such a huge price if it backfires and triggers the self-destruction of the origin of the strange fire.

However, under the nervous gazes of others, Yao Wan's progress was particularly smooth. Using his soul as a knife, he completely cut off part of the origin, and then activated it. A wisp of fire like a star slowly emerged from Huo Zhi's palm. The strange red lotus floated out from the middle monster and slowly landed in Yaowan's palm.

Everyone present could not help but slightly widen their eyes, not wanting to miss any detail.

Everyone saw the birth of that ray of fire, and couldn't help but feel hot inside.

What Yaowan doesn't know is that among the five strange fires currently held by the Yan Clan, one of them was once a strange fire that was still in the growth stage. The growth of that strange fire is naturally indispensable for the Yan Clan's careful attention. Cultivation also left some very valuable experiences for the Yan clan.

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