If there is any ancient ethnic group among the eight tribes that can cultivate alien fire to the maximum extent, then there is no doubt that only the Yan tribe can do it.

Facing the wisp of original fire in front of them, everyone couldn't help but open their eyes wide, and even subconsciously stood up from their seats. This method of dividing fire really works!

All the elders who can appear on such occasions have been immersed in flames for a long time. Naturally, they can recognize it with just one glance. It is just a candlelight like star points, but it is actually an extremely precious alien fire. Part of the original fire.

The original fire cannot be separated again under normal circumstances, and the strange fires held by ordinary people are essentially derivatives of the original fire.

It's just such a special case, but it doesn't stop Yao Wan.

The differentiated original fire is enough to represent everything. The eyes of the Yan clan elders are already filled with indescribable fanaticism. If the Yan clan can also possess this secret method of dividing alien fire, they can achieve mass production of alien fire in the true sense. fire!

And only Yaowan achieved what the Yan Clan had wanted to do but had never done for thousands of years!

The glory of this great undertaking that challenged the mighty power of heaven and earth naturally belongs to her.

Huo Zhize didn't even feel anything special. He just felt that his Red Lotus Karmic Fire suddenly became much weaker, but it could not be said to be exhausted.

She couldn't help but look at the faint wisp of fire on Yaowan's fingertips. Even though she was the first person in the Yan clan to experience the differentiation of different fires, she couldn't help but feel a little dazed. It just felt a little bit... Unfortunately, when I saw my alien fire origin being split into two, I didn't feel anything special.

And when Huo Zhi was staring at Yao Wan, the fire source lingered on Yao Wan's fingertips, and he was also looking at her and said: "After a part of the source of the strange fire is taken away, you will fall into a period of weakness. It will not affect your cultivation, it will only have a certain impact on the power of the strange fire. As your cultivation continues to improve, the strange fire will be restored. "

"Of course, if you don't like this, you can also absorb some very pure fire energy to artificially speed up the recovery time and progress of the Red Lotus Karmic Fire."

Yao Wan told Huo Zhi most of the things to note about cultivating strange fires. Since it is a transaction, you should pay the money with one hand and deliver the goods with the other hand, and do your due diligence, although you don't often do this kind of thing. , but the so-called professional ethics, Yao Wan still makes do.

Seeing Yaowan successfully completing the method of dividing fire with almost no effort, Huo Xuan couldn't help but sigh at the same time as the hearts of many elders were burning.

"Don't you usually like to join in the fun? Why do you seem so quiet today?"

Fairy Fire Spirit turned her head and looked at Huo Xuan with her enchanting eyes, and couldn't help but smile.

"It's okay. After all, you are the distinguished guest, so you have to be polite, right?"

Huo Xuan shook his head and just continued to watch the conversation between Huo Zhi and Yao Wan. He had to admit that the person who could charm Lei Xiao and Yao Tian really had two skills. Even Huo Xuan She had to whisper softly in a voice that only she could hear, and said: "Sure enough, the most beautiful woman in the Yao Clan is not called for nothing."

But his soliloquy was not only heard by Huo Xuan himself. Fairy Huo Ling couldn't help but be stunned when she heard Huo Xuan's sigh, and then showed an inexplicable smile at the corner of her mouth and said: "If you like , then you must seize the opportunity, for a girl like this, I am afraid there will be no such store after passing this village, and if you want to find such a good one, I am afraid that there will be only a few in the entire eight tribes. "

Huo Xuan listened to Fairy Fire Spirit's suggestion, or it should be called persuasion, but he finally smiled and shook his head, saying: "I'd better forget it."

"Forget it? Why? You are not bad in appearance, you are backed by the Yan Clan, and your talent and bloodline are no worse than those of the eight prodigies, but they are just a few years older. When you grow up and accept the inheritance of the alien fire, you may not be Weaker than them."

"Sister Huo Ling, what are you talking about?"

Huo Xuan let out a long breath and said with a smile: "When did I say that I chose to give up because I felt that I was not as good as others?"

Fairy Huoling couldn't help but be stunned by Huo Xuan's words, and couldn't react for a moment.

"Then you are...?"

"It's not like I haven't come into contact with the herb. Although I haven't been exposed to it for a long time, her aura is extremely high. Among the eight tribes, I'm afraid not one of them can catch her eye."

Huo Xuan's words made Fairy Huo Ling open her eyes slightly involuntarily. Naturally, she was a little unbelievable and said, "Is this your idea?"

"It's not really my own idea, it's just that this is what I saw."

Huo Xuan replied calmly: "As for the marriage recruitment thing that is being spread among the Yao Clan... Since she has the courage to convene it herself, she is probably quite confident to ensure that she can deal with all opponents in the Dou Sheng realm. , just for this reason, doesn’t Sister Huo Ling feel terrible?”

"It's true when you say that... After all, there is still a Half Saint between Dou Zun and Dou Sheng. Even if Dou Zun is not compared with Dou Sheng, even if compared with Half Saint, he is also Yunni. Otherwise, how could she have the courage to send out such news?"

"Who knows, but this year is not long anyway, so I can take a look back."

Huo Xuan said casually: "There are really a lot of things going on for this young lady, the Life Celebration, the Medicine Clan Coming-of-Age Ceremony, and the martial arts competition to recruit a bride in a year. None of these things can be ignored."

"There is no way. A woman like her can never leave the vortex, right?"

The Fire Spirit Fairy couldn't help but pinch her chin, pretending to be thinking, and said what she was thinking: "But maybe she has the ability to get out of this vortex of right and wrong?"


"Although the Medicine Clan is in the middle of the eight clans, and the bloodline has not deteriorated seriously, the inheritance has been seriously lost, the clan is weak, and there is no one who can compete with her. The Medicine Clan will eventually be led by her, so she has never been a chess piece, but a new chess player."

Huo Xuan was slightly stunned, but he didn't expect the Fire Spirit Fairy to evaluate her so highly.

"Oh, by the way, I have an interesting guess about her marriage. Do you want to hear it?"

"Since Sister Huo Ling said so, how can I not be interested? Hurry up and tell me."

Huo Xuan couldn't help but say.

"If it's the one in a billion chance that Yao Tian becomes the wife, it's fine. The Yao Clan will digest it by themselves. If it's someone from any other eight clans, no matter how talented he is, the Yao Clan can only allow the man to marry into the clan. It's a foregone conclusion that Yao Wan will be in charge of the Yao Clan in the future. Do you think the Yao Clan will really be willing to let Yao Wan marry out of the eight clans?"

Fairy Huo Ling smiled, and Huo Xuan couldn't help but blink his eyes, obviously not understanding the reason.

"For someone like Yao Wan, who is the next head of the Yao Clan, let alone marrying out, it is definitely not okay for her to stay in her husband's family for a little longer. The head of the clan has a husband from another clan - she needs to avoid suspicion and cannot hand over anything from the Yao Clan to her husband, and her husband must marry into the Yao Clan. In this way, his political life will be over, whether in his original family or in the Yao Clan he marries into. To be honest, this price is not something that everyone can accept."

"Is that so... But people like Lei Xiao, whose family already has Lei Dong as the pillar, will be more enthusiastic about Yao Wan, right?"

Huo Xuan shook his head. At the Yao Clan's coming-of-age ceremony some time ago, Lei Xiao's eyes were indeed as fierce as a wolf.

"But if that's the case, is there no other way?"

"Huh? Who said he wasn't interested just now?"

The Fire Spirit Fairy couldn't help but reveal a smile that was obvious at a glance.

"Just curious -"

Huo Xuan couldn't help but roll his eyes at the Fire Spirit Fairy. He was crazy. He couldn't even join in the fun?

"Okay, then you can be as curious as you want--"

The Fire Spirit Fairy thought that Huo Xuan was just saying one thing and thinking another, but it didn't matter if she forced him to speak his mind.

"But if there is something that can break the shackles of this rule... I can't think of it either. Maybe it would be enough if the man cultivates to the level of Dou Di?"

Her words made Huo Xuan completely lose interest. Nonsense, if he became a Dou Di, what else could he not do?

While Huo Xuan was talking to the Fire Spirit Fairy, Yao Wan had almost told Huo Zhi everything that he should have told.

After almost everything that needed to be told, Yao Wan turned around and handed the original fire of the Red Lotus Karma Fire to Elder Huo Yao who was waiting on the side. Elder Huo Yao quickly put it away carefully.

"I wonder how long it will take for the Yan Clan to cultivate this strange fire?"

Yao Wan couldn't help but turn her head and look at Yan Jin, which actually meant to ask when her reward would be paid.

Although she was not particularly anxious, she would naturally want to do it as soon as possible if possible.

Yan Jin took a look at the original fire. Although it was weak, they only needed to cultivate it carefully, and they could naturally cultivate a complete new fire, and it would no longer carry the soul mark of the Yan clan, and it could indeed be used by others.

Yan Jin thought for a moment, and then said: "Huo Yao, put this fire into the heart of Yanshan."

Elder Huo Yao was stunned, while the other elders were shocked, and even the Fire Spirit Fairy couldn't help but raise her eyebrows, showing a little surprise, which surprised Yao Wan. She didn't study the Yan clan seriously, and her understanding of the Yan clan was limited to those rumors from the outside world. What exactly is the heart of Yanshan, she really doesn't know.

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