Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 515: Showing Good Will

Even though the secrets between the eight tribes have been entangled with each other for tens of thousands of years, there are still many secrets hidden between them.

At the same time, the eight tribes also maintain a corresponding tacit understanding, and this peace can be maintained for thousands of years.

"Clan leader, this matter..."

Before Yao Wan could ask, there was already an elder on the side who couldn't hold it in any longer. He took a step forward and was about to speak out, but was stopped by a look from Fairy Fire Spirit.

Fairy Fire Spirit looked at the astonished old man, and just shook her head slightly in silence, saying that since the clan leader made the decision on this matter, there was naturally no room for negotiation. At the same time, this was also what the Yan clan needed. The sincerity and necessary courage shown by Xiang Yaowan.

"Chief Yanjin, what is the heart of Yanshan...?"

Yao Wan couldn't help but ask, and Yan Jin took advantage of the situation and explained: "The heart of the Yan Mountain is actually the earth vein of the Yan Clan's Qianli Yan Mountain. In the past, when the Yan Clan's Red Emperor opened up the Yan Realm, he used his great supernatural power to The Thousand Miles of Flame Mountain has been manifested as the place where our Yan clan has lived for thousands of years. The secret realm of Burning Flame that Miss Wan'er has heard about is located in the deepest part of the Thousand Miles of Flame Mountain."

"The Heart of Yanshan possesses the most intense fire-attributed energy in the Dou Qi Continent. Strange fires such as the Red Lotus Karmic Fire are most suitable to be cultivated in the Heart of Yanshan."

Yan Jin's explanation made Yao Wan slightly enlightened. Sitting on such a precious land, it was no wonder that he was so keen on strange fires.

"It's just that I also know that cultivating strange fire is not an easy task after all."

Yao Wan took the initiative and said: "Think about it, even if you have a treasure like Qianli Yanshan, it will be the same."

Yan Jin smiled, but he did not misjudge the person, so he continued: "That's right, even the heart of Yanshan, most of the energy it can save is used to accumulate and support it in the Burning Flame Secret Realm, and the remaining energy, The number of different fires that can be cultivated is not too much, but the method of dividing fire given by Miss Wan'er is of great significance to our Yan Clan. We, the Yan Clan, can still distinguish between short-term gains and losses and long-term prosperity. of."

"At the same time, this is also a gift to Miss Wan'er. Our Yan Clan will always remember Miss Wan'er's generosity, and since it is repayment, our Clan has never been a stingy person. Since our Yan Clan has agreed, there will be no arrears. I mean to regret it! Take this new red lotus fire as a witness!"

Yan Jin's voice is sonorous and powerful, making people's blood boil, and it also makes people secretly admire his courage.

After all, not everyone has the courage to throw Wang Zhao at him.

However, since Yan Jin has done this, it has actually shown one thing, that is, the Yan clan, represented by Yan Jin, has chosen to be optimistic about itself and invest in the future. The idea of ​​exchanging favors for being selected into the Burning Flame Secret Realm was probably something that Yan Jin had already confirmed before coming to the Yao Clan.

Now that it has been determined that the future of the Yao Clan is basically certain to be controlled by Yao Wan, then the investment in Yao Wan can naturally be regarded as an investment in the future diplomatic strategy adopted by the Yao Clan.

The Thunder Clan's attempt to get something by directly tying Yaowan was really young and stupid, without any consideration at all.

Yaoyuan is not a soft persimmon that can be rounded or flattened by anyone. The amazing feats she performed when she was young are enough to illustrate what kind of character she will be.

Gentle as water, yet as fierce as fire.

It is too difficult to control such people. If you are not careful, you can easily get burned. How can the Yan Clan be so stupid? It is better to follow the steps.

Although Yao Wan has a little temper that relies on his talent and is arrogant, but compared to the general virtues of young talents from the eight tribes, Yao Wan's little temper is really nothing. The price of three strange fires is for the Yan tribe who has obtained the method of dividing fire. It’s not that it’s unacceptable, but the existence of the Burning Flame Secret Realm is only two people in this generation who are most suitable anyway. The final quota is not as good as this smooth favor, and the appearance of the Heart of the Flame Mountain——

This was indeed not part of Yan Jin and Huo Ling's strategy before they went to the Yao Clan to pick up the Yao Wan from the Yan Realm, but Yan Jin decided to add another weight to the Yao Wan after thinking for a moment.

At present, this weight does have weight.

"Since the Yan Clan regards me as a friend, I naturally have no reason to deceive my friends. In this case, I am willing to divide all the strange fires held by the Yan Clan into brand new fires, so I can treat them as gifts, and the rest Naturally, the time and tasks need to be handed over to Fairy Fire Spirit.”

Yaowan gently shook her head and said.

As soon as Yao Wan said this, the elders in the main hall couldn't help but talk about it, and there was also a bit of surprise and joy between their eyebrows.

Just as the Yan tribe needs to increase their efforts on Yao Wan, Yao Wan naturally also needs to respond. What's more, it was within her plan to differentiate at least three strange fires. She wanted to get these three as soon as possible. As for the alien fire, it is impossible for Yao Wan to really wait until someone in the Yan clan finally understands his method of dividing fire, and then divide the alien fire. This is too troublesome and lengthy. It is too troublesome and too long. Yaowan and others Can't afford this kind of time.

Although Yan Jin and Fire Fairy were surprised when Yao Wan said this, they also accepted it happily.

Being able to respond in this way is naturally a proof that cannot be ignored, but now that Yao Wan has accepted it, it can be regarded as a reliable ally for the Yan clan.


After spending a lot of effort to successfully differentiate all the five types of strange fire belonging to the Yan clan, Yao Wan, who was slightly tired, couldn't help but let out a breath of turbidity.

It is not difficult to differentiate other strange fires. The only difficulty lies in the new strange fire that Yan Jin holds, which is a fusion of volcanic stone flames and Jiuyou Jinzu fire. Yan Jin, who has achieved this step simply by mastering the art of fire, is indeed admirable. However, Yao Wan also successfully completed the differentiation of two kinds of strange fires, and completely split five strands of fire from the five kinds of strange fires. Given time, the Yan Clan will be able to achieve mass production of strange fires in the true sense, which is not a waste of the huge resources of the Qianli Yanshan Mountain.

"Miss Wan'er has worked hard today."

The Fire Spirit Fairy smiled and said, "It's late today, Miss Wan'er, please take a rest. You can decide whether to go around the Yan Clan or go back to the Yao Clan."

Yao Wan nodded slightly, "Thank you for the trouble, Fairy Fire Spirit, for traveling all the way. It's been a long time since you've done this, right?"

"That's right. Miss Wan'er is the first person in the past thousand years who can make the Yan Clan so enthusiastic."

The Fire Spirit Fairy said.

Yao Wan raised her eyebrows slightly, subconsciously not believing it, and couldn't help but said, "Really?"

"Of course it's true. After all, Miss Wan'er is the only one in the past thousand years who can make the Yan Clan impressed."

"Let others say this."

Yao Wan shook her head, but even so, the Yan Clan's current attitude has improved her impression of the Yan Clan a lot.

After chatting with the Fire Fairy for a while, Yao Wan, who felt a little tired, closed the door and sat on the futon to regulate her breathing.

Although the consumption of continuously dividing the fire sources for five kinds of strange fires was not low, it was not without benefits for Yao Wan. The division of the fire source itself was a more in-depth study of the strange fires. Yan Jin, who dared to fuse the Nine Nether Golden Ancestor Fire with the Volcanic Stone Flame, even had the bold idea of ​​merging the three kinds of strange fires after getting the inspiration from Yao Wan this time. However, this too dangerous idea still needs a strong force to support it. If you really want to do it, it will probably be possible only when Yan Jin is promoted to the Nine-Star Dou Sheng.

And Yao Wan also has a lot of feelings, which may come in handy later.

As for this transaction with the Yan Clan, it was also successfully completed. When the breathing is adjusted and the state is almost restored, it is almost possible to go back.

At present, these things have been solved, and the promotion to Dou Sheng should also be put on the agenda.

...No, the Dou Sheng thing has to be put aside for a while. I still need some time to take the soul realm beyond the current critical step and break through the heavenly realm.

Tsk, I really can't rest at all.

Yao Wan smacked her lips. Besides, she had to be wary of Yao Wangui in the future. Most of the troubles about her marriage after the coming-of-age ceremony were probably caused by him.

After reviewing the many things that needed to be dealt with in her mind, Yao Wan didn't know that she actually had so many things to do, but she couldn't complain too much. Time was running out, so she had to speed up.

Yao Wan gradually calmed down, and the surging Dou Qi gradually converged, while the silver-gray soul power surged out, like a river.

But the cultivation of soul power is not as simple and rough as Dou Qi after all. Even if there is a soul technique as the basis for operation, the principle of cultivating soul power is completely different from Dou Qi. It is precisely because of this that there are very few people who have succeeded in cultivating soul power.

Even so, the realm of soul power still requires a huge accumulation of soul power. Even though Yao Wan already felt that she had stopped before the great perfection of the heavenly realm, even one step away was a world of difference.


Ancient Dragon Island, East Dragon Island.

After several days of tempering with strange fire, most of the dragon and phoenix energy was absorbed by Zi Yan. The strong body of the Taixu Ancient Dragon gradually transformed under the infusion of dragon and phoenix energy. The ancient bloodline became stronger under the tempering. The dragon and phoenix scales with purple and gold luster covered the original dragon wings and turned into the wings of the sky phoenix.

While helping Zi Yan refine this energy, Xiao Yan also absorbed part of the energy of the dragon and phoenix origin fruit, but it did not cause the transformation of blood and the surge in cultivation like Zi Yan. Only the originally golden colored glass body turned into a slightly dim purple and gold.

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