Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 516 Leaving Dragon Island

When Xiao Yan came back to his senses, all the golden light in front of him turned into a slightly dim purple-gold light, which seemed to be a change caused by absorbing part of the dragon and phoenix energy.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, subconsciously feeling that something was not right, and immediately checked his bloodline. Although he didn't pay too much attention to things like bloodline, he couldn't take it too lightly.

It's ridiculous to think about changing your own bloodline. Even though you don't have to think about it, you also know that the dragon and phoenix bloodline has many benefits as the Supreme of Warcraft, and it must be even more powerful for you. If it was deleted, I might as well forget it.

However, after checking it, Xiao Yan discovered that it seemed that only his glazed body was affected by the dragon and phoenix energy, and seemed to have mutated to a certain extent, but his bloodline did not change at all.

But the strange thing is that although the color of the Liuli Dharmakaya changed, Xiao Yan activated the Liuli Body Shaping Art, only to find that the progress from the Dharma Body realm to the Yingshen realm in the Body Shaping Art increased very slowly, almost not even at all.

It seems that the Dragon King's energy has only partially transformed and mutated his body... As for what has changed... Xiao Yan really doesn't know for a moment. Forget it, go back and hammer the Soul Palace or the demon of the Spirit Devouring Clan. Just know.

Xiao Yan put away his thoughts and then looked up at Zi Yan, who was sitting opposite him. Unknowingly, the tall and beautiful woman in front of him had completely transformed.

Although she has been like this since she broke through the Dou Huang in Canaan College, Zi Yan seems to have changed a little bit... It's not her appearance that has changed, but her breath and temperament.

The aura of the Taixu Ancient Dragon in my original impression turned into a more powerful and unfamiliar aura, which was very similar to the aura of the Dragon and Phoenix Origin Fruit, but not exactly the same.

Probably because the dragon and phoenix origin fruit is essentially just a collection of the ancient dragon's bloodline and the sky phoenix's bloodline. It is not a dragon and phoenix in the true sense. It just provides an opportunity for the ancient dragon or the sky phoenix to be reborn.

Before Xiao Yan could take action, Zi Yan slowly opened her eyes. Xiao Yan's eyes, which were as clear and clear as amethyst in the original impression, turned into purple gold, with bright eyes that were scorching, but also a little strange. Charming colors.

Xiao Yan was a little unsure whether it was caused by the dragon-phoenix bloodline or whether it was like this after Zi Yan grew it herself.

But he rather hoped it was the former.

"Um...Xiao Yan?"

Zi Yan was startled for a moment, then suddenly came back to her senses. She was in high spirits, and regardless of the difference between men and women, her charming body that was still crossed with her legs suddenly rose up like a spring and hugged Xiao Yan's head. Xiao Yan was stunned, but at the same time, he felt that his whole face was being squeezed into a ball, and his ears were filled with endless cheers.

"Xiao Yan Xiao Yan! I became it! I became it! I really became a dragon and phoenix!"

Zi Yan's voice was full of joy, and it could be seen that this transformation was not easy for her, and it was full of hardships that Xiao Yan could not understand.

Xiao Yan naturally understood 100% of Zi Yan's happiness, but he was still a little bit embarrassed by Zi Yan's fierce reaction.

“Zi Yan—calm down!”

Xiao Yan tried to take a deep breath to adjust his slightly troubled heart, but his breath was filled with the fragrance of purple beauty. Xiao Yan suddenly opened his eyes wide and started struggling immediately.

"Why calm down? I'm very happy now! Look, I've become a Dou Zun!"

Zi Yan said, and immediately released her aura. The aura that had only just entered Douzun for the first time was particularly powerful, and could even compete with Xiao Yan.

It's just that when this aura spread from the ancient dragon altar, it was not just Xiao Yan who was affected, but also many people of the ancient dragon clan who suffered from Wuwu disaster. When the huge purple-gold dragon and phoenix shadow behind Zi Yan slowly relaxed. With their wings flying and roaring towards the sky, countless ancient dragon clansmen could not resist the powerful throbbing from their blood, and they all knelt on the ground to welcome their new king.

Xiao Yan poked the soft flesh on Zi Yan's waist and said quietly: "Stop making trouble."

Zi Yan let go of Xiao Yan after a while. He didn't know if it was Xiao Yan's own illusion. He actually felt that Zi Yan at this moment actually had the temperament of a lady, but before he could sigh, That temperament melted away quickly and visibly like ice and snow in spring.

"Hehe, what's wrong?"

People feel refreshed when happy events happen. Zi Yan refines the dragon and phoenix origin fruit, awakens her bloodline and transforms into a dragon and phoenix. It is naturally a great thing in her life, and Zi Yan is also in a good mood at this moment.

"It's nothing, I just suddenly feel like you've changed... No, you haven't changed at all."

Xiao Yan was about to speak but stopped, and then suddenly changed his words.

"Ah? What are you saying that makes no sense again? It's not straightforward at all. The grown man is still acting coy."

Zi Yan chuckled lightly, her purple-gold eyes filled with charm, which made Xiao Yan's spine feel slightly numb and gave rise to goosebumps.

"Go! Go! Go."

Xiao Yan patted his cheek, shook his head vigorously, trying to make himself normal, and then immediately came back to his senses.

"By the way, this is for you."

Seeing Xiao Yan's mind at war for a moment, Zi Yan curled her lips and gently touched Xiao Yan's heart with her long, white onion finger.

Xiao Yan felt a warm current pouring into his heart, and then felt a trace of ancient dragon breath pouring into his body.

"What's this?"

Xiao Yan said subconsciously.

"The power of dragon and phoenix, but don't tamper with it. I gave it to you because I saw that your glazed body did not conflict with the energy of dragon and phoenix, but caused mutation. Originally, the power of dragon and phoenix combined with the ancient dragon essence and blood can directly improve your body." My physical strength, but I am worried that something might happen, so I won’t let you come here casually. If you are really not sure, you can go to Yaowan. She has a lot of clever ideas, so you are right to go to her.”

Zi Yan said seriously that in her mind, although Yao Wan always made her feel a little guilty, it was undeniable that Yao Wan was definitely the most talented being she had ever seen, especially when it came to running this kind of technique. Such talent is unparalleled.

For example, Sister Nalan was taught by her, and Sister Xianer was also enlightened by her. Other issues may still be discussed, but on this issue, Yaowan is no less generous than the strong Dou Sheng. .

"I would go find her even without you telling me."

Xiao Yan's eyes were slightly lost in thought, and then he said.

Looking at Xiao Yan's expression, Zi Yan was inexplicably angry. She shouldn't have mentioned herb in front of him. Every time she mentioned her, Xiao Yan looked distracted, as if his soul was about to be seduced. gone.

Oh, this is not called "almost", it has been taken away a long time ago.

Zi Yan snorted lightly, but did not lose her temper because of it.

"It may take some time for the Dragon Phoenix Origin Fruit energy in my body to be completely refined. I will still need to continue to retreat during this period. After that, I will probably need to accept the inheritance of the ancient dragon. I will probably not be able to come out for a while."

Zi Yan sighed. Originally, she wanted Xiao Yan to spend more time with her. Although accepting the responsibility of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan is one thing, it does not conflict with Zi Yan's feeling that Ancient Dragon Island is really boring. But now she has no particularly good reason to keep Xiao Yan. In this case, it is better to let him leave on his own. Anyway, there is a special connection between the two of them with the dragon seal. Even if they are thousands of miles apart, they can still remember each other. Accessible.

Zi Yan knew very well that Xiao Yan now dreamed of becoming stronger. If he was tied to him and refused to let him go, he would be even more uncomfortable than death.

"...I will give you news when I get out of seclusion."

Zi Yan said in a relaxed tone, but she also added some inexplicable meaning unconsciously.

Xiao Yan nodded slightly.

After Zi Yan re-entered seclusion, Xiao Yan was also preparing to leave Gulong Island, where he had been staying for more than a month.

But just before he left, he noticed that there seemed to be a different kind of aura coming from Gulong Island at this moment, which was even more terrifying than when he and Zi Yan first entered Gulong Island.

However, this aura was not hostile, and there was no murderous intention surging on the huge Gulong Island.

During the exchanges between the guys, they still have some understanding of their special skills, such as Xian'er's poison, Nalan's sword, Xiao Yan's fire, Zi Yan's space power, and as for the medicine? She knows a little bit about everything.

Before Xiao Yan could leave, he saw Zhu Li, the third elder of Donglong Island, returning from the void with two strong men from the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan who were no less aura than him and were obviously at the semi-saint level. They happened to meet him. Got on Xiao Yan who was about to leave.

The relationship between Xiao Yan and Zi Yan is now obvious to all the people of the Ancient Dragon Clan on Donglong Island. Towards this great benefactor who has been reborn with kindness, several semi-saint-level strong men appear to be extremely kind.

After Zhu Li's explanation, Xiao Yan also learned their identities. They were all powerful men from the ancient Void Dragon Clan who had been practicing alone in the void. Now that the Dragon King has reappeared, these people who don't want to see it because of their clan The elders who were divided internally and fought against each other finally returned to Donglong Island again.

Xiao Yan was naturally full of congratulations, but he was thinking in his heart that if this continues, when Zi Yan leaves the border, it will probably be the day of the conquest of the four islands.

Although she always looked like she didn't care, she was actually already prepared in her heart.

Xiao Yan sighed softly, although Zi Yan was not very thoughtful, it also meant that she had no distracting thoughts and could successfully break through many realms that might even restrict her.

After the matter between Wan'er and Xun'er is resolved, let's help Zi Yan.

With this idea in mind, Xiao Yan left Gulong Island, but since there was nothing to do at the moment, he naturally returned to Xingyun Pavilion first.

It's just that Xiao Yan doesn't know at this moment that there are distinguished guests in Xingyun Pavilion who have been waiting for him for a long time.

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