"The Shennong Mountains here are where our clan's realm gate is located."

Venerable Yao Qi explained to Xiao Yan.

"Our Shennong Mountains are full of poisonous insects, but they are also full of natural and earthly treasures. Therefore, many alchemists will gather here to hunt for treasures and collect medicines, but they are not allowed to enter the depths of the mountains."

Before Xiao Yan could reply, he noticed a very strong aura speeding towards the direction they were going from a distance.

Xiao Yan's heart trembled slightly as he felt the strong fire attribute aura. He subconsciously turned his head and looked around. His dark red eyes narrowed slightly. He could clearly catch a glimpse of several blurry figures in the powerful aura. .

Those figures were uniformly dressed in fiery red clothes, but the styles were different. The leader was an old man with long fiery red hair and a gray beard. His aura was more terrifying and profound than that of the teacher after his resurrection. Behind him were several young men and women.

From these strange and powerful men, Xiao Yan sensed more than one kind of terrifying aura of strange fire.

Almost instantly, Xiao Yan guessed the identities of these powerful men.

According to legend, there are eight ancient forces on equal footing with the Yao Clan, collectively known as the Eight Ancient Clan. Among them, one family is particularly good at the art of fire, called the Yan Clan, and it seems to be them.

As soon as the Yan clan appeared, Xiao Yan noticed the aura of at least three kinds of strange fires, and people couldn't help but secretly sigh at the strength of the Yan clan.

But now is not the time to think about this. On the contrary, there is one point. Since people from the Yan clan will appear in Wan'er's recruitment, does it mean that the Yan clan is also a potential opponent?

"stop looking."

Venerable Yao Qi spoke out, recalling Xiao Yan's thinking, and then said: "I know what you are thinking, but to put it bluntly, every force that comes this time, regardless of whether they have any feelings for the eldest lady, No matter what special idea you have, there will always be an enemy you need to fight against.”

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for reminding me. Xiao Yan understands."

Xiao Yan naturally knew this very well, and then nodded lightly.

As soon as they finished speaking, the two of them continued to walk forward, but not long after, they saw another stream of light flying towards the door of the Medicine Realm, but this time it was different from the blazing heat of the Yan Clan, and it was simply the flow of breath. Powerful and mysterious.

Xiao Yan took another look, but this time he was not as careful as that. With a quick glance, he could only barely see what a few people were wearing.

But suddenly, the figure in green clothes walking at the front subconsciously turned his head to look at Xiao Yan, and Xiao Yan was slightly startled.

However, the man didn't seem to have any malicious intent. After noticing Xiao Yan's gaze, he silently withdrew his gaze.

"Qingyang, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, just sighing that there are so many people coming to the Medicine Clan this time."

Gu Qingyang silently noted the solitary and thin figure behind him, and said casually.

"Hehe, it's really strange. It seems that this is the first time that eldest brother is so interested in a person. He even came to the Yao Clan several times. Could it be that he really likes her? Taking advantage of this opportunity, why not go on stage and have a fight? Maybe we can still win. The beauty is in my arms."

The young man next to him who was also from the ancient tribe couldn't help but smile and said.

"Don't talk nonsense."

Gu Qingyang smiled and shook his head, and said: "It is true that I am interested in the eldest lady of the Medicine Clan, otherwise I would not have applied to come to the Medicine Clan twice, but a gentleman has a clear conscience and there is indeed no love between men and women. I just want to witness the grace of the inheritor of the divine bloodline."

"Does it belong to the divine bloodline...? That's interesting..."

The elder of the ancient tribe who led the team was about to joke, but he noticed an eerie aura. He frowned subconsciously and glanced around, only to catch a glimpse of several twisted black shadows flying towards the door of the Medicine Realm like ghosts.

"People from the Soul Clan are here too?"

The elder of the ancient tribe couldn't help but frown slightly and said: "It seems that the divine bloodline is still very attractive to them. Even these guys who like to hide in the dark and sneak around have come out."

"The Yao Clan's recruitment this time is really lively."

"That's a person from the ancient tribe."

Seeing Xiao Yan's expression change slightly, Venerable Yao Qi explained.

"Ancient tribe..."

Xiao Yan was slightly startled, but he still shook his head slightly. It was better to go to the medicine world first and then make long-term plans.

But as soon as he finished speaking, the strange fire in his body was slightly disturbed. He couldn't help but frown, and subconsciously looked at the stretching horizon at the foot of another mountain. A black shadow came in like a black cloud covering the sun. It was obviously daytime, but it was disturbing. A shiver ran through the place.

Xiao Yan was silent, but Venerable Yao Qi noticed a trace of cold murderous intent coming from Xiao Yan's body, sweeping past him. However, this murderous intent was obviously not directed at him, but at the person from the Soul Clan.

It is said that the Xingyun Pavilion and the Soul Palace are like fire and water. From this point of view, it is really the case. The feud between Master Xiao Yan and the Soul Clan will probably not be trivial.

But for such a group of spooky and weird guys, to be honest, no one likes them.

Just when he came to the Shennong Mountains and saw three of the eight ancient tribes, Xiao Yan was mentally prepared and knew better what kind of opponent he needed to face.

After thousands of miles, Xiao Yan and Master Yao Qi finally saw the gate of the Yao Clan. Above a deep stream deep in the mountains, on the opposite side of the deep stream, a huge stone arch of about hundreds of feet stood quietly, reflecting the vicissitudes of ancient times. The breath of air came out from above the huge stone arch.

In the center of the archway, there is a twisted space, gray and chaotic. At this moment, figures are constantly flying out from the sky or the depths of the forest, and finally landing outside the giant stone archway. After taking out some jade slips and handing them to some guards wearing medicine clan robes outside the archway, they are allowed in.

Xiao Yan can no longer see the figures of the three clans. It seems that they have already entered the medicine world.

"That is the Iron Guard of the Medicine Clan. We can enter as usual. The eldest lady's marriage is also a major event for the Medicine Clan. Naturally, it needs to be handled solemnly. Forces with good relations with the Medicine Clan are qualified to come and watch the ceremony, but only the eight clans and some hidden forces with Dou Sheng masters are qualified to challenge many Tianjiao and the eldest lady."

"Is it because of the value of the marriage?"

Xiao Yan murmured subconsciously, and Venerable Yao Qi did not deny it.

"Have you brought the token I gave you?"

"Of course."

Xiao Yan took out the deep green token, and then Venerable Yao Qi took Xiao Yan to the gate of the medicine world.

Venerable Yao Qi's clothes were enough for the Medicine Clan Iron Guard to recognize him at a glance. He bowed his head slightly and said, "Hello, Venerable."

"This is the person chosen by the elders, Xiao Yan, please write down his name."

Venerable Yao Qi's words startled the Iron Guards. Xiao Yan, surnamed Xiao...? Could he be from the Xiao Clan that had long disappeared?

However, since it was the Venerable's request, the Iron Guards naturally did it immediately, and then watched Venerable Yao Qi nod to the thin young man, step into the gate, and disappear.

It was not until the two figures disappeared that the Iron Guards with high cultivation suddenly came to their senses and suddenly realized.

"Oh, Xiao Yan! I remember! Isn't that the Xiao Yan who has been going viral in the past two years? The leader of the Alchemy Association, the young master of the Xingyun Pavilion, the Xiao Yan who helped his master to resurrect and become a Dou Sheng!"

"Oh - it turned out to be him -"

Many Iron Guards nodded slightly, obviously knowing a little about the current rumors in Zhongzhou, but knowing is knowing, but the cognition is not so easy to change.

"Although the Xingyun Pavilion has now become a big force with Dou Sheng in charge, it is still far behind the bloodline of my eight clans. I don't know when this Xiao Yan got in touch with the clan elders, and he actually favored him so much."

The Iron Guards chatted for a few words. Guarding the gate was boring and uninteresting. Naturally, the only way to pass the time was to chat with each other. If Elder Wan Sheng saw it, he would inevitably be punished.

At the same time, Xiao Yan passed through the space tunnel opened by Dou Di himself, and soon smelled a hint of medicinal fragrance. Before he could react, the scene in front of him suddenly became clear.

Between the vast sea of ​​​​sky, the vast Yao Clan Mountain, as vast as a continent, stands between the peaks of Chongyun. It is magnificent, with mountains everywhere and the fragrance of elixir everywhere, which makes people fascinated.

Not to mention the strong Dou Qi that has swarmed in as soon as he entered the medicine world. Xiao Yan has traveled to many places, but he has never encountered such a strong Dou Qi as the medicine world.

But think about it, the eight clans have all produced Dou Di strongmen, and the foundation of the eight clans today is also the small world opened up by the Dou Di strongmen. The Dou Qi is so strong that it can give birth to multiple Dou Shengs and strong men who have truly reached the top of the world. There is nothing strange about it.

But just when this thought disappeared, Xiao Yan felt his chest beating, as if he felt something.

Xiao Yan subconsciously covered his chest. He knew very well that this was the effect of the part of the flame of life that remained in his body.

He knew very well what this meant.

It turns out... she has always been here... always here.

Venerable Yao Qi noticed a slight change in Xiao Yan's expression, but thought that he could not adapt to the strong fighting spirit in the medicine world for a while, so he just said: "It's okay, calm down, it's normal to have such symptoms when you just enter the medicine world."


Xiao Yan nodded heavily, his eyes swept across the boundless sacred mountain in front of him, and he couldn't help but wonder where Wan'er was.

I really want to see her.

But unlike Xiao Yan's expectations, Yao Wan, who had just walked out of the cave, couldn't help but be slightly startled, and couldn't help but raise her hand to gently rub her temples, and couldn't help but complain whether she had cultivated for too long and cultivated something wrong with her brain, why did she feel Xiao Yan as soon as she went out...


Yao Wan put down her slender hand, a mess.

Why did he really come? !

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