Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 523: Embracing the bright moon in my arms

Unlike Xiao Yan who was full of expectations, the medicine wand was really messy in the wind.

He, he, he...why is he really here!

Yao Wan looked at a loss. She obviously didn't reveal any news this time. News between Zhongzhou and the Eight Clans always spread in one direction, only going in but not going out. How could she still let him know?

Is there a mole around her?

Yao Wan immediately thought of Qing Lin. After all, this little girl just likes to have sex with her when she has nothing to do. She couldn't help but give him some trouble when she was at Canaan College.

But this time she had already made it this far, and even deliberately pressed the little girl to practice for this reason. Even if she had this intention, she would not have the time to commit the crime.

Yao Wan was extremely puzzled and even had a headache. It was better for him now. It was foreseeable that he would get a lot of big things, and he might even have to eliminate him himself.

Although he still has the cultivation level of a mid-level Dou Zun, he is still a person who has been trained by himself. Apart from anything else, there is no problem at all in being invincible in the Dou Zun realm, and it is perfect to deal with those annoying guys.

As for Lian Lizhiye's problem... I'll settle the score with him later.

It has to be said that just by feeling that Xiao Yan seemed to have appeared in the medicine world, it had completely disrupted all Yao Wan's original arrangements.

After all, she didn't really want to get married. She just wanted one of them who could win over the others to be the leader, and then beat her down with a hammer, and the matter was over.

Yao Wan couldn't help but pursed her lips and became secretly annoyed - this guy, just coming here and causing trouble for her... was so annoying.

So...are you going to meet him alone...?

A very scary thought emerged in Yaowan's mind.

However, this thought did not last long before Yao Wan shook her head vigorously and drove it out of her mind.

Go to see him? Alone?

Yao Wan couldn't help but recall the scene where she was distracted in the Ruins of Forgetfulness and finally forced to part ways. Xiao Yan looked like he was lowering his head and quietly shedding tears, but he really couldn't laugh.

The experience at the Ruins of Oblivion was so profound for both Yao Wan and Xiao Yan that they could not be erased or forgotten. Such a profound memory would only fade away with the passage of time. Slow fermentation, both of them.

Although the unfinished words at the end were indeed not Yao Wan's original intention, it was undeniable that it made Xiao Yan uncomfortable for countless days and nights.

If this was a meeting between a man and a woman alone, I'm afraid the powder keg of Xiao Yan would be completely blown up.

Is it possible to pretend that nothing happened?

As if you don’t remember anything? Everything in the Ruins of Oblivion turned into smoke and smoke of the past. They returned to the original state, and nothing was explained clearly.

There was a hint of distress in Yaowan's eyebrows. Although this was a good way to continue procrastinating, truthfully speaking, she didn't want to do it, or in other words, she was resisting it.

This is unfair to Xiao Yan.

The Ruins of Oblivion has never been a dream in which nothing is left after waking up, and the same is true for her.

She couldn't do this kind of self-deception.


Before Yao Wan could make up her mind, she saw a maid approaching and said, "Miss, the patriarch wants you to prepare. Tomorrow, the wedding ceremony will begin."

"...Well, I understand."

The maid's voice suddenly brought Yao Wan back to her senses, and then she nodded slightly, indicating that she already understood.


When he first entered the sacred mountain, Xiao Yan showed great curiosity about everything in front of him. After Venerable Yao Qi threw a guest room key to Xiao Yan, he said that he needed to go to the elder to return his life. Xiao Yan naturally knew that he I didn't want to disturb others too much, so I wandered around among the Yao Clan alone.

But before he took a few steps, Xiao Yan accidentally bumped into a group of people.

"Sorry, I was distracted for a moment and didn't pay attention."

Xiao Yan looked at the red-haired young man in front of him and cupped his fists, and immediately realized that this person seemed to be one of the group of people from the Yan clan he had seen before entering the medicine world, and his cultivation level had also reached The level of high-level Dou Zun is quite extraordinary.


Xiao Yan shook his head. He was not so narrow-minded that he would retaliate if someone accidentally touched him. Besides, when he was away from home, he should not cause trouble. In Wan'er's house, it was not his duty to talk to the guests, and he could not let his mother-in-law see him. dislike.

On the contrary, when the young men and women of the Yan tribe in front of them looked at Xiao Yan, they almost instinctively noticed the strange fire on Xiao Yan's body. The red-haired young man couldn't help but said seriously: "The Yan tribe's Huo Xuan, Huo Zhi, I don't know how my friends are. call?"

"...Xiao Yan."

Xiao Yan looked at Huo Xuan and vaguely guessed that this person was probably his competitor. Although he wouldn't be immediately hostile, it was hard to have any favorable impressions of him.

"Xiao Yan?"

Huo Xuan was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help but glanced at Huo Zhi subconsciously, with surprise on his face: "Could it be Xiao Yan from Xingyun Pavilion?"

"Exactly, I didn't expect that hidden forces like the Yan Clan have heard of me."

"People must learn to keep pace with the times. Staying still will only lead to a miserable death."

Huo Xuan smiled slightly. He didn't know if it was because of the strange fire that he had a liking for Xiao Yan. Then he looked at Huo Zhi and suggested: "Since Elder Huo Yao has gone there by himself, let's find a place to sit and have a drink?"

Then Huo Xuan looked at Xiao Yan and said: "It can be regarded as an apology for Brother Xiao Yan, how about it?"


Xiao Yan inevitably hesitated for a moment. After all, since Huo Xuan appeared in the Medicine Clan, he was his competitor.

The second reason was that he didn't want to drink. Everything in the Medicine Clan was unknown. Drinking would cause trouble. If something happened, he would have no place to cry.

The most important reason was that he was not in the mood to drink. He wanted to see Wan'er.

However, the Medicine Clan and the Yan Clan were both eight clans, and they should have a lot of information that he didn't know. The two people in front of them were qualified to appear in the Medicine Clan. They must be young talents of this generation... There was always a need to get in touch with them.

Therefore, before Huo Xuan saw Xiao Yan frowning and trying to persuade him, Xiao Yan nodded and said, "But Xiao Yan can't hold his liquor, so a few glasses of sake will do."

"No problem, no problem."

"You're running around again--"

Huo Zhi was helpless about Huo Xuan's willful behavior, but she really didn't have the interest to hang out with two men in the winery, so she said helplessly, "I'll wait for the elder to come back, you'd better not make trouble again."

After saying that, Huo Zhi turned around and left. Xiao Yan's eyes focused slightly. She had one of the three strange fire auras of the Yan clan.

"Let's go."

Huo Xuan smiled slightly, and Xiao Yan had no choice but to follow.

There are not only many alchemists in the Medicine Clan, but also other special derivative industries generated by alchemy. For example, wine, to be precise, is spirit wine brewed with various natural treasures as raw materials. In essence, it is actually another form of elixir. It is nothing more than refining the essence and condensing it into a small elixir, or mixing it with spirit wine to become spirit wine. In theory, the two are the same, but spirit wine is closer to a kind of luxury, so there are very few people studying spirit wine.

I am afraid that only the environment of the Medicine Clan and the number of alchemists everywhere can derive such an industry.

Huo Xuan smiled and thanked the store owner, then picked up the wine pot and filled the two wine glasses in front of him.

"Brother Xiao Yan, are you here for the eldest lady of the Medicine Clan?"

Huo Xuan took a sip of the spirit wine in the glass, and the taste made him raise his eyebrows. It was indeed a special taste.

"Then could it be that you came for something else?"

Xiao Yan picked up the wine glass nonchalantly, took a sip, and hinted at Huo Xuan's intention in his words.

"Hey, Brother Xiao Yan, what you said is not quite right."

Huo Xuan smiled, and his eyes seemed to see through Xiao Yan's mind, and said: "I came here this time mainly to accompany the elder to complete an important task. In addition, I just want to observe the style of the eight clans' geniuses, and I will not go on stage. So, Brother Xiao Yan, you don't have to regard me as a potential rival in love, right?"


Xiao Yan couldn't help but be silent for a moment, and then said: "Sorry."

"Hehe, Brother Xiao Yan, don't worry about these trivial matters. After all, as you said, who would appear in this medicine world without having ideas about the eldest lady of the medicine clan? ? "

Huo Xuan poured wine while saying, "I came into contact with the eldest lady of the Medicine Clan. Although she is good in everything and is rumored to be the most beautiful woman among the eight clans, she gives people the feeling of being like a flower in the mirror or a moon in the water, too far away and illusory. "

"Although the bright moon is beautiful, it is still hanging high in the sky. The moon in the water is just a reflection after all."

Huo Xuan couldn't help but sigh, but raised his curious eyes: "So, why did Brother Xiao Yan become interested in the eldest lady of the Medicine Clan?"


Xiao Yan was slightly startled, his eyebrows drooped, and he just drank silently.

He was not doing it for some simple interest, but for something he would do as long as he was alive, that's all.

However, when facing Huo Xuan, Xiao Yan still said: "I just heard that the eldest lady of the Yao clan has never been married. I think the one who dares to go on stage to defend the ring must be a remarkable woman. It is normal to be interested, right?"

"Well... that's true."

Huo Xuan let out a long breath. He couldn't deny that Yao Wan was indeed the most special woman he had ever seen.

"But I'm afraid there are many people who have the same idea as Brother Xiao Yan..."

Xiao Yan's eyes were calm, and he just said.

"Since I'm here, I've made all preparations. What if it's the bright moon in the sky? I'll embrace the bright moon in my arms."

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