Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 524 You are different

Huo Xuan was startled for a moment, and then he couldn't help laughing loudly, which attracted surprised looks from others, but he didn't care at all.

"Okay! What a wonderful person who brings the bright moon into my arms!"

Huo Xuan admired from the bottom of his heart. With just this sentence, he felt that Xiao Yan was fundamentally different from other people, but it was just a bit unclear.

But intuitively, it is indeed the case. How can the person who can say such words in front of me be an ordinary person?

For this reason, Huo Xuan poured another glass of wine for Xiao Yan from the bottom of his heart and said: "Brother Xiao Yan's words have won my heart. This glass of wine is dedicated to brother Xiao Yan!"

Xiao Yan was silent, but when Huo Xuan raised his glass, he also raised his glass. He took a glass of spiritual wine and let the mellow and slightly spicy wine flow through his throat, igniting all the thoughts in his chest.

After drinking freely, the relationship between Xiao Yan and Huo Xuan unknowingly became closer. This young man from the Yan tribe gave Xiao Yan the feeling of being at the relaxed level of Canaan College, and Xiao Yan's words The words made Huo Xuan, who was unruly by nature, extremely emotional.

Until a series of complicated footsteps came, Xiao Yan subconsciously looked for the sound. In addition to the Yan tribe woman he had just met, there was also an old man. Even if he was slightly drunk at the moment, Xiao Yan could react immediately. Come here, this is the elder who leads the team from the Yan clan.

As expected, Xiao Yan also noticed the aura of strange fire from his body, but what made Xiao Yan strange was that there were clearly three auras of strange fire from the Yan clan, but the last one was missing.

However, Huo Xuan, who obviously had a special status among the Yan clan, did not hold a strange fire, which made Xiao Yan a little surprised.

"I heard from Huo Zhi that you were fooling around somewhere, but I never thought that you were drinking here?"

Elder Huoyao was angry and funny and couldn't help but say.

"It's just a drink, it's okay."

Huo Xuan is also a piece of meat, and it is rare for him to come out to relax. He is always so tight that no one can stand it.

Elder Huoyao shook his head, but he understood. Then he couldn't help but look at Xiao Yan, who was drinking. He couldn't help but be curious. There are not many young people who have the courage to drink and drink with people from the Yan clan. Although Huo Xuan is free and uninhibited by nature, , but not all ordinary people can appreciate it.

With this idea in mind, Elder Huoyao caught a glimpse of Xiao Yan. The thin young man dressed in a black robe, handsome and tall, gave people the impression of a burning fire and a proud and independent Jinsong. .

Just looking at his face, Elder Huoyao couldn't help but nod secretly.

"Brother Xiao Yan, let me introduce you. This is Elder Huoyao of our Yan Clan...Xingyun Pavilion Xiao Yan. The elders should have heard of it."

"Xingyun Pavilion... That's no wonder, but my surname is Xiao... Could it be that my little brother and the Xiao clan..."

"Ancestor Xiao Xuan is just a passing cloud."

Xiao Yan does not deny that even his declining ancestors do not make him feel ashamed, and his declining bloodline does not make him feel ashamed. What is there to be ashamed of? At worst, he could just get back everything his ancestors had lost.

"Xiao Xuan can have a descendant like you... It seems that this Xiao clan bloodline is really destined to die."

While Elder Huoyao sighed, he naturally noticed the particularly strong aura of strange fire on Xiao Yan's body, but he never had any intention of snatching it away. Since it already has an owner, there is no need to covet it anymore.

"Elder Huoyao is so complimentary."

Xiao Yan raised his hands and clasped his fists. He always treated others with a foot of respect and he returned the favor.

"Hehe, but since Elder Huoyao is here to look for me, it seems that today is about the same."

Huo Xuan stretched, then subconsciously glanced at the darkening sky outside the window, and smiled at Xiao Yan.

"Then I will go back with the elders first. Brother Xiao Yan drinks slowly. Don't worry, I have paid for the wine first. I just want to drink until you enjoy it. I just hope to see Brother Xiao Yan's style tomorrow! Hahahaha - —”

Huo Xuan smiled and left with the Yan clan people. After Huo Xuan left, Xiao Yan took another sip of wine.

He hasn't drank for a long time, so it would be nice to have a drink like this once in a while.

Huo Xuan is a good friend. As a member of the Eight Tribes, it is probably common for them to meet each other in the future. Today, it was unintentional and left a good relationship.

It’s just that there’s no need to drink any more wine——

Xiao Yan was about to get up and leave, but out of the corner of his eye he caught a glimpse of a familiar figure walking slowly up the stairs with crisp footsteps amidst the slightly noisy ambient sound.

As always, the familiar black robe looks particularly heavy when worn indoors, and the weird black hat cannot be seen at all inside.

Xiao Yan was slightly stunned. Under the influence of the spirit wine, he couldn't help but look a little crazy. This is how she broke into her own world step by step.

And every time we met, she still wore the same clothes and never changed.

After the man went upstairs, he walked towards Xiao Yan impartially, as if she knew Xiao Yan was here early in the morning.

People walking subconsciously avoided that figure, so she stood in front of Xiao Yan's table without stopping at all, and then sat opposite Xiao Yan.

"No more drinking?"

The sweet voice came from the bamboo hat, and Xiao Yan was slightly dazed. It was obviously a very happy thing to meet again, but what Xiao Yan felt was a kind of faded sadness.

That was the end of the Ruins of Oblivion, where she suddenly lost her confusion.

"I won't drink anymore... The people who drank with me are all gone. What should I drink?"

But what he said was true, but Xiao Yan never stopped pouring wine. As soon as he finished speaking, the wine glass was full, and he was about to raise it and pour it into his mouth.

As a result, the Qianying in front of her slapped Xiao Yan's hand away, and took the lead in grabbing the wine glass with her slender hands. When the wine glass entered the curtain, there was a slight sound of the spirit wine entering the throat.

"Ahem... ugh, I really don't understand why you like to drink this kind of stuff. It tastes really bad."

After a short while, she threw down the cup, her tone quite dissatisfied.

"Did that boy Huo Xuan bring you here? Damn it, he brought you around as soon as he came. I can't spare him."

Listening to her usual voice, Xiao Yan came back to his senses and couldn't help but feel a little funny: "If you can't drink, just don't drink. Why force yourself."

"But from the tone of his voice, does Wan'er really know him?"

"The future rising star of the Yan Clan, I happen to have some dealings with the Yan Clan, so we can be considered acquaintances."

When Na Qianying couldn't help but start to check whether her cloak and hat had been accidentally wetted by wine, she couldn't help but feel a little funny when she heard Xiao Yan's question, with a faint sour taste in his tone, and said: " Could it be that he is a love rival and is jealous? "

Her tone rose slightly, gently teasing Xiao Yan's heart like a feather.

"——Yes, I'm just jealous."

Xiao Yan admitted openly, and even more boldly reached out and pinched her slender hand that was playing with the wine glass. The beauty's finger bones were clear, slender and gentle, and the cool and moist touch made him extremely fond of her.

When she felt the strong aggression from Xiao Yan's hot fingertips, her fingertips twitched slightly, as if she was startled by Xiao Yan's bold move, which she had not seen for a long time. Afterwards, he felt slightly apologetic and at a loss as to why he was indebted to him.

Under the bamboo hat, there was a trace of embarrassment in her eyebrows. She always felt that she had gone a little too far.

While trying hard to break away from the pinched fingertips, she could only pretend to be calm and asked: "Why are you here? Has the news reached Zhongzhou?"

Xiao Yan shook his head gently. He could probably guess that Venerable Yao Qi could not have been appointed by Wan'er, but someone else. Not surprisingly, he was probably a clan elder, but Xiao Yan also knew that. Now that I'm here, I have to keep the secret for them anyway, otherwise if Wan'er makes a fuss, wouldn't he be burning a bridge?

While the two of them had a tacit understanding of each other, Xiao Yan was naturally not stupid enough to take the initiative to ask questions that he shouldn't have asked, lest he be kicked out of the medicine world without even stepping onto the wedding ring.

The relationship between them had never been so fragile that it was torn to pieces because of that kind of boring suspicion. Rather, in his opinion, the relationship that could be casually broken by a few questions was not very sincere.

They understand each other and trust each other, and that's enough.

After finally breaking free of Xiao Yan's hand, she couldn't help but rub her wrist. This guy had quite a strong hand.

She was complaining in her heart, but under the hat, a smile could not help but appear on her lips.

"Okay, we've talked and drank these days, come with me, I have a new strange fire here, and you will be refining the strange fire honestly in the next time, don't you have any objections? "

She waved her hand and said, "Let's take care of things as they come. Even if they come, she can't just drive people away, right?" It's just that Xiao Yan had better not get involved in this matter.

But just when she was waiting for Xiao Yan to agree with a smile, she saw Xiao Yan looking at her seriously this time, and then gently shook his head.

"Let's talk about the strange fire later. Starting tomorrow, I have more important things to do."

Yao Wan didn't understand what Xiao Yan said, but she rarely became serious and said: "No, you are not allowed to go!"

"I am a relic of the Xiao clan, and my teacher has now become a fighting saint. I am qualified to participate both emotionally and rationally!"

Xiao Yan argued with reason. For him, the purpose of coming to the Yao Clan this time was never just to confirm Wan'er's safety. It was not just to confirm that she was safe and then leave with peace of mind. , his purpose has always been only one.

"No, it won't work if I say no! I will delete your place later."

Xiao Yan refused to give in, and Yao Wan was even less likely to give in.

"Why? Why does Wan'er say it won't work if it doesn't work? At least give me a reason, right?"

"Because you are different! You are different from those people and those things! It is completely different to me, do you understand?!"

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