Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 527 Xiao Clan, Xiao Yan invites you to fight!

Xiao Yan saw the fierce fight and could not help but hold his chin and quietly watch the battle between the eight clans' geniuses.

It must be admitted that under the support of the most powerful races on the Douqi Continent, with the best resources, inheritance, skills, and fighting skills, the fighting power displayed by these eight clans' geniuses is completely incomparable to the Dou Zun of Zhongzhou.

And this is not even the strongest of the younger generation of the eight clans.

Xiao Yan could not help but look at Lei Xiao and Yao Tian. What kind of strength will they show?

However, before Xiao Yan's thoughts were gathered, his eyes caught a glimpse of a figure falling hurriedly, even more embarrassed than the young man of the Stone Clan just now. After all, the Stone Clan specializes in physical strength, and its toughness is enough to rival the same level of magic beasts. It is not difficult to force the people of the Stone Clan to retreat, but it is not easy to really hurt them.

The people of the Yao Clan have no advantage in comparison, so it is not difficult to understand that they will be defeated.

However, such an attitude is somewhat embarrassing.

Many elders of the Yao Clan could not help but secretly shook their heads, and Yao Wan even temporarily closed her beautiful golden eyes. It is not shameful to be defeated, but it is shameful to be defeated even if you take the initiative. If you are not sure enough, don't give up. I really give in.

"Hahaha! It feels great! Come on! Come again!"

Lei Yun laughed, but this laughter was somewhat harsh to others.

"Lei Yun, don't be so proud!"

"Yan Clan, Huo Huan invites you to fight!"

As soon as the voice fell, Xiao Yan only heard Huo Xuan beside him lightly exclaimed, and then saw a Yan Clan Tianjiao flying into the sky above his head. In the spatial projection in the center of the square, in front of Lei Yun, a capable young man in fiery red blocked him, and the lightning and flames collided with each other, making a crackling sound.

In Xiao Yan's view, this finally had some style of equal strength.

However, Lei Yun had fought two people in a row, and they were the eight clans' geniuses, so the consumption must be great. But even so, the momentum he showed was not inferior to Huo Huan at all. It can be seen that even among many young talents, this person is also in the upper middle level.

"Do you think Huo Huan can win?"

Huo Xuan laughed, causing Xiao Yan to glance at him.

But Xiao Yan thought seriously and answered: "The best situation should be that both sides will suffer losses."

"Both sides will suffer losses?"

Huo Xuan laughed lightly and couldn't help laughing: "Why do you think so?"

"After Lei Yun fought two people in a row, his momentum was still comparable to Huo Huan. If he didn't have a trump card, he might not be able to successfully defeat Lei Yun."

Xiao Yan shook his head. From his point of view, the gap between the two sides was indeed not something that could be narrowed by a temporary consumption.

"I see..."

Huo Xuan nodded slightly. This was similar to what he had guessed at the beginning.

And the fact is indeed so. After about an hour of fierce fighting, Lei Yun was exhausted, but he still defeated Huo Huan. However, he could not continue to fight for a while, so he followed Huo Huan's expelled figure and left this space directly. Then, without saying anything, he returned to his position and closed his eyes to adjust his breath, in order to recover as soon as possible and fight again.

Before Yao Wanhuo could continue to say anything, another person from the Ancient Clan and the Medicine Clan took off into the sky and started the next round of battle.

But compared with Lei Yun's stunning success, fighting three people in a row without losing, the battles of the following Tianjiao seemed a bit mediocre. After all, no one wanted to squander their only chance at will, so naturally they wanted to come down and adjust their breath and rest immediately after defeating one person.

And it seemed that someone was tired of watching the chickens in front of them fighting each other, and finally someone couldn't hold back.

"Hmph, a good matchmaking has been turned into a martial arts arena. If you are not good at learning, you should get off early--"

After a long breath of turbid air, a tall and proud figure stood up on the seat of the Thunder Clan. Then the space twisted slightly, submerging his body and directly transmitting his figure to the sky in front of him.

He stood with his hands behind his back, his eyes like lightning, as if he penetrated the space, making people feel cold and trembling all over, revealing the pride of being a strong man.

"Thunder Clan, Lei Xiao--all those who just won one or two games, come up!"

Lei Xiao's words were like a spark falling into a gunpowder barrel, suddenly causing a huge explosion in the crowd, and even the onlookers of the Medicine Clan couldn't help but lower their heads and talk.

For such a long time, no one has dared to say this to the people of their eight clans, even if this person also came from the eight clans.

The eight clans' geniuses who were resting just now also opened their eyes, and a gleam of light flashed in their eyes, revealing an uncontrollable anger and dissatisfaction.

We are all descendants of the Eight Clans, why do you seem to be superior to others?

The arrogant Eight Clans’ geniuses have never suffered such anger. They have always seen personal grudges, but never seen those who are eager to open a map cannon.

And for such people, there is naturally no need to indulge him.

"Yan Clan, Huo Yan wants to fight!"

"Gu Clan, Gu Sheng wants to fight!"

"Shi Clan, Shi Xun wants to fight!"

"Yan Clan..."

As soon as Lei Xiao finished speaking, the Eight Clans’ geniuses who had won one or two games just now clasped their fists and asked for a fight. Then, before Yao Wanhuo could react, in a blink of an eye, more than ten people flew into the sky above their heads.


On the seat of the Thunder Clan, Lei Yun sneered, a bunch of idiots, really think that Brother Xiao is so easy to bully?

"Elder Wanhuo, this..."

Many elders who led the team couldn't help but show a trace of difficulty on their faces, but they did not stop their subordinates from fighting. They just frowned slightly. On the contrary, the elders of the Yao clan noticed something strange and couldn't help but lower their voices to Yao Wanhuo.

Yao Wanhuo shook his head: "Since they chose it themselves, you can't blame others. Just let the victory or defeat speak!"

Yao Wanhuo did not deliberately suppress his voice, so naturally the elders of all clans heard it. Although the elders frowned more and more, they did not object. The only thing they were worried about was what would happen next.

And in line with the ominous premonition in the hearts of the elders, the scene they least wanted to see also happened before their eyes.

In a void space, Lei Xiao faced the siege of a dozen eight clans' geniuses, and he was not afraid at all. He was like entering an empty space. Even Xiao Yan did not use the weapons he had heard of him using. He punched them one by one, and drove those eight clans' geniuses down from the gray sky above his head like dumplings.

A dozen of the eight clans' geniuses couldn't even last half an hour in Lei Xiao's hands, which was really jaw-dropping. It was not known whether they were incapable or Lei Xiao was really that strong.

When Lei Xiao cleared the last of the eight clans' geniuses in the space, a hint of arrogance appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Hmph, a bunch of chickens and dogs."

With Lei Xiao's arrogance, he naturally wouldn't control his voice on purpose, and when Lei Xiao's voice echoed intact through the light curtain in the huge clan monument square, everyone's mood couldn't help but sink.

The elders of each clan couldn't help but look at the seat where the Lei clan was, with a little unkindness in their eyes, which was no longer a problem of lax discipline.

However, the elders of the Lei clan didn't care about these things. The clan leader had already said to let Lei Xiao do it. As long as he could finally take down the eldest lady of the Medicine Clan, all the consequences and worries would naturally be borne by the Lei clan for him.

During this year, Lei Xiao not only worked hard to cultivate and improve his cultivation, but also persuaded his brother to lobby many elders with him to finalize the matter for him, and everything developed as smoothly as he expected.

In his eyes, the only person who could be called his opponent was Yao Tian.

Therefore, Lei Xiao's words were actually directed at Yao Tian.

But after this map cannon, everyone felt uncomfortable and disgusted as if they had eaten a fly.

At the Shi clan seat, the clan members were all angry.

In the Yan clan, Huo Xuan's smile gradually faded, and he was also ready to fight.

In the Yao clan, Yao Tian knew that Lei Xiao used those people as cushions, just to suppress his momentum before he went on stage. The two of them were on par with each other. The consumption of fighting spirit could be compensated by elixirs, but the gap in momentum would be very different as time went by.

In the Ancient Clan, Gu Qingyang shook his head gently. He was not angry. He just felt that Lei Xiao's words of forcing people to take action would put him in the crosshairs. Many members of the Ancient Clan beside him could not keep their tempers. They did not raise their hands to signal him. They should be patient. This was a provocation. They were just going through the motions. There was no need to get too involved. If they got really angry, it would be detrimental to the relationship between the Ancient Clan and the Thunder Clan.

At the Soul Clan seat, someone sneered, which was bone-chilling.


Only Yao Wan, who was above the chief, yawned. Some sleepiness appeared in her bright eyes. She was bored.

She really thought she was a big shot just by picking up a few rotten sweet potatoes and stinky bird eggs. It was a mess.

But she was almost tired of this farce.

With this thought in mind, Yao Wan subconsciously swept her golden eyes and saw Xiao Yan standing up.

The corners of her mouth could not help but subconsciously depict a trace of happiness from the heart.

Yao Tian originally planned to wait for Lei Xiao to yell a few more times, and then he would be exhausted and leave him alone for a while. He could not say that he had any momentum.

However, he caught a glimpse of the young man next to Huo Xuan slowly standing up, and at the same time patted Huo Xuan on the shoulder, as if he said something to him.

"Do you feel uncomfortable after hearing what he said?"

"Nonsense, who would feel comfortable after hearing what he said."

Huo Xuan said subconsciously.

"Okay, I'll teach him a lesson."

Then, Xiao Yan stood up.

"Xiao clan, Xiao Yan, please fight!"

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