Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 528: Defeat the enemy with one move

"Xiao Clan, Xiao Yan, please fight!"

When Xiao Yan's sonorous voice echoed throughout the clan monument square, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then after a moment of strange silence, an uproar broke out.

"What? Did I hear something wrong? Xiao Clan?!"

"I haven't heard anyone call themselves Xiao Clan for thousands of years. It can't be wrong, it can't be wrong!"

"It is rumored that there are remnants of the Xiao Clan in Zhongzhou. I didn't expect that this rumor is true! Xiao Yan from Xingyun Pavilion, is he?!"

Xiao Yan just reported his name, and the whole audience was shocked.

Most of the Yao Clan people seemed very unfamiliar with the name of the Xiao Clan, but some of the clan members who were familiar with the old stories of the eight clans knew it, and they were shocked and talked about the past.

The elders of the eight clans and the Tianjiao sitting in the front row looked at each other, and then they couldn't help but lower their voices to communicate a few words.

Only the people of the Soul Clan had a colder look, and their eyes looking at Xiao Yan were filled with murderous intent.

But this obviously could not affect Xiao Yan's actions. He had long been accustomed to the murderous aura of the Soul Palace, and naturally would not care about this little noise.

There were also fewer noises in the Yan Clan. After all, Elder Huo Yao and the others had some contact with Xiao Yan before, so it was not that surprising. Huo Xuan looked at the expressions of the people from the eight clans and couldn't help but want to laugh.

"Compared to Lei Xiao, you are the real focus, brother Xiao Yan."

Huo Xuan looked at Xiao Yan's figure rising into the air and couldn't help but whispered.

"... Xiao Yan, Xiao Clan."

Gu Qingyang looked at the thin figure rising into the air, but he fell into deep thought unconsciously. He remembered this name, from Xun'er, but was there something wrong? Xun'er, who was probably someone she loved, how could she appear in the Medicine Clan's marriage competition?

No, I have to ask Xun'er about this when I go back.

Gu Qingyang looked up at Xiao Yan's figure gradually disappearing, and temporarily planted the seeds of this matter in his heart.

"I didn't expect that even this remnant of the Xiao clan, which should not exist, would show up for the eldest lady's marriage."

Beside Yao Wan, an elder of the Yao clan sighed softly: "But how can this cultivation level be only four-star Dou Zun... I'm afraid..."

Before the Yao clan elder finished speaking, he heard Yao Wan gently turn her head above the chief, and her light golden eyes suddenly locked on him, and then slowly put her slender fingers to her lips: "--Hush."

The Yao clan elder was startled and quickly shut up.

Originally, Yao Wan was too lazy to correct the elder's mistake. Anyway, the boomerang would fly back and hit his own face. But it was okay for others to say some sarcastic words, but his own people dared to say this in front of him? Yao Wan would naturally feel a little uncomfortable.

After the initial shock of Xiao Yan's identity, many people also noticed that Xiao Yan now showed the cultivation of four-star Dou Zun, and the shock in their hearts gradually subsided.

Although the identity of the remnant of the Xiao clan really scared the eight clans in front of him, Xiao Yan was only a four-star Dou Zun after all, so what could he do?

Standing up now, he was just praised for his courage, and even in front of narrow-minded people, he would inevitably be labeled as overestimating his own abilities and ridiculed.

Yao Tian was slightly stunned when he saw Xiao Yan now showing the cultivation of four-star Dou Zun, and then he couldn't help but snorted coldly. He thought he was a hidden master, but he never thought that he was just a small four-star Dou Zun. It was a waste of his previous vigilance against this person.

Yao Wanhuo watched Xiao Yan's figure disappear in the sky, but he couldn't help sweating in his palms.

Although he knew that Xiao Yan, a four-star Dou Zun, was far from being comparable to ordinary people, Lei Xiao was not an ordinary person either. He was at the peak of the nine-star Dou Zun and had even touched the threshold of the first-turn Dou Zun. In addition, with the blessing of the Thunder Clan's heavenly-grade skills and fighting skills, he was invincible under the semi-saint level. How could Xiao Yan defeat him?

With this thought in mind, Yao Wanhuo could not help but secretly glance at Yao Wan, but saw that she was not nervous or worried at all, but seemed particularly relaxed. Her eyebrows were slightly raised, as if she had finally seen something interesting, and she was in high spirits. Compared with her lack of interest just now, she was completely different.

What is Wan'er doing...

Yao Wanhuo could not help but feel a little puzzled. Seeing Wan'er's reaction, it was not difficult to guess how confident she was in Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan crossed the gray sky and saw the sky falling rapidly. It seemed that the day turned into a dark night in the blink of an eye. Xiao Yan felt a bit like being in the ruins of oblivion. Soon, everything in front of him changed dramatically. He came to a space with nothing. Only the dim light from unknown sources filled the space, which was not blinding.

In the dim space, Lei Xiao stood with his hands behind his back. With his amazing record of defeating many geniuses of the eight clans by himself, the surrounding thunder flashed and roared, as if the Thunder God had descended from the sky, and he had become the master of this world.

Lei Xiao looked down at Xiao Yan, his eyes seemed to be scrutinizing.

"I don't bully unknown people. Tell me your name."

"Xiao clan, Xiao Yan."

"Huh, Xiao clan?"

Lei Xiao laughed: "What use is the bubble from a thousand years ago today? I'm afraid that a mere four-star Dou Zun can't last more than three rounds in my hands."

Xiao Yan's eyes were indifferent, and he was too lazy to talk nonsense, but the Dou Qi in his body suddenly surged.

Lei Xiao sneered. He wanted to give him some respect, but he never thought that he would seek death. If that was the case, he couldn't be blamed!

Lei Xiao's figure suddenly fell like thunder, and he punched him down, trying to defeat him with one move.

"I don't have much time. Go and call Yao Tian to fight!"

As soon as the voice fell, it was like a thunderbolt.

"What a terrifying blow! It's comparable to fighting skills! Is this Lei Xiao's strength?!"

"How can Xiao Yan withstand this blow?"

"I'm afraid that if he doesn't die, he will lose a layer of skin..."

Some people sighed and lamented that the Xiao clan, which was the strongest of the eight clans a thousand years ago, has now fallen to this point. Even if the bloodline is not completely cut off, in the eyes of these ancient clans, the inevitable weakening of the bloodline is far more terrible than destruction.

When everyone else had already expected that Xiao Yan would be punched out of this space by Lei Xiao, the blazing flames bloomed like red lotuses, gradually blocking the roaring thunder in the space.

Everyone couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. Using the cultivation of a four-star Dou Zun to fight against a nine-star Dou Zun? !

This was not a guess, but a fact that had already happened before their eyes.

And the one that bloomed like a red lotus was——

"It's the strange fire!"

All the Yao clan members in the audience couldn't sit still, and the Yan clan members couldn't help but open their eyes wide, with a look of surprise and shock on their faces. Only Elder Huo Yao and Huo Xuan and Huo Zhi had already known about it, so they naturally had some expectations in their hearts, so they expressed such an evaluation.

However, when the six colors of the strange fire blended and changed into a fire dragon and roared to the sky, even they couldn't help but be shocked.

With the Yan Clan's understanding of the strange fire, they naturally knew all the strange fires in the strange fire list and where they might exist. Therefore, they searched for generations and found five kinds of strange fires in the long years, and even included three of the top ten strange fires.

But no one had ever heard of the existence of a strange fire with six colors like the one Xiao Yan mastered. The terrifying high temperature and strong aura undoubtedly showed that it was indeed a strange fire, and it was far beyond the ordinary strange fire. At least in the same realm, even the strongest single strange fire mastered by the Yan Clan, the Eight Desolate Destruction Flame, could not compete with it.

What kind of strange fire is this? Where did it come from? Why was it subdued by Xiao Yan?

Questions like these flashed through their minds uncontrollably.

But the space was shaking, but before they could think more, when the fire dragon roared, the thunder around Lei Xiao suddenly wilted, and then a figure flew out from the exploding fire and the disappearing lightning.

Who is that?

Considering the huge gap between the two people, many people subconsciously thought that the figure flying backwards was Xiao Yan, but only some sharp-eyed people found something wrong.

Is that Lei Xiao? !

The people who were nervously watching the battle suddenly opened their eyes wide, not believing what they saw, but staring at every instant change on the light screen.

That's right, the one who was blown away by a punch was not Lei Xiao, but who else?

What about Xiao Yan? !

Everyone hurriedly looked for Xiao Yan's figure, but saw a trace of ripples in the space that gradually returned to calm under the dissipated firelight.

When they noticed Xiao Yan's figure, he had already caught up with Lei Xiao who was blown away by a punch, and his speed was far beyond the level of his four-star Dou Zun. Even the elders in the Dou Sheng realm were stunned and could no longer say a word.

"Taixu Ancient Dragon, stepping on the void without leaving any trace! Isn't this the racial talent of their clan? Why does Xiao Yan know this thing?"

Could it be that Xiao Yan is also a Taixu Ancient Dragon?

But even if you think about it, you know it's impossible... Xiao Yan's bloodline is pure human bloodline, and there is no breath of demon beasts. Even if you think about it, you know it's impossible.

"Cough cough cough!!!"

Lei Xiao felt that his internal organs were burning, so that his eyes were still white. Although he opened his eyes, he couldn't see anything clearly.

What happened at that moment?

Lei Xiao tried hard to recall the moment when he rushed towards Xiao Yan.

But Xiao Yan didn't give him time to think. Counterattack, pursuit, and victory. Lei Xiao boasted that Xiao Yan couldn't survive three moves in his hands, but at this moment, he couldn't survive three moves.

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